Thursday night, I practiced some more of the quick escalation, again on HBLazyEye. She had a test and wanted to come over afterwards, so I allowed her to. And stayed on my own schedule.
She got to the P.I.M.P. pad before I did, then I proceeded to drink my protein shake, take a shower, heat up my grilled cheese sandwich, and then eat it while I messed around on my laptop.
All the while, with her sitting around, waiting on me. Trying to pull me into conversation, which I'd respond to at time, and not at other times.
Then, when I was done eating, put my plate up, washed up, etc, I just jumped onto my bed and told her that I was really tired. But I had a lot of work to do, so she was going to have to keep me from falling asleep.
After a few different attempts on her part, both sexual-physical as well as trying-to-lift-me-up-physical, she just went hardcore sexual on me, kissing my face and my body, taking my clothes off, etc, and next thing you know, I'm wide awake..and so's the Hrithik-rod! ;-)
..although, after about an hour, it made her too sore to continue, so she just sucked me off, and I blew it all over her ass/back..not too bad, especially since I didn't put anything into it in terms of pursuing it.
Overall, I do seem to be becoming more comfortable just pushing things physical quicker, in this case with a girl I've already got in rotation, so that once I can show myself that it's okay, I should be able to do it with girls I'm gaming, too, in the future.
I also got another chance at interacting with this hottie from earlier on Thursday [HBBlondeBlackModel]: I was talking with a friend outside his dorm, and this girl walks by us, caramel-colored skin, tight body, very pretty face, and short, blond hair - interesting look, but she pulled it off quite well.
Well, she stared right at me, started to smile and say/said "Hi", but I'd already started turning back by the time this happened [I was a little thrown off at how attractive she was, especially because it seemed as though she just popped up out of nowhere - 1 second my boy and I are were talking, the next, she was a few feet away walking towards us].
She passed us, and I checked out her ass [amaaaazing!], then looked back at my friend, and he was doing the same! haha So I caught his eye and gave him this knowing look, like "Eh? Eh?? Niiice!"
The girl went a little past us, to the end of the sidewalk, looked around, then walked back..past us..and all the way back towards the bus stop. So I finished up with my friend, and as I saw the bus coming, I was thinking 'This is great, I'll end up on the bus with her and get her after all!'
..not quite..
The bus filled up, and I was literally the last one - and the only 1 who couldn't get on.
The next day, Friday, BY PURE CHANCE [or stroke of Divine Power ;-)], she was in line at the bank, and I made sure to get in some kind of "in", at least Social Proofing myself by making passing comments to people I knew in line. And standing in my own like at the ATM, I started up a conversation with the girl behind me, then the guy in front of me. And then, the girl 2 places behind me. I didn't know any of these people, by the way.
All this, in pure sight of HBBlondeBlackModel.
By the time I'd gotten my rent money, then picked up food, and finally was waiting on a bus, she came running towards the stop, hoping to catch it, too: a reversed-situation to Thursday, right?
Well, it turned out that that bus was already full, and she gave me an opening [which I missed, because I was being "too cool" - I really have got to get that out of my system, but it seems like a lot of the hotter girls down here can be either down-to-earth or very high-and-mighty snobs, so I'd rather snub them by not giving them the time of day rather than boost their confidence by hitting on them only to then get shot down by them or something].
Either way, I knew I couldn't miss this chance, so I noticed a girl standing with all of us waiting on the bus whom I know, and she just happened to be standing right next to HBBlondeBlackModel, so I went in, being all fun and cool, and started talking with the girl. Making big gestures, turning my body some so as to naturally draw HBBlondeBlackModel into the conversation, but not quiiite, so that she felt like she was in it, she could hear me perfectly, and see us, but wasn't quite in our group.
A bus finally came back to campus, and a few people, including HBBlondeBlackModel, crossed over to the opposite stop, to catch the bus on its way up so as to already be on there and not have to worry about it filling up at the top and running out of space for us down at the bottom. So I knew I had to follow.
Another girl I knew also crossed over, so I started talking to the both of them, nice and loud, of course, to ensure HBBlondeBlackModel could still hear me laughing and talking - having a great time with other people that are not her lol So, the 4 of us [we happened to go stand next to a guy I knew, too] stood there and talked, while HBBlondeBlackModel kept looking over from where she was standing at the front of the little line that had formed of people wanting to get on the bus.
As luck would have it [I shouldn't have left it to luck, but I figured worst case, I've at least shown myself to be some ultra-cool guy, so next time I see this girl, I'll have Social Proof and Pre-Selection as well as loads of Attraction on my side, to complement my looks and personality that I've got already], I ended up sitting right next to her. And my female friend with whom I'd initially started the conversation. So I talked with her for a few seconds, but I knew I definitely had to take advantage of this situation because too much good stuff was lining up together for me to miss this, so I turned to HBBlondeBlackModel while still talking to my friend and said something like "And it was a really good idea she [HBBBM] had [kino on her leg/arm..don't remember - just knew I had to get it going early to establish I'm a touchy-feely kind of guy so it's not weird later to escalate :-D] to catch the bus on its way up, too, huh?" and my friend agreed .. and HBBlondeBlackModel couldn't have been happier! She jumped right into the conversation with us at this point, explaining why she'd done that, etc, and then I was filling her in on a story that my 2 galfriends had told me about the bus driver, and she agreed that he was a real jerk-off, so then I told her and my friend "about this 1 time that..", practiced some of my story-telling as well as light kino, knowing I had to stick some personal information into HBBlondeBlackModel's mind so as to have something solid planted with her once we left.
A few people behind me had to get off, which sucked because I lost the best seat I could get, sitting directly next to HBBlondeBlackModel. But I got the seat right in front of her, and she tried to re-initiate the conversation with me, asking me about my rings [major IOI, since she not only complimented me but had to re-initiate the interaction, through a seat, on a full bus]..and I totally missed the sign in the moment. I gave her an answer and all, but it was kind of difficult to try to talk to her with the seat being between us. Plus, I think my initial joke-response may have thrown her off [I told her "I didn't get 'em from here!", to which she smiled and leaned back into her seat [IOD? for me dissin' on her country?], but I pulled her back in just long enough to be sure she didn't get that bad impression/misunderstanding, then I dropped it because it was going to be too awkward to talk through the seat with my body turned half-way around.
In retrospect, I could've let those people past me who needed to get off, then I could've gone back to the back row of the bus, and continued talking with her..or even told her to come sit back there with me, or [a little more complex and might be too strong/awkward of an IOI] I could've let enough people get back on so they'd fill the seats behind us, then I could've switched back to my original seat [but again, seemed too try-hard, because I did think of this one at the time..unfortunately, didn't think of the first option].
Either way, I should've stepped up and gotten her number or something, especially once the seat-issue came into play ["So, listen, it's a little awkward talking through the seat,, let me get your number"].
Oh, well, nothing to do about that now, I'll just have to get it done on the next HBBlondeBlackModel-sighting. The only thing I'm a little concerned about is that I've never seen her before, then happened to see her 2 days in a row, at about the same there's no guarantee that I'll see her again to close the deal.
There is a worst-case scenario solution, and that is that 1 of HBNeedyLocal"GF"'s close friends is this girl's cousin [that's how I came to know she's a model, etc, because that day I missed the bus but she got on, apparently HBNeedyLocal"GF" was on the bus, too, and I got info on this chick from her on the pretense that my friend who'd checked her out wanted to know what's up with her, and I'd told him I'd see what I could do]. Complicated, right? And that's why I don't want to use that option as my solution.
HBBlondeBlackModel is very pretty, and she seems real cool and nice, and her voice, it's got that kind of sexy hoarseness to, man! And as ridiculously gorgeous as HBBangs is [I think she's started to comb the bangs to the side, because I saw who I think was her Thursday night when I was at the gym, just before my physical escalation practice session with HBLazyEye], her body is normal, not too curvaceous..HBBlondeBlackModel, on the other hand, has nice breasts and a siiick ass!
And I found out from my librarian galfriend that HBLibrarian [who actually looks like she could be my librarian galfriends' older sister/cousin] has/had a boyfriend, not married, but also has 2 kids..which translates for me to mean we'll see how that works out, but I'm definitely not actively pursuing that - I'll let my librarian galfriend do the work on it and let me know what's up, hook it up for me, etc..if I've got the social circle, why not use it to my advantage when I can, right? ;-)
And HBJewelryStore, again, seemed to have thought I'd forgotten all about her, until I sent out a mass "Good Morning, 'Stranger'!" text to the girls I haven't talked to in a little while, and she even went and got credit on her phone to be able to talk to me, called me, texted me, etc..I need to make time to coordinate shit with this girl, because she's up on my shit still, so I need to keep things good with her!
HBPerfectTits also responded to the mass text, and she let me know that she's been sick lately, and has recently started to leave her phone at home more and more..good to know, but I still want to try to get with her a couple/few more times before I allow things to go cold with her altogether.
And HBBartender seems to be even more on my jock now, since I went to Banana's last weekend and had spent a good bit of time with her - she's called me when she's been working, again..but it leaves me in a position where before I see her again, I want/need to have a plan as to how I'm going to either 1) pull her from there [when she gets off or even still on the job], or 2) get her invested enough to come out of her way to come see me [on a Sunday, or after work during the week, etc]. I'm not going to just keep chasing her, spending bf-gf type of time with her at the club, only to not be getting anything out of it myself. It's got to be an even give-and-take, not just I give and she takes..I need me some HBBartender-lovin'!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Physical Escalation Practice, HBBlondeBlackModel, and Some HB Updates
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2:25 PM
Labels: ass, bj, breasts, CharismaArts, day game, H-rod, HBBangs, HBBartender, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBLazyEye, HBLibrarians, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, Juggler, Magic Bullets, P.I.M.P. pad, seduction, sex, text game
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