Last Saturday was the Indian cultural show..and I, along with the girls in my dance, rocked that shit. It was a 7.5 minute dance, and I changed clothes like 4 times. It was taken straight from this [minus the 2nd-to-last song, with the kids]:
HBRunnerUp and HBBellyDancer were 2 of the 3 girls in my dance, and we had a 3rd girl, too - I was trying to rope in HBBlondeBlackModel to even it out [2 girls on each side], but her schedule was just too strained with a fashion show she had as well as preparing for a modeling competition in Barbados. But the 3 girls and I more than managed with what we had :-)
Afterwards, I ate and enjoyed all the praise being poured on me, including all these girls coming up to me to introduce themselves to me and/or congratulate me and tell me how awesome it was. Even in line for dinner, one of my buddies came to get me, so that he could introduce me to some new girls who were completely infatuated with me. 1 of them was cute, and another was pretty fuckin hot. Once I'd gotten my food and sat down, I was with another group of girls, 1 of whom I knew from before and another whom I'd exchanged "hi"s with at the gym a couple times - she's an Indian girl with light skin and green/hazel eyes..and a siiiick ass.
I didn't really need to game much with them, because it was like I had too much attraction already going for me, so I needed to slow it down and show them that I am human [i.e. comfort-building]. As it turned out, I would see the Indian chick with the ass again later that night.
I got back to the P.I.M.P. pad and talked with my girlfriend. For too long: we got into an argument that just kept spinning off into deeper, more serious shit, and it was not only killing the time, but it was also killing the go-out mood..and definitely the high that I had after my spectacular performance.
Fortunately, we took a break for a bit, and I used that time to shower and get dressed, so as to commit to going out, regardless of the time or my mood. We almost got started right back up in our fight, but we caught it, talked about things, blah blah blah, we get off..and it's nearly 1:30am.
I fixed a quick sandwich, then walked my ass to campus to try to at least catch the last bit of the after-party.
The good thing about getting there as late as I did was I didn't have to pay the cover but still got to enjoy the perks: free alcohol. I got hooked up, too, with a dude I'd met earlier in the night [he rapped in the show, and I got to admit, it was pretty tyte], and he showed me his boy that was working the bar. And that guy gave me an empty water bottle, and filled it halfway with rum - nice.
After that, I ran into a bunch of people, friends and fans alike ;-) I took some pictures, to get the flash-game going as well as to get people's attention, since I'd gotten there so late and didn't have much time to be seen because the party was going to end at 2am.
By the time me and a few friends left, it was almost 2:30am, and we made our way to the near-by bar/club, and it was packed. Plus, they had a similar thing as the after-party going on, with the cover buying you all your drinks for the night. And then the fun really started!
I was at the bar, ordering a drink. And then I decided I was starving [already] and needed some real food, so I got a lot of food..a pizza and large fries. And I was very content sitting there and eating it all. I knew everyone was on my shit, so again, I didn't need to go game girls when they'd find either an excuse or the guts to come talk to me.
With each girl, I ran the same set of routines: I made some observational comment[s] about things going on around us [with small kino], then I would bust on them [with more kino] to secure some attraction other than just looking baller and the awesome dance performance from earlier. I'd follow that up with some quick qualification, depending on the interaction, based on something small like what she was wearing or something more like her mannerisms or her personality, what she does for fun, ambitions, that kind of thing.
Since I was too busy stuffing my face [which worked out pretty nice as both a disqualifier at first, then as a reward system to offer her food if she was good], I didn't try to full-close any girls, I just collected numbers, and took "sexy pics" with them [even more kino, plus sexual thoughts/acts to set a good tone for later]. Good times. I know it was going well, because I'd have the girls come back to me again later, at least once, if not repeatedly..even HBBartender felt the urge to come try to "stake her claim" on me with all these girls being up on me.
I think in that list there were some girls I've mentioned before, including the light-skinned Indian chick with the phat ass [HBIndianAss], HBBartender, and HBRunnerUp, as well as a hot girl from my small group in class and a number of chicks from school. I just ran the same shit over and over, and it was great, because it got better and better each time, plus I couldn't really mess it up since I already had so much attraction and confidence going for me, everything was right on.
I also ran into the group of girls that asked my friend to introduce us from line during dinner, and they looked hot again, especially the one girl. Me and a friend went over to them, and there was like 2 or 3 guys and 3 or 4 girls. My friend whispered to me that the chick I wanted [HBRedDress] had a boyfriend, and it was the guy "dancing" next to her. I looked at him, and he was a total dork. So I went for her.
I made small-talk at first, from our interaction before, and then I started busting on them about something or other. I made sure to body-rock on HBRedDress, especially when she didn't respond as strongly as I wanted to a joke or comment I made. It worked, because she then made increased efforts to regain my acceptance and favor. This was almost perfect, because I would throw a neg to her friend about HBRedDress [loud enough for HBRedDress to hear, of course] as I body-rocked away from her towards the friend, and nearly each time, her friend would start giggling and agreeing with me, even adding to my comments. The major mistake I made here: I should've been more pro-active in befriending the guys, especially HBRedDress's boyfriend. Oh well, that's how you learn, right? And the guy was such a douche, it didn't really make much of a difference, until he felt threatened enough that he was literally grabbing at her to get her attention off me and back to him.
Right about that time, HBBellyDancer came and found me, and damn, was she looking fiiine! So I completely rolled off the HBRedDress set, and it was great timing because it worked as me leaving them rather than them blowing me out or something. And it helped that it was HBBellyDancer, looking fine as hell, that took me away from them..if there was anyone whom I would've left my food for, it'd been her, the way she was looking. And her big boobies were practically popping right out of her dress I said - damn.
After a good while being with HBBellyDancer, I realized that things might be awkward if I allowed anything to happen, mainly the whole "are we together or what?" type of shit that would result. So I decided that I needed to come up with 1 or 2 routines/comments that sub-communicate that whole issue, so that I don't have to deal with any negative repercussions when I do get it on.
It was interesting at the end of the night when the place closed, I went to get a bottle of water from the lower level bar, and there were these 2 Indian chicks, and for some reason they seemed really familiar. They apparently had been eyeing me, and proceeded to try laaaame attempts to get my attention. The best thing they came up with: eavesdropping on my conversation with a galfriend, to catch my name, then saying it repeatedly as they that's game!
I start gaming them, and make sure to do an over-the-shoulder entrance into the conversation. Then I slowly backed up to the bar and locked-in. Then they blabbed about some shit, and I don't even remember what I was saying, because I was trying to think of why they seemed familiar..they were obviously not students at school, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew them [I didn't realize until the next day that I'd been standing behind these same 2 girls on Friday, in town, in line at the bank..what are the fuckin odds??].
Then I dropped my futile attempts to remember them, and decided to simply get them, both of them, back to either my place or their place, depending on which was going to be more convenient and practical: on the one hand, who knows where the fuck they live, and how we're going to get there..those logistics would be pretty random; and my place is near by and pimped out as can be - the "panties-dropper" - so why wouldn't I take advantage of it? On the other hand, I don't necessarily want them to know where I live, much less stay over; they were definitely not hot enough to keep around in a girlfriend-like way, but there were 2 of them, and together could make for one really hot time.
So I decided I was going for it. Especially because they weren't from school, so it wouldn't get around or come back to bite me in the ass.
Everything was going really well, until I was trying to qualify and transition into comfort, asking them about their accents..some kind of British/Indian blend. And the one chick flipped ouuuut! She got really worked up, arguing with me about the fact that she doesn't have an accent. My mistake: I should've avoided the conflict at all costs, specifically by dropping it altogether. Instead, I tried to reason it out, then joke about it ["So..what, you guys have the pure, uninfluenced form of enunciation? haha"], and then even stating the fact that everyone has an accent, it's natural not something to be defending yourself against, but it was pointless - she was stuck on it. Even her friend was backing me up, leaning in to the 1st chick and "whispering" [you know, the drunken whisper that everyone can hear] that they do, in fact, have an accent. But she wouldn't budge, nor would she just drop it.
So, as I read her body language starting to cool off to me, I decided to leave, on my terms. I leaned across the crazy one and shook hands with the other girl, telling her it was nice to meet her and to enjoy the rest of her chicken wings. Then I looked at the crazy girl, eyed her up and down in an exaggerated joking way, and told her something along the lines of "And enjoy..just..standing there..being all bitchy and weird..haha" and walked off.
It was funny, her friend was even laughing at her at this point [note: maybe I should've stayed, crossed over to her friend, and continued gaming her..? She was definitely loving me, choosing me over her weird friend], her body still turned completely to face me. The crazy chick was trying to be all clever with her come-backs of "Yeah" and "yea, ok" and "whatever", only to lead to more laughing by me and her friend..psycho.
On my walk back, I couldn't help but keep laughing at that crazy chick..until I realized that just because the place was closing didn't mean that I had to leave, since I'm cool with the people there, and HBBartender would've still been there, eagerly awaiting me to game her..but then I thought about how she's started losing points with me since she talks big but doesn't back it up physically - I don't have the time nor the desire to pursue her just so she can feel all lovey-dovey in a fake relationship that exists only in her mind to make herself feel special and shit..she's definitely not going to have me sit around and keep pumping her buying temperature if she's not going to follow through and put out.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that she basically acts like she's a fucking teenager or something, making all these hints and innuendos about having sex and shit, but then not following my lead when I say or do things to take it down that road.
In fact, I realized that she's started to annoy me..if she keeps this up, soon she'll be cut altogether.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Indian Show and Post-Party
Posted by
9:54 PM
Labels: 3-some, ass, breasts, campus, Caribbean, CharismaArts, dance, HBBartender, HBBellyDancer, HBIndianAss, HBRedDress, HBRunnerUp, India, kino, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, night game, P.I.M.P. pad, sexual frames
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