Saturday, August 30, 2008
I Love Vivica Fox
and she was, at least at the time of this interview, single - for me to snatch her up..
Friday, August 15, 2008
Campus Game
I have a quick minute, so I wanted to write a fast post on something I noticed while watching a few people interacting with each other in between class earlier today. And it deals with the two different categories that a guy can/does usually fall into when he's out and about, spitting game or whatever.
For example, there's a difference between the guy who jumps around acting drunk all night, and the guy who ends up between the sheets with the hot girl from the volleyball team.
Both types of guys start off their night seemingly the same..smiles, laughs, fun, a few drinks. But at some point in the night, the two split ways: the one type of guy gets laid; the other type of guy gets pizza and maybe some mozzarella sticks.
Now, I'm not hating on mozzarella sticks at all, I think they're amazing -but like anything else in life, they have their time and place.
So what's the difference between the two types of guys?
It's the ability to lead.
The guys that can lead can get people to follow. Those that cannot lead, simply can't.
So ask yourself this: can you lead a group of guys to a late night bar spot? Will they listen to you? Or will you simply "go with the flow"?
And more importantly - can you lead a girl to the bedroom? Or do you just hope for the best?
Leadership makes the difference, especially when it comes to campus-style game.
A girl sees you leading = attraction.
A girl notices you are leading your conversation with her = attraction.
You lead a girl to the bedroom = fun time.
So today's lesson, if you haven't figured it out yet?
In all situations, take it upon yourself to lead. To make things happen. Get the plans going. Lead conversations confidently. Get comfortable being this new you.
Lead, and the girls will follow.
Posted by
2:42 PM
Labels: advice, campus, campus game, day game, night game, seduction, social dynamics, women
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Temporary "Quick Fix" - Quick Advice to Boost Your Game TONIGHT
What Is The One Thing You Can Do NOW To Get The Girl?
Okay, there's all kinds of different things that are good advice in pickup. Some of the advice can seem opposite of each other in certain ways. And so if you try and boil it down and say "What's the one thing?"..
Obviously, I want you to do a bunch of different things, now that would get you some real results - I've got 5, 6, 10 different things I want you to do. But if I really had to boil it down to one thing, and I was stuck with only one piece of advice..then I guess I'd have to say: "Just be persistent".
Just keep trying, keep trying..because what guys usually do that fucks them up, is that they just sit around and stare, they sit there in the corner, they go get another drink, they just DON'T DO ANYTHING.
So at least if you're being persistent, you're actually up there doing something. The problem is if you just tell someone to be persistent, you're leaving out the active disinterest part, doing the push-aways, the negs. Because otherwise, if you don't tell someone to do that, they just keep being persistent, and it's too needy. They make the move, they say something, they try and get something, basically you're always pushing, pushing, at this point, the girl is getting one emotion, but she's not getting the disinterest emotion to then create that comfort for the next move or escalation.
The actual advice I would tell someone with only a second to try and get something going: Make a bunch of crazy moves on her, be fun and crazy .. BUT do a lot of active disinterest in between, do a lot of push-aways in between.
For example - I give her a hug, but push her away and say "get off me"..then make another crazy move, and roll off to say hi to a friend.
Basically what you're doing is this sort of hardcore push-pull, and that's one piece of advice that I know in my mind , even if your technique kind of sucks and you're not really that well-practiced, you're definitely going to get the best possible results right off the bat with that emotional push-pull.
So next time you're out, looking at a chick and trying to figure out what you can do right this second to try and get some attraction..the best thing you can [literally, tonight] is to make a lot of crazy, fun, bold moves, BUT throw in a lot of push-aways at the same time. Give her a hug, then push her away. Grab her hand, then throw it down. Go up to her and say something funny, then turn away and get a drink. Back and forth, back and forth. That's what's going to stimulate her emotions the most. That's what I think would get the highest percentage of great responses for the "temporary" fix.
Want more quick advice?
Talk to women. Seriously.
It seems simple, but as Mystery said on Conan O'Brien, "The number one thing you can do to meet women is ........ Get Out Of The House."
So please get yourselves out into those social situations, take a step out of your comfort boundary, and hit me up to let me know how it went!
Posted by
5:05 PM
Labels: advice, CharismaArts, Conan O'Brien, day game, game, gym game, Magic Bullets, Mystery, Mystery Method, night game, pick up, pua, seduction, social dynamics, women
The Truth about "Natural Game"
When you've been around pickup and dating science for some time, you'll have seen trends come and go, from creepy old guys telling you to point at your penis when you talk to hippy shamans guaranteeing that any woman can squirt, not to mention the guy who had legions of online fans based on his "new discoveries" until he was forced to admit that he was, in fact, a virgin. These things remind me of societal trends like 80's clothes and hair, oxygen water, or Dungeons and Dragons 3.0: they are all bad, and they will all ruin your game.
The latest of these fads: "natural game". According to this, you don't need any of the best word-for-word scripts, you don't need the step-by-step structure from Magic Bullets; you can just go out and be yourself and have fun and women will come to you. The problem here is that this is what most of us were trying to do before we discovered dating science, that it didn't work back then, and that it sure as heck won't help new people get better now.
When you have large, complex problems like "see that beautiful woman over there; get her into bed (or make her my girlfriend)", it's really helpful to break it down into specific tasks that come one after another. First you do X, until Y happens, and then you do Z. There are only 6 steps, and only a few combinations within each, but it has simplified the lives of thousands of men worldwide and it works. And "being yourself" doesn't help if you draw a mental blank or run out of things to say. Sure, it's easy to tell someone just to make conversation when he runs out of things to say, but when you're talking to a Playboy Playmate look-alike, and her friends are trying to drag her away, and she's looking at you expectantly to see if there's anything more to you than a well-delivered opening have to have stuff ready to go. And it has to be good. Why try to use stuff that didn't work in the past when there is proven material that has worked time and time again to guide you?
In general, any fad that promises an easy path without putting in the work sounds - and is - too good to be true. Does this mean being "natural" is bad or impossible? Of course not. If you see The Mystery Method bootcamp graduates out socially, they will look very relaxed and natural. But that's because they've done the work to get there.
Let me explain, with reference to an all-American metaphor: baseball.
A professional baseball player can step up to the plate, stare at the pitcher, and then, with perfection and apparent ease, hit the ball perfectly for a home run. Let's say you are brand new to the sport of baseball. Perhaps you have never even stepped up to bat before - but you really want to learn and you spend the money and get the opportunity to train with this professional baseball player. The first thing you ask him is "How do I hit a home run?", and he explains that the best way to hit a home run is not to think about it. You need to just feel when the timing is right to hit the ball. Your mind and soul should be on autopilot, you should be one with your true self and then hitting the home run will come naturally to you.
Is he lying to you? No. That is the way he hits a home run every time. But will that advice ever help you hit a home run? Not one darn bit. What has happened is this professional player has completely forgotten about all the years he has spent playing baseball. He forgot about the thousands of times he has been up to bat before. He forgot entirely about his learning process that has allowed him to become the natural baseball player who can effortlessly hit home runs.
It is no different with meeting and attracting women. If you haven't had all of the success you want, going out and "being natural" isn't going to help, no matter how many eBooks you read.
Natural game is simply how men act when they are ALREADY good with women.
You learn natural game by going out and practicing, as much as possible, for as long as possible. You practice with the best tools available to you. Natural game is learned by doing a thousand approaches and then going out and doing a thousand more. It comes from hard work, a good attitude, patterns of success, and a willingness to push through some failure. It comes from making good friends who will push you, attending bootcamps and seminars, and then going out and doing all of it all over again. If you do that I guarantee that you will have natural game.
People who all of a sudden "discover" natural game actually reveal more about their own dating science skills and development than they do about how to teach others. All it means is that they have gotten good enough with the basic structure and with routines that they are now able to take the training wheels off. They discover that now that they have internalized the right behaviors and intuitions from having worked with a structure and routines that they don't need to slavishly follow the model anymore and can improvise.
Well, of course.
When you see me out with friends, I'm improvising, taking advantage of possible shortcuts, and so on. That's because you reach a point where you're good enough to be able to "feel" the game and be "natural," like the baseball player in this analogy. But there's no way that you can get that good if you don't have and use the right resources out there. And whenever something goes wrong, you go straight back to the basics to troubleshoot.
There is a world of difference between being good with women and being able to teach others how to be good with women. Being able to pick up is necessary to being a good teacher, but it's not enough. That's why I've always been suspicious of guys who proclaim themselves to be gurus. If they were really gurus who could change other peoples' lives, there'd be armies of men using their system to great results.
The best way to learn natural game is to do the work necessary to get there. To make the most progress in the least amount of time, it is best to do the training and the exercises that teach you natural game. Those are following the program: scripted material, canned openers, and proven attraction routines. These are time-tested, proven methods that have transformed thousands of Average Frustrated Chumps [AFCs], into real-world pick up artists and the new "naturals."
Another error in the natural game theory, and it applies equally to our pro baseball player and to our pickup artist, is that natural game only happens when your mind and body are in state. What happens when you are nervous, tired, had a bad day at work, dog died or Marvel kills off Captain America? You aren't in the mood to be instantly clever and charming right off the top of your head. But you sure as hell can read a couple of scripts, and then go approach. Every single time.
The few guys I know who are teaching natural game got there only after doing years of field work. Natural game comes from doing the field work. And the best way to learn the field work is to follow the system. Once you have it, natural game is a lot more fun and a lot easier in my opinion; however, it is anything but natural.
Posted by
8:14 AM
Labels: A-Rod, AFC, Alex Rodriguez, Art of Approaching, bootcamp, game, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, natural game, pick up, Playboy, pua, routine, seduction, social dynamics, Tiffany Taylor, Yankees
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Example of a Comfort-Building Routine
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=The Fork In The Road Routine=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
"This exercise is built to help you solve a problem in your life. Ask yourself what current challenge is on your mind. What are you personally craving that you do not have? Once you have identified this thing, you are ready to begin..
Start with a very deep inhale and then exhale so that every last drop of breath is out of your lungs and you naturally take another deep breath in. Repeat this deep breathing four more times, and as you do feel your pulse slowing down and your muscles becoming more relaxed..
Imagine yourself walking down a road. You come to an intersection where the road splits into two possible paths.
Now recall specific memories from your past where you were held back from happiness because of your problem. Let yourself feel all the negativity it caused. As you access these memories, pay close attention to the areas of your body that were affected. Did any muscles tense back up? Has your breathing or pulse increased?
These physical changes are the manifestation of the negativity your problem brings. Picture all of that negativity flowing out of your body and onto the first path. As it all leaves your body, once again relax your muscles and slow your breath.
Now picture one possible future that would exist after your challenge has been overcome and your cravings have been met. Without your problem holding you back, you have gotten everything you desired. Imagine as vividly as possible what your life is like now. What does it look like? What sounds are in the air? Concentrate on what you hear, taste, and smell. Take all of these wonderful feelings, and assign them to the second path.
So far this exercise has only been about picturing things and imaging them, but you are going to actually solve this problem in real life. To help you do so, first you must create a roadblock to keep you from continuing down the first path..
For example, there may be something you in your life need to get rid of in order to keep yourself off that path. It could be an item that feeds your problem, or maybe even a person who is a bad influence. Do what you have to do to make sure you don't travel in that direction. This isn't something you should decide on later. You must set this roadblock up immediately before any further damage is done.
For the final and most important step, you must give yourself the perfect vehicle to travel down the second path. Overcoming this challenge is important, so why not have every advantage in the world? Are there some new people you can surround yourself with that could serve as this vehicle? Is there some item or tool that will serve your purposes? Don't put this off for one second. Take the first steps you need towards securing your vehicle right now. Keep in mind that those paths you pictured don't just exist in the imagination. By taking action with your roadblock and vehicle, your real-world future will be the one of the second path.."
That's the routine.
Now that you are at the end of the routine, you will want to calibrate. Usually because it was such a long and serious moment, you are going to want to end on a joke to break that tension. Put your hand out, and with a big smile on your face say, "That will be $20 please." Then have a quick laugh before moving onto the next conversational thread.
One possible such thread could be to talk about what her problem was, along with what roadblocks and vehicles she came up with. If she is willing to share all, it is a good sign that a lot of trust and comfort has been, and is being, built. Remember, however, that when she opens up, you should reciprocate and let her know the same type of information about yourself.
All of this will also help frame the interaction at this point with a lot of comfort, and it will help associate you with the good feelings and the overcoming-of-negativity stuff, further framing you as being a sort of powerful yet understanding confidant and protector of hers who is there for her when she is going through difficult times, which in turn will build more comfort, and even some attraction [remember, Protector of Loved Ones?].
Of course, this routine won't zap her with some sort of magical love spell, but if you end up doing the exercise, the joke, and the follow-up conversation..that will be quite the bonding experience.
Posted by
1:53 PM
Labels: comfort routine, frames, game, Magic Bullets, pick up, pua, routine, signs she likes you
"I'm your conscience.."
Posted by
12:52 AM
Labels: AMOG, Doug Williams, Emmitt Smith, fun, Jamie Foxx, Michael Irvin, Mo'nique Imes, Shaq, social dominance
Monday, August 11, 2008
More Bad News
Study break time, and I'm faced with more bad news, pertaining to the entertainment industry. First, it was comedian Bernie Mac only a few days ago, and now musician Isaac Hayes has passed on, just's been some crazy shit going on, man..
Here's an ode to "Black Moses", and here's one to Bernie Mac, one of The Original Kings of Comedy.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Labels: Bernie Mac, Black Moses, Isaac Hayes, medical school, test, The Original Kings of Comedy
Always Remember to Have FUN - It's the Ultimate Attraction Switch
A reminder from Sinn on the importance of fun:
Posted by
10:02 PM
Labels: attraction switch, bootcamp, Dallas, game, pick up, pua, seduction, Sinn, social dynamics, women, YouTube
Sinn on Attraction Frames
First, a quick intro on Frames, in general:
And now, the Attraction Frames:
Posted by
5:47 PM
Labels: attraction frames, bootcamp, Dallas, El Topo, frames, game, Magic Bullets, pick up, pua, seduction, Sinn, social dynamics, women, YouTube
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Is This How YOU Game?
I hope the answer is no
And, always beware the basic pitfalls of gaming..
Posted by
7:33 PM
Labels: "Real" Social Dynamics, cock-block, fun, Gay, no game, pick up, pua, RSD, seduction, social dynamics, Tyler Durden, women, YouTube
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Sports & Entertainment News
So Brett Favre is no longer a Green Bay Packer..I don't know about you, but somehow I don't think this jets situation is going to work out too well for Favre, in the end - some good reasons why, here.
And the sudden and shocking news [at least to me], is that Bernie Mac has passed away, at 50 years of age. His death was due to a complications from a bout with pneumonia, and this may have been exacerbated due to his sarcoidosis condition [basically, inflammation in the lungs that leads to tiny cell lumps in the organs] is truly a sad thing, and I know he will be missed dearly.
Interesting, though..this makes 2 famous celebrity comedians that passed away due to not-so-serious medical-related circumstances that are usually fixeable pretty easily..
Some long-delayed updates are on their way, too; in the meantime, enjoy the video!
Posted by
1:52 PM
Labels: Asian hottie, ass, Bernie Mac, breasts, Brett Favre, George Carlin, Jets, Packers, pneumonia, sarcoidosis, sports