Busy, busy, busy..I'll talk about that in a later post, though!
Here is something I found really interesting and helpful, from El Topo - it is something that I've been doing more and more of lately, without having fully realized it, and definitely without the game-plan analyzation that Topo has on it..he is the professional :-p
Check it out..
The Text Game
This is one long post so I am breaking it down in a few parts. I will get the rest of the posts up in the next few days.
Texting is something that about a year ago I realized the community didn’t have a lot of solid info on.
Now like all things, there is a lot of info on it, but not a lot of it I found was really useful.
There were some routines to get a response form someone, but none that built beyond that.
There are a lot of dynamics to text game, and I am known for the fairly aggressive style, but I practice a bunch of different forms and have friends who have a lot of different techniques on how to text as well. Hopefully this post will shed some light on that.
I will say that a lot of us actually game with text messaging as a pretty useful tool.
So it is a Tool of Game,
you can take a lot of short cuts with use of Text and IM, and then there are some other things that you can’t really make as effective in it. A good example would be, you can get very sexual with a girl over text in a fairly quickly, but you can’t really show too much of a human side with it either. You can’t penetrate deep 'comfort' emotions in text, you are mainly dealing with surface level emotions, hence the fantasy element.
Not the only way but a way to game.
What inspired this post was a few things.
The First was that someone texted a girl I had dated, “what’s up HOOKER!”. This text was kind of a joke that actually turned into many fruitful experiences, but the thing to point out about texting in such an offensive manner is not to belittle people, but to stimulate a response and have a then door to elicit sexuality.
The Second is that a few email blasts came into my email box saying that they had the Text Message Secrets. Now there is definitely good text material out there, but the series of texts they listed in this email (that was just released last week) was pathetic. I know the guys who wrote it, and they are super PUAs, but it once again opened my eyes to how some of the stuff put out there can be complete bullshit.
And the Third thing I would have to say is that I use text a lot, my friends use text a lot. We all do it a little different, but there is definitely a theoretical formula we follow.
So let’s begin here by saying Game is communication and orchestrating it to follow the direction that you want.
You are Socially Engineering interactions with people.
That includes it all, you can do this in a very Passive way that can be very influential, and you can do it in a Manipulative way. That is up to you. Game has been used and abused like a hooker’s pussy.
So the one thing to realize about any superficial communication is that is can fit a Fantasy World or can be given an Identity or Frame or Linked to a Subpersonality.
What I mean by superficial type of communication is communication that someone’s deeper emotions are not involved.
That includes Communication in any area of Attraction. And the more distanced it is from reality the better.
This way you bypass a lot of comfort and can get to seduction a lot faster than before. This is what Captain Jack did with frames, starting them early and then have him define an out come with less emotional investment. This is what I see when I read Brad P’s LRs (good product by the way), he would make his Attraction Game very Sexual, and made it fun allowing his targets to
So in person, face to face, that is the most ‘real’ you can get with someone. And it is harder to get them to accept a fantasy role in the early stages, or harder for them to accept a subpersonality role. However, the face to face meeting is what our over all goal, it is pretty hard to stick your dick in someone without this happening.
Over the phone, this is somewhat personal but much easier for someone to jump into a subpersonality or live out some extension of themselves. The main point here, is that because there is some detachment from interacting personally people will be more willing to step outside of their identity they convey when in public.
Over Email it can totally be done, but you have got to fish for it. You can’t immediately try and turn someone into a bleeding romantic, a sexually frustrated slut, or whatever your goal is. But you can get there pretty deep, pretty quick. In fact when I first started this was a big tool of mine. Very comfort based, and I still don’t know many people that have met someone for 10 mins and carried out an email conversation with them for a few weeks and then without talking over the phone was able to close them. This I did quite a bit last year consistently.
Over Chat or Text, what this post is about, is a really easy way to get someone to accept some passive role with you and very quickly build that momentum towards sex. The funny thing was that a lot of my friends in the community would not believe me when I would tell them about the texts that I would exchange with people. I would tell them about texts and they thought I was exaggerating. I thought this was a natural thing to do. It always made sense that you can be a totally freak over text. I thought people did it all the time.
Then I met Levo and Doc Holiday and a few other people in the community that were doing stuff that I was doing. They were also being sexually aggressive in their Texts!
Also one of the books (Social Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman) I have always talked about as having pages and pages full of information relevant towards game mentioned a study about Instant Messenger Game.If I wasn’t so lazy I would site the page it is on, but the general idea was that there were normal Teen/Young Adults that would have no leanings towards dysfunctional behavior, yet within minutes of Instant Messaging people they went sexual.
I just think that for guys like myself in the Community, we tend to over think how people can normally act. And escalation in Text can be normal. Now mix it with some strategy and you can make it one of your biggest weapons.
But was always doing this sort of thing naturally. I have always been some who could push things too far and recover so I did that in game and I did it in text too.
Although my PUA friends believed me in what I would text wanted to see proof. And they got it eventually.
I was with Sinn and Future in Chicago and we were finishing up workshop. I started a text exchange with a girl and the value in this was that it was one long exchange. It didn’t happen over days, weeks, months, it went from me having her number sending a text and in an hour or so, she was masturbating (or so she said) while texting me back and forth.
The post is called “the Sexualized Text” I think I put it up in July or August of Last Year.
At this point people would constantly ask me about text, and when I was out they would ask me advice.
I would give it to them and sometimes it would work and other times it wouldn’t.
In fact one thing that Shaft says is that whenever he uses my texts, he gets no response. But what he started to point out was that there was a method to what I was doing.
Also at the time, Sinn and Future with their Break Through Comfort program had started adding a text aspect to it.
They would get girls in a whirlwind of “Hot Cold Texts”. And when we were looking at the consistencies in what we were all doing we were going “Hot Cold”
Now in this I want to breakdown a few different ways to Text.
There is stuff, I do, Sinn does, Captain Jack does, Shaft does, and little things I have picked up from other folks (PUAs and naturals).
There is a lot here, and it really is up to the other guys to breakdown their methods, I am just offering what I notice from observing these guys and how I have been able to replicate it.
Before we get to any sort of “Hot Cold”, we need to establish how we initiate the text.
It is not really an opener, but it contains the same sort of traits as an opener. Your initial text is supposed to stimulate attention back. It is supposed to elicit a response. It is not supposed to gain too much traction, mainly because it really can’t at that point. Like an opener it is just there to open communication.
You also need to realize that one of the best ways to text is text like a girl would. Careful placement of emoticons and capitalization work out well.
So here is the old standard that you can never really go wrong with when initialing text…
“Do you speak text … (name) ☺”
If you want you can be kind of quirky or funny with them, may sound stupid, but they work. Some quirkier ones might be…
“I just totally ate (or any other verb) the craziest thing, and in a really weird way it made me think of YOU! :P”
“I am sending you this text before I forget and tomorrow’s hangover kicks in, TEXT ME BACK WOMAN!”
“Right now I am in the bathroom, wondering if there is ever a beneficial way to write someone’s number on the wall. But it was awesome meeting you last night. :p”
“This is (insert name), text me something cool… ;P "
So now you have opened her up and where do you go from there?
Well what are your goals?
Are you trying to build a relationship with her? Are you trying to lay her as quick as possible? Are you trying to keep her around as a possible fuck buddy?
One thing that I am a big fan of, is that I will treat all the girls I pursue as SNLs. I want to go for the Lay as quick as possible. This is because it cuts out the completely unnecessary comfort that was once thought necessary in the community.
So what I am trying to do in my initial interactions is this-
-I am trying to split her personality. I want text to be a fantasy world with her.
-I want to gain compliance in the rhythm of how I am texting. For instance if I send texts that elicit an emotionally heated response, then I want to be the one cooling it down and turning it sexual.
-I want to get sexual. This is easier than you would think in text. I generally bait for it and it comes to the surface.
-I want them to facilitate a role, weather it is texting me back or performing some task that they are designated to they need to be dong something for me under my definition of them.
- I need to get them in an exchange that they can’t get out of. They emotionally isolate themselves with me through text, thus my interactions with them are a secret.
“Hot Cold”
This is kind of the original consistency we came up with, but it makes sense.
It is pure Attraction Game, and text is really Attraction Game that can be built into so many different realms. to sleep with you.
What this is, is simple. You send a text that carries one nice thing, and one teasing thing. This can go in further extremes, to something totally endearing and another totally repulsive. Like, “Just thinking about you ;)… would you get OUT of my HEAD!”
Why ‘Hot Cold’ works is because it gets a response and you are leading it. If you gain compliance over changing a anyone’s emotions you gain compliance over them. Humans are not logical, drama is a good thing when trying to speed along an interaction with women.
That is how Bait hook Reel Release and Push Pull work and this is push pull at its best. Here are a few examples of initial texts using “Hot Cold” in terms of an Opening Text… they do get better.
As you will see below, I have played around with putting the push before the pull and vise versa. No need to put that much thought in it. I give both examples. I think the lead out with the coldness may work better, but the main thing is that cat-like dynamic we are trying to portray.
“WTF I can’t believe you’re actually going home! I guess the after party will have to be going one without you”
“I am totally thinking about that (some detail about your interaction, like an odd article about their clothing)…You really shouldn’t tempt me creative minds can be trouble.”
“So today I totally ran into your twin! LOL! Except she was a good girl ☺!”
“You’re too much here…so what are up to tomorrow? ;P”
Now what is important here is not the examples specifically, but the nature of the dialogue. The two things at once, the beginnings of Hot Cold. The quicker you can become that guy she texts in her own world rather than that guy she texts that she politely responds to, if at all the better.
Escalating Hot Cold
Now one of the traps of any sort of Hot Cold interaction can be fucked up pretty easily.
It still works like a charm, but it can work like a charm in the wrong directions. So if you are using it to escalate than you need to know what direction you are going in. How it can go wrong is that is can add too much comfort and lead people towards relationships, and using Hot Cold to shape a relationship can be really out of control, cause if you play it how I do than you’ll frame the women to be totally dramatic.
So we want our Hot cold to go sexual and not emotional. To do that we need to start identifying their reactions and roles as sexual, this works out really well in text.
Here is a breakdown-
“Ok so you really think that!? Such a BAD girl…”
So the Cold (negative) part is “Ok so you really think that?” then the Hot (positive) part is “Such a BAD girl…”
Here her compliment is fitting her identity to be a positive one, but positive in a deviant way.
Now Game is something that is not really ‘making’ people do what they don’t want to do. Game is making the right situations come out and leading which way they grow. So we are not saying right off the bat, ‘you are a bad girl’. We are putting a very attractive stereotype out there and seeing if she accepts it. 8 out of 10 times she will.
Remember, we are just trying to help that sort of side come out of her.
So here are some examples of Text Exchanges Escalating Hot Cold-
PUA- “So I was just thinking…WTF did I do last night? Did I randomly text someone I shouldn’t have (don’t you hate that)…you came to mind ;) ”
Target- “LOL! No you’re safe here. No drunk texts.”
(So this is a weak response, but still a response. You want to actually get them invested, but it is your first text so no worries)
PUA- “So either you’re saving me from embarrassment or telling the truth. I like a girl that can keep a secret!”
Target- “I always tell the truth! So now you have got me wondering”
(this is a better response, she addressed both comments but still not too invested)
PUA- “Don’t press too hard WOMAN! Today has been totally crazy, I might SNAP!”
Target- “What? Snap???”
PUA- “Crazy stuff with a client of mine. But now it’s your job to make me feel better! But don’t get and crazy ideas I might not be able to handle it! ;)”
Target- “HA! ☺ Just what did you have in mind? I think I could give you a lot that you can’t handle. LOL”
PUA- “Now you’re giving me making me think of all sorts of crazy thoughts… ease up bad girl”
So what is happening here is using a hot cold dynamic to progress on in the exchange. One of the things here is that I am moving more towards a fantasy dynamic with the target and moving it to bring out a sexual subpersonality for them to fulfill.
But notice how the parts where I am saying things like, “don’t press too hard WOMAN! Today has been totally crazy, I might SNAP!”
I capitalize things like WOMAN! To get a bit of a rise out of her, and then I seed her to take on a position where I can give her a role to fulfill.
The next text I send then says, “but now it’s your job to make me feel better!”
This is something we will get into later, but it is something that Sinn does to gain compliance in a role in text to efficiently begin framing them, saves a lot of time in person with them.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Phone Text: A Very Useful Tool of Game
Posted by
10:34 AM
Labels: advice, Brad P, Captain Jack, CharismaArts, day game, El Topo, frames, game, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, night game, phone game, pick up, pua, seduction, Sinn, social dynamics, text, text game, women
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Finals are done, med school is out for now, and I've eventually made it back from the Carribean to reach home..key word being "eventually".
I should be posting more regularly, and I've already got game- and non-game-related posts from my time away [more game-related, of course]. Including some things going on with HBAmazonian, HBBellyDancer, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBLazyEye, HBBartender, and a couple of new girls, too.
Posted by
10:39 PM
Labels: Caribbean, game, HBAmazonian, HBBartender, HBBellyDancer, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBLazyEye, HBNeedyLocal"GF", medical school, women
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Yet Another Look at Text Message Game
I saw this on El Topo's blog and just had to post it up - enjoy!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Some Text Messages
Here are some text messages that have worked well for me, so I wanted to share and pass them along for further use before I deleted them from my phone:
"Hey gurrl..u know somethin? U totally distracted me this weekend, bc u kept poppin up in my mind..u suck!" [gets some comfort in, but with a teasing tone at the end to diffuse out any awkwardness by just stating "I can't get you out of my head"]
"Lollll there's that hidden kinky side - n that's y u r so awesome!" [in response to something that I chose to "mis"understand as a sexual comment - frames it as her trying to seduce me, as well as rewarding her for it]
"Hey [nickname for HBBlondeBlackModel] i missed u @ the bus stop 2day :-p" [a little bit of comfort in the joke referencing the fact that we'd seen/met each other at the bus stop like 3 times within a span of days, and then we disappeared..it also creates an opportunity to later refer back to this with a much stronger comfort aspect, in terms of "everything happens for a reason, what are the odds that we met at blahblah, and then never again blahblah"]
"Yea - u don't wanna come off 2 strong n scare me away lol but it's ok, bc i believe xpressin urself is a good thing" [in response to her reply from above - lets her know that it is okay to tell me when she's thinking of me and other things like that]
"I don't know why, but i've been thinkin about you like throughout the day..you suck!" [notice the downplay of "text talk", to make the message seem more sincere and heartfelt]
"Thats a good idea, thanks! Man i love wen u take care of me!" [girlfriend-type frame of her taking care of me, and me appreciating that]
"Hmm u did not seem 2 b the type who would not respond 2 a txt from me" [sent to HBBBM after a couple of unanswered texts - it frames her as being a person who wants to interact with me, not someone who would blow me off, without it coming off as though I'm upset or accusing her of blowing me off..result: she called me immediately as she headed to work]
"I was thinkin about you, i'm not really sure why..so i figured i'd text you real quick during a study break. Hope you have a great day!" [straight comfort-building as well as keeping open lines of communication]
"Hey [nickname]! I'm glad i let u cum c me earlier - us chillin, even for a lil bit, totally helped me de-stress..you are awesome, lookin out for me like that!" [another girlfriend-type frame of her taking care of me, and me giving her positive feedback on that]
"Hey cute - i just got up a lil bit ago..tried 2 hit u back (it said ur # is unavailable)..its crazy, u were the 1st thing that popped in2 my head 2day.." [another comfort-builder]
"Cool idea i'll hit u up 2morrow n let u know wen im free" [positive feedback to HBKraaazyBody when she suggested she "should probably come over and see you this weekend, huh?" especially by taking it to mean that she is coming over and not just suggesting that we should, and it shows that I have things going on rather than just dropping everything to be able to see her]
"HB! :-) I hope u r still, u know..alive..n shit" [this I say and text to girls all the time, when I haven't seen them around or talked to them for a bit - their level of qualification to you will show how invested they are in you]
"Lol i got the food come cummin on, so we'll jus take a nap 2gether :-p Cum by in bout an hr" [creates physical ideas in her mind, of us laying in bed, bf-gf like, but also the things that can lead to, sexually]
"Hmm well u cud cum over n i fuck ur brains out" [sent to a couple of chicks after they asked how I was feeling: "tired, lazy, and horny..the usual..trying to do work, but it's hard.." - sex is normal, and I'm feeling sex-y, but at the same time since it is so blatant, there's no awkwardness because I could just be messing around with them: if they're not on the same page, they'll think "he can't be serious"]
"Tru tru, thats a really cool thing bout u - u r real w me n EMBRACE ur sexuality, n r not afraid 2 xpress ur body's wants n desires..that makes u so great, 2 me" [qualifying her on talking and acting the way she was as a really good quality and providing positive re-enforcement to continue to do so..resulted in the girl coming over, dropping her shit, and jumping me immediately - I barely even got her up to my room before my roommate saw her literally ripping my shirt to get it off]
"Makin pancakes..yes, @ 1am..made me think of u.. does that sound lame? U suck" [breakthrough comfort text, model/structure from Sinn & Future]
"Mann i had this test 2day, totally sucked..wen i was done w it, u popped in2 my head - n stayed 4 a good bit..does that sound lame? U suck" [real good responses from just about every girl I sent it to, especially HBKraaazyBody, who indirectly let me know what she thinks of me/us..she's pretty closed-up in her nature when it comes to showing signs of liking a guy vs. just being cool with him]
"Hey cutie! I was just thinkin bout u the other day - thats crazy! ;-) i'll def needa go that way by this wknd 4 sure, we shud hook up! U know, it's real good 2 hear from u.." [notice how it sounds like her idea to meet up, since she brought up the point of whether I'll be at the mall anytime soon, and also the positive feedback so that she'll want me "2 hear from" her more often]
"Good idea..u wanna cum n tuck me in?" [in response to HBKraaazyBody suggesting I sleep because I'm tired..that original text was already suggesting to her the whole bf-gf relation type of comfort through its wording, and then this text adds in the element of the physicality/sexuality to the comfort feelings]
Posted by
5:05 PM
Labels: day game, Future, game, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, pick up, pua, seduction, sex, sexual frames, Sinn, text, text game
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Women's Signs and Signals That She's Into You --> IOIs
So here's the post I promised earlier.
Why is it that we receive an obvious social signal from a person we are clearly attracted to, only to find ourselves walking away from a golden opportunity?
Part of it is conditioning, and part of it is fear.
Fear, a most devastating force, trains us over time not to trust ourselves. If we did, we would know the door was wide open, and would walk up and start a conversation.
For example, there you are, walking down the street, and you lock eyes with an attractive woman. You both hold this stare for as long as you possibly can. Then you pass her, and after a few paces, glance back only to find she has done just the same thing. Your heart skips a beat, and you wonder, "Should I talk to her?"
If you are like most people, you keep walking, regretting that you didn't take the obvious opportunity to go for it.
Think about how many similar opportunities you have had, and with a simple change in your thought pattern, what kind of difference in your life would that mean?
I bet it's pretty big.
You know, like the old "Carpe Diem" mindset which so many of us never live up to.
If a girl gives you eye contact, and holds it for just a bit longer than is the custom, it means exactly what it means when you do the same thing - she feels that jolt of attraction. She sees you, and feels her chemistry change in that moment, just like yours did.
It is the magic of attraction - when you see each other, and something in you says "Yes".
What usually happens is that we pass these open doors all the time. Sometimes it is not feasible to approach the girl. We might have a meeting, or might be running late to work. There are many viable reasons not to stop and talk.
I think most of us intuitively know what this magic moment means, and we simply don't trust ourselves to go for it.
Nike said it best - Just Do It. Or my variation on this - fuck it, just do it.
Another sure signal she is definitely into you is if she smiles at you.
Sounds obvious - and it is obvious. But, I bet you've also let that opportunity pass you by, too, haven't you?
She wouldn't smile at you if she wasn't attracted to something about you. One of my friends, a pretty good-looking guy, gets smiles from women all day long..yet he thinks they are "just being nice".
In actuality, this is an opening to begin a conversation. It is a signal that her first impression of you is a good one, and that she would be interested in meeting you.
Also, if a woman is in your vicinity, and she opens her body language to you by facing you, this also is a good sign that she is open to meeting you. Like my short example relating to HBAlienFace in the previous post.
Imagine you are in a group of people, carrying on a conversation. When you speak, she faces you with her body. But, when someone else speaks, she turns her head to hear them, but her body still faces you. This indicates that she is more interested in talking with you than with anyone else in the group.
In the case of HBAlienFace, again for the sake of example, her conversation and my conversation weren't even the same one; we were in two different groups. Yet this was still happening, in exactly this way.
Also, pay attention to your body language in social situations. Again, I brought this point up in the previous post, when I mentioned that I was getting similar reactions from girls passing by me while I was on the phone with my girlfriend outside the gym.
Another situation is when you see someone that you find attractive, don't you subtly open your body to them? What we are doing is signaling the other person, subconsciously, that we are interested in having a conversation with them.
These subtle cues occur within social settings constantly. If you can recognize them, you will begin to see that women are communicating with men via their behavior and body language all the time. These are signs that, initially, she feels some attraction for you. By noticing these, you will feel a greater amount of confidence when making your introductions later.
One last point on these initial signs: if you notice a woman, and she does not signal you in any of the above ways, it might simply mean that she is preoccupied or that she simply hasn't noticed you..YET. In any event, go ahead and make your approach, what do you have to lose? There are no hard and fast rules here; that would be way too easy, and therefore, unrealistic.
"Fuck it, just do it" anyway.
With some good conversational skills and a solid personal style, your first impression will be great anyway. Your chances are then very good for entering into a positive interaction with the woman you have approached.
By the way, here is a list of twenty-five common IOIs, ways that women signal initial interest to us:
1) Repeatedly glances at you from across the room
2) Walks by your location, going out of her way to be noticed by you
3) Smiles at you
4) Positions herself so that her body is open to you, wanting you to see her
5) In a tight environment [examples: by the bar or in line or on the subway] will subtly, and purposely, bump you to get your attention and prompt an "excuse me"
6) Stands close to you, subtly encroaching on your personal space
7) Repeats herself, and talks about boring things to keep the conversation going
8) Asks you personal questions
9) Ignores her friends or cellphone to keep talking with you
10) Touches you in any way while speaking with you
11) Compliments you
12) Talks about you in any way to other people
13) Introduces you to her friends
14) Flirts with you
15) She asks you your name early in the conversation
16) Brags about something in her life, trying to impress you - her attempt at a DHV
17) Laughs at things you say
18) Talks for a longer than normal amount of time
19) She fills in awkward pauses
20) She agrees to spend time alone with you, even a small side conversation at a party, bar, or other social setting
21) Asks if you are single
22) Fixes her hair, clothes, makeup, etc
23) Plays with her hair while talking with you
24) Agrees with everything you say
25) Has that "doggy dinner bowl" look: her eyes glaze over and her lower lip pouts [this one's a biggie!]
You don't have to witness all of these to know if she is into you or not; as few as one or two may be all you get.
But, that is plenty..trust me ;-)
Posted by
1:27 AM
Labels: advice, CharismaArts, day game, game, HBAlienFace, Magic Bullets, night game, signs she likes you, social dynamics, women