Wow, so where to begin?? So many things to update on..
Let's start with exams - they totally sucked..I had some serious personal shit going on, and my exam-time performance was definitely affected..but whatever, the position I'm in right now, I still have the potential to counter that dismal showing..
Obviously, I wasn't really looking to go out after exam week had finished, knowing that my shit hadn't been as hot as it should've been..but after a week of figuring things out and knowing what I've got to do, I was back into the swing of things.
This past Friday night, there was a Talent Show Competition thing that I signed up for at the last minute - great fucking idea! It definitely took my mind off of shit and helped get me back into game mode [1) what's done is done about the mid-terms, and things can still be salvaged, and 2) you can't ever afford to get out of practice, ever! .. unless you're Captain Jack, who hadn't been out in nearly 2 months and got laid his first night back out].
So, I don't know how else to put it, I'm just going to throw it out there: I'm a fucking ridiculously awesome dancer [example: a mix of this and this is what I busted out for the Talent Show], and even with only 24 hours or so of practice, I managed to brush off enough rust to bust out a vaginal-lubricating dance that had everyone going nuts all the way through.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's move on.
After I bust out my dance, every single chick at the place is coming up to me, some in half-drunk [or fully-drunk] stupors while others are completely sober, and feeling up on my barely-shirted chest and telling me how wet their pussies were for me - nice! This definitely helped knock me out of whatever rut I was in about not wanting to go out lately [mostly because this place gets pretty old on you when it comes to going out, as well as my regular concern that I'm going to show up and not know anyone there to chill with..unlikely, but I can't help the feeling].
Instead of going out, I ended up talking to every single hot chick that opened me, which was awesome because my dance had already gotten me RETARDED amounts of DHVs, and then having all these girls hang onto me blew up my social proof and created jealousy plotlines all on its own, by exponential factors!!
By the end of it, I decided I'd go back to the P.I.M.P. pad, eat, shower, and roll out [especially because it was the last day of the 2nd Termers exams, and there was a major all-day beach party with an after-party on Saturday; it was definitely a party-it-up weekend]..things didn't quite happen that way, but it's even better this way..
I went into the gym to get some water and catch some A/C, and when I stepped back out, I ran into this 2set I had "opened" the day before [Thursday], with a simple " guys walk kinda slow..", but then just left to finish up my workout. I knew they had to be hovering around because they'd seen me, so I figured I'd see what's up..
..and shit just TOOK OFF! I didn't even realize what the fuck I was doing, but I was just spitting out game like nobody's was simply unreal!! I was multiple-threading, running qualification on my target right off [because I knew had massive DHVs from the dance and tons of social proof and "desireable to women" things going on already..oh yea, plus I'm Hrithik, so..], cocky-funny shit, befriending the obstacle [who was really easy in this case], locking in [which I still forget to do too often], and hardcore sexual framing [the new thing I've been adding in, mainly because of El Topo and his crazy ideas that work way to freakishly well]..
Next thing I know, the obstacle has been pulled away by some random dude who was talking to her [possibly "gaming" her, but I'm not sure, mainly because I didn't care], and me and my chick [HBLazyEye..any explanation really needed??], are getting really comfortable - in this case, literally and game-wise. At the same time, however, I keep cycling back through attraction and keeping those sexual frames strong, grabbing her sexy phaaat ass and groping her petite pushed-up titties while talking about how she's trying to seduce me or can't resist me or whatever the hell else that popped out of my mouth..I swear, this shit was coming straight out, with no pit-stop in my brain to either come up with or at least sign off on everything..
After a while of this, I realize that I need to #-close her, especially because of my busy schedule and the fact that we are on 2 completely different academic schedules, it will be nearly impossible to game her by simply running into, texting is a great way to keep the gaming going as well as to keep the clock ticking [especially when in the Comfort phase].
Her friend re-joins us, but by this point, I am sitting in a chair with HBLazyEye sitting in my lap, ass in my left hand. Her friend decides to roll, so I bust out a very direct kiss-close ["So, uh..I'll be honest, right now..all I want to you.."]
UPDATE-OF-THE-MINUTE: HBLazyEye has just come to the library, where I'm typing this up, and sat down next to me to work on some project..haa
Well, at first, she was resisting, but I quickly discovered that it was only due to her feeling worried about embarrassing herself because it'd been over a year since she'd kissed anyone..and soon, our lips were locked up and our tongues were getting to know each other better..I pulled her up from there and told her she was too self-conscious and thinking too much [gave her this whole pep talk thing, which worked out to as a nice comfort-building thing that we now shared], led her around the corner of the hall into this dead-end area, and started back up with making out, only this time I threw her up against the wall and ran my hands up and down her body to increase her buying temperature [I didn't even realize until just now that I had done a mini-venue-change, to be able to change up the atmosphere from Attraction/Comfort to more Seduction-type interactions..awesome!]..and then threw her off, telling her we should stop [only because I heard people coming haa].
At this point, I decided to really have some fun with this, so we find her friend at the bus stop, and I say "Hey, you know guys are fun, let's just walk", and they were both ready to walk [they had a much longer walk ahead than me, especially with it being past midnight already], to the point that I even had a friend of mine offer us a ride before we'd even made it out of the campus, and HBLazyEye was vehemently telling her friend to oppose the idea.
From here on out, I just totally pummeled them with all the social dynamics knowledge that I've accumulated from not only my own experiences, but also the amazing shit I've learned from my bootcamp experiences this summer!! And it just reinforced to me once again what these top PUAs from The Mystery Method and Venusian Arts are always saying: "You can tell a girl not only that you are picking her up but even how you are picking her up, what you are doing, and why it's working..and it will still work!" This chick was walking me back to my place, in the middle of the night, and she was ready to get some Hrithik up in her system!
When we got to my place, I decided it would be better to not try anything, for 3 main reasons: 1) her friend was with her, although I think I really could've still swung it by letting them crash at the P.I.M.P. pad, 2) there's some construction on the pathway that leads to my place, and 3) after having had this entire convo about all kinds of social interactions stuff, mixed with earlier convos about how guys are only after 1 thing, etc, this would show non-neediness and the ability to walk away, plus create more Comfort [since we had escalated shit physically pretty quick] to make sure there's no buyer's remorse later on: that's the last thing I need in this already-kind-of-small campus community.
Just as I make my decision, a bus is pulling up, so it works out even better, with no feelings of somewhat-guilt for letting these girls walk all the way to their place at like 1-1:30am, alone, or awkward good-byes since the bus forced HBLazyEye to get her ass inside in a timely fashion.
And since then, there has been a barrage of texts from her wanting to chill, especially on the Thanksgiving Day Holiday this Thursday..yeah, not the turkey stuff from the US - they don't do that; instead, they're thankful for when the American troops came in and rescued the locals [and the students..can you guess which ones the troops really came for..??] back in 1982, giving them their independence. And then tonight, she texted me, wanting to come over after she hits up the library so we can chill..
..of course, all this time, I've made sure to throw in as much sexual framing as possible, including the whole "you're trying to seduce me/I'm the prize" frame, which have all been working remarkably well..
Well, it's already 9pm, HBLazyEye is sitting next to me, and I still have work to get done - can I pull her back and pull off getting my work done?? Tune in next time to find out this, and the rest of the weekend's escapades, which'll just have to wait for now ;-)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Still Got My Shit Together: Dancing, Picking Up, and More
Posted by
7:28 PM
Labels: ass, breasts, campus, Captain Jack, dance, El Topo, HBLazyEye, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, P.I.M.P. pad, pick up, pua, Venusian Arts, women
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