Yesterday, I had quite an unexpectedly productive day, both academically and socially.
I went to class, and made it through, wide-awake and active.
During, and especially after class all the way through the night, I was off-handedly gaming girls that I'd run into.
HBAmazon is almost ready to be approached, with intent - she now actively seeks me out and makes sure to at least say hi, a great improvement over her looking-from-the-corners-of-her-eyes, half-smile, nervous look-away greetings from earlier in the term. And I always make sure to smile at her, no matter what, so she's not initimidated - funny how a little thing like that, from me especially, can make such a major difference.
I got texted by a few of my girls, varying from "Hey hrithik waz up. Just saying hi, etc" to "so wen am i gonna wrap my lips around dat big cock of urz?"
[I made some good head-way with HBKraaazyBody Monday after my exam, when I sent out a mass text to some of the girls: "Mannn i had this test 2day, totally sucked..wen i was done w it, u popped in2 my head - n stayed 4 a good bit.. does that sound lame? U suck", and it had great response with most of them, especially HBKraaazyBody, who revealed her stance with me :-)
I also caught HBAlienFace staring at me, every time I've seen her around campus, even to the point where she'll be talking with someone but her body language'll give her thought away to me, i.e. feet pointing towards me, upper body facing me, and/or more blatant things like her eyes fixed on me while she talks to someone else..but I don't know if she just sucks at trying to flirt, because obviously she's interested, but the last interaction we had, some semesters back, was kind of awkward, where I think she was trying to play-argue with me, but it was about something kind of lame, so it didn't work and made me feel like "umm..okay..", and then I never really spoke to her again..we'll see if I choose to change that]
I went to the gym later in the evening, and HBGottaBeMixed found me a couple times while I was on the phone with my girlfriend, telling me she'd be right back once I was off. And a few other girls whom I don't even remember now, similar [re]actions. Obviously there was something that was causing each of these girls to behave similarly.
So I made sure to pay attention to what was going on - I saw my reflection and noted my body language, and I also listened to myself interacting with my girlfriend on the phone, as well as making sure to keep a smile on my face so that the interaction didn't seem serious or anything.
After the gym, I was heading back to the P.I.M.P. pad, when I noticed this tall, cute Indian chick, with a nice breasts and curvy ass, speed-walking from behind me, almost as though she was trying to catch up to me; she'd been riding the bike next to me earlier, and I'd caught her glimpsing my way a number of times. For a few seconds, I was distracted, seeing that ass in high-powered motion, but I snapped out of it and started talking with her. She removed her headphones almost immediately [IOI] even though she could hear me. I made a few jokes [A2], then back-handed slapping her shoulder [light kino initiation], teased her [more A2], then a quick bit about us having to impress our Indian parents [A3/C1], all the while I'm making sure to smile and she's laughing and responding very well. Next time I see her at the gym, or around campus, I'll take things a bit further.
I drank a protein shake and then went to Subway, and there, everyone was watching me. Including one of the girls working there, who was the first girl I'd been completely infatuated with when I'd come down here for the first time. At the time, I'd gotten to be pretty cool with her, even #-closed her, but she had seemed kind of stand-offish, which I'd since then attributed to the defensive nature some local girls tend to get around me since I'm not from here - they worry that I will simply use them and then leave them. Back then, however, not only did I not know this, I didn't know how to handle it, either. Or maybe she had a boyfriend and began to feel guilty after she gave me her number. Regardless, as far as I was concerned, she was "a bitch".
And now here she was again, and this time she was talking about me and even tried to initiate conversation with me a couple of times. And I simply blew her off - guess I still had some hurt feeling from way back then, huh? Then I proceeded to make her feel awkward as I didn't even acknowledge her trying to talk to me. And then I just stared at her retarrrrdedly huge ass - seriously, it's got to be 50"+.
In retrospect, this was quite immature of me, but she does not know that I did it on purpose, because I had my headphones blasting music, even though they weren't on my ears, she still doesn't know whether I could hear or not. So I will see about maybe trying to make something happen with her the next time I go there.
The bus driver that picks me up to bring me back to my place is an old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for..maybe almost a year now, come to think of it. It was real cool catching up with him, albeit briefly, just to see what he's been up to and how things are with me.
Then about 10:30pm, HBBlondeBlackModel calls me, from her chef-in-training job. That I think made my night, because she'd called me last Friday and had woken me up, I'd texted her a couple times since then but had gotten no response, and now here she was, secretly calling me from work. And she reaffirmed exactly what I thought was happening: she was still mad busy with interviews and photo shoots, etc, from her modeling competition in Barbados last weekend, and then working afternoons/nights, leaving her no spare time to be able to hit me back.
She told me real quick about that stuff, then asked me about my trip [I don't remember what trip she's talking about..Disney, I guess??], which I told her was a lonnng story, and would have to wait, and she agreed that we'd better wait until we're in person then. And she kept asking about me and the things I've been up to [IOIs], which I didn't realize but it was quite a bit once I started talking - the Indian cultural show performance and how awesome that was, then the after-party/ies me and my friends hit up, then my galfriend's birthday party when we hit up the new legit club in town, and then studying for that test this past Monday..of course, I made sure to lace all these stories with DHVs and other attraction spikes, to remind her of why she thinks I'm so awesome :-)
We probably talked a good 20 minutes or so before she had to go, and it was definitely a good conversation. Especially since she suggested herself, that she'd hit me up in a couple days and we could see what's up with the weekend..which I played off at first like "ummmmm..hmm..okay, yea, that should be alright.." [non-neediness].
All of this stuff happening, especially within 1 day [and a few things that happened today, going along with this..just different girls, like HBTriniMed for example], got me thinking about the signals that women send out to let guys know that they are feeling you. I'll post more about this later tonight.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Busy Days
Posted by
6:36 PM
Labels: ass, blow job, body, breasts, CharismaArts, day game, HBAlienFace, HBAmazonian, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBGottaBeMixed, HBKraaazyBody, HBTriniMed, immuno, kino, Magic Bullets, P.I.M.P. pad, Subway, test, text, text game
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