Nice to see some lesser-known Caribbean islands down here are getting some exposure..
Five Undiscovered Caribbean Islands
2 of them, Dominica and Caricao, have their own med schools, too [Caricao just opened their new one, in a very imitation-like manner of my school - guess it means we're doing something right, huh?]
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"Five Undiscovered Caribbean Islands"
LR: Party Like a Rock Star [including brief LR]
So, this past Saturday night was the Indian cultural show that my school has every term, and as usual, I performed in it [a dance, of course].
I tore things up, combining 2 routines that I've done in 2 separate terms already - 1 from last term and the other from when I first started school down here. And it was great..except for a part where I was trying to take off my pants [I had on jeans underneath] but couldn't get the damn pants to slide off like they had when I'd practiced. Oh, well, most everybody thought it was part of my dance, so I played it off that way..and I think it added a sense of vulnerability to me, showing that I am simply human and can/do make mistakes and providing a sense of Comfort and taking away a little bit of the unattainable aura which will only work to intimidate women.
Plus, it didn't matter.
After the show, everyone wanted to be seen with me, get pictures with me ["flash game"], sit with me, etc, etc. Hitting those switches already, with Leader of Men and Pre-Selection just at dinner.
And then there was the huge campus-wide party after the show, being put on by all the organizations on campus in a collaborative effort. And of course, I rolled through with a few of my boys. And needless to say, we [especially me, obviously] were the center of attention: I continued having random girls come up to me to talk and take pictures with me and basically make it painfully obvious that they wanted to and were ready to leave with me [Pre-Selection is a very good thing]. And random guys hi-fiving me and getting me drinks all night - free drinks are always a good thing [Leader of Men is also always a good thing].
And I used this incredible DHV spike that I had going on [because of my performance earlier and my pimped-out look at the party, with the darker version of this, i.e. dark blue blazer and baby blue shirt + dark jeans, and this shades-and-hairstyle look..I am Hrithik, after all!] to my complete advantage, ending up gaming every single hottie that came my way, even if she didn't initiate any conversation [can we say proximity..?], which continued on through at the [only] club we all bounced to afterwards with me posting up at 1 of the 2 bars and having girls sitting in my lap the whole time I was there [1 would get up for a moment, and another would plop down on my leg..awesome]. And yes, this covers Pre-Selection right off the bat..nice.
As soon as I walked through the entrance of the after-party club, I heard 2 girls calling my name, but by the time I spotted them, they'd begun to wander off..and I was pulled aside by another chick [who apparently works at the club sometimes], and she was telling me how I just had to meet her friend because she was totally in love with me, etc, and next thing I realize, I've been grabbing onto this girl's ass for the rest of our interaction [it was a really soft, sweet ass in a very loose, possibly woolen?, pants that made it that much easier to squeeze on haa]. She introduced me to her friend, and I threw in some sexual frames early with her, but she was resisting a bit whereas her friend was not, so I punished her by focusing on her friend [more ass-grabbing], and then the girl straightened up her act with me, which I rewarded with more interaction time directed towards her.
I don't even remember how everything all ended up, in terms of final count of kiss-closes, make-outs, #-closes, etc, but I do know that I pulled back from that night this 1 gorgeous mixed girl [I think she's latina with something, especially because she belly-dances -> HBBellyDancer] from my class who's had the hots for me for a little bit - and since she was all decked-out, she looked retardedly amazing that night!
It was hilarious how obvious it was that she was throwing an excuse my way to cover for whatever may happen afterwards [remember plausible deniability..? "Oh, we were just..and then one thing led to another..and then it's not my fault it happened.." .. yeaaaah, sweety, whatever you say.. ;-)]. I actually even explained all this to the girl, and the look on her face was so funny because it was like a "Wait..what? How'd you know that??" loll
And just as I finished explaining this to her [with an underlying sexual frame/context added into the mix], I had 2 girls come up to me, wanting their picture taken with me, and it couldn't have been a better-placed take-away/jealousy plot-line introduction, right in her face, just after I'd DHVed myself to her with being non-needy as well as understanding these underlying social issues/events [social savvy plus intelligence].
Oh, and I even had a chick ask me if I did bachelorette parties, and she got my contact info, just in case I decide to do it..whaaaat??
And all last night, I had different girls texting/calling me [both from here and from back home], including HBJewelryStore, HBPerfectTits, HBLazyEye, and HBNeedyLocal"GF".
Definitely been keeping me busy, that's for damn sure..and with finals coming up - yikes!
Posted by
9:40 AM
Labels: ass, breasts, campus, Caribbean, dance, HBBellyDancer, HBJewelryStore, HBLazyEye, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, LR, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, night game, seduction, sex, sexual frames
Monday, November 5, 2007
Initiating and Escalating Physical Touch
I finally had a quick minute to check my email, and wanted to post up on this topic real fast, too..especially because I was thinking about my run-in with HBKraaazyBody at the end of last week and how I was very quickly [and automatically, as in completely free of any active thought] implementing little things like bounces [even if they were minor ones] to give the time-distortion effect and all, as well as getting in some Attraction to freshen things back up and a lot of Comfort to get some progression with things [it'd literally been weeks, if not a month, since I've last seen her..and her phone can't text me back..welcome to the Caribbean!].
Touching/physical contact is an absolutely vital component of seduction. You can’t successfully pick-up a girl without first establishing a basic level of mutual tactility; in other words, before you can move in for the kill by kissing and/or sleeping with her, you must first have a regular, healthy amount of touching that works both ways: she flirtatiously puts her hand on your knee, you encircle her waist with your arm and pull her a little closer. Whatever form the physical contact takes, it has to be present for you to achieve your final goal of actual seduction.
And many times, that right there is the problem: how does a guy get the ball rolling when it comes to tactility and physical closeness? If the girl’s not being tactile, how can a guy develop mutual physical closeness without freaking her out or scaring her away? Often we just “go for it” and consequently end up making the girl feel uncomfortable or even slightly violated because of our rushed attempt at physical closeness. Others of us decide we don’t want to risk putting a girl off, so we hold back any kind of touching or bodily contact [by the way, doing this usually sends out the wrong message - either you're not interested in the girl, or that you're simply too timid to show it, neither of which are attractive scenarios in the mind of a good-looking, fun-loving girl].
So what’s the solution to this awkward problem? Basically, you just need to follow a few basic rules or procedures, all of which conform to the personal boundaries of most girl [and therefore don’t appear uncalled-for or rushed] but at the same time clearly indicate that you’re a confident guy who’s not afraid of getting to know girls..and even showing it through casual, relaxed physical contact.
Ok, let’s check it out.
1. Many of us think that touching a girl in any way when they first meet them is an absolute no-no. But that’s definitely not true. To form a positive, strong first impression and create an immediate bond with a girl when you first introduce yourself or get talking, just casually and gently touch the outside of her right arm while at the same time verbally saying something. The outside of a woman’s arm is not intimate enough a place for the touch to feel strange or out-of-place, but at the same time it’s a clear-cut sign that you’re a personable, socially adept kind of guy. Don’t be afraid to give it a try – trust me, you’ll notice the benefits immediately. It makes it "normal" to be in physical contact with one another, right away.
2. Once you’ve started a conversation with a girl, or when you randomly find yourself chatting to a woman you really like the look of, it’s important to keep up the physical contact. Doing so helps maintain the bond and rapport you’ve already created and also helps build it further, into mutually-felt sexual attraction. All you really have to do is make physical contact with the girl in a "disguised", honest way. For example, if she wants to go to the bar or bathroom but doesn’t know the way, you can place your hand on her shoulder, draw her in a little closer, swivel both of your bodies around until you're both facing the right direction, then point to where she needs to go with your other hand, past other people or things.
3. Lastly, always try to close with contact when you finish your conversation with a girl. For example, after swapping numbers or arranging to meet again, and talking for a few more minutes, give her a hi-five, a hug, a kiss on the cheek, or all of the above. A lot of times, it seems like the hard work’s been done once you've set something up for later [like a date], but making physical contact before you part with a girl is always a great way of ensuring she remembers you and really cannot wait to see you, the next time you two meet up, you can initiate the physical contact from this point of physical comfort. Remember, you must keep escalating for progression!
Posted by
8:10 PM
Labels: Caribbean, HBKraaazyBody, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method
Update with HBLazyEye
So, this chick texts me alllll freaking either she wants to try to master Hrithik's rod, or she wants to make this into something I keep things light, and any time she starts to talk about something like me missing her or some shit, I text her straight away about something completely unrelated OR simply ignore the message [and the next few ones, for good measure, to avoid any bad feelings that I'm specifically trying to avoid any "lovey" talk].
Well, I soon re-introduce some sexual talk, mainly talking about me being all sweaty from the gym and needing to shower, then telling her I'm half-naked and about to jump in, so she'd better join now, blahblahblah..
We were kind of doing a role-playing thing, where she was talking as though she was coming over, but in the end, she broke and said that she was just pulling my leg [as if I didn't know] and I should go shower, whatever.
So, I simply text her back something quick: "Ehh, i knew it - u just r just a cock tease haa" and left it at that..I just ignored the next few of her texts ["..and what de hell dat supposed to mean??"], even after getting out of the shower, for the rest of the night.
And what do you know, but next afternoon, she wanted to chill with me, and I told her I was already back at my place, and I know she's scared of my place, so I guess we can't hang [baiting her into showing how much she wants to hang as well as getting out of her head the idea that it's "bad" for her to come over to my place - her idea is always to hang in some private area of campus, which there's never any place compeletely private, and even if there was, we're not going to be getting our sex on, so what's the point?].
It works, and next thing I know, she's already at my place. We chill for a bit downstairs, then we make our way up to my room. And we talk..and talk..and talk..
I did this for 2 reasons:
1) She was on her period, so I needed to have enough time to drop in enough physical escalation [literal contact and mental thoughts/images] to get her to suck me off, which she'd never done before [I'd introduced this bj idea while we were fucking the only other time she'd been over to my place, for just such an occassion]..
2) I wanted to have some kind of Comfort with the girl so that she doesn't suddenly wake up 1 day and have all these bitter feelings because she doesn't know shit about me, and then bye-bye FBLazyEye..
And it worked great - after about an hour or so of talking, which was eventually interrupted by my mom calling me, from New York [randomly], I got up and hugged her close, and started talking about how good she smells [which I'd said when we'd first gotten to my room..this way, it won't come off like I'm just saying that because I want to get some from her] and smelling her, straight-up David D style [which I didn't even realize until just now, actually]. After teasing her like this and with a few kisses on her neck/face, she was facing me, grinding her hips on the H-rod, so I shoved my tongue into her mouth, and she nearly her strength..and jumped up! I was like 'what the fuck??' but managed to catch her legs/ass, and then kind of hobbled over to my bed, lips still locked.
"Yadda, yadda, yadda.."
She kept reaching for the H-rod, and I kept telling her that if my boxers came off, she'd have to be sucking me, because that's the only reason he's going to make an appearance..and next moment, she's kissing and licking my boiii before finally opening up her mouth and taking in her first cock - not bad for the 2nd time meeting up with her!
And just before I was going to blow, she told me I'd better not bust in her mouth [which obviously made me want to haa], so I told her that was fine "..but I'll have to bust on your chest..I really wanted to bust on her chest..etc", and she obliges, keeps sucking, and then I push her off and blow my load alllll over her chest and stomach..holy shit, just remembering how nuts that was, mannn - it was like some shit straight out of one of those bangbros sites like amateur black teens or pimp my black teen or whatever the fuck it is..
..and the whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about El Topo and what he says - the girl is soo willing to make you cum that she doesn't care what happens, whether she cums or if you do things that she's never done before or whatever, she'll want to make you cum..dead on!
Posted by
7:56 PM
Labels: bj, blow job, El Topo, H-rod, HBLazyEye, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, P.I.M.P. pad, sex
Sunday, October 28, 2007
LR: HBLazyEye
I saved as many of the text message interactions as my phone would let me [there were definitely more], mainly so I could post them up on here and have a record for later, knowing how to push these sexual frames through text as well as how easily these frames can be pushed and how willingly the girl will oblige..
They start off with shit like [in response to me telling her the generic "Hey it was cool chilling with you (whenever), we should definitely do it real soon" (note the "do it" also subconsciously being able to begin the sex-talk trigger, albeit very lightly/subtly]: "I know it was real real real good limin* with u 2 and i guess, and i know it would be sooner than u think."
*"limin" means hanging out/chilling
Then she texted me asking what I was up to on that Thansgiving Day, and I told her I wasn't too sure, and she tried to convince me to come out to the beach with her and her gf, and I told her I wasn't too keen on the idea, to which she says: "PLEASE SAY YES", and I tell her "we'll see, I'll let you know", and this apparently "made [her] night, blahblahblah"..
I, of course, didn't go to the beach.
The next day, I'd texted her asking what she's "up to, other than missing me, of course" [an automatic little bit I use], and she tells me she's at church and "dont pretend your not missing me too"..I responded with something about going to the gym, but it would be dark, and she'd be tempted to jump me and rape me, especially because it will be dark..and so it begins!
She replied back "just maybe i might not have to jump u cause i know u would submit without a fight", and I told her "See, you're trying to seduce me already!", and she said "that wont be a problem cause i can seduce u anytime, anywhere and anyhow cause u know its me"
I told her something like "Oh really? You seem pretty confident, although you do have a tight little body on you..See, there you go again, getting me all hot and bothered! Bad girl!", and she replied back "did u imagine what my body might be like then u would have 2 wait and see and u would tell me better.oh and about thu we r leavin 2 go on the beach 4 9:00 and i really hope u can make it and [friend's name] and i hope the history with u and the beach is a good one"
I replied back that it wasn't a good thing [not really true at all, but has to do a little bit with a DHV story El Topo worked with me on during my bootcamp this past summer - fuckin ridiculously awesome stuff!]. She texted me "u dont have 2 worry once am there and u dont have anything 2 fear cause as long as ur in my arms i will be sure u r comforted with my heart beat" about awesome Comfort-building already! And so easily! I decided this would make it that much easier to go all the way the next time that we hang, so I texted her "Wow, that's really sweet of you, making me smile and feel're awesome!", to which she replied back "that good cause i vowed to meke this painful situation go away"..need I say the C-word??
From here, I told her I was sure she could help take my mind off things, and she said "tell me what do u have in da unpredictable mind of urs and if i join u what would da do". She's already taking things up a notch, on her own, because of the little things I'd been throwing in from before [I didn't end up texting her back, but I should've..oh well]
Later, she texted me "am on my bed thinkin about how 2 really kiss a guy 2 d point where his arms r strongly wrap around my small body", and I told her something about that being her problem, "that you can't just 'learn' how to do it from reading in a book or hearing someone tell you or thinking about it, you just do it - do what's natural, and just do it, it will come to you naturally..there's a reason the lips have the most sensory nerves in the body, well except for the clitoris! ;-)" [of course, note the "just do it" again, and especially the emphasis on kissing, etc, being natural and her needing to just go with the natural feelings and let them dictate to her what to do, and then describing it "logically/medically" as a DHV of my intelligence as well as reinforcing the natural aspect, and of course talking about the clit..nice]
She texts me back "where d lips is concern MMmmm i long 4 a man with d lips of d promise land 2 take my body 2 a place of no return and my 2 sentative spot my clitoric MmmMmm da would be another topic 4 its self 4 now i just want 2 feel ur lips all over me and ur hands takin full control of me like a man in full demand - am not takin bout sex yet"
At this point, I thought to myself, fine - you'll talk about sex NOW, biaaaatch!! haa
I texted her back something about her "being able to talk real hot, but can you really back it up or are you just all talk..?", and she said "yeah i can talk even better with ur tongue in my mouth and ur hands pushin me on d wall and ur body 2 close 2 main da d heat itself have 2 find another way of escap i need u 2 touch me n.o.o.w"
Now we're getting places, huh? So I pushed it further, by egging her on with some shit and then again Qualifying her by questioning her sincerity..she goes "0ooh hrithik if i was not serious would i have even tell u how i want ur hands and lips 2 rule my body, mayb u might just hear d sounds of an achin body cryin out ur name (hrithik) take control of my achin body. And havin me achin when my body finally submit 2 ur demands - if i was not serious would i have express d way i want u 2 captivate my breath from me" uh..sexual frames kind of know..pretty well..and can lead to some serious sex talk..mostly from the girl's side, by the way! Society tells females that they shouldn't be sexual beings, and yet they all you have to do is tap into the happy medium of letting them know that sex is normal and natural, but at the same time not making it seem as though you are after sex or that there's any "rules or regulations" to this kind of thing..
This last bit of interaction was going on pretty late, so I just texted her something about her being a naughty little freak and how she was getting me all hot and worked up and how I'd have to see if she's really up to the challenge. I wake up to: "since i made u hot dis mornin with my lovin talk tell me r u still hot 4 me now babes" [7:45am, by the way]
I don't respond all day.
Next day, she texts me [7:29am = early morning again = it's reaaaaally on!] "when can u make my body collapse in those mighty hands of urs i hope it can be fri - sat" [as if you really needed the time insight considering the message itself, right? But it's good to take note of little things like that, because not every girl will necessarily get so worked up that she'll blatantly bust out shit like this]
This, by the way, is now Thursday, the Thanksgiving Day; I needed to get my work done, plus, we're not about to fuck in front of her friends, so it's not helping my cause any. So I ignore her early-morning text and tell her later on in the afternoon that I wasn't going to be able to make it to beach with her and her girls but that we should definitely chill Friday later afternoon/evening..she replies back "hay hrithik man sorry i did not reply 2 ur request sooner but i was not close 2 my phone and i just reach home - and yes i would be delighted 2 spend d evening with u but i want 2 see u when its dark so i can have my way with u"..awesome - the underlying subcontext is still going strong in her, despite my not having said anything [other than possibly the suggestion to meet up in the late afternoon/early evening on a Friday..I wonder how much "Friday" and "early evening" affect this subcontext..?? I'm going to use this same phrasing in the future and see how it works out]
After this, I wanted to make sure I kept the sexual momentum going, so I texted her something about finding it "hard to believe that you talk so much, will you really be able to follow up on all this, or are you just one of those girls who talks real big..?", and she jumped right through the hoop with "oh really as u rightfully said last night i know ur hot and am going 2 b a woman about it and tell u-that u r hot and not only that i want u now hrithik and last but not lest i am 100% serious about my txt last night".
I kept up this qualification [maybe a bit too much for future reference??] with "Well, that's what you say..I guess we'll see tomorrow!" to ensure that she comes in with the mindframe of wanting to/needing to prove herself to me, and just how comfortable she is with her sexual side. She said "by now u should believe me and dont just wait 4 2morrow 2 c what am capable of i need ur reaction 2 b 100% demandin if i want it 2 turn out d way i want it"
She texts me later in the night with "if you were 2 have me now would u want me hrithik please tell me" .. and I left her hanging for a bit, further pulling the qualification, until finally I replied with "I would fuck the living SHIT out of you, right here, right now!!". I didn't hear from her the rest of the night and was a bit worried that I'd taken this too hardcore sexual [I remember thinking 'maybe she was thinking more romantic love-making sex..?'], but the next morning, Friday, she texts "there u go,now dat was not so hard tellin me u wud fuck d livin shit out of me if i was in ur presence and dat d true hrithik i pick up on d 1st day i met u,"
I have no idea was that last part meant, so I asked her, and she said "i was just goin over d txt u send me last night: because i like when a guy talk duty" - nice. At this point, I'm thinking 'It's retardedly on tonight!!'
She'd told me that she could meet me at 7:30, and I told her cool. 8:30 rolls around, and I text her, not even asking but rather telling her that I figured she was going to back out..and she texts back immediately, asking me where I am because she's on campus. I tell her I'm not going to campus since I'm already at my place. She texts back and tells me that she didn't know/think we were meeting at my place [and I'm thinking 'FUUUUUCK!! She is all talk! Bitch!' but decide to pursue it anyways since I'd already gotten myself thinking I was going to hit it that night]. I tell her that that's what the plan was, that's why I was already here doing work while waiting on her. She replies back that she thought we were meeting on campus and there's no way she's coming to my place, especially because she doesn't even know where I live, etc, etc - pure I called her on it: " u r makin xcuses - u walked w me 2 right outside my place..i though u were more mature than that.." [fuckin piiiiiiiiimp!! Talk about a total frame for her to either fit into if she doesn't come, or to "show" me by coming over to the P.I.M.P. situation]. She replies back with something about it not being like that and that she's not immature, etc, and..then..comes..over..! Hahaahaaa
This was really weird: once I got her into the P.I.M.P. pad, talk about mixed signals! On the 1 hand, she's telling me how she didn't plan to be at my place and that she had every text saved and nowhere did it say we were to meet at my place at 7:30 [I called her on the 7:30 thing, and then used that to be like "See, we can't believe anything you say! haha"] and that she doesn't even know my last name or what things I like [blah..blah..blah], BUT on the other hand, she's getting mad at me and giving me mad attitude because I'm not fucking her brains out already..what the fuck??
I call her on this shit a couple times, and then I can just feel the whole vibe crashing, so I tell her "Ok..let's do this - we'll start over..{I get up and reach out my hands for hers}..get up..we'll spin around {I spin 360 degrees, she's still facing 180 I proceed to stare at her sweet ass and picture it bent over on my bed while I go to work on} ok, then we turn back around {I fake a 180 degree turn since she'd obviously misunderstood earlier}" and then re-initiated the entire interaction, all the way from "heyy, what's up??"..
Shit got hot and heavy reaaaaaaaaaaaal fast, with her moaning and shit really loud and scratching the FUCK out of my arms and back..but then, we got interrupted [while I'm in my boxers and she's in some tight spandex-like black panties] by her homegirl calling her - apparently they'd planned to go back to their place together, and that time was now..bitch! So I totally made this out to be her fault [which it was] since she'd been so late, and then she had a hard time trying to get back ready again. I literally hopped off my bed and was dressed before she even had a chance to close her phone and be upset that she didn't get rammed by Hrithik's massive rod.
I made her feel guilty, especially since I could see that it was working, and she started to get dressed again and decided to try to seduce me, grabbing at my crotch, and I told her "There's nothing there..he's gone..I told you, he's under MY control..!", and this almost upset her [haa the whole indifferent to getting sex can really get to a girl].
I don't remember exactly how this next part happened, but I think my roommate knocked on my door, and he and I were talking for a little bit [again, indifferent to the fact that I didn't lay her], and when he left, I went up to her and started hugging her while talking about something, with an occasional kiss..on the forehead [totally non-sexual haa].
Then I walked her to my room door, and I was talking all sexy to her, and she just threw herself at me; I, of course, used classic Mystery lines about her needing to go and that we shouldn't do this because we can't get started and then have to stop again, plus her friend'll be waiting on her, etc..all the while escalating physically.
I went a step further and opened up my room door, and she looked a bit depressed, but I got her going with "Isn't this exciting..? My roommate could come out of his room right now, and he's see my hands rubbing your body..{as my fingers slide into her pants/panties} fingers inside your tight little pussy.."and at this point, she was getting all worked up and going nuts again, moaning and shit, and I told her that she couldn't be loud like that because my roommate and his gf would hear she got quiet [rather than stopping me, of course!], and slowly I pulled her back into my room, closed/locked the door, and..fucked..her..senseless
Forget False Time Constrants, so much for TRUE time constraints! "Chicks before dicks" - whatever. I think the important things to note with this were the heavy sexual escalation, then the indifference to not getting our freak on, followed by the "verbal-no, physical-yes"/push-pull escalation, and of course, pushing the boundaries.
Afterwards, I walked her out to the bus stop near my place, and we waited for a bit, talking about random shit. She told me she's only had sex with 2 guys in her life, then how she's allergic to these 2 kinds of condoms, then abour totally unrelated shit..and finally, I told her that her luck was running out because I was getting bitten up my mosquitos and was going to go back in to my spot..and I did..left her standing there and actually busted her balls as I left [she said something about me thinking I'm so smart, and I said yeah I am actually and something to back it up..I crossed the street, and she says something back to me, and without hearing I tell her "See how long it took you to think of something to say in response to what I said..? :-D", turned back around and kept walking].
She wanted to meet up Saturday again, to continue, but I told her that I had shit to get done.
Saturday, she texts me "my neck is still hurtin from last night and d feel of those big hot hands on me makes me feel like ur here with me now", and I didn't respond to this all day [mainly because I didn't really know what to say haa].
She texted me tonight, asking me how my work went or whatever, and I said "Eh, I got a good amount of work done..although I was distracted every now and then, remembering the other night ;-) How about you, productive day at the library?" She replies back "i was really tryin 2 focuse 2night at d library but i 2 was rememberin d other night "dam it i cant get it out of my head" - how could anyone forget Hrithik?? Pssshh
So I told her "We should definitely continue sometime this week(end)!" and she replied back that she was all about it..then she invited me out for her b-day celebration in 2 weeks, but I made some excuse about that weekend being kind of busy, so I'd let her know, because 1) I don't want to waste a weekend of going out with a girl I'm already hitting, 2) why be seen in public with here in a place like this where every local person is all up in everyone else's business?, and 3) what if we end up going to the 1 main bar/club where I've got some shit going on with a couple of the bartender chicks there??
Good shit, Mystery and Company!
Posted by
11:30 PM
Labels: ass, body, bootcamp, campus, frames, HBLazyEye, lay, LMR, LR, Magic Bullets, Mystery, Mystery Method, pick up, pua, sex, sexual frames, text, text game, Venusian Arts
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Still Got My Shit Together: Dancing, Picking Up, and More
Wow, so where to begin?? So many things to update on..
Let's start with exams - they totally sucked..I had some serious personal shit going on, and my exam-time performance was definitely affected..but whatever, the position I'm in right now, I still have the potential to counter that dismal showing..
Obviously, I wasn't really looking to go out after exam week had finished, knowing that my shit hadn't been as hot as it should've been..but after a week of figuring things out and knowing what I've got to do, I was back into the swing of things.
This past Friday night, there was a Talent Show Competition thing that I signed up for at the last minute - great fucking idea! It definitely took my mind off of shit and helped get me back into game mode [1) what's done is done about the mid-terms, and things can still be salvaged, and 2) you can't ever afford to get out of practice, ever! .. unless you're Captain Jack, who hadn't been out in nearly 2 months and got laid his first night back out].
So, I don't know how else to put it, I'm just going to throw it out there: I'm a fucking ridiculously awesome dancer [example: a mix of this and this is what I busted out for the Talent Show], and even with only 24 hours or so of practice, I managed to brush off enough rust to bust out a vaginal-lubricating dance that had everyone going nuts all the way through.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's move on.
After I bust out my dance, every single chick at the place is coming up to me, some in half-drunk [or fully-drunk] stupors while others are completely sober, and feeling up on my barely-shirted chest and telling me how wet their pussies were for me - nice! This definitely helped knock me out of whatever rut I was in about not wanting to go out lately [mostly because this place gets pretty old on you when it comes to going out, as well as my regular concern that I'm going to show up and not know anyone there to chill with..unlikely, but I can't help the feeling].
Instead of going out, I ended up talking to every single hot chick that opened me, which was awesome because my dance had already gotten me RETARDED amounts of DHVs, and then having all these girls hang onto me blew up my social proof and created jealousy plotlines all on its own, by exponential factors!!
By the end of it, I decided I'd go back to the P.I.M.P. pad, eat, shower, and roll out [especially because it was the last day of the 2nd Termers exams, and there was a major all-day beach party with an after-party on Saturday; it was definitely a party-it-up weekend]..things didn't quite happen that way, but it's even better this way..
I went into the gym to get some water and catch some A/C, and when I stepped back out, I ran into this 2set I had "opened" the day before [Thursday], with a simple " guys walk kinda slow..", but then just left to finish up my workout. I knew they had to be hovering around because they'd seen me, so I figured I'd see what's up..
..and shit just TOOK OFF! I didn't even realize what the fuck I was doing, but I was just spitting out game like nobody's was simply unreal!! I was multiple-threading, running qualification on my target right off [because I knew had massive DHVs from the dance and tons of social proof and "desireable to women" things going on already..oh yea, plus I'm Hrithik, so..], cocky-funny shit, befriending the obstacle [who was really easy in this case], locking in [which I still forget to do too often], and hardcore sexual framing [the new thing I've been adding in, mainly because of El Topo and his crazy ideas that work way to freakishly well]..
Next thing I know, the obstacle has been pulled away by some random dude who was talking to her [possibly "gaming" her, but I'm not sure, mainly because I didn't care], and me and my chick [HBLazyEye..any explanation really needed??], are getting really comfortable - in this case, literally and game-wise. At the same time, however, I keep cycling back through attraction and keeping those sexual frames strong, grabbing her sexy phaaat ass and groping her petite pushed-up titties while talking about how she's trying to seduce me or can't resist me or whatever the hell else that popped out of my mouth..I swear, this shit was coming straight out, with no pit-stop in my brain to either come up with or at least sign off on everything..
After a while of this, I realize that I need to #-close her, especially because of my busy schedule and the fact that we are on 2 completely different academic schedules, it will be nearly impossible to game her by simply running into, texting is a great way to keep the gaming going as well as to keep the clock ticking [especially when in the Comfort phase].
Her friend re-joins us, but by this point, I am sitting in a chair with HBLazyEye sitting in my lap, ass in my left hand. Her friend decides to roll, so I bust out a very direct kiss-close ["So, uh..I'll be honest, right now..all I want to you.."]
UPDATE-OF-THE-MINUTE: HBLazyEye has just come to the library, where I'm typing this up, and sat down next to me to work on some project..haa
Well, at first, she was resisting, but I quickly discovered that it was only due to her feeling worried about embarrassing herself because it'd been over a year since she'd kissed anyone..and soon, our lips were locked up and our tongues were getting to know each other better..I pulled her up from there and told her she was too self-conscious and thinking too much [gave her this whole pep talk thing, which worked out to as a nice comfort-building thing that we now shared], led her around the corner of the hall into this dead-end area, and started back up with making out, only this time I threw her up against the wall and ran my hands up and down her body to increase her buying temperature [I didn't even realize until just now that I had done a mini-venue-change, to be able to change up the atmosphere from Attraction/Comfort to more Seduction-type interactions..awesome!]..and then threw her off, telling her we should stop [only because I heard people coming haa].
At this point, I decided to really have some fun with this, so we find her friend at the bus stop, and I say "Hey, you know guys are fun, let's just walk", and they were both ready to walk [they had a much longer walk ahead than me, especially with it being past midnight already], to the point that I even had a friend of mine offer us a ride before we'd even made it out of the campus, and HBLazyEye was vehemently telling her friend to oppose the idea.
From here on out, I just totally pummeled them with all the social dynamics knowledge that I've accumulated from not only my own experiences, but also the amazing shit I've learned from my bootcamp experiences this summer!! And it just reinforced to me once again what these top PUAs from The Mystery Method and Venusian Arts are always saying: "You can tell a girl not only that you are picking her up but even how you are picking her up, what you are doing, and why it's working..and it will still work!" This chick was walking me back to my place, in the middle of the night, and she was ready to get some Hrithik up in her system!
When we got to my place, I decided it would be better to not try anything, for 3 main reasons: 1) her friend was with her, although I think I really could've still swung it by letting them crash at the P.I.M.P. pad, 2) there's some construction on the pathway that leads to my place, and 3) after having had this entire convo about all kinds of social interactions stuff, mixed with earlier convos about how guys are only after 1 thing, etc, this would show non-neediness and the ability to walk away, plus create more Comfort [since we had escalated shit physically pretty quick] to make sure there's no buyer's remorse later on: that's the last thing I need in this already-kind-of-small campus community.
Just as I make my decision, a bus is pulling up, so it works out even better, with no feelings of somewhat-guilt for letting these girls walk all the way to their place at like 1-1:30am, alone, or awkward good-byes since the bus forced HBLazyEye to get her ass inside in a timely fashion.
And since then, there has been a barrage of texts from her wanting to chill, especially on the Thanksgiving Day Holiday this Thursday..yeah, not the turkey stuff from the US - they don't do that; instead, they're thankful for when the American troops came in and rescued the locals [and the students..can you guess which ones the troops really came for..??] back in 1982, giving them their independence. And then tonight, she texted me, wanting to come over after she hits up the library so we can chill..
..of course, all this time, I've made sure to throw in as much sexual framing as possible, including the whole "you're trying to seduce me/I'm the prize" frame, which have all been working remarkably well..
Well, it's already 9pm, HBLazyEye is sitting next to me, and I still have work to get done - can I pull her back and pull off getting my work done?? Tune in next time to find out this, and the rest of the weekend's escapades, which'll just have to wait for now ;-)
Posted by
7:28 PM
Labels: ass, breasts, campus, Captain Jack, dance, El Topo, HBLazyEye, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, P.I.M.P. pad, pick up, pua, Venusian Arts, women
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Mini-Update and Some Interesting Links [And a Quick Rant]
Well, exams have just ended - they were rough as hell! It feels like I just grabbed my ankles and held on for the raping that took much blood spilled, too..ew
I'll be back to blogging soon, although it might be a little more spaced out, mainly because my laptop is acting up [it's on, the screen's display is working..but it's just dark..and no, it's not because I've got it dimmed or something, the back-light was flickering for a few days, and it'd turn off, but I could get it back, it's just done..].
Needless to say, this will affect my ability to post on here, especially since I can't just do it at my own leisure, but rather will have to do it at the library [gross].
In the meantime, enjoy some interesting articles I came across [remember, it's very important to be an interesting person rather than just having a bunch of interesting facts/routines to run, so that you are the interesting one instead of the material itself..hence, it's important to keep up on interesting things going on in our world, regardless of how big or small it may seem - plus, it provides for easy topics of conversation, d'uh!]:
Apparently, TI's in jail..and even more random is the fact that he was supposed to perform [obviously didn't happen] and even won 2 awards [that he couldn't collect]. Why is he in jail, you ask? "[H]e planned to pick up machine guns and silencers he had his bodyguard buy for him"..hmm [>1=7702]
It seems that people are setting their standards lower and lower when it comes to their significant other, or even just their sexual partner - to the point of having sex with [and possibly marrying] robots. Brings a whole new level of meaning to the whole "social robot" phenomenon that the Seduction Community continues to deal with, huh? Although, something like this could definitely take the pressure off of guys to actually have to interact with real people, thus throwing them even deeper into AFCdom []
Here's a list of the top 10 cheapest destinations to check out..nice to see India made the list, since we do have one of the 7 Wonders of the World, new and old, there! We also have Mount Everest, which is one of the Natural 7 Wonders of the World, so all the more reason to check it out []
Posted by
6:01 PM
Labels: 7 Wonders of the World, AFC, anatomy, biochemistry, community, histology, medical school, Mount Everest, robots, seduction, sex, Taj Mahal, TI
I Kind of Miss High School and College
So I get back from a night of gaming [more on that tomorrow?], and I see this on my screen:
..who the fuck is that??
Barely-legal Allison Stokke, high school pole vaulter, that's who.
And then, of course, you've got this Ohio State "recruiting video" haa
Awesome..I totally miss this kind of young eye-candy from back in the day..{sigh}..Oh wait, I still have that option, down here at least! Nice.
Posted by
3:02 AM
Labels: Allison Stokke, campus, college, high school, Ohio State
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Game Should Always Be On
I didn't plan on having anything to write here, but you know how Hrithik do! If opportunity arises, I'm all about it.
I go to campus, with the intention of attending class. I decide that eating is more important, especially when I ended up talking to my roommate about mid-terms next week and was going to be late already. I pick up my food [and had some playful negging of HBLightPearl in the process] and head towards the Perfect Location for Lunch, when on my way, I run into HBKraaazyBody just standing in the middle of the sidewalk. So, of course, I game her..
I just went right up to her, big smile on my face, and started "awww"ing her with my arms open, and then I just hugged her. As I did this, I said something about it being really sweet of her to wait for me, and she smiled and tried to be tough/non-girly about it [but of course, body language always gives away the true intention: her arms were already wrapped around me]. We chit-chatted for a bit, I got in continued Attraction stuff as well as some rapport and Comfort, too. I even threw in a random cold-read [which I don't normally do but want to try to do more of]..and this one was an automatic one that had to be right: I based it off of something that she had just said, but she missed that fact [they usually do], and it was great because she not only qualified herself [in agreement with my read] but even fed into it for the rest of that particular conversational thread. The only real negative in our interaction as a whole was that we didn't have much kino going on, but it was solely due to the fact that her hands were full, and so were mine. But I still managed to get in an ass-grab plus some verbal talk about her ass [something about it blocking the satellite signals of her cell phone's network, since she complained that she doesn't get signal sometimes even when it's just in her back pocket]. Then, we both rolled to our respective classes [which she was actually missing to stay with me].
As I am eating my lunch, a couple of my boys call out to me and tell me that there's a biochem review session going on, so I joined them to hit that up. And I don't know shit! Awesome.
Afterwards, we ended up skipping class, especially seeing other people leaving the lecture hall. So instead, I came back to the P.I.M.P. pad to get some stuff done before 5pm, when I was to meet 1 of my good buddies to get some helpful shit for my histo mid-term next week. In the meantime, HBShorty starts texting me, and we plan to meet up after I get my flash drive to my boy.."but only for a minute!" [credit - DYD].
I go to meet my boy, a little after 5, get that shit done, chit-chat for a bit until he has to catch his ride, and then I head out to meet up with HBShorty..
..2 hours later, I'm now getting back to my place. Not quite as planned, but I'll make it pay off for me as soon as mid-terms are done. We covered a good deal of stuff: hit tons of Attraction [always], a lot of rapport, and some serious Comfort, too [relatively speaking]. She was initiating ridiculous amounts of kino, and I was throwing in some solid push-pull stuff in for good measure when needed/wanted.
I know I could've gotten a kiss-close, but I wasn't really sure how to do that without it being a little awkward [considering we were still on campus]..thinking about it now, I realize that what I should've done is bounced her to a more private location and then escalated from there..fuck! Oh, well..that's the purpose of this blog - to force me to sit down and analyze what happened, and then have a written log of all of this insightful realizations to use now and especially later.
Regardless, I'm at a point with her where I feel that I can definitely get physical with HBShorty[if I so choose]; the only serious problem I see at this point with her is the bf angle: I don't know if she's going to want commitment before we do anything physical..especially considering how often it came up in coversation relating to how others are going to gossip about us and whatnot, since we're chillin and shit. It definitely didn't help when this guy and girl walked by, whom she's friends with, and the girl started saying some stupid thing about her not acknowledging her friends in front of her bf..I was thinking, 'Greaaaat, thaaanks..'
I think I did a pretty good job of handling it, though; at first, I addressed it logically [as in, "Who cares? I've learned, especially down here, that blahblahblah"] and then I took it to the extreme [as in, "Well, you know they're going to talk shit anyways, so let's give them something to talk about!!" and grabbing her, pulling her down into me (I was sitting in a chair - you know the lock-in is key!!), and kissing her all up and down her neck and cheek and upper back]. There was also some point in there where I was grabbing on her ass, but I'm not sure where that fit into everything..point being, I managed to find ways to definitely escalate sexually physical kino with her to get that whole thing in motion for later and at the same time, hopefully push out any thoughts about not being physical if we're not "together" [especially since people will have seen us and will begin talking, if they haven't already]. I also threw in a lot of exaggerated talk about us being "together" together, such as when she'd say/do something "bad", I'd bust on her, telling her things like because of that, that's it, we're done, finished, I want a divorce, I'm taking half of everything, I get custody of the kids on the weekends, etc, so hopefully that'll also help out with this whole issue.
Anyways, there was some hot shit that happened here, too, which is not directly related to her: I got massive pre-selection and social-proof as people walked by, and they saw her standing next to me in the chair, while she's holding my hand[s] and has her body completely facing me, whereas my body is slightly turned away from her [example: plenty of chicks, including HBBaller, but especially this one really tall chick I've got a lot of Attraction going with from before, without ever having spoken a word to her - we'll go with HBTall-n-Slim - who HBShorty even stopped to ask her something that I'd put on her to guess/figure out]; I got some more practice in not only escalating things, but noticing the little eye-darting that takes place when people [especially females] and thinking something or about doing something or whatever else - basically, the eyes can give away a lot of info if you pay attention and know to look as well as what to look for [example: I'd been pulling her into me a few times, and I was actually trying to get her to sit in my lap, but she kept coming in for hugs..I guess she finally caught on, or the thought then entered her mind, and I caught her looking over at my leg/knee area (NOT my crotch, unfortunately haa), and mid-sentence, I said something about "knowing that she wants to sit in my lap, go ahead" and continued on talking about whatever I was talking about, and it was almost automatic/robotic how she just sat I'd done some NLP shit or something haa].
Finally, I decided I needed to roll, because it was getting late [although she brought it to my attention..I should've been on top of that, but I made up for it by actually getting going first..which means - what if she was wanting to come back here..?? I doubt I would've let her, though, because I've got to get to the gym soon and get work done, which I'm not going to neglect just so I can get some ;-)].
At the bus stop, she and I were chit-chatting, and a mutual friend of ours came up and we all talked for a bit, then a couple girls she knows joined in, then they all moved across the street..and by chance, so did HBShorty to go greet a friend; she claims she told me she was coming right back..but I didn't hear shit, and that's all that matters, so I passed right by her to check the bus schedule, and she thought I was leaving [which was exactly how I'd wanted it to look haa], and she stops me with something about just leaving her there, and I told her that it was actually her who left me [in a joking tone, of course..that kind of shit doesn't bother a cool alpha male], and we were re-engaged, but on my terms, as I demonstrated by rolling off of her and looking as though I was leaving [but in actuality, it was only temporarily to check the bus schedule]. Then I rolled back into her group, negged her to her friend, and I was right back in, with everyone joining in the pick-on-HBShorty fun!
The group soon disintegrated, with a couple of people bouncing and the rest just shifting a few feet away from me and HBShorty. Next thing I know, she's leaning on me, all gf-style, and I'm thinking, 'I could have her right now if I want..and had the time to do so!! Damn mid-terms!' But it's alright, I'll get things done as soon as mid-terms are finished. In the meantime, I settled for a kiss on the cheek just before I got on my bus [she was taking a different one].
Posted by
7:12 PM
Labels: ass, biochemistry, campus, cold read, David DeAngelo, day game, Double Your Dating, HBBaller, HBKraaazyBody, HBLightPearl, HBShorty, HBTall-n-Slim, histology, Magic Bullets, Motorola, Mystery Method, PEBL
The Good and Bad of Internalization
So I was laying in bed just now, reflecting on the day's events, and I realized something..
I had an interaction with this really cute, petite chick [with the phaaat ass, of course!] from Trinidad [I think?? I don't remember], HBShorty, who is just really bubbly and everything..anyways, it went something like this:
I got out of class and bullshitted with a couple of my boys. At 1 point, I decided to assert my alphaness [haha] and take over the convo [because I was just kind of passively participating, with them talking to each other but addressing me], so I interrupted by laying out there that I needed to decide between these two chicks, as I gestured towards HBShorty [who was chilling outside the lecture hall where I'd just gotten out of class, with a group of maybe 5-6 people, and I know she was out here specifically because of me - she knows I have class and so being there optimizes her chances of seeing me] and HBGottaBeMixed [who happened to be sitting on a bench with a girlfriend of hers..I think it was proximity, because she has seen that I have class in this lecture hall repeatedly, and gave up her usual chill-n-sit spot to be over here..I didn't even think of that until just now, really..]
1 of my friends was like "Haha not really much of a decision .. {no response, I just stared at him he qualified himself/his answer} you know, if you ask me.." [I didn't really mean to do that, I just didn't realize I'd done it].
We chit-chat about this for a minute, then I point out the 2 girls we were waiting for, who had somehow "sneaked" their way out of the lecture hall without passing by us, so the girls busted out laughing and then waited up for us so we could get something to eat..but I had a review thing to go to, so I decided to roll out..but not before getting in some time with the HBs
I pass by HBGBM, who I'd seen just fix her hair up into a knot/bun/whatever, so I simply passed by, smiled at her friend, came up behind HBGBM, and just pulled her hair [kind of hard..oops :-p] to make it come out of its knot/bun/whatever. I looked over my shoulder and smiled, and she was doing the whole girly "mock upset but giggling because I'm totally all into you" thing..but I just kept walking..
..right on over to HBShorty, whose friends had started to trickle away, but she was still standing there - obviously waiting/hoping for me to pass by. Again, without thinking/realizing this [I'm only now realizing what was going on and what was happening, as in, her major IOI/AI of waiting on me despite her friends having started to leave without her], I went over to her [and thus rewarded her good behavior] and chatted her up. I also threw in a compliment later, when I became conscious of the fact that she was giving me a lot of kino, especially grabbing my hand[s] and holding it/them..and she just loved it! She couldn't stop giggling for a minute - nice. And even more so, HBGBM had a perfect view of all of this, and I caught her multiple times, looking over and thus getting a hardcore jealously plotline worked in..again, with only minimal thinking/planning about all of this - it sort of "just happened" [plausible deniability-style!].
The Good - needless to say, the good thing here is that this shit is not only sticking [despite being a few months removed from my in-field training with The Mystery Method and Venusian Arts and not having been very active at all in going out - partly due to lack of options/opportunities and partly due to lack of time], but it is being internalized into my brain on a subconscious level! This means, of course, that it is being integrated into my very way of being - I am no longer having to consciously think about every little thing, and my mind and body are still doing what they need to do in order to game properly..
The Bad - obviously, if I'm not in active-mode on a conscious level most [if not all] of the time, then I will be making mistakes, since I'm nowhere near being perfect, and I won't be catching these mistakes..forget catching them, I won't even be noticing these mistakes because I won't even be looking for them! This, of course, is a terrible position to be in, because without seeing the mistakes, you cannot learn from your mistakes, and you definitely can't correct them and improve upon them - very detrimental to the entire process. And forget about cold approach in a club when I get back home; with these girls, obviously I've got tons of Attraction and already some-to-decent amounts of Comfort, which definitely won't be the case when I'm back home doing my thing with total strangers [or even at a party here, possibly..although, who doesn't know Hrithik, right?? haa]. As a matter of fact, the more I think about it, the more upset I'm getting about this - if you take this scenario out to an extreme, then it means that I'd be getting the success despite my mistakes, which will be in part due to my game still being tight regardless of the mistakes [tight, but not flawless], but part of it could/will be due to my looks..and that's precisely what I don't want: to be relying on my looks to get me success with women.
I'm not sure where the sum of the two puts me, but I obviously want to maximize the good and minimize the bad..the only thing I can think of right now [it is late] off the top of my head is to do what comes/feels natural BUT AT THE SAME TIME to pay attention to what it is that's coming/feeling natural as well as the response[s] I get to this stuff..I'm not even sure if that makes sense haah
Anyways, it's late, but I needed to get these ideas out there - already they were leading to other [in some cases, deeper] insights..I'm glad I went to the effort of getting out of bed for this
Posted by
2:39 AM
Labels: ass, bootcamp, campus, CharismaArts, day game, HBGottaBeMixed, HBShorty, kino, Mystery Method, Trinidad, Venusian Arts
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Cavemen: Leave Them to Geico
I don't know if anyone really bothered to watch this new show Cavemen on ABC, but I had my doubts about whether it would even be worth the time and effort of even remembering when it was on - and so I didn't risk wasting that time and effort! But, as luck [and procrastination] would have it, I caught it, nonetheless, and so here's a review of the show:
Basically, the new ABC show is straight-up bland comedy. But let's back it up a bit..
Who says major TV networks aren't responsive to allegations of racial insensitivity? Critics had hammered the archetype for Cavemen [the series that's based on those hilarious Geico ads .. how could this go wrong, right? Riiight..], and the show made its prime-time debut - but not before drastically cutting down the previous form's metaphorical themes. Thus, it has become an extremely bland activity - a derelict buddies comedy with a very complex make-up budget [since the protagonists do happen to be cavemen]. Using a similar rope-a-dope tactic that CBS used in keeping Kid Nation on the down-low, ABC [possibly correctly] realized that curiosity about this commercial-that's-become-a-sitcom would be reduced if reviews identify it as the show truly stands - at the bottom-most rung of the comedy genre's evolutionary ladder.
Obviously, there was some re-thinking that was put into dealing with the "hot potato" of the summer for the network. Originally, the setting for the pilot episode was Atlanta, but as you can imagine, this only amplified the uncomfortable feeling that the here-and-there slights that were directed towards cavemen [who, "coincidentally", actually referred to themselves as "maggers"] awkwardly reflected stereotypes of black/African-American people, ranging from their mythical sexual expertise to the idea of them as being less-than-us by snobby Southerner folk.
The revised premiere changed the show's location to San Diego and backed-off the themes in question, if to only refer to them more lightly. However, this does not mean that the humor cuts it as being understated, and the softened edges definitely do not improve the show. In fact, the only thing that these things do do is raise questions regarding the freshness element beginning to erode even by the time we break for the second set of commercials.
Here's the actual plot/basis of the show [if you still really want to know at this point]:
Joel (Bill English) is a hard-working caveman who lives with his roommate Nick (Nick Kroll), a slacker, and his brother Andy (Sam Huntington), a whimperer, who is obsessively depressed [to the level of being annoying] about his ex-girlfriend, who has dumped him.
Meanwhile, Joel's got a secret of his own that he's hiding - a sizzling affair with a cute blonde Kate (Kaitlin Doubleday), who is a [cue dramatic music] Homo sapien!!!!! This is in direct violation to Nick's more aggressive advice against going out with a "sape" as well as to "keep your penis in your genus".
Eventually, Nick's insistence takes its toll on Joel, and he begins to wonder if Kate hides him from her friends - a pretty lifeless plot, to be honest. Then we have the supporting players, mainly Julie White (Grace Under Fire), who's now cast as the Realtor for the apartment building the guys live in; her role seems to comprise of asking the cavemen to minimize their "primal grunting" when she shows places to potential customers.
ABC has shown a soft spot for big comedic concepts, seemingly seeing them as a sort of "shock treatment" to try to jar comedy out of its ratings distress. The major predicament Cavemen faces is that nobody appears to have really thought through the idea much further than that - beginning with how to revamp an idea released in incremental 30-second sight gags to a justifiable TV show with real plots and actual characters.
ABC definitely has done its best in order to have people take notice of the show. Still, if TV comedy and all those associated with it have reason for some soul-searching, the most logical place to begin would be being funny [like CBS's new The Big Bang Theory], rather than simply relying on the slim chance that a Stone Age basis [unsatisfactorily carried out, at that] will be all it takes to forge a path for the the sitcom into the future.
You can catch the show [in the hopes that somehow it gets better, I guess?] on ABC at 8 p.m. Eastern/Pacific Time on Tuesdays.
Posted by
9:06 PM
Labels: ABC, Big Bang Theory, Bill English, Cavemen, CBS, Geico, Grace Under Fire, Julie White, Kaitlin Doubleday, Kid Nation, Nick Kroll, Realtor, review, Sam Huntington, show, TV
Monday, October 1, 2007
Interesting Article - "The Most Popular 'TEST' Women Are Using These Days", by Stephane [ideaGasms]
It's been a minute since I've posted [I've got mid-terms coming up, so there's not much hope in the upcoming week or two, either], but this interesting article on ideaGasms by Stephane that I came across on the blog of Captain Jack [of The Mystery Method] is definitely worth a read:
The Most Popular "TEST" Women Are Using These Days
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: Captain Jack, Girlfriend Training Program, ideaGasms, Mystery Method, popular, Stephane, test, women
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Final Episode of VH1's "The Pick Up Artist" with Mystery, Matador, and J-Dog
So, I finally managed to catch the final episode of the VH1's The Pick Up Artist, and I've got to say, it was just awesome!! Seriously, I was really impressed with the concept of the final challenge, and although some parts of it seemed to be exaggerated or a little faked, it still got me all pumped up, and in the end, isn't that the point?
The thing I like the best about it is the fact that the guys [Kosmo and Brady] only had a few hours to get all kinds of things taken care of with their students [Kip and Dylan], including avatar-building, routines, proper delivery, and body language, which are the most important things in my opinion. The reason I like this so much is that it shows that the bootcamps that these guys run are not only hardcore, but they get the fucking results! If these guys, Kosmo and Brady, are able to boost up Kip's and Dylan's skills with women as much as they did, in only a few hours, imagine what the professionals like Mystery and Matador can do working with you for an entire weekend! Mind-boggling, right?
Honestly, I was kind of rooting for Kosmo, as well as Big Joe, all the way through, so it was awesome that those 2 made it as far as they did, and even more so that Kosmo won the whole thing. The only thing that bothered me a bit about the way things "worked out" is that both of the finalists were good-looking guys, and I don't want that to reflect in viewers' minds as being a major [if any] factor as to their success; granted, I myself am an incredibly good-looking guy, but that doesn't mean that women are going to throw themselves at you! ..well, not all the time..haa
I've found that the two major effects that good looks have for a guy are to allow him to make more mistakes in his pick up [basically giving his game more lee-way to not be as tight as it should be] and to be able to very much shorten, if not completely by-pass, A2 [the female-to-male attraction phase] because the physical looks the guy possesses already work as a major DHV to the girl, and it's a constant DHV [since it's literally in front of her the whole time] - girls, like guys, will assume certain things about others based on their physical in the case of a good-looking guy, she'll assume that he's socially-calibrated and has women in his life, to mention a couple of DHVs created by the physical looks alone. However, this does not mean that without them, a guy can't get the girl; rather, he just has to work a bit more, especially to properly convey these same DHV qualities to the target and/or group.
Back to the show: one thing that struck me as a little oddly coincidental - how did Brady have such a good idea as to really charging up Dylan's appearance, especially with some of the more drastic changes Brady had him under-go [such as trimming off his beard and shaving]?? I feel like he might've had some help in figuring that part out..
Another odd coincidence was the way in which Kip seemed to have such hardcore approach anxiety at first, then Kosmo gave him a few words of encouragement, and all of a sudden, Kip's unstoppable! ..strange, huh? The dude goes from practically having a panic attack to pulling girls back to the VIP couch? Hmm..
Well, I'm tired, and I still have some shit to take care of before crashing for the night, so I'll have to leave it at that for now..maybe more on the weekend..
Straight-Up African Chicks Can Be Pretty Freakin' Hot - Especially in Two's
I'm on the bus, on my way to campus [already late for class, of course], and these 2 girls who are from Africa [1 way or another - they might not/don't live there now, but they were born and partly-raised there, with their family still living there] get on, whom I know from last term. At the same time, HBGottaBeMixed is sitting directly behind me, but I "didn't see her" [because I don't want to be spitting game on her every time we run into each other - let her miss me, even need me, while I'm the non-needy one]. We stop at the gym stop, and I have to get off the bus, as does 1 of the African chicks, HBAfricanGlasses, to allow the people behind us to get off [including HBGBM].
When we are standing out of the bus, I initiate HBAG, whom I haven't seen but maybe once earlier in the term, and even then, I was rushing to a meeting and so couldn't properly engage her..but I had texted her a few times [mass-texting, a la Sinn and Future from my The Mystery Method bootcamp this summer]. Anyways, we are fluff-talking, and HBGBM gets off with a friend of hers. As she passes, she taps me on my arm..I pause for a second, then look out of the corner of my eye and see that she's kept walking [regardless of her looking back as she walked away], so I kept engaged with HBAG. From my perspective, what this did is 2 things: it causes HBGBM to see that I'm not only talking with another girl [jealousy plotline] but also that we are so into our conversation that I didn't even realize she'd passed by [neg], thus setting her up to be even more excited about working to win me the next time; it also causes HBAG to see this other hot girl [HBGBM] pass by and tap me and look back at me [social proof/pre-selection + jealousy plotline] while at the same time showing that I'm more interested in my interaction with her to not even notice HBGBM tap me [IOI/indirect SOI].
After we get back on and then reach the top bus stop, the 3 of us [me, HBAG, and HBAS] start walking together, and I continue with my thing, just fluff-talking for the most part [I busted on them for being lazy and taking the bus instead of just walking up the hill, and they qualified their actions to me..wasn't even going for that, oops]. As we're walking, I run into a couple of guys I know and slow down to engage them [which also works as more social proof since I'm cool and popular as well as well-liked..and of course, non-neediness]. I catch back up to the girls, and then I slow down almost immediately because we reach my lecture hall, and they are headed towards the library..they slow down, too. I stop..they stop, too. Nice.
So, we continue talking. The class now has a break, so there's most of the class, chilling around us at this point, so I use this opportunity to display social proof/pre-selection to other girls in the class by having these two chicks with me, and also since they'd both stopped, I decided to reward that with more game [nice reward, right? Give 'em more]. I go into a little explanation bit about some stuff that happened this past summer, blahblahblah, and used it in such a way as to work as a little comfort-building piece. It works, as I can see in both girls' body language as well as in their facial expressions and even in their eyes [they really seemed to soften up..this would've been a great time to look for that whole pupil dilation thing - I always forget to do this]. At this point, HBAS wanders off to some other friends she spotted, but HBAG stays with me to hear more. She is then rewarded with more kino and verbal playfulness.
Out of nowhere, HBAG starts asking me how many "HBAG"s I know [girls with her name], and I tell her like 2 or 3 others [I used this opportunity as more pre-selection because it's more like 1, and even her number I don't have]. As it turns out, she thought that maybe I'd texted the wrong one the past few times! When I realize this, I decide that I need to tone down my negging and pre-selection stuff, because it will become detrimental soon [if it hasn't already]. In the moment, however, there's not much I can do about that, so I get all overly-dramatic and start playing all lovey-dovey with her, "Awwwww, babyyyyy..commmme heeeeeeerrre!!!" and hugging her, repeatedly, even talking to her while still holding her, etc. I could tell by her body's relaxed state that she was all about this, so I kept it up and held her longer and longer, even grazed her face a few times [should've gotten in at least 1 kiss on the cheek here!], all the while keeping up this role-playing..and of course, looking over her shoulder to see all the other girls from my class watching this whole thing happen haa
Finally, I decide that I need to end this before she does [always], and I'd rather end it on my terms rather than be rushed into it because my class is starting up. As soon as I notice people starting to head back in, I let HBAG go [physically and verbally] and head into class.
This girl is probably gf-material, but I'm not sure if I want that..especially because I'm not quite sure where she stands, especially in terms of conflicting interests [like another guy or something] - sounds pretty weak, but since I don't usually see her around due to out schedules and her constant studying, I don't want to put in the time and energy to pursue her and then not even be able to get where I want to with her..
Plus, her homegirl HBAS is reaaal cute, too, and they have another friend who is from Africa originally, but now lives near/in my city back in the States..and she's got the phaaat ass, son! We'll see how things unfold..
Posted by
5:49 PM
Labels: ass, bootcamp, campus, CharismaArts, day game, Future, HBAfricanGlasses, HBAfricanShortHair, HBGottaBeMixed, kino, Mystery Method, Sinn
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wanna Study Anatomy with the New Secretary
I don't even remember how this started..
Basically, I was walking down "the hill" towards the cafeteria area, which I was going to cut through on my way to a further-away eatery at the edge of the campus, and I was on the phone, waiting to place my order for my food. I notice, passing by me, is this tall black girl, dressed really nicely [business-style], with a phaaat ass [!] and mini-heels. So, of course, I say my usual comment about walking in heels up/down the hill, etc, and at first she keeps walking. She looks back at me, and I say "I'm talking to you", and she looks away..only to look back again, and I say "Yeah, you!", and she stops..the matches my pace while already opening up her body towards me [remember, I'm behind her]. The lady picks up on the other end of the phone.
I place my order while completely ignoring HBSecretary, and in the meantime, she keeps up with me. After I get off the phone, I start talking with her. I don't remember what I said, but it was all about body language, IOIs back and forth, and major kino from the get-go, the whole way. I high-fived her right off the bat, and then slightly moved my fingers as though I was going to hold her hand, and she responded, so I continued into the hand-hold, which she [of course] followed through on, too. She's giggling and talking, and I can tell 2 things already: 1) whatever she's supposed to be doing and wherever she's supposed to be going, that's all on-hold right now so that she can interact with me [nice], and 2) she's really trying to ensure that the interaction here keeps on going [I can just read it on her face and in her eyes], thus meaning that #1 is getting even stronger. However, I'm on a bit of a time-crunch, so I'd rather end this before we stall out [and then it becomes "my" fault that the bad interaction happened - silly females].
As it turns out, we start walking in the same direction, down some steps, and I tell her "I promise I'm not following you..", and she busts out laughing and asks "Then what are you doing?"..which I ignore, because this is just going to end up killing the joke [I don't have a humorous response, and anything else will seem to be almost qualifying myself, to a joke, which is going to be even worse than just simply qualifying in response to a statement or a question or something]. She sees the line at the bank and is disappointed [haa], and I go on past her while I say something about having fun with that..
I get my food, flirt a bit with the girl who works there [she's got a reTARded ass, but..she's apparently 37 years old! Whaaaaaaat?? Definitely not pursuing that, not because I care about the age, but because it seems like it'd be a lot of work to get her over it..], and head back to the main campus to get to my small group discussion for biochem, and HBSecretary is still in line haha
I laugh at her, and then we just pick up right from there. I start getting some A3 stuff on her to qualify her, and she's off!! She's trying to impress the shit out of me, so I make sure to really reward her [which was great for me, too, because it was a reminder that not can I escalate kino really quickly, but I need to do so], and before you know it, I was holding hands with her and hugging her and doing all kinds of random shit, right in front of the bank, after only having talked to her for like 2-3 minutes. I also found out that she's the new anatomy secretary [the other one is maternity leave for the rest of the term], so I promised her I'd definitely swing by and chill with her sometime, but I needed to get going for now [ was hard, I really wanted to stay - she looks reaaal good, and that BODY of].
As the title of this post suggests, I definitely want to get some hands-on anatomy work done with this body..
Posted by
12:27 PM
Labels: anatomy, ass, biochemistry, campus, day game, HBSecretary, kino, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
VH1's "The Pick Up Artist" Stars Mystery, Matador, and J-Dog Interviewed by Fox News
I caught wind of this and wanted to pass it on, in case anyone had missed it/not heard about it..
VH1's "The Pick Up Artist" Stars Mystery, Matador, and J-Dog Interviewed by Fox News
A few things I found quite interesting about this:
1) The original speaker [the interviewer] plays into the stereotype when introducing the segment, but then he goes the other way and admits that they are really nice guys..more on this a little later..
2) Mystery definitely has a set answer for a number of questions [the more common/expected ones], so in essence, he treats the interview just as though he were gaming a girl..which is good and bad, since it makes sure he's prepared and comes off saying exactly what he wants to say, but at the same time, it makes him seem to be a little less "human" in the sense of relatability
3) Mystery's looking kind of aged here, at least at the beginning of it [it's his birthday, by the way: September 24]..and Matador looks like he's high and/or fucked up during his camera-time
4) As a whole, all these guys [especially Mystery, since he's the one who's relatively been interviewed all over the place] have gotten much better at interviewing, especially at avoiding hardcore community lingo that doesn't make any sense to anyone outside of the community [i.e. neg, IOI, etc] and discussing things in more layman's terms
5) The interview tried to bait Mystery into qualifying himself, especially in terms of being arrogant/possibly sleazy [going back to the stereotyping of "pick up artists"], and he completely loops around it by just talking about whatever he wants to say, in this case that he loves women
6) When they cut back to the studio, the interviewer corrects himself, from saying "they've tried to sh-.." to "they've showed them their techniques..", I think due to his being impressed and having met the guys, knowing that this shit is legit, and wanting to give them their due credit..more on this in a little bit..
7) I thought it was kind of funny when the interviewer was trying to make a joke of the thing, and these guys were taking it much more seriously than it was intended, each of them giving him advice on what to do while he keeps asking "Do you think it's going to work?"..finally, J-Dog catches on and just busts on him for it haa
8) At first, I was a little concerned as to why the guy would've staged such a bad attempt at the pick up, again, going along with reinforcing the stereotype of the community, but then - the guy actually defended it! Little bits at first, as in explaining that it was just a set-up and that these guys know what they're doing, but then ..
9) This whole time, the other guy who's there has been completely serious, no laughing, not even a crack of a smile..can someone say non-believing AFC..?? Nice..he's already been trying to interrupt the interviewer guy, from his own segment, and when he's been unable to, he shifts around uncomfortably..we know what's going to happen now..
10)The interviewer goes on to defend the PUAs by stating that they make it very clear that "pick up" is not about jus getting some girl to go home with you but rather about making a connection with a person
11)..and super AFC has had enough, interrupts, and does his AFC best to AMOG Mystery, Matador, and J-Dog!! hahah
12)..and the greatest part of all [leading all the way up from pts. 1 & 6]: the interview's getting all worked up now!! He's trying to interrupt the super AFC, in order to defend the PUAs and basically shut super AFC up! hahahah
13)..and super AFC is just not letting him, busting on the goggles and saying that the interviewer was wearing them, too..and the interviewer's upset yet trying to remain professional..hilarious!
14)..and of course, the dumb bitch, who has no idea, writes off the fact that these guys wouldn't appeal to her [or at least their clothing, if we give her the benefit of the doubt], and they are, running a segment on them and their hit VH1 show The Pick Up Artist, and she's been very interested to hear all about the interview, and she's not even there with the PUAs..
15)..and super AFC's still upset..poor guy..can't stop shifting around, still trying his best to bust on the PUAs as well as the interviewer for defending them, even though the guy brought up a great point about not blending in like everyone else and instead standing out from the crowd..super AFC has nothing to say regarding the point itself, so he tries desperately to reclaim some ground by dissing on the PUAs again ["..No dates..", and then the only smile he's had, since he got in the precious last word that AFC-types are always so concerned with getting..haa]..I almost want to game his daughter[s], in the roughest way, just to show him how much of an idiot he is for being so close-minded, especially when he is a news reporter..sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, guy
Posted by
12:35 AM
Labels: AFC, community, Fox, interview, J-Dog, Matador, Mystery, Mystery Method, news, pick up, pua, seduction, The Pick Up Artist, Venusian Arts, VH1
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Some Feminists Hating on the Game, the Seduction Community, and PUAs
I came across a couple of feminist blogs that were really hating on the seduction community:
I posted a similar comment on each of their pages, but they moderate their comments, so I might not make the cut [we'll see how fair things turn out; considering their whole fight is for women to be true equals, I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt], so here it is/they are:
The Same Part
"I think that you have really misunderstood, as well as very broadly generalized, this entire “movement” that is the seduction community. It really is like a self-help group for guys, who want to get their life in order, including the aspect dealing with women. All this stuff really does is allow guys to understand how humans, in general, communicate [specifically sub-communication, like body language, which cues you in on what’s going on in the interaction (with a guy, girl, group, at work, whatever) and where to perform which action (i.e., showing YOUR high value that is attractive to her, demonstrating YOUR vulnerability, etc)] to provide a sense of Attraction as well as true rapport and Comfort and providing genuine feelings and an interesting conversation deeper than the typical interview-style interaction [“what’s your name?”, “where you from?”, “what do you do?”, etc] {NOTE: some will take advantage of this sense of Comfort and trust in order to satisfy their own motives, but not NEARLY all}.
Seriously, this goes MUCH BEYOND just picking up girls. You can look at it for its face-value, as well as by checking out some of the examples of these methods being used, and you can clearly see the perspective that you hold, which is why I'm even bothering to try to engage you to broaden your understanding of all this. Mystery's entire explanation, etc, is based upon YEARS of studying human interactions, specifically that of guys and girls in a bar/night club setting. And, all of his findings/theories are scientifically TRUE - you can easily find these same types of ideas/observations being reported by zoologists studying animal behaviors/interactions AND by psychologists studying human behaviors/interactions. In fact, I recently told MY psychologist/counselor/therapist about this whole community, and SHE [yes, SHE] was incredibly excited about it, and we actually began discussing information that I know [from both my studying psychology and from the community] and that she knows [from human psychology, her area of expertise] - it matched completely, because it was exactly the same. We even acted out a scene, in which I was some guy, and she’s not interested, and SHE says, “I’d do this” and turns her body about 45 degrees away from me. Then I said, “Now, if I do it..”, and she immediately felt exactly what it was that I’d felt when she did it to me. So if knowing this stuff and implementing it, in general, by anyone, is manipulation, then we are all guilty of it, whether consciously or sub-consciously, especially women [who mostly do it on a conscious level when interacting with least, when blowing them off].
All Mystery actually DID was map out social interactions, and then provide a guide to follow to reach one's goal[s] with a woman, WHATEVER it/they may be. For most, this really does mean finding The One – this whole system simply gives you more options. Having success with women along the way to finding The One is just evidence that you’re improving your ability to “put your best self forward” [like in a job interview (speaking of, is that an example of “deception”? By your definition..yes), except at ALL times] as well as refining down exactly what it is that you are looking for in that ideal woman, so that when you DO meet her, you'll recognize her and be able to succeed in beginning the courtship process [and your eventual life together] properly.
I've met Mystery [as well as Matador, and many other top of the tops instructors out there], and let me tell you this - he is a genuinely charming and intellectual individual. And in relation to girls, he has actually turned DOWN more women than he has slept with – thus, his purpose is not to simply get laid. All of these guys, they aren't just running tricks or manipulating women or anything else like that; in fact, they genuinely love women. For example, Mystery is not going to be telling the same “scripted” stories that Matador would be; the stories/interactions each individual guy has is SUPPOSED TO BE unique to that individual's personality. The words you use are only a vehicle for conveying who you truly are to the woman.
One problem is, a lot of newer guys entering the community don't realize this for shit, and so they are all looking for some “line” that will get them laid, and that's not what this is all about - but you CAN find info to help you get into a girl's pants, if that's what a specific person is looking for, and there are definitely guys out there who are only after that, so don’t think I’m denying this. But, they are single-minded and are only looking for this one thing, and they use other people’s stories/“lines”, which for that other person it is genuine and based on his life but becomes completely incongruent when someone else pretends it to be from his life – this is obviously a lie and very deceptive. This is not what the community tells you to do; however, the community also can’t prevent people from doing this, either. Just like gun control – it’s a weapon, and it can be used for good or evil, but the gun itself is neither. Basically, you get out of the community whatever it is you are seeking.
I really want to go on, deeper, with all this stuff, but I can’t, and I’m sure even now, due to the limitations and restrictions of typed word on a comment board, I’ve already been unable to get the full meaning out of everything I’ve said, but hopefully it’s enough to help you try to be more objective and see things from a moralistic pick-up artist’s viewpoint."
The Different Parts
thinkinggirl's site
"And in regards to Gary and his email, one thing that I just had to comment on was that he states that he treats “women with respect and as human beings..value[s] their opinions and their thoughts”, etc, and he “approaches them to chat” – what is his purpose in approaching random women in the first place? Is it because he found them attractive [whether physically or intellectually..although I’m not sure how he’d know what they’re like by seeing them..but regardless..]? When other men have approached these same women [which, by the way, not all women react this way, so not all women have been approached by men with only one underlying motive], they obviously were also attracted to them to some degree; otherwise, they would’ve have approached them. So, the woman assuming that the guy is attracted to her is not only accurate in the past, but it’s also true for Gary to be approaching her, too. However, the women he is approaching may have been approached by guys who only wanted sex from them or expected it too soon or whatever else, so it’s only natural that they assume he wants the same..which, eventually, he does, as do the women [“so the sexual tension builds naturally between both people over time”]. Also, I was a little confused as to how a woman can respect you treating her well but also expect it, without taking it for granted..? Isn’t that the definition of taking something for granted – expecting things to be a certain way?"
feministpitbull's site
"Um, just a quick note from the first comment [Rocky's, I think]: ANYONE can do something like that, it has nothing to do with one's association [or lack thereof] with the seduction community. If a person has issues, they have issues..
And I genuinely think that you took the drug analogy a little too literally; you did acknowledge that you think he was joking, but the joke wasn't funny in your opinion. The thing to keep in mind here is that not every joke is going to go over well with every single person in the whole world [trust me, I've had my share of "jokes" [usually racial] thrown my way that I definitely didn't find funny..]..I'm sorry for the experience[s] that you've had, but you have to remember: not everyone out there is like that ONE guy; and just because someone can/did have that effect on you does not mean he was a PUA. And even if he was all PUAs do NOT go for this same interaction/effect, and in fact as different as people are, so are their needs and desires, including what they desire from the seduction community.
Their pick up artist-hating posts are from a little while back, but the two appear to be quite active on their blogs, and even on those posts still, so let's see what [if anything] they have to say..
[It seems someone else got a kick out of this, too:
{LOL and a half.
"When strange men are approaching you, be extremely wary of the open-ended question. The open-ended question is a question that does not have a yes/no answer and requires thought and/or imagination to answer. The last thing I want to do is to advocate paranoia for my readers, but I very much urge caution and care when someone you’ve just met is asking you questions."
Hear that? Guy's asking you questions, it's BAD. At least, open-ended questions are bad. But so are yes/no questions. At least ones that involve a "yes" answer; that's a "yes-ladder." So if a guy asks you a question, it's bad.
"The important thing to avoid is allowing yourself to go into states of ecstacy, euphoria, or pleasure when thinking about a new man you’ve just met. Habitual patterns of emotion or action is *precisely* what you want to look for."
If a guy makes you feel good, it's BAD.
"I don’t care how “different,” “unique,” or “special” they many appear from all the other men you’ve ever met. In fact, the more “different, unique, special,” or “standing out from the crowd,” a man seems to be, the more of a red flag this actually is. This is what PUAs strive for, to stand out in a woman’s memory, thoughts, or viewpoint as being separate and different from all the other men she’s ever met."
"So, these guys think they are teaching men how to be “natural” with women. It couldn’t be that they’re teaching men how to be sleazy and dishonest? Why is it that teaching men to be confident with women is automatically about tricking women into thinking the man is something he’s not - smooth, suave, charming?"
Ow, my brain. Sooooo, acting charming somehow isn't the same as BEING charming? Is charmingness not in the eye of the beholder? Only if it's taught, I guess. The true naturals get grandfathered in.
"Gross, right? Treat her a little bit like s!#%, then she’ll like you and think you’re clever and charming. Women, learn these methods well. Don’t get sucked in."
So does it not work, or is it eeeeevillllll? The two concerns are mutually exclusive.
But wait! Even being honest about one's intentions is manipulative.
"Note: these ‘direct’ moves include things like how to stand, when and where to touch a woman (on the arm, the on the small of the back), and *exactly what to say*. Yeah. Real “natural.”
She really isn't leaving a lot of room for guys to communicate with women here}
Posted by
3:32 AM
Labels: community, David DeAngelo, feminists, game, Juggler, Lance Mason, Magic Bullets, Mystery, Neil Strauss, pick up, pua, Ross Jeffries, seduction, Style, The Pick Up Artist, VH1, Wayne Elise, Zan Perrion