Sunday afternoon, I had HBLazyEye come over to suck me off. I blew right into her mouth, and she got mad at me..for apologizing. If you set the right frames..
Later that night, a couple of my boys swung by, and we decided to celebrate our good grades on the killing 4 bottles of liquor, between the 3 of us..and me being stuck with the double-shot glass.
I slept until 2pm the next day, then on-and-off until 4 or 5pm [1 of my boys puked his guts out, the other passed out from a standing position onto his concrete floor and didn't wake up until 6pm].
HBBellyDancer had texted me earlier, so when I finally got myself up, I decided it was time to let people know that I was back. So I sent out a mass text to most of the girls in my phone about being back from Disney and how we had to catch up soon and that I had mad stories and pictures to show them.
Great response from some of them, no response from others - I think I made it seem too much like a mass text..I need to be more careful about impersonalizing the mass texts.
For example, HBBartender called me a few minutes after I sent the text. We talked for a minute, then she told me she was going to go to the bar/club Bananas that she works at, "just to chill" - hint hint. So I told her to let me know when she was on her way, and I'd meet her there. Which I did, after I had her wait on me for a little while - I do have other things going on, so I'm not available at the drop of a hat, even if she is.
It was cool, too, because since it was more her "home base" than mine, we'd have interrupts. So after a couple of times, I remembered..'uhh, yo homes - game on!' So, I started freezing her out whenever she did anything like respond to external interrupts, or not pay attention to me [I think she's got some ADD - I would know, I have it myself haa]. And it worked like a charm; she'd keep trying to get my attention back, asking me questions, poking at me, cracking jokes, you name it. Remember, in any social interaction, the game is on, the rules are being followed - pay attention.
HBJewelryStore had also hit me back within an hour or 2, and she told me she was going to be off work Tuesday, so I told her to come by after 5pm. She did, but at 5 on the dot, and I was at the gym, so she left..and came back an hour later, after I called her. It was good stuff with her, too, although it had been a few months [since last term] when we'd last hung out, so I felt a bit off after a little bit when I realized this. But then I straightened up my act, and did the same stuff I did with HBBlondeBlackModel - move around my place some, from 1 location in my room to another, then downstairs for some water and a quick sandwich, then to the couch downstairs to watch some TV.
My roommate came down for a bit, so I talked with him for a few minutes, then my phone rang, so I talked on there for a bit = non-neediness. Then I sat back with her, closer this time, for a few moments, then "remembered" to show her my pimp-ass camera to show some pictures from Disney. I'd already set it so that there were only a couple of shots with my girlfriend in there, and I already had the my homegirl/galfriend thing figured out, so I was straight while at the same time getting some pre-selection/jealousy plot-lines worked in.
And this time, I did take the opportunity to take a few pictures of her, and then a couple with her, as a couple. She resisted for a split-second, I think, but then whipped her head right back around smiling for the camera. The first couple pictures were not all that great, so she jumped off the couch and struck a modelesque pose for me haa And then we took some pictures together, which came out pretty nice. Also, especially after this but even before, I had been kino-escalating with lots of taps on the arm/leg, then her exposed thighs, then hugs, then kisses on the cheek, then getting kisses from her, then just kissing. Triangular gazing is the shit! :-)
I think I might've been able to close her, but I didn't even allow myself to think about it because she was dressed all nice and smelling all good..and I was all sweaty and shit from the gym. And, she'd already suggested to me a couple of times, especially at the high points of attractive/emotional stimulation, that she is off work again this Friday, so we should try to get together again. Nice. I must push to close this time, no excuses.
HBKraaazyBody had gotten a more personalized text from me, mentioning our lack of any real time together at the beach party, and she hit me back like 2 days tell me that she "really should come check you this weekend huh". So I waited a few hours before hitting her back, since there had to be some punishment for the late response [although it was probably because of lack of credit on her phone], but she stepped up and suggested she come over this weekend, so there should be reward, too. So I texted her back something like "Cool idea i'll hit u up 2morrow n let u know wen im free". 2 reasons for this: 1) genuinely, I needed to coordinate what all is going on with me this weekend, especially with dance practices I'll need to schedule; and 2) to leave her a little in suspense and let her know I've got things going on and as much as I'd like to, I can't automatically accommodate her right off.
I had also texted back HBBellyDancer, a personalized version of the mass text. But, it was pretty late, so I didn't hear back from her until today - she came and found me in class, as I was telling a friend some story about Disney, so she came in and waited nicely to allow me to finish. And then she and I talked, and she agreed to perform with me for the Indian cultural show next weekend. Nice. I've also got HBRunnerUp in, too, so it's looking pretty hot - especially because they're hot.
I finally went to class today, for the first time since being back. After class, I was walking alongside HBAmazonian [physically: tallll athletic white girl in my class who's got a sick ass (especially because she's white! :-p) other words, Wonder Woman; personality: Southern sweet, but shy], so I struck up a conversation with her. We've talked before a few times, but nothing more than a minute or two of interaction..more on her in another post. So anyway, she responded really well; in fact, when I started to break off in another direction, she was turning back towards me, trying to think of something to say to sustain our conversation [re-initiating the interaction = IOI], so I'm going to keep pursuing that, too. Point to keep in mind with her: she seems to be a shy, reserved type, possibly low I will have to be more aggressive [as usual]..although she has started initiating the smile-and-greet around campus before mid-terms, so she's getting better about it..rewards for her!
So I planned to text back HBKraaazyBody today, and then she passed me on a bus, staring at me, then looking away, then looking back [I had sunglasses on and was talking to a couple of friends at the bus stop], so I looked right at her and did the whole "I'm watching you" gesture. She laughed and waved back. Since I saw her, I decided I'd wait until a good bit later, like late afternoon, to text her about the weekend.
On my way to my small group thing, I passed by HBGottaBeMixed. She was watching me, despite being in conversation with a girlfriend. So I made sure not to be "too cool", and patted her with my papers and said hi. She interrupted herself and smiled all like "Heyyyy!" And I smiled back, and went into the library, up a few steps..then stopped, and came back out.
I told her I needed another girl for my dance. She was supposed to be in one of mine some terms back [when HBRunnerUp and another galfriend of mine had performed with me], but she apparently has serious stage-fright and would only do it if her friends did..and they backed out. So I told her now was her chance to redeem herself. We'll see how it plays out, but she told me she had 2 tests next week, so it was going to be kind of hard. I messed with her a bit, gave her a hard time, then told her if she needs any help with her work to just let me know, I'll help her..and it'd be nice if she helped me out, too ;-) But I'd still help, even if she doesn't. And every time she'd put up any resistance, I'd start to body-rock away from worked amazingly well, to the point that I was almost 2-steppin'.
I also did a mini-DHV, telling her that one of her tests [Genetics] I find to be really easy, even in the med school class I got an A, so I got her covered. And that I had some really helpful stuff for her next term, especially the toughest class - I have an old test for it. She was giving me the doggy dinner-bowl look ever since I told her I'd help her out, by the time I was done, I could see the stain of her moist panties loll
After my meeting, I walked with one of my buddies towards the bus stop, and HBPerfectTits was walking towards us, and she and I punched each other at the same time as we passed haa
At the bus stop, HBNeedyLocal"GF" and HBLazyEye both got off the bus, so I tried to play it as best I could: HBNeedyLocal"GF" had grabbed my arm as she walked by, so I made it out like she was twisting my arm, just messing around, etc and HBLazyEye walked by and smiled and waved and said hi, so I smiled and waved and said hi to her. Fortunately, she kept going. HBNeedyLocal"GF" gave me hard time, asking why my friend [whom she also knows from before] got a big wave and she didn't get anything. So I played the twisting-my-arm angle and told her "Because she greeted me while you beat me up!" I don't think there would've been any problem, but it's always better to be aware of what's going on, or who's going by, than to be oblivious.
I called up HBRunnerUp when I got back to the P.I.M.P. pad, and we talked on the phone for a bit. Then she suggested she just come over, since she was at school, sitting in her car, talking to me. So I agreed, and we chilled at my spot for about an hour or so, talking about the dance and random chit-chat, stuff. Apparently it's her birthday Saturday [19th birthday..what the fuck??], so I'll be sure to wish her somehow. And, as it turns out, she's going to be hanging with HBGottaBeMixed tomorrow at the beach, and she said she'd try to convince her to dance with us..Mann..I don't know if HBRunnerUp and her boyfriend are still together, but I plan to find out real soon.
I went to walk HBRunnerUp to her car, and I saw that one of my boys had called me, so I hit him up..only to tell him I'd call him back when my girlfriend beeped in.
When she and I finished talking, I texted HBKraaazyBody, setting up Saturday ~3pm. She texted back pretty quick [= it's really on!], telling me that she'd forgotten but there was this Fun Day thing going on at school on Saturday, and she's going to be there most of the day. She suggested Sunday, if it works for me, otherwise, it's a whole new week.
I called back my boy from before and talked with him, then replied back to her that Sunday was definitely going to be better than the week, and told her to remind me to tell her why, and then said that ~3pm should still be good for me on Sunday. And she replied back almost immediately [= it's really, very much on!] that it was cool with her, so we're good to go. I must push myself with her, too, to at least get to the kissing level..I'm not sure if she has a boyfriend now, but she didn't the only time we talked about it [2 terms ago], so I don't know..and I don't care.
Bottom line: life is good.
Friday, April 4, 2008
I'm Back, Part III
Posted by
12:40 AM
Labels: dance, HBAmazonian, HBBartender, HBBellyDancer, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBGottaBeMixed, HBJewelryStore, HBKraaazyBody, HBLazyEye, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, HBRunnerUp, Magic Bullets, social dynamics, text game
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