Earlier in the day, I ran into both HBRunnerUp and HBBeautyMark at the bus stop, but I was on the phone with my girlfriend, so I couldn't do much more than just a quick thing, so I blew an exaggerated kiss at HBRunnerUp, and I gave HBBeautyMark a little courtesy salute..she started saying something to me, so I slowly turned my back to her and kept talking on the phone [I'd been pacing while talking, so it didn't seem rude or anything to do this], so that I could avoid my girlfriend hearing anything while at the same time not come off like anything too negative towards HBBeautyMark.
That night, I'd planned to go out, but I was starting to get really tired. So I drank some coffee and tried to decide what to do: I "should" go out, but I "want" to stay in. I was really tired yesterday..but I knew I had to go out. The plan was to hit up the "new" club [it opened last term] - the main draw: it's supposed to be as legit a club as we can get down here, at least for now..and it's even got A/C..oooo la la! :-p
I was wearing some around the house type stuff, sprawled out on the couch, watching The Longest Yard. And then I got the call a little after midnight that we were definitely going to roll, so I got off my ass, turned off the movie, and showered up real quick - I only had ~20-30 minutes before they were going to swing by to get me.
I rocked my new white sports coat, wife-beater, light blue jeans, white shoes, and my clubbin shades and went to meet them downstairs. And I saw the birthday girl was in the car, too, as was HBTriniMed. Both were very impressed with my gear.
After a couple of quick stops, we headed to the club. I had already picked up on a number of IOIs from HBTriniMed, the easiest ones being her responding to just about any comment or joke I made, giving me that whole "she's laughing even though it's not that funny" vibe. And when we stepped out of the car, I put on my see-through shades, made a couple of comments, and next thing I knew, she was telling me that "you're going to be my man for the night, allll mine" and put her arms around my arm. So not only I already had HBTriniMed all set up before we'd even stepped into the club, but I was getting tons of pre-selection for all the other women to see. Plus, I was looking like a fuckin movie star [more than 1 person made this same exact comment], so I had that going, too :-)
We get to the club entrance, and I look at my phone - it's already past 1am. As it turned out, the club had a "students free with ID" setup going on with my school for the night, so I saved me some cash..I'm running low, since it's near the end of the term, so it's a bigger deal than it sounds like.
After parading around the lounge area for a few minutes with HBTriniMed, I separated off to chill with a couple guys who were there that I know; in terms of the girls there, I already had the pre-selection, now I'd get some social proof..in terms of HBTriniMed, I'd show non-neediness and create a sense of loss.
The rest of the night at that place, I just enjoyed myself and had a good time. I didn't really have to do much, since I was already rocking my gear and had social proof as well as pre-selection hanging not only with HBTriniMed, but also with the birthday girl and some her girlfriends.
I made sure no matter what I did or where I was, to be locked-in and to pay attention to body language, especially when dealing with HBTriniMed. It was funny and interesting, because HBTriniMed kept finding me and literally pushing her way in between me and whomever I happened to be chilling with at the time. It was so obvious, I even gave her a hard time for it, but in a way that left her cracking up. So I knew it was very much on. Especially when she would start dancing, then maneuver herself to be kind of in front of me at an angle, and then back up onto me..all in what she thought was a discreet manner. But I made a mistake here, of making a joke about it, which I guess either 1) brought it to her attention if she was doing it subconsciously, or 2) made her feel self-conscious of her actions if she was doing it on purpose, thinking I was making fun of her.
Anyway, I recovered and after a bit, moved into some light comfort and stuff, although it was a little hard because inside the actual club area, it was pretty loud. I thought about bouncing her back outside to the lounge area [I should've done this, to be able to game better], but I didn't want it to seem weird or awkward..I know it wouldn't have, but at the time, I was making myself think that it might, mainly due to HBTriniMed being so hard to read in the past. But now that she's warmed up to me more recently, I need to get over the image I hold of her from before and realize that she is just like every other girl, just a little more difficult to read because she tends to be less emotive that other girls I deal with.
The other thing I didn't like about the club was that it was a little too dark for me, so I couldn't really see the other girls too well, and thus ended up sticking more to my group than I would've liked; after all, what was the point of all the social proofing and pre-selection I'd been displaying, not to mention the pimp-ass outfit I had on?
After a bit, it seemed that HBTriniMed was really starting to cool off of me, so I started to pursue her - that was a mistake, but not a costly one, because she was still showing plenty of proximity, always hovering near me, and telling me everything she was about to do. And then she told me what was wrong, too: she was feeling kind of sick. She didn't have a drink the whole time we were there, so it wasn't that, but apparently they'd eaten dinner beforehand, and it was causing her stomach to act up to the point that she felt she was going to vomit..that's always sexy.
Since she kept telling me this, I realized that she wanted to leave..but not without me. So we got my boy who'd driven us to the club as well as another of my boys, and we left. As we were driving, it suddenly made sense about why she'd mentioned to me a few times that she wanted to go to the other bar/club that's near her [and my] place - there were more people, plus she could've bounced with me much more easily than we could from this place since it was all the way in town.
When we reached her place, she climbed out the back from my side and gave me a hug, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and told her to feel better, and then we left.
We decided not to go the other club, even though it was pretty packed, because my friend driving had a very bad and dangerous experience there, and without him, my other friend wouldn't have a ride home. So they dropped me off, and I chilled at my place for a bit, then decided "fuck it, just do it", made a sandwich real quick, and rolled out to the club.
The place was still pretty packed, although some people had started leaving. I made my way in, flirting with 1 of the girls collecting the money [she's a fan of mine ;-)], then scanned the faces as I slowly walked towards 1 of the bars to get an idea of who's around.
I got my usual rum on the rocks, then found a few friends to chill with and got in some quick social proof..especially because I could feel eyes on me [I did look baller as hell], so I can't be seen standing around alone, with a drink, held up to my chest, etc. haa
I bounced around between sets of friends, both guys and girls to get in some pre-selection, too, before I made any real moves. I spotted a really cute blonde girl, and in set with her were two of my friends..perfect.
Just as I rolled into the set, I told myself to bust out as much routine stuff as possible, rather than making it up on the fly, so that I could get back used to using canned material and having better control over where interactions go rather than relying on in-the-moment stuff..especially since I didn't know this girl, so I didn't have any previous interactions to build off of.
I greeted my friends, gave her a courteous "hi", and then told some story about the club from town. I made a lot of eye contact with the girl [HBBlondie], to ensure that I kept her interest as well as putting the pressure on her to engage me one-on-one. When I finished the story, we all laughed, and then she said that she didn't think we'd actually met, although she'd seen me around before. At this point, I let one of my buddies introduce us, knowing full well that his intro would end up as a nice accomplishment introduction, especially since the Indian cultural show was last weekend, so there was plenty of fresh awesomeness to bust out with.
After getting the intro's out of the way, I did a little body-rock away, then rocked back in to kind of face her, and then asked her if she was adventurous..spontaneous..what was the wildest thing she'd ever done..? Then I qualified her on that, telling her how that's awesome [kino: high-5's], and I love the fact that she did something like that [more kino: hugging], etc - basically that she's really cool in my book. I also took a couple of pictures with her, one just normal, the second being "our sexy picture!", which is a new thing I've started telling girls to do, and it works really nicely, not only for a good picture/pose as pre-selection, but also for the girl to start thinking and feeling sexy and associating that with me.
Then I told her that me and some friends might be having a little get-together this upcoming weekend [I think that's going to be my back-up number-closer, if I don't have something more solid/real] in order to number-close her. I made sure to stay in a few more minutes, talking about how there were so many people out, and I was really tired, and they all just needed to go home, right now. She started laughing, and I left on the high note.
I continued bouncing around, between friends, and then random people, just making situational comments/openers and then not really sticking around too long [I need to start following through, run through the entire process unless I get blown out or something], just having a good time. I ended up number-closing a couple other girls, but it was more out of "it just happened" than it was from intention, like with HBBlondie.
It was getting late by this point, definitely after 4am, so I decided it was time to go home and crash, at least so the next day wouldn't be a complete waste. I got a bottle of water, said my good-byes, and then headed back to the P.I.M.P. pad to crash..by the time I did, it was something like 5am - not bad. :-)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday Night
Posted by
7:38 PM
Labels: CharismaArts, day game, HBBeautyMark, HBRunnerUp, HBTriniMed, kino, Magic Bullets, medical school, Mystery Method, night game, P.I.M.P. pad, The Longest Yard
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