Yesterday, I had quite an unexpectedly productive day, both academically and socially.
I went to class, and made it through, wide-awake and active.
During, and especially after class all the way through the night, I was off-handedly gaming girls that I'd run into.
HBAmazon is almost ready to be approached, with intent - she now actively seeks me out and makes sure to at least say hi, a great improvement over her looking-from-the-corners-of-her-eyes, half-smile, nervous look-away greetings from earlier in the term. And I always make sure to smile at her, no matter what, so she's not initimidated - funny how a little thing like that, from me especially, can make such a major difference.
I got texted by a few of my girls, varying from "Hey hrithik waz up. Just saying hi, etc" to "so wen am i gonna wrap my lips around dat big cock of urz?"
[I made some good head-way with HBKraaazyBody Monday after my exam, when I sent out a mass text to some of the girls: "Mannn i had this test 2day, totally sucked..wen i was done w it, u popped in2 my head - n stayed 4 a good bit.. does that sound lame? U suck", and it had great response with most of them, especially HBKraaazyBody, who revealed her stance with me :-)
I also caught HBAlienFace staring at me, every time I've seen her around campus, even to the point where she'll be talking with someone but her body language'll give her thought away to me, i.e. feet pointing towards me, upper body facing me, and/or more blatant things like her eyes fixed on me while she talks to someone else..but I don't know if she just sucks at trying to flirt, because obviously she's interested, but the last interaction we had, some semesters back, was kind of awkward, where I think she was trying to play-argue with me, but it was about something kind of lame, so it didn't work and made me feel like "umm..okay..", and then I never really spoke to her again..we'll see if I choose to change that]
I went to the gym later in the evening, and HBGottaBeMixed found me a couple times while I was on the phone with my girlfriend, telling me she'd be right back once I was off. And a few other girls whom I don't even remember now, similar [re]actions. Obviously there was something that was causing each of these girls to behave similarly.
So I made sure to pay attention to what was going on - I saw my reflection and noted my body language, and I also listened to myself interacting with my girlfriend on the phone, as well as making sure to keep a smile on my face so that the interaction didn't seem serious or anything.
After the gym, I was heading back to the P.I.M.P. pad, when I noticed this tall, cute Indian chick, with a nice breasts and curvy ass, speed-walking from behind me, almost as though she was trying to catch up to me; she'd been riding the bike next to me earlier, and I'd caught her glimpsing my way a number of times. For a few seconds, I was distracted, seeing that ass in high-powered motion, but I snapped out of it and started talking with her. She removed her headphones almost immediately [IOI] even though she could hear me. I made a few jokes [A2], then back-handed slapping her shoulder [light kino initiation], teased her [more A2], then a quick bit about us having to impress our Indian parents [A3/C1], all the while I'm making sure to smile and she's laughing and responding very well. Next time I see her at the gym, or around campus, I'll take things a bit further.
I drank a protein shake and then went to Subway, and there, everyone was watching me. Including one of the girls working there, who was the first girl I'd been completely infatuated with when I'd come down here for the first time. At the time, I'd gotten to be pretty cool with her, even #-closed her, but she had seemed kind of stand-offish, which I'd since then attributed to the defensive nature some local girls tend to get around me since I'm not from here - they worry that I will simply use them and then leave them. Back then, however, not only did I not know this, I didn't know how to handle it, either. Or maybe she had a boyfriend and began to feel guilty after she gave me her number. Regardless, as far as I was concerned, she was "a bitch".
And now here she was again, and this time she was talking about me and even tried to initiate conversation with me a couple of times. And I simply blew her off - guess I still had some hurt feeling from way back then, huh? Then I proceeded to make her feel awkward as I didn't even acknowledge her trying to talk to me. And then I just stared at her retarrrrdedly huge ass - seriously, it's got to be 50"+.
In retrospect, this was quite immature of me, but she does not know that I did it on purpose, because I had my headphones blasting music, even though they weren't on my ears, she still doesn't know whether I could hear or not. So I will see about maybe trying to make something happen with her the next time I go there.
The bus driver that picks me up to bring me back to my place is an old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for..maybe almost a year now, come to think of it. It was real cool catching up with him, albeit briefly, just to see what he's been up to and how things are with me.
Then about 10:30pm, HBBlondeBlackModel calls me, from her chef-in-training job. That I think made my night, because she'd called me last Friday and had woken me up, I'd texted her a couple times since then but had gotten no response, and now here she was, secretly calling me from work. And she reaffirmed exactly what I thought was happening: she was still mad busy with interviews and photo shoots, etc, from her modeling competition in Barbados last weekend, and then working afternoons/nights, leaving her no spare time to be able to hit me back.
She told me real quick about that stuff, then asked me about my trip [I don't remember what trip she's talking about..Disney, I guess??], which I told her was a lonnng story, and would have to wait, and she agreed that we'd better wait until we're in person then. And she kept asking about me and the things I've been up to [IOIs], which I didn't realize but it was quite a bit once I started talking - the Indian cultural show performance and how awesome that was, then the after-party/ies me and my friends hit up, then my galfriend's birthday party when we hit up the new legit club in town, and then studying for that test this past Monday..of course, I made sure to lace all these stories with DHVs and other attraction spikes, to remind her of why she thinks I'm so awesome :-)
We probably talked a good 20 minutes or so before she had to go, and it was definitely a good conversation. Especially since she suggested herself, that she'd hit me up in a couple days and we could see what's up with the weekend..which I played off at first like "ummmmm..hmm..okay, yea, that should be alright.." [non-neediness].
All of this stuff happening, especially within 1 day [and a few things that happened today, going along with this..just different girls, like HBTriniMed for example], got me thinking about the signals that women send out to let guys know that they are feeling you. I'll post more about this later tonight.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Busy Days
Posted by
6:36 PM
Labels: ass, blow job, body, breasts, CharismaArts, day game, HBAlienFace, HBAmazonian, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBGottaBeMixed, HBKraaazyBody, HBTriniMed, immuno, kino, Magic Bullets, P.I.M.P. pad, Subway, test, text, text game
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sinn's Video Blog
Posted by
1:59 PM
Labels: bootcamp, Dallas, game, Mystery Method, pick up, pua, seduction, Sinn, social dynamics, women, YouTube
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday Night
Earlier in the day, I ran into both HBRunnerUp and HBBeautyMark at the bus stop, but I was on the phone with my girlfriend, so I couldn't do much more than just a quick thing, so I blew an exaggerated kiss at HBRunnerUp, and I gave HBBeautyMark a little courtesy salute..she started saying something to me, so I slowly turned my back to her and kept talking on the phone [I'd been pacing while talking, so it didn't seem rude or anything to do this], so that I could avoid my girlfriend hearing anything while at the same time not come off like anything too negative towards HBBeautyMark.
That night, I'd planned to go out, but I was starting to get really tired. So I drank some coffee and tried to decide what to do: I "should" go out, but I "want" to stay in. I was really tired yesterday..but I knew I had to go out. The plan was to hit up the "new" club [it opened last term] - the main draw: it's supposed to be as legit a club as we can get down here, at least for now..and it's even got A/C..oooo la la! :-p
I was wearing some around the house type stuff, sprawled out on the couch, watching The Longest Yard. And then I got the call a little after midnight that we were definitely going to roll, so I got off my ass, turned off the movie, and showered up real quick - I only had ~20-30 minutes before they were going to swing by to get me.
I rocked my new white sports coat, wife-beater, light blue jeans, white shoes, and my clubbin shades and went to meet them downstairs. And I saw the birthday girl was in the car, too, as was HBTriniMed. Both were very impressed with my gear.
After a couple of quick stops, we headed to the club. I had already picked up on a number of IOIs from HBTriniMed, the easiest ones being her responding to just about any comment or joke I made, giving me that whole "she's laughing even though it's not that funny" vibe. And when we stepped out of the car, I put on my see-through shades, made a couple of comments, and next thing I knew, she was telling me that "you're going to be my man for the night, allll mine" and put her arms around my arm. So not only I already had HBTriniMed all set up before we'd even stepped into the club, but I was getting tons of pre-selection for all the other women to see. Plus, I was looking like a fuckin movie star [more than 1 person made this same exact comment], so I had that going, too :-)
We get to the club entrance, and I look at my phone - it's already past 1am. As it turned out, the club had a "students free with ID" setup going on with my school for the night, so I saved me some cash..I'm running low, since it's near the end of the term, so it's a bigger deal than it sounds like.
After parading around the lounge area for a few minutes with HBTriniMed, I separated off to chill with a couple guys who were there that I know; in terms of the girls there, I already had the pre-selection, now I'd get some social terms of HBTriniMed, I'd show non-neediness and create a sense of loss.
The rest of the night at that place, I just enjoyed myself and had a good time. I didn't really have to do much, since I was already rocking my gear and had social proof as well as pre-selection hanging not only with HBTriniMed, but also with the birthday girl and some her girlfriends.
I made sure no matter what I did or where I was, to be locked-in and to pay attention to body language, especially when dealing with HBTriniMed. It was funny and interesting, because HBTriniMed kept finding me and literally pushing her way in between me and whomever I happened to be chilling with at the time. It was so obvious, I even gave her a hard time for it, but in a way that left her cracking up. So I knew it was very much on. Especially when she would start dancing, then maneuver herself to be kind of in front of me at an angle, and then back up onto me..all in what she thought was a discreet manner. But I made a mistake here, of making a joke about it, which I guess either 1) brought it to her attention if she was doing it subconsciously, or 2) made her feel self-conscious of her actions if she was doing it on purpose, thinking I was making fun of her.
Anyway, I recovered and after a bit, moved into some light comfort and stuff, although it was a little hard because inside the actual club area, it was pretty loud. I thought about bouncing her back outside to the lounge area [I should've done this, to be able to game better], but I didn't want it to seem weird or awkward..I know it wouldn't have, but at the time, I was making myself think that it might, mainly due to HBTriniMed being so hard to read in the past. But now that she's warmed up to me more recently, I need to get over the image I hold of her from before and realize that she is just like every other girl, just a little more difficult to read because she tends to be less emotive that other girls I deal with.
The other thing I didn't like about the club was that it was a little too dark for me, so I couldn't really see the other girls too well, and thus ended up sticking more to my group than I would've liked; after all, what was the point of all the social proofing and pre-selection I'd been displaying, not to mention the pimp-ass outfit I had on?
After a bit, it seemed that HBTriniMed was really starting to cool off of me, so I started to pursue her - that was a mistake, but not a costly one, because she was still showing plenty of proximity, always hovering near me, and telling me everything she was about to do. And then she told me what was wrong, too: she was feeling kind of sick. She didn't have a drink the whole time we were there, so it wasn't that, but apparently they'd eaten dinner beforehand, and it was causing her stomach to act up to the point that she felt she was going to vomit..that's always sexy.
Since she kept telling me this, I realized that she wanted to leave..but not without me. So we got my boy who'd driven us to the club as well as another of my boys, and we left. As we were driving, it suddenly made sense about why she'd mentioned to me a few times that she wanted to go to the other bar/club that's near her [and my] place - there were more people, plus she could've bounced with me much more easily than we could from this place since it was all the way in town.
When we reached her place, she climbed out the back from my side and gave me a hug, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and told her to feel better, and then we left.
We decided not to go the other club, even though it was pretty packed, because my friend driving had a very bad and dangerous experience there, and without him, my other friend wouldn't have a ride home. So they dropped me off, and I chilled at my place for a bit, then decided "fuck it, just do it", made a sandwich real quick, and rolled out to the club.
The place was still pretty packed, although some people had started leaving. I made my way in, flirting with 1 of the girls collecting the money [she's a fan of mine ;-)], then scanned the faces as I slowly walked towards 1 of the bars to get an idea of who's around.
I got my usual rum on the rocks, then found a few friends to chill with and got in some quick social proof..especially because I could feel eyes on me [I did look baller as hell], so I can't be seen standing around alone, with a drink, held up to my chest, etc. haa
I bounced around between sets of friends, both guys and girls to get in some pre-selection, too, before I made any real moves. I spotted a really cute blonde girl, and in set with her were two of my friends..perfect.
Just as I rolled into the set, I told myself to bust out as much routine stuff as possible, rather than making it up on the fly, so that I could get back used to using canned material and having better control over where interactions go rather than relying on in-the-moment stuff..especially since I didn't know this girl, so I didn't have any previous interactions to build off of.
I greeted my friends, gave her a courteous "hi", and then told some story about the club from town. I made a lot of eye contact with the girl [HBBlondie], to ensure that I kept her interest as well as putting the pressure on her to engage me one-on-one. When I finished the story, we all laughed, and then she said that she didn't think we'd actually met, although she'd seen me around before. At this point, I let one of my buddies introduce us, knowing full well that his intro would end up as a nice accomplishment introduction, especially since the Indian cultural show was last weekend, so there was plenty of fresh awesomeness to bust out with.
After getting the intro's out of the way, I did a little body-rock away, then rocked back in to kind of face her, and then asked her if she was adventurous..spontaneous..what was the wildest thing she'd ever done..? Then I qualified her on that, telling her how that's awesome [kino: high-5's], and I love the fact that she did something like that [more kino: hugging], etc - basically that she's really cool in my book. I also took a couple of pictures with her, one just normal, the second being "our sexy picture!", which is a new thing I've started telling girls to do, and it works really nicely, not only for a good picture/pose as pre-selection, but also for the girl to start thinking and feeling sexy and associating that with me.
Then I told her that me and some friends might be having a little get-together this upcoming weekend [I think that's going to be my back-up number-closer, if I don't have something more solid/real] in order to number-close her. I made sure to stay in a few more minutes, talking about how there were so many people out, and I was really tired, and they all just needed to go home, right now. She started laughing, and I left on the high note.
I continued bouncing around, between friends, and then random people, just making situational comments/openers and then not really sticking around too long [I need to start following through, run through the entire process unless I get blown out or something], just having a good time. I ended up number-closing a couple other girls, but it was more out of "it just happened" than it was from intention, like with HBBlondie.
It was getting late by this point, definitely after 4am, so I decided it was time to go home and crash, at least so the next day wouldn't be a complete waste. I got a bottle of water, said my good-byes, and then headed back to the P.I.M.P. pad to the time I did, it was something like 5am - not bad. :-)
Posted by
7:38 PM
Labels: CharismaArts, day game, HBBeautyMark, HBRunnerUp, HBTriniMed, kino, Magic Bullets, medical school, Mystery Method, night game, P.I.M.P. pad, The Longest Yard
Friday, April 18, 2008
Indian Show and Post-Party
Last Saturday was the Indian cultural show..and I, along with the girls in my dance, rocked that shit. It was a 7.5 minute dance, and I changed clothes like 4 times. It was taken straight from this [minus the 2nd-to-last song, with the kids]:
HBRunnerUp and HBBellyDancer were 2 of the 3 girls in my dance, and we had a 3rd girl, too - I was trying to rope in HBBlondeBlackModel to even it out [2 girls on each side], but her schedule was just too strained with a fashion show she had as well as preparing for a modeling competition in Barbados. But the 3 girls and I more than managed with what we had :-)
Afterwards, I ate and enjoyed all the praise being poured on me, including all these girls coming up to me to introduce themselves to me and/or congratulate me and tell me how awesome it was. Even in line for dinner, one of my buddies came to get me, so that he could introduce me to some new girls who were completely infatuated with me. 1 of them was cute, and another was pretty fuckin hot. Once I'd gotten my food and sat down, I was with another group of girls, 1 of whom I knew from before and another whom I'd exchanged "hi"s with at the gym a couple times - she's an Indian girl with light skin and green/hazel eyes..and a siiiick ass.
I didn't really need to game much with them, because it was like I had too much attraction already going for me, so I needed to slow it down and show them that I am human [i.e. comfort-building]. As it turned out, I would see the Indian chick with the ass again later that night.
I got back to the P.I.M.P. pad and talked with my girlfriend. For too long: we got into an argument that just kept spinning off into deeper, more serious shit, and it was not only killing the time, but it was also killing the go-out mood..and definitely the high that I had after my spectacular performance.
Fortunately, we took a break for a bit, and I used that time to shower and get dressed, so as to commit to going out, regardless of the time or my mood. We almost got started right back up in our fight, but we caught it, talked about things, blah blah blah, we get off..and it's nearly 1:30am.
I fixed a quick sandwich, then walked my ass to campus to try to at least catch the last bit of the after-party.
The good thing about getting there as late as I did was I didn't have to pay the cover but still got to enjoy the perks: free alcohol. I got hooked up, too, with a dude I'd met earlier in the night [he rapped in the show, and I got to admit, it was pretty tyte], and he showed me his boy that was working the bar. And that guy gave me an empty water bottle, and filled it halfway with rum - nice.
After that, I ran into a bunch of people, friends and fans alike ;-) I took some pictures, to get the flash-game going as well as to get people's attention, since I'd gotten there so late and didn't have much time to be seen because the party was going to end at 2am.
By the time me and a few friends left, it was almost 2:30am, and we made our way to the near-by bar/club, and it was packed. Plus, they had a similar thing as the after-party going on, with the cover buying you all your drinks for the night. And then the fun really started!
I was at the bar, ordering a drink. And then I decided I was starving [already] and needed some real food, so I got a lot of food..a pizza and large fries. And I was very content sitting there and eating it all. I knew everyone was on my shit, so again, I didn't need to go game girls when they'd find either an excuse or the guts to come talk to me.
With each girl, I ran the same set of routines: I made some observational comment[s] about things going on around us [with small kino], then I would bust on them [with more kino] to secure some attraction other than just looking baller and the awesome dance performance from earlier. I'd follow that up with some quick qualification, depending on the interaction, based on something small like what she was wearing or something more like her mannerisms or her personality, what she does for fun, ambitions, that kind of thing.
Since I was too busy stuffing my face [which worked out pretty nice as both a disqualifier at first, then as a reward system to offer her food if she was good], I didn't try to full-close any girls, I just collected numbers, and took "sexy pics" with them [even more kino, plus sexual thoughts/acts to set a good tone for later]. Good times. I know it was going well, because I'd have the girls come back to me again later, at least once, if not repeatedly..even HBBartender felt the urge to come try to "stake her claim" on me with all these girls being up on me.
I think in that list there were some girls I've mentioned before, including the light-skinned Indian chick with the phat ass [HBIndianAss], HBBartender, and HBRunnerUp, as well as a hot girl from my small group in class and a number of chicks from school. I just ran the same shit over and over, and it was great, because it got better and better each time, plus I couldn't really mess it up since I already had so much attraction and confidence going for me, everything was right on.
I also ran into the group of girls that asked my friend to introduce us from line during dinner, and they looked hot again, especially the one girl. Me and a friend went over to them, and there was like 2 or 3 guys and 3 or 4 girls. My friend whispered to me that the chick I wanted [HBRedDress] had a boyfriend, and it was the guy "dancing" next to her. I looked at him, and he was a total dork. So I went for her.
I made small-talk at first, from our interaction before, and then I started busting on them about something or other. I made sure to body-rock on HBRedDress, especially when she didn't respond as strongly as I wanted to a joke or comment I made. It worked, because she then made increased efforts to regain my acceptance and favor. This was almost perfect, because I would throw a neg to her friend about HBRedDress [loud enough for HBRedDress to hear, of course] as I body-rocked away from her towards the friend, and nearly each time, her friend would start giggling and agreeing with me, even adding to my comments. The major mistake I made here: I should've been more pro-active in befriending the guys, especially HBRedDress's boyfriend. Oh well, that's how you learn, right? And the guy was such a douche, it didn't really make much of a difference, until he felt threatened enough that he was literally grabbing at her to get her attention off me and back to him.
Right about that time, HBBellyDancer came and found me, and damn, was she looking fiiine! So I completely rolled off the HBRedDress set, and it was great timing because it worked as me leaving them rather than them blowing me out or something. And it helped that it was HBBellyDancer, looking fine as hell, that took me away from them..if there was anyone whom I would've left my food for, it'd been her, the way she was looking. And her big boobies were practically popping right out of her dress I said - damn.
After a good while being with HBBellyDancer, I realized that things might be awkward if I allowed anything to happen, mainly the whole "are we together or what?" type of shit that would result. So I decided that I needed to come up with 1 or 2 routines/comments that sub-communicate that whole issue, so that I don't have to deal with any negative repercussions when I do get it on.
It was interesting at the end of the night when the place closed, I went to get a bottle of water from the lower level bar, and there were these 2 Indian chicks, and for some reason they seemed really familiar. They apparently had been eyeing me, and proceeded to try laaaame attempts to get my attention. The best thing they came up with: eavesdropping on my conversation with a galfriend, to catch my name, then saying it repeatedly as they that's game!
I start gaming them, and make sure to do an over-the-shoulder entrance into the conversation. Then I slowly backed up to the bar and locked-in. Then they blabbed about some shit, and I don't even remember what I was saying, because I was trying to think of why they seemed familiar..they were obviously not students at school, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew them [I didn't realize until the next day that I'd been standing behind these same 2 girls on Friday, in town, in line at the bank..what are the fuckin odds??].
Then I dropped my futile attempts to remember them, and decided to simply get them, both of them, back to either my place or their place, depending on which was going to be more convenient and practical: on the one hand, who knows where the fuck they live, and how we're going to get there..those logistics would be pretty random; and my place is near by and pimped out as can be - the "panties-dropper" - so why wouldn't I take advantage of it? On the other hand, I don't necessarily want them to know where I live, much less stay over; they were definitely not hot enough to keep around in a girlfriend-like way, but there were 2 of them, and together could make for one really hot time.
So I decided I was going for it. Especially because they weren't from school, so it wouldn't get around or come back to bite me in the ass.
Everything was going really well, until I was trying to qualify and transition into comfort, asking them about their accents..some kind of British/Indian blend. And the one chick flipped ouuuut! She got really worked up, arguing with me about the fact that she doesn't have an accent. My mistake: I should've avoided the conflict at all costs, specifically by dropping it altogether. Instead, I tried to reason it out, then joke about it ["So..what, you guys have the pure, uninfluenced form of enunciation? haha"], and then even stating the fact that everyone has an accent, it's natural not something to be defending yourself against, but it was pointless - she was stuck on it. Even her friend was backing me up, leaning in to the 1st chick and "whispering" [you know, the drunken whisper that everyone can hear] that they do, in fact, have an accent. But she wouldn't budge, nor would she just drop it.
So, as I read her body language starting to cool off to me, I decided to leave, on my terms. I leaned across the crazy one and shook hands with the other girl, telling her it was nice to meet her and to enjoy the rest of her chicken wings. Then I looked at the crazy girl, eyed her up and down in an exaggerated joking way, and told her something along the lines of "And enjoy..just..standing there..being all bitchy and weird..haha" and walked off.
It was funny, her friend was even laughing at her at this point [note: maybe I should've stayed, crossed over to her friend, and continued gaming her..? She was definitely loving me, choosing me over her weird friend], her body still turned completely to face me. The crazy chick was trying to be all clever with her come-backs of "Yeah" and "yea, ok" and "whatever", only to lead to more laughing by me and her friend..psycho.
On my walk back, I couldn't help but keep laughing at that crazy chick..until I realized that just because the place was closing didn't mean that I had to leave, since I'm cool with the people there, and HBBartender would've still been there, eagerly awaiting me to game her..but then I thought about how she's started losing points with me since she talks big but doesn't back it up physically - I don't have the time nor the desire to pursue her just so she can feel all lovey-dovey in a fake relationship that exists only in her mind to make herself feel special and shit..she's definitely not going to have me sit around and keep pumping her buying temperature if she's not going to follow through and put out.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that she basically acts like she's a fucking teenager or something, making all these hints and innuendos about having sex and shit, but then not following my lead when I say or do things to take it down that road.
In fact, I realized that she's started to annoy me..if she keeps this up, soon she'll be cut altogether.
Posted by
9:54 PM
Labels: 3-some, ass, breasts, campus, Caribbean, CharismaArts, dance, HBBartender, HBBellyDancer, HBIndianAss, HBRedDress, HBRunnerUp, India, kino, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, night game, P.I.M.P. pad, sexual frames
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sinn Speaks
Posted by
1:31 AM
Labels: bootcamp, Dallas, game, Mystery Method, pick up, pua, seduction, Sinn, social dynamics, women, YouTube
Friday, April 4, 2008
Afternoon Drinks = Chance to Game
Today's been a busy day..of course. Sticking with the pattern of the last few weeks.
I went to class, on 3 hours of sleep, and ran into 1 of my boys at the bus stop. He and I caught up for a good while, especially because we haven't seen each other around much at all this term. We were talking about the game, he was filling me in on some crazy shit that went down with him while I was in Disney World [good-crazy], and I was discussing/analyzing the game-related aspects and giving him tons of advice on all kinds of stuff. We decided we needed to catch up soon, and he went to get his bus, and I eventually made it to my next lecture.
After class let out, I tried to catch HBAmazonian as we left..but her long legs carried her away too quickly for me to catch up. And that ass..definitely mesmerized me into slowing down my own pace.
I picked up my food and waited on a bus. And used this opportunity to follow my own advice and watch other people's social interactions. Next thing I knew, I was in one.
These 2 Indian guys, kind of dorky, were hanging out, talking, and this really cute Indian girl came up and joined them. I think she's Punjabi, just because of her features, and I've seen her at the gym, working out as well as playing playing ball..she's pretty good, especially for a girl ;-) And I know she steals glances to watch me practice lately.
We had to relocate to a different bus stop because of some stupid re-routing they did, at the peak hour of traffic on campus: lunch time. I went and stood there, followed closely by these 3 and the rest of the people. The 2 dorks showed up first, and the girl joined them, again.
But she joined as though the four of us were together - it's a little hard to describe, but basically the 2 guys were standing near me, and she came and stood facing me, even though I was not facing any of them. Then she proceeded to talk to the three of us, even though I was not paying any attention to them. Not directly, anyways; I was using the chance to really study how obvious it is, to me, now, what was happening, and yet I know those 2 dorks had nooo idea what was going on. Even when she started to talk about opinion-related topics, giving me openings to jump in and join the conversation. It was really cool to see all that, especially so..automatically. Hopefully it's a good sign that more of the internalization from some time back is starting to re-emerge.
HBLowSelfEsteem showed up at the bus stop, too, so we chilled and caught up for a while. It was nice, just seeing her smile made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside..
I ran a bunch of errands and socialized along the way with all kinds of people, i.e. friends, random students, random old local people, random old foreigners, etc..I even watched some lady stuffing frozen meat into her handbag at the grocery store. I also got a text from HBBlondeBlackModel, informing me that she's been really busy the last couple of days, and she's got a fashion show at the high-class 5-star hotel tomorrow. I replied back with some more-than-friends/boyfriend-like vibes, telling her that that's cool and she's going to rock it, so she doesn't even need me to wish her luck. Plus, she needs to hit me up on Sunday, so we can link up and exchange pictures [hers from the show, mine from Disney] and that I had a favor I want her to do me [note the phrasing of "I want you to do me"].
[Remember: be fun..provide in your own reality]
When I got back from all the tasks to my place, my roommate and a mutual friend of ours talked me into going to get drinks. I looked at my phone to check the time - 4:30pm.
It was great being there, although it started really slow, to the point that I was wondering why I wasn't taking a nap instead. But then I got some Sprite and some food, and my blood glucose level was back up, so I was more active. We were just bullshitting around, but then 1 of the waitresses that came over turned out to be pretty cute, and I was picking up IOIs from her [for example, always coming on my side to serve, lingering when interacting with me, and just her overall demeanor was different with me than with my friends..especially that look in her eyes]. So I decided that even just some drinks in the middle of the afternoon provides an opportunity to game.
[Always be mentally prepared to game, regardless of time or doesn't necessitate that I do it, but just be prepared to, because chances can pop up randomly]
Each time she came back, I'd make sure to not only give her something, at least verbal attention, but also escalate it..[remember, especially when dealing with waitresses, etc, to escalate as quickly as possible, due to the real time constraints that they have] I made a comment at first just acknowledging her being there, then I teased her about being soo slow..the next time I back-handed slapped her lower leg, then when she returned I touched her on the arm and let it linger..finally, she brought our drinks, and I asked her where hers was, why she wasn't joining us, etc, and she said that no one had bought 1 for her, and by this point my roommate was jumping in, too, telling her he needed another drink, for a female friend of ours, who'd be joining us later on. So then I said, "See, now you're covered.." and she said she'd join us later, when she was off the clock. Simple yet effective - escalation.
A couple hours later, HBBellyDancer called me. We talked for a minute, then we coordinated when we could meet up [tomorrow @ 10am - that'll"am"]. After that, I just gamed her a bit over the phone, nothing serious, but just pumping her buying temperature, getting her all worked up laughing, throwing in some pre-selection/jealously stuff, and qualifying/framing her as being passionate and going after what she wants [i.e. she's really passionate, about the cultural show: that's why she's performing in like 3 acts, plus is on the executive board for the organization itself; and she's making time for it because it's important to her and she wants it, so she's going to do whatever she wants/needs to, in order to make it happen] -> sexual frame.
A little later, my girlfriend called, and I talked with her for a while. Then I went to go use the bathroom, and the girl sitting at the front desk of the hotel was really cute..and when she got up and walked across in front of me, I nearly popped a boner - her body was fuckin siiiiiiick!! When I got out of the bathroom, I went up to her and opened her, over-the-shoulder, and teased her for her horrible directions to the bathroom. Then as she laughed and joked back [IOIs], I turned my body back to her, and we talked for a minute. But I didn't really have much to go on, and I know she works there, so I'll catch her again real soon [in fact, my roommate's going there tomorrow morning and was going to see what's up with her for me]..but goddamn, that's a fuckin sick body..
An hour and some bit later, HBRunnerUp called me, too, but by the time I got my phone out, I'd already missed her, so I figured I'd hit her up when we left, especially because the band had set up and started playing by this point.
We kicked it some more, and then we decided to roll. I went to get our bill, because my roommate had tried 3 times with no luck. I caught my waitress chick from before and flirted with her a bit, teased her, did some quick push-pull, and then told her because she left us hanging, we were simply leaving her, period. She was like Ohhh nooo please don't go yet, I'll be off soon, blahblahblah, but I was like maybe next tiiiime. Then she went and got another girl, who was supposed to get us our bill. So I worked in some quick attraction with her, too, teasing her for sucking and not letting us leave, it must mean she's trying to keep me there and take advantage of me, oh man bad girl, etc. She was responding great, but I realized that they were getting busier and busier by the second, so either I leave them..or they leave me. So I opted for the high-value move and rolled out.
[Next time, especially with these specific girls but also in general, I need to plan out better my strategy, ON THE FLY, so that I can properly progress through to #-closing and Day2s with "hired gun" types]
And this is when my friend told me that my roommate had been talking about some blonde chick the whole time I'd been gone on the phone with my girlfriend. Then he pointed the group out to me: a text-book seated 3set in the corner. My roommate wouldn't go talk to them, and we were walking out. He claimed that he hadn't wanted to go talk to them alone. I said I'm down, let's go talk to them. He kept walking towards his car. So I told him that I was going, if he wanted to join me, cool.
I turned around and went back. I walked right up to their table, as all the other girls at the place were watching me hardcore [I need to have a better seat next time, so I can see the people that are there..I didn't realize there were some cute-ass girls there with us by this time].
This is when it was game-fuckin-on! I went into the 3set [2 blondes, 1 very cute brunette] direct, and I smiled [nice!]..and in the "subtle" way girls do, they started loudly whispering "Hey, hey, omg, it's Mr. Bollywood, it's Mr. Bollywood!!" And I recognized these girls as being this group of chicks who was watching me practice my dance 2 days ago at the gym.
I calibrated with this, knowing I already had massive attraction [remembering back to the way they were gawking at me the other day], and so I just went with whatever verbal stuff, skipping A2 altogether, and focused on body language.
h: "Hey I got a quick question for you guys..well, you're not blonde, so you don't count [neg to my initial target, especially since I know that my boy was talking about 1 of the blondes].."
blondes: "haha ummmmm..??"
h: "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing, it's no blonde joke..[they crack up] check it out, my friend told me that my roommate has been talking about 'this blonde girl', I was in the bathroom at the time, and now we're leaving, and he wouldn't come over to talk to you guys.." [I realize that I kind of DLV my roommate in this, but since he's my roommate, and they've got massive attraction for me, I figured he's already in pretty good with them through simple association]
brunette: "Well, I really respect a guy who can, who comes up to a girl, especially a group of girls, to talk to them - that takes some guts"
h: *umm..I'm here for my roommate, not myself* "thanks :-D"
brunette: "Yeah..but we're all taken" or "they're both taken" .. something like that
h: "Ah..well, then maybe it's a good thing he didn't come over then.."
cuteblonde: "Wait..[looks at brunette] depends on what he looks like..hehe"
h: [turn to brunette and kino] "Gasp! Did you hear that?? How naughty! [turn to cuteblonde] You're's a good thing Mr. Whoever isn't here to hear about this!! Trouuuuble!"
3set: "hahahahaha"
From here, I went back to a lot of body-rocking between the 2 girls I was standing with [brunette and cuteblonde], and they start engaging me hardcore in their conversation. Since I was getting the major IOIs, I stayed in with them, pumping their buying temperature for my roommate, banking on him making his way back to then join us and have this shit all set up for him.
When he did, I "introduced" them to him: This is .. [wait for her to put in her name], and this is .. [wait for her to put her name in], etc. And then I ejected to let him do his thing. In retrospect, I should've stayed in there with him, but I stuck to the story a little too rigidly..mainly because I didn't know how it was going to be "gaming" with him, not really knowing his style.
I bullshitted with my friend, and after a while, we started making fun of my roommate, saying he had probably told them at least 3 of the same stories already that he'd told us earlier in the evening. My roommate is full of stories, about everything, for any situation - it's uncanny [even right now, he's telling story after story to one of our friends].
He came up a little later, ready to roll. So we start getting up, and I walk over to the girls real quick to invite them to the Indian cultural show [since I know they are already fans of my dancing, and have massive attraction, and they already know about the show since they were calling me "Mr. Bollywood"], and next thing I know, I was back in-set.
And I made the most of it, in terms of practice. I switched my target from the brunette to the cute blonde, based on the IOIs I was getting from her. Either there's much more attraction there, or she and her "whatever" are much less serious than brunette [whom I still had major attraction going with, but I was losing her because a guy friend of hers had engaged her even before I'd re-entered the set].
Regardless, I started back-turning the brunette, and each time she'd drop her conversation with the guy to try to win me back. But I didn't really care, because I'd already decided to go for the cute blonde, with both blondes completely tuned into me. They were offering me their food to taste, talking about all kinds of random shit just to keep the interaction going, etc. So I made sure to really pump them up, with a lot of teasing and plenty of verbal and physical IOI rewards ["Oh man, you're awesome!", "You totally rock!", etc, along with super-fast kino escalation, up to hugs and kisses].
Then I made sure to #-close them on the basis of reminding them of the show next weekend, as soon as I know what time it's supposed to be. I stayed in for about 5 more minutes, just to play it safe, and then I bounced on the basis that I had to re-join my friends and roll out of there.
When I got back to my room, after eating [yet again], I hit up HBRunnerUp. We talked for a good 10 minutes; she left her own pre-birthday celebration and her friends to talk to me, despite my regular offers to let her go [I was testing her level of interest/investment]. Especially since I found out from my boy this morning, that she and her boyfriend did in fact break up near the end of last term..nice.
She told me how she watched the dance and ran through some of the moves, and they were really easy. Needless to say, that makes me feel really good about us pulling off the dance by next Saturday. Then we just chit-chatted, but there were definite pauses in the conversation..but no move on her part to leave. Realizing what was going on, I switched to mini-stories mode, telling her about the night and DHVing myself as a leader of men and protector of loved ones [by deciding that my roommate would have to talk to those girls, even if I had to go in for him to initiate it] and simply the fact that I have social skills and a great social circle and lots of interesting things always going on in my life.
One very interesting point I noted from tonight, was with my roommate - the idea of creating your own reality and living in it. Immediately he started talking about how bad the interaction sucked between him and the girls, how they were so intellectually dumb, how he was in there with them and all he wanted was to get out, etc. None of it made sense, of course - first of all, if he didn't want to talk to them..just leave. There's nothing forcing him to stay in, and yet..he did. And apparently he'd been complaining to my friend about how he'd "lost his magic" earlier, but now it had nothing to do with him but rather the girls and how much they basically sucked. Even my friend wasn't buying all of it, and he's not even savvy to all this "insider info".
However, it did serve to reiterate to me the idea of, again, creating your own reality and living in it. Screw what anyone says or does, it's all about the frame you have/use to perceive and interpret events. So set the frames you want, frames that reflect positively on yourself and the events in question, and go from there. But make sure to remain objective about things that happen and not just taking on the attitude of "She's just a bitch" as an easy cop-out.
Remember..'s Hrithik's world..
Posted by
9:19 PM
Labels: CharismaArts, create your reality, dance, frames, game, HBAmazonian, HBBellyDancer, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBLowSelfEsteem, HBRunnerUp, hired guns, kino, Magic Bullets, Mehow, Mystery Method, social dynamics, text
I'm Back, Part III
Sunday afternoon, I had HBLazyEye come over to suck me off. I blew right into her mouth, and she got mad at me..for apologizing. If you set the right frames..
Later that night, a couple of my boys swung by, and we decided to celebrate our good grades on the killing 4 bottles of liquor, between the 3 of us..and me being stuck with the double-shot glass.
I slept until 2pm the next day, then on-and-off until 4 or 5pm [1 of my boys puked his guts out, the other passed out from a standing position onto his concrete floor and didn't wake up until 6pm].
HBBellyDancer had texted me earlier, so when I finally got myself up, I decided it was time to let people know that I was back. So I sent out a mass text to most of the girls in my phone about being back from Disney and how we had to catch up soon and that I had mad stories and pictures to show them.
Great response from some of them, no response from others - I think I made it seem too much like a mass text..I need to be more careful about impersonalizing the mass texts.
For example, HBBartender called me a few minutes after I sent the text. We talked for a minute, then she told me she was going to go to the bar/club Bananas that she works at, "just to chill" - hint hint. So I told her to let me know when she was on her way, and I'd meet her there. Which I did, after I had her wait on me for a little while - I do have other things going on, so I'm not available at the drop of a hat, even if she is.
It was cool, too, because since it was more her "home base" than mine, we'd have interrupts. So after a couple of times, I remembered..'uhh, yo homes - game on!' So, I started freezing her out whenever she did anything like respond to external interrupts, or not pay attention to me [I think she's got some ADD - I would know, I have it myself haa]. And it worked like a charm; she'd keep trying to get my attention back, asking me questions, poking at me, cracking jokes, you name it. Remember, in any social interaction, the game is on, the rules are being followed - pay attention.
HBJewelryStore had also hit me back within an hour or 2, and she told me she was going to be off work Tuesday, so I told her to come by after 5pm. She did, but at 5 on the dot, and I was at the gym, so she left..and came back an hour later, after I called her. It was good stuff with her, too, although it had been a few months [since last term] when we'd last hung out, so I felt a bit off after a little bit when I realized this. But then I straightened up my act, and did the same stuff I did with HBBlondeBlackModel - move around my place some, from 1 location in my room to another, then downstairs for some water and a quick sandwich, then to the couch downstairs to watch some TV.
My roommate came down for a bit, so I talked with him for a few minutes, then my phone rang, so I talked on there for a bit = non-neediness. Then I sat back with her, closer this time, for a few moments, then "remembered" to show her my pimp-ass camera to show some pictures from Disney. I'd already set it so that there were only a couple of shots with my girlfriend in there, and I already had the my homegirl/galfriend thing figured out, so I was straight while at the same time getting some pre-selection/jealousy plot-lines worked in.
And this time, I did take the opportunity to take a few pictures of her, and then a couple with her, as a couple. She resisted for a split-second, I think, but then whipped her head right back around smiling for the camera. The first couple pictures were not all that great, so she jumped off the couch and struck a modelesque pose for me haa And then we took some pictures together, which came out pretty nice. Also, especially after this but even before, I had been kino-escalating with lots of taps on the arm/leg, then her exposed thighs, then hugs, then kisses on the cheek, then getting kisses from her, then just kissing. Triangular gazing is the shit! :-)
I think I might've been able to close her, but I didn't even allow myself to think about it because she was dressed all nice and smelling all good..and I was all sweaty and shit from the gym. And, she'd already suggested to me a couple of times, especially at the high points of attractive/emotional stimulation, that she is off work again this Friday, so we should try to get together again. Nice. I must push to close this time, no excuses.
HBKraaazyBody had gotten a more personalized text from me, mentioning our lack of any real time together at the beach party, and she hit me back like 2 days tell me that she "really should come check you this weekend huh". So I waited a few hours before hitting her back, since there had to be some punishment for the late response [although it was probably because of lack of credit on her phone], but she stepped up and suggested she come over this weekend, so there should be reward, too. So I texted her back something like "Cool idea i'll hit u up 2morrow n let u know wen im free". 2 reasons for this: 1) genuinely, I needed to coordinate what all is going on with me this weekend, especially with dance practices I'll need to schedule; and 2) to leave her a little in suspense and let her know I've got things going on and as much as I'd like to, I can't automatically accommodate her right off.
I had also texted back HBBellyDancer, a personalized version of the mass text. But, it was pretty late, so I didn't hear back from her until today - she came and found me in class, as I was telling a friend some story about Disney, so she came in and waited nicely to allow me to finish. And then she and I talked, and she agreed to perform with me for the Indian cultural show next weekend. Nice. I've also got HBRunnerUp in, too, so it's looking pretty hot - especially because they're hot.
I finally went to class today, for the first time since being back. After class, I was walking alongside HBAmazonian [physically: tallll athletic white girl in my class who's got a sick ass (especially because she's white! :-p) other words, Wonder Woman; personality: Southern sweet, but shy], so I struck up a conversation with her. We've talked before a few times, but nothing more than a minute or two of interaction..more on her in another post. So anyway, she responded really well; in fact, when I started to break off in another direction, she was turning back towards me, trying to think of something to say to sustain our conversation [re-initiating the interaction = IOI], so I'm going to keep pursuing that, too. Point to keep in mind with her: she seems to be a shy, reserved type, possibly low I will have to be more aggressive [as usual]..although she has started initiating the smile-and-greet around campus before mid-terms, so she's getting better about it..rewards for her!
So I planned to text back HBKraaazyBody today, and then she passed me on a bus, staring at me, then looking away, then looking back [I had sunglasses on and was talking to a couple of friends at the bus stop], so I looked right at her and did the whole "I'm watching you" gesture. She laughed and waved back. Since I saw her, I decided I'd wait until a good bit later, like late afternoon, to text her about the weekend.
On my way to my small group thing, I passed by HBGottaBeMixed. She was watching me, despite being in conversation with a girlfriend. So I made sure not to be "too cool", and patted her with my papers and said hi. She interrupted herself and smiled all like "Heyyyy!" And I smiled back, and went into the library, up a few steps..then stopped, and came back out.
I told her I needed another girl for my dance. She was supposed to be in one of mine some terms back [when HBRunnerUp and another galfriend of mine had performed with me], but she apparently has serious stage-fright and would only do it if her friends did..and they backed out. So I told her now was her chance to redeem herself. We'll see how it plays out, but she told me she had 2 tests next week, so it was going to be kind of hard. I messed with her a bit, gave her a hard time, then told her if she needs any help with her work to just let me know, I'll help her..and it'd be nice if she helped me out, too ;-) But I'd still help, even if she doesn't. And every time she'd put up any resistance, I'd start to body-rock away from worked amazingly well, to the point that I was almost 2-steppin'.
I also did a mini-DHV, telling her that one of her tests [Genetics] I find to be really easy, even in the med school class I got an A, so I got her covered. And that I had some really helpful stuff for her next term, especially the toughest class - I have an old test for it. She was giving me the doggy dinner-bowl look ever since I told her I'd help her out, by the time I was done, I could see the stain of her moist panties loll
After my meeting, I walked with one of my buddies towards the bus stop, and HBPerfectTits was walking towards us, and she and I punched each other at the same time as we passed haa
At the bus stop, HBNeedyLocal"GF" and HBLazyEye both got off the bus, so I tried to play it as best I could: HBNeedyLocal"GF" had grabbed my arm as she walked by, so I made it out like she was twisting my arm, just messing around, etc and HBLazyEye walked by and smiled and waved and said hi, so I smiled and waved and said hi to her. Fortunately, she kept going. HBNeedyLocal"GF" gave me hard time, asking why my friend [whom she also knows from before] got a big wave and she didn't get anything. So I played the twisting-my-arm angle and told her "Because she greeted me while you beat me up!" I don't think there would've been any problem, but it's always better to be aware of what's going on, or who's going by, than to be oblivious.
I called up HBRunnerUp when I got back to the P.I.M.P. pad, and we talked on the phone for a bit. Then she suggested she just come over, since she was at school, sitting in her car, talking to me. So I agreed, and we chilled at my spot for about an hour or so, talking about the dance and random chit-chat, stuff. Apparently it's her birthday Saturday [19th birthday..what the fuck??], so I'll be sure to wish her somehow. And, as it turns out, she's going to be hanging with HBGottaBeMixed tomorrow at the beach, and she said she'd try to convince her to dance with us..Mann..I don't know if HBRunnerUp and her boyfriend are still together, but I plan to find out real soon.
I went to walk HBRunnerUp to her car, and I saw that one of my boys had called me, so I hit him up..only to tell him I'd call him back when my girlfriend beeped in.
When she and I finished talking, I texted HBKraaazyBody, setting up Saturday ~3pm. She texted back pretty quick [= it's really on!], telling me that she'd forgotten but there was this Fun Day thing going on at school on Saturday, and she's going to be there most of the day. She suggested Sunday, if it works for me, otherwise, it's a whole new week.
I called back my boy from before and talked with him, then replied back to her that Sunday was definitely going to be better than the week, and told her to remind me to tell her why, and then said that ~3pm should still be good for me on Sunday. And she replied back almost immediately [= it's really, very much on!] that it was cool with her, so we're good to go. I must push myself with her, too, to at least get to the kissing level..I'm not sure if she has a boyfriend now, but she didn't the only time we talked about it [2 terms ago], so I don't know..and I don't care.
Bottom line: life is good.
Posted by
12:40 AM
Labels: dance, HBAmazonian, HBBartender, HBBellyDancer, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBGottaBeMixed, HBJewelryStore, HBKraaazyBody, HBLazyEye, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, HBRunnerUp, Magic Bullets, social dynamics, text game
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I'm Back, Part II
Then I went off to Especially because I'd never been to Universal Studios before, and it's right there, too. If you're going anytime soon, be sure to plan out FastPasses for rides while waiting for others so that you can minimize the wait time, and check out Space Mountain and Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom,
as well as Expedition to Everest and the Safari ride at Animal Kingdom.
And watch the fireworks at least 1 night. Also, get the ExpressPass at Universal - it's definitely worth the $100. And make sure to ride Dueling Dragons [especially Fire], The Hulk, Spiderman, and maybe Dr. Doom's Fall or whatever.
We went to a basketball game, too - Spurs @ Magic [obviously], and it was a tight game. Magic had the game until the 4th, when the Spurs came back and took close.
I got back to the
When we got off, I slowed down my walk so as not to come off needy/clingy by walking all the way with her, standing in the immigration line with her, etc. And it worked, because she kept looking back at me, trying to find me or see if I was looking her way.
I met back up with her at the carousel for our bags, which was cool because we were one of the first people there, so we were somewhat isolated. And I locked-in on one of the pillars and started messing with her about her choice in flight plans and her stressing about her bags. My bag was one of the first out [thank god! that means it was the last one on, because I'd barely caught the flight], so I grabbed it and rolled, knowing we'd meet up again outside one last time.
I called up my ride, and as I waited, I saw one of the most gorgeous, big-breasted-yet-petite-body chicks I've ever seen, especially down here! So I stared at her, because she was rolling with 4 dudes, and I was too tired to try to deal with whatever may arise at that point. Besides, when there's only like 100,000 people on the island, she's not just going to disappear, you know? hah But, at the end of the day, it is an excuse I made to not at least open her and see what happens - don't make excuses, "fuck it, just do it"
So my chick HBHips comes out and stares at me for a while, then goes and stands across from me, waiting on her ride. She pulls out her phone just as I'm about to approach her, so I pull back. As she wraps up her 5-second "I'm here, come get me" call, I gesture to her lack of baggage. And she just throws up her arms, so I smile and walk over. #-close her after a minute because she "seems like an interesting person", and just in time, too, because my ride showed up. And I got some quick social proof, too, as I left, because one of my local boys was there waiting on a package and came up to bullshit for a minute. I cracked a couple jokes and left on a high note, especially since I realized that we were still standing a few feet away from HBHips at the moment.
Posted by
6:16 PM
Labels: Caribbean, CharismaArts, Disney World, Florida, HBHips, kino, Magic Bullets, Orlando, Orlando Magic, San Antonio Spurs, Spiderman, The Hulk, Universal Studios
I'm Back, Part I
It's been a busy past few weeks, and it's not slowing down just yet, but I had a minute and wanted to get down some things.
I had my mid-terms for neuroscience, physiology, and immunology..and I rocked 2 of the 3. But I can make up immuno on the final as it stands now.
Also, I'm trying to follow a new rule: since I've got enough girls in some phase or other of the M3 model, I will only have these girls pleasure me, i.e. no more self-gratification ;-) This will force me to escalate and push for the closes with them, which seems to be a sticking point of mine at times with all this other stuff going on - you know, medical school and all that.
Going with this, the Wednesday during mid-terms I told HBNeedyLocal"GF" that I was really stressed out about my neuro exam the next day, and I phrased it with a sexual sub-context, talking about how I needed to calm down and take my mind off the exam so I can focus, etc. She picked up on it, and asked me "u want a blowjob? yes, im serious!" This was very impressive, especially since her biggest psychological barrier is getting physical [a lot of her own personal issues - she's a virgin, and I don't feel okay with pushing her into all that]. So I framed it into a qualification-type situation by claiming that she's not serious and is only fucking with me, to get her to prove her statement and following through on it. That way, either she does it [yes!] or she backs down [which is still okay, because she'll know she lost points with me].
She came over, and after some initial nervousness on her part, she went to work. I flipped her over and busted all over her sweet ass. I should've done some kind of debrief, in this case at least to ask when/why she decided to offer and follow through on getting physical.
The next evening, after my exam, there was a talent show by the honor society/fraternity on campus. And I decided I'd participate to help me get my mind completely off of exams and to get my dancing some more exposure. So I did the same act from last term's Indian cultural show, and I thought I was messing up bad all over the place - I hit a lady with my sunglasses when I threw them into the crowd, my hair got all messed up, I kicked out and broke a couple of light bulbs, and then almost fell off the stage..all within the first 2 minutes. But apparently I kicked some serious ass, because I won the grand prize, and a local coffee shop/cafe owner was so impressed that he awarded me an additional prize of 10 free pizzas to me and my friends at his place with a live band and everything. And the people went nuts over my performance, I guess because most of them had never seen me dance before, much less seen such a hot break dance/hip-hop-style dance with Bollywood songs in the mix. And I had all kinds of girls giving me that doggy dinner-bowl look, which made me feel like a fuckin rock star. I made sure to number-close a few, but not too many to make it look lame, and even made plans to get brownies made for me by these 2 cute roommates.
That Saturday was the once-a-term beach bash party the student government does, since it's after everyone's mid-terms. I didn't plan on going, but my roommate's parents were visiting, and they along with my roommate were very verbal about me going, so I rolled. And I'm glad, because it was cool. I ran into a number of people I know, I met others, and got some pictures with a few of my local galfriends, ranging from cute to super-hot, including the girl who placed 2nd in the Miss Grenada-World competition [HBRunnerUp]..maybe I'll post some pictures later. HBKraaazyBody was there, too, looking fine as hell because of her tight shirt and see-through shorts - whew! I decided that I needed to try to get things back on with her again real soon.
After a couple of hours, I was ready to bounce back to our place, so we picked up some food and rolled. HBBlondeBlackModel had called me, so I called her back - she told me she'd just gotten done with some modeling rehearsal stuff and was headed home, so I very bluntly told her to come over to my place and help me pack instead.
When she first got there, I was just like 'Damn, you're so fine!' She's got such a gorgeous face, honestly, there's a strong resemblance to this shot of Rihanna.
Plus, she's got a nice ass and big boobs. And a cool personality.
I started with kino right off, getting a lingering hug. Then I introduced her to my roommate and her parents [so now she's met my roommate and a couple of my cool friends from the weekend before mid-terms when she suggested she swing by my friend's place where we were studying to see me for a bit..and I had a big Popsicle stain on my shorts - that's hot].
Then we went right to my room, where I already had a movie playing, and my suitcase open with things scattered about. She went straight to the bed [I had the movie playing, with the screen facing the it cued her to go sit there to watch it], but I made the mistake of leaving the door open, so we chilled and talked and kinoed, but I knew I couldn't really do anything too much. I played her my dance clip from the talent show, too, to get the attraction back in there as well as a major DHV, with the follow-up stories about how I won, etc, but I also threw in my "funny mistakes" so it didn't seem like I was just showing off or bragging.
After that, I moved her to the couch, figuring to at least get some movement in, mini-moves or whatever, as well as to get a more boyfriend-girlfriend feel to our interaction in order to get her feeling more and more comfortable with me. In fact, I used a quick jealousy plot-line to do it, because I busted out my pimp-ass, touch-screen camera to show her a few pictures [the ones from the beach party with my different galfriends], especially the one with me and HBRunnerUp. I should've used this opportunity to take a picture or 2 of, and with, her, to add to the boyfriend-girlfriend relation as well as for my own record, since she' is really hot.
My roommate came in between and talked with her for a bit, so I did a mini-freeze on her by getting up and packing some stuff while commenting on my roommate's stories. Then he left, and I kept the freeze-out..she broke, so I rewarded her by giving her attention again. Then eventually made my way back to the couch with her. And she did good, cuddled right up on me. As we were watching the movie [Not Another Teen Movie] and talking, she started playing with my hair, or my arm/hand, or my leg/knee. I was like, damn, she's playing me!
My roommate came back, trying to help keep the mood - good looks, bro. He brought us a bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses, poured it for us, told us to enjoy and did a little bow like he was our waiter for the evening. And she was just loving it.
All of this, mixed in with the sexual frames from before, worked out to have a pretty tight combo: she was even telling me about some of her sexual encounters, mainly that with the same sex..yea, same sex - her and some of her girlfriends getting it on with each other, going down on each other, etc. It was hot shit. But I think I may have shown a little too much eagerness/dwelled on it a bit too long. Remember, sex and sexuality are normal, natural things, especially for an awesome high-value guy like me, so do NOT get too caught up or involved in talking about it, from a reactionary perspective.
I really think she wanted to spend the night and get it on with the H-rod, but I knew my flight was early as hell the next morning, and I couldn't afford to have something go wrong on my way to see my girlfriend, in Disney World. All I could think about at that moment was posts by Sinn and Captain Jack and El Topo, knowing that what I should do is screw the sleep and get the girl, especially because of the process-oriented mentality I should have at this point. But I couldn't do it, so eventually I started dropping the hints, and a girlfriend of hers who apparently lives on a neighboring island had just landed here and called her to convince her to come out that night with her. Earlier, she'd blown off her other friends who were trying to get her to come out, so that she could hang with me. But, she picked up on the hints that I had to get shit done and sleep, plus her out-of-country friend showing up out of the blue, got her to change her mind.
It was not a "loss" at all, especially now that I've got some of this info down in writing, so I can refer back to it for the future, because we did up it a couple notches by getting in more comfort, increased kino still, kissing a few different times, etc, so overall I think I'm still straight with it. It's just a matter of getting her crazy schedule figured out enough to be able to chill with her again. She actually even sent me a text, apologizing that she'd left "so early" 10pm or so. I should've left it at that, but I texted her back something about she'll just have to make it up to me when I return, hopefully without spilling any wine on my couch [teasing her about, yep: having spilled a few drops of wine on my couch].
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1:39 PM
Labels: ass, bj, Captain Jack, CharismaArts, dance, El Topo, H-rod, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBKraaazyBody, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBRunnerUp, Magic Bullets, medical school, Mystery Method, Not Another Teen Movie, Rihanna, Sinn, test