I saved as many of the text message interactions as my phone would let me [there were definitely more], mainly so I could post them up on here and have a record for later, knowing how to push these sexual frames through text as well as how easily these frames can be pushed and how willingly the girl will oblige..
They start off with shit like [in response to me telling her the generic "Hey it was cool chilling with you (whenever), we should definitely do it real soon" (note the "do it" also subconsciously being able to begin the sex-talk trigger, albeit very lightly/subtly]: "I know it was real real real good limin* with u 2 and i guess, and i know it would be sooner than u think."
*"limin" means hanging out/chilling
Then she texted me asking what I was up to on that Thansgiving Day, and I told her I wasn't too sure, and she tried to convince me to come out to the beach with her and her gf, and I told her I wasn't too keen on the idea, to which she says: "PLEASE SAY YES", and I tell her "we'll see, I'll let you know", and this apparently "made [her] night, blahblahblah"..
I, of course, didn't go to the beach.
The next day, I'd texted her asking what she's "up to, other than missing me, of course" [an automatic little bit I use], and she tells me she's at church and "dont pretend your not missing me too"..I responded with something about going to the gym, but it would be dark, and she'd be tempted to jump me and rape me, especially because it will be dark..and so it begins!
She replied back "just maybe i might not have to jump u cause i know u would submit without a fight", and I told her "See, you're trying to seduce me already!", and she said "that wont be a problem cause i can seduce u anytime, anywhere and anyhow cause u know its me"
I told her something like "Oh really? You seem pretty confident, although you do have a tight little body on you..See, there you go again, getting me all hot and bothered! Bad girl!", and she replied back "did u imagine what my body might be like then u would have 2 wait and see and u would tell me better.oh and about thu we r leavin 2 go on the beach 4 9:00 and i really hope u can make it and [friend's name] and i hope the history with u and the beach is a good one"
I replied back that it wasn't a good thing [not really true at all, but has to do a little bit with a DHV story El Topo worked with me on during my bootcamp this past summer - fuckin ridiculously awesome stuff!]. She texted me "u dont have 2 worry once am there and u dont have anything 2 fear cause as long as ur in my arms i will be sure u r comforted with my heart beat"..talk about awesome Comfort-building already! And so easily! I decided this would make it that much easier to go all the way the next time that we hang, so I texted her "Wow, that's really sweet of you, making me smile and feel better..you're awesome!", to which she replied back "that good cause i vowed to meke this painful situation go away"..need I say the C-word??
From here, I told her I was sure she could help take my mind off things, and she said "tell me what do u have in da unpredictable mind of urs and if i join u what would da do". She's already taking things up a notch, on her own, because of the little things I'd been throwing in from before [I didn't end up texting her back, but I should've..oh well]
Later, she texted me "am on my bed thinkin about how 2 really kiss a guy 2 d point where his arms r strongly wrap around my small body", and I told her something about that being her problem, "that you can't just 'learn' how to do it from reading in a book or hearing someone tell you or thinking about it, you just do it - do what's natural, and just do it, it will come to you naturally..there's a reason the lips have the most sensory nerves in the body, well except for the clitoris! ;-)" [of course, note the "just do it" again, and especially the emphasis on kissing, etc, being natural and her needing to just go with the natural feelings and let them dictate to her what to do, and then describing it "logically/medically" as a DHV of my intelligence as well as reinforcing the natural aspect, and of course talking about the clit..nice]
She texts me back "where d lips is concern MMmmm i long 4 a man with d lips of d promise land 2 take my body 2 a place of no return and my 2 sentative spot my clitoric MmmMmm da would be another topic 4 its self 4 now i just want 2 feel ur lips all over me and ur hands takin full control of me like a man in full demand - am not takin bout sex yet"
At this point, I thought to myself, fine - you'll talk about sex NOW, biaaaatch!! haa
I texted her back something about her "being able to talk real hot, but can you really back it up or are you just all talk..?", and she said "yeah i can talk even better with ur tongue in my mouth and ur hands pushin me on d wall and ur body 2 close 2 main da d heat itself have 2 find another way of escap i need u 2 touch me n.o.o.w"
Now we're getting places, huh? So I pushed it further, by egging her on with some shit and then again Qualifying her by questioning her sincerity..she goes "0ooh hrithik if i was not serious would i have even tell u how i want ur hands and lips 2 rule my body, mayb u might just hear d sounds of an achin body cryin out ur name (hrithik) take control of my achin body. And havin me achin when my body finally submit 2 ur demands - if i was not serious would i have express d way i want u 2 captivate my breath from me"
..so uh..sexual frames kind of work..you know..pretty well..and can lead to some serious sex talk..mostly from the girl's side, by the way! Society tells females that they shouldn't be sexual beings, and yet they are..so all you have to do is tap into the happy medium of letting them know that sex is normal and natural, but at the same time not making it seem as though you are after sex or that there's any "rules or regulations" to this kind of thing..
This last bit of interaction was going on pretty late, so I just texted her something about her being a naughty little freak and how she was getting me all hot and worked up and how I'd have to see if she's really up to the challenge. I wake up to: "since i made u hot dis mornin with my lovin talk tell me r u still hot 4 me now babes" [7:45am, by the way]
I don't respond all day.
Next day, she texts me [7:29am = early morning again = it's reaaaaally on!] "when can u make my body collapse in those mighty hands of urs i hope it can be fri - sat" [as if you really needed the time insight considering the message itself, right? But it's good to take note of little things like that, because not every girl will necessarily get so worked up that she'll blatantly bust out shit like this]
This, by the way, is now Thursday, the Thanksgiving Day; I needed to get my work done, plus, we're not about to fuck in front of her friends, so it's not helping my cause any. So I ignore her early-morning text and tell her later on in the afternoon that I wasn't going to be able to make it to beach with her and her girls but that we should definitely chill Friday later afternoon/evening..she replies back "hay hrithik man sorry i did not reply 2 ur request sooner but i was not close 2 my phone and i just reach home - and yes i would be delighted 2 spend d evening with u but i want 2 see u when its dark so i can have my way with u"..awesome - the underlying subcontext is still going strong in her, despite my not having said anything [other than possibly the suggestion to meet up in the late afternoon/early evening on a Friday..I wonder how much "Friday" and "early evening" affect this subcontext..?? I'm going to use this same phrasing in the future and see how it works out]
After this, I wanted to make sure I kept the sexual momentum going, so I texted her something about finding it "hard to believe that you talk so much, will you really be able to follow up on all this, or are you just one of those girls who talks real big..?", and she jumped right through the hoop with "oh really as u rightfully said last night i know ur hot and am going 2 b a woman about it and tell u-that u r hot and not only that i want u now hrithik and last but not lest i am 100% serious about my txt last night".
I kept up this qualification [maybe a bit too much for future reference??] with "Well, that's what you say..I guess we'll see tomorrow!" to ensure that she comes in with the mindframe of wanting to/needing to prove herself to me, and just how comfortable she is with her sexual side. She said "by now u should believe me and dont just wait 4 2morrow 2 c what am capable of i need ur reaction 2 b 100% demandin if i want it 2 turn out d way i want it"
She texts me later in the night with "if you were 2 have me now would u want me hrithik please tell me" .. and I left her hanging for a bit, further pulling the qualification, until finally I replied with "I would fuck the living SHIT out of you, right here, right now!!". I didn't hear from her the rest of the night and was a bit worried that I'd taken this too hardcore sexual [I remember thinking 'maybe she was thinking more romantic love-making sex..?'], but the next morning, Friday, she texts "there u go,now dat was not so hard tellin me u wud fuck d livin shit out of me if i was in ur presence and dat d true hrithik i pick up on d 1st day i met u,"
I have no idea was that last part meant, so I asked her, and she said "i was just goin over d txt u send me last night: because i like when a guy talk duty" - nice. At this point, I'm thinking 'It's retardedly on tonight!!'
She'd told me that she could meet me at 7:30, and I told her cool. 8:30 rolls around, and I text her, not even asking but rather telling her that I figured she was going to back out..and she texts back immediately, asking me where I am because she's on campus. I tell her I'm not going to campus since I'm already at my place. She texts back and tells me that she didn't know/think we were meeting at my place [and I'm thinking 'FUUUUUCK!! She is all talk! Bitch!' but decide to pursue it anyways since I'd already gotten myself thinking I was going to hit it that night]. I tell her that that's what the plan was, that's why I was already here doing work while waiting on her. She replies back that she thought we were meeting on campus and there's no way she's coming to my place, especially because she doesn't even know where I live, etc, etc - pure bullshit..so I called her on it: "..now u r makin xcuses - u walked w me 2 right outside my place..i though u were more mature than that.." [fuckin piiiiiiiiimp!! Talk about a total frame for her to either fit into if she doesn't come, or to "show" me by coming over to the P.I.M.P. pad..win-win situation]. She replies back with something about it not being like that and that she's not immature, etc, and..then..comes..over..! Hahaahaaa
This was really weird: once I got her into the P.I.M.P. pad, talk about mixed signals! On the 1 hand, she's telling me how she didn't plan to be at my place and that she had every text saved and nowhere did it say we were to meet at my place at 7:30 [I called her on the 7:30 thing, and then used that to be like "See, we can't believe anything you say! haha"] and that she doesn't even know my last name or what things I like [blah..blah..blah], BUT on the other hand, she's getting mad at me and giving me mad attitude because I'm not fucking her brains out already..what the fuck??
I call her on this shit a couple times, and then I can just feel the whole vibe crashing, so I tell her "Ok..let's do this - we'll start over..{I get up and reach out my hands for hers}..get up..we'll spin around {I spin 360 degrees, she's still facing 180 degrees..so I proceed to stare at her sweet ass and picture it bent over on my bed while I go to work on it..mm..} ok, then we turn back around {I fake a 180 degree turn since she'd obviously misunderstood earlier}" and then re-initiated the entire interaction, all the way from "heyy, what's up??"..
Shit got hot and heavy reaaaaaaaaaaaal fast, with her moaning and shit really loud and scratching the FUCK out of my arms and back..but then, we got interrupted [while I'm in my boxers and she's in some tight spandex-like black panties] by her homegirl calling her - apparently they'd planned to go back to their place together, and that time was now..bitch! So I totally made this out to be her fault [which it was] since she'd been so late, and then she had a hard time trying to get back ready again. I literally hopped off my bed and was dressed before she even had a chance to close her phone and be upset that she didn't get rammed by Hrithik's massive rod.
I made her feel guilty, especially since I could see that it was working, and she started to get dressed again and decided to try to seduce me, grabbing at my crotch, and I told her "There's nothing there..he's gone..I told you, he's under MY control..!", and this almost upset her [haa the whole indifferent to getting sex can really get to a girl].
I don't remember exactly how this next part happened, but I think my roommate knocked on my door, and he and I were talking for a little bit [again, indifferent to the fact that I didn't lay her], and when he left, I went up to her and started hugging her while talking about something, with an occasional kiss..on the forehead [totally non-sexual haa].
Then I walked her to my room door, and I was talking all sexy to her, and she just threw herself at me; I, of course, used classic Mystery lines about her needing to go and that we shouldn't do this because we can't get started and then have to stop again, plus her friend'll be waiting on her, etc..all the while escalating physically.
I went a step further and opened up my room door, and she looked a bit depressed, but I got her going with "Isn't this exciting..? My roommate could come out of his room right now, and he's see my hands rubbing your body..{as my fingers slide into her pants/panties}..my fingers inside your tight little pussy.."and at this point, she was getting all worked up and going nuts again, moaning and shit, and I told her that she couldn't be loud like that because my roommate and his gf would hear her..so she got quiet [rather than stopping me, of course!], and slowly I pulled her back into my room, closed/locked the door, and..fucked..her..senseless
Forget False Time Constrants, so much for TRUE time constraints! "Chicks before dicks" - whatever. I think the important things to note with this were the heavy sexual escalation, then the indifference to not getting our freak on, followed by the "verbal-no, physical-yes"/push-pull escalation, and of course, pushing the boundaries.
Afterwards, I walked her out to the bus stop near my place, and we waited for a bit, talking about random shit. She told me she's only had sex with 2 guys in her life, then how she's allergic to these 2 kinds of condoms, then abour totally unrelated shit..and finally, I told her that her luck was running out because I was getting bitten up my mosquitos and was going to go back in to my spot..and I did..left her standing there and actually busted her balls as I left [she said something about me thinking I'm so smart, and I said yeah I am actually and something to back it up..I crossed the street, and she says something back to me, and without hearing I tell her "See how long it took you to think of something to say in response to what I said..? :-D", turned back around and kept walking].
She wanted to meet up Saturday again, to continue, but I told her that I had shit to get done.
Saturday, she texts me "my neck is still hurtin from last night and d feel of those big hot hands on me makes me feel like ur here with me now", and I didn't respond to this all day [mainly because I didn't really know what to say haa].
She texted me tonight, asking me how my work went or whatever, and I said "Eh, I got a good amount of work done..although I was distracted every now and then, remembering the other night ;-) How about you, productive day at the library?" She replies back "i was really tryin 2 focuse 2night at d library but i 2 was rememberin d other night "dam it i cant get it out of my head" - how could anyone forget Hrithik?? Pssshh
So I told her "We should definitely continue sometime this week(end)!" and she replied back that she was all about it..then she invited me out for her b-day celebration in 2 weeks, but I made some excuse about that weekend being kind of busy, so I'd let her know, because 1) I don't want to waste a weekend of going out with a girl I'm already hitting, 2) why be seen in public with here in a place like this where every local person is all up in everyone else's business?, and 3) what if we end up going to the 1 main bar/club where I've got some shit going on with a couple of the bartender chicks there??
Good shit, Mystery and Company!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
LR: HBLazyEye
Posted by
11:30 PM
Labels: ass, body, bootcamp, campus, frames, HBLazyEye, lay, LMR, LR, Magic Bullets, Mystery, Mystery Method, pick up, pua, sex, sexual frames, text, text game, Venusian Arts
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