Earlier today [~a little before 1pm] I sent a text to HBBlondeBlackModel. Have her actively thinking about me, but also do it in a non-invested way [I am studying for mid-terms..plus, to her, I'm not just going to call her any/all the time - got to keep her on her toes, and I don't need her thinking she's "got me"].
h: "I was thinking about you, i'm not really sure why..so i figured i'd text you real quick during a study break. Hope you have a great day!"
Within 2 minutes..
HBBBM: "Have a good 1 too. :-)"
Having such a quick response = it's definitely very much on [credit: Sinn].
But of course, when you're looking for reasons to procrastinate, you don't just leave such a simple response as-is. So I proceeded to analyze the shit out of it - anything is more exciting than memorizing Immunology.
Here's what I came up with:
- She responded. Sometimes, people don't respond to texts where there's no response required, because it costs 16 cents [local currency] per page of message. Or they don't have any credit on their phone at the time [example: 1-to-2-day-late responses from HBGroceryStore on a regular basis, due to her lack of phone credit at times].
- Immediate response = she's very much into me [okay, so I didn't come up with that one, but I did think it immediately..and then realized why - because Sinn rocks]
- " :-) " .. she doesn't do smiley-faces. I know this, because she never uses them or responds to/with them - she just..doesn't..at all. It's just not her "way" of texting. And her texts are usually not very expressive..at all.
I like this text message and will probably use it in the future, too, because it tells her that:
- She is/was on my mind [meaning, I might like her, or something].
- The "i'm not really sure why" takes away any weirdness that may be associated with the fact that I'm thinking about her while at the same time goes into the emotional spectrum since emotions are not logical and thus there's no logical reason as to why I was thinking about you [I'm not weird, I just randomly thought about you - for some inexplicable reason]. Plus, it conveys that I have emotions, and I am in-tune enough with them to be aware of them, and man enough to admit all this to a woman.
- "So i figured i'd text you" conveys acting on those emotions = Attraction switch [especially with the "I'm a passionate guy, and I think everyone should be passionate" frame and "follow your heart" frame from the other day on the phone].
- "real quick during a study break" tells her that I am a busy guy, I do have shit to do, and [most likely] I lead an interesting life - it works almost like an indirect DHV. It also says that despite me being busy and leading an interesting life, I still thought about you, and I made time and put in effort to let you know, i.e. for you. And this leads to, in an indirect way, that therefore you are probably somewhat important to me, i.e. I like you.
- "Hope you have a great day!" sends across the super-positive vibe and full-of-life-and-energy image, which is an attractive quality. And it fits in pretty nicely with some of the frames from our talk the other day on the phone - great outlook, cool and fun personality, living in the moment, living life to the fullest, etc. And to a certain degree, especially in the context of the rest of the message, it says that I sincerely want you to have a great day, because I care about you. And bonus here is that if she does have a good/great day, she will associate that idea/feeling with me because I wanted that for her..which then loops back to reinforce that I genuinely must care about her, at least to some degree.
.. .. .. ..
Tonight, I ran to campus for "a minute" to get some really good shit for one of my mid-terms, and it was cool chillin with another group of my boyz who are in the term ahead of me, since I don't see them around - since I'm not on campus much and their schedule's are rouuuuugh..it'll be me in a few months :-/
Well, I was on the phone with my girlfriend right outside their dorm, and apparently HBMPHBrunette lives there. She came outside to get a smoke, and so I wandered off to order some food while I was wrapping up on the phone.
I got back, and she was still out there, and she was already looking at me as I came around the corner.
She apologized for "yapping away" about her life studying, etc, and disturbing me on the phone [I didn't say anything to give her this idea - maybe me walking off, but .. that's about it]. I took it as an excuse for her to talk to me [everything happens on purpose when dealing with social dynamics].
I told her it wasn't so much her talking as it was her smoking. She paused, trying to read me. Then she goes "oh, stop it..! haha", and I held onto my 'frame' or whatever [i.e. not backing down] and explained further that I was being straight up with her - it bothers my eyes, because they're sensitive.
She apologized haa the stronger frame absorbed the weaker one ;-)
So I rewarded her with coming in and complying by continuing our interaction, especially with a joke..something about if it happens again, and I'm studying, and my eyes are tired, and my contacts get irritated, I'll smack her - a "5 across the face" [Dave Chappelle!!] and then paused, turned back to her, and smiled before walking into the dorm.
She giggled and said something like "well maybe I like getting slapped" .. I made sure not to let this opportunity slip, and so I half-way turned back and said "Hmm..I'll have to keep that in mind, then!", winked with a "dirty" smile, and then walked back in. Easily introduced sexual themes in, whether she was purposely dropping that innuendo or not, I took it that way, and escalated on it, thus leaving her with that..I knew I had to get going, because my buddy would be waiting on me by now.
As I had already walked in, I could still hear her giggling [you know the kind: "my sexual fantasy's been discovered!" - she's now got some very solid images in her mind! haa], and she called out some "see you later!!" kind of good-bye, so I laughed and said "Alright!" .. and again, leave some doubt as to what I meant - "Alright..bye"? or "Alright, cool - I will see you, later on, to do..whatever it is your dirty mind is imagining right now!! ;-)"? Considering where her mind was already, and what I'd just said before that about keeping that smacking info in mind "for later", she'll now be thinking and hoping it was the second one.
{Notes: a lot of times, girls, especially attractive ones, actually have no game..whatsoever..like HBMPHBrunette. Slow on the come-backs, having weak conversation starters and topics, not knowing how to properly socialize with a guy of equal or higher value. They become AFCs.
This makes sense, too, because a lot of times, these more-attractive girls don't need to have game - they're used to being the choosers. Therefore, I need to be more aggressive and more direct, so as to let her know what's up, since she's having a very hard time trying to DHV herself to me so that I may IOI her for it. I've got to help her out with it and/or actively look for smaller DHVs for which to give IOIs.}
I went upstairs to grab those notes [and a book, as it turns out] and chilled with the guys for like an hour, discussing class shit but mostly non-academic shit.
I got out of there, picked up my food, and headed to the library..with a quick detour for water at the gym, and I'm glad - there was some chick up in there, holy shit!! She was doing dead-lifts, with skin-tight pants on, right by the water fountain..good thing I had my visor on! I don't like being a perv and staring at girls as they work out, but shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, couldn't have helped it in this type of situation, so at least she doesn't need to know :-)
I couldn't get a look at the face so as to catch her around next time, but whatever..a body like that, I'll know when I see it again!
Anyways, I made my photocopies [made a quick appearance with HBPerfectTits, who was working there by chance] and went to catch a bus. On my way there, I ran into HBLazyEye, so I grabbed her from behind and scared her, while her friend and I laughed as I kept walking. And this very conveniently happened in front of HBTheBrownBody, who was walking the opposite way. And she was watching me/us the whole time, so it threw in a random little Pre-Selected moment for me to her.
I got on the bus and plop down. And HBBeautyMark comes in to sit directly across from me.
As soon as she'd walked in, I knew she'd already seen me and was still looking at me, so I eyed her up and down [good to let her know that I do find her sexy and attractive, especially because many times a girl can't tell with me because they won't let themselves assume it due to low self-esteem and/or my super-high value] and did a wolf-whistle haa Shit, she earned it, she looked fucking amazing!
She came at first to sit next to me, but I was taking up both seats [I was sitting in the middle and had the book, my copies, and the food], so she sat in the seat across the aisle. I went into a little too courteous [read: AFC] mode for a split-second, moving my stuff so she could sit next to me. But she didn't notice, and I made it like I was rearranging my stuff and getting more comfortable.
She tried a few different times to [re]initiate the conversation, each time it died off. Once I realized what she was doing [IOI after IOI], I made sure to not let it die off again: just keep it engaged, don't let any pause or lull in the conversation happen; in other words, lead the interaction - that's how it should be, regardless.
She herself mentioned the fact that I didn't want anyone to sit next to me, etc, a couple of times - I got the hint, but made her admit to the fact that she wanted to sit next to me before I did anything about it. "Ohhh..do youuu want to sit here..? :-)", and she smiled and gave me this look [didn't actually say yes], so I framed her reaction and took her smile-and-look to mean yes and replied "Ahh, I see..well, in that case, come on over!"
There was also a bit in there about us being married, and so I don't have to divorce her..yet..as long as she keeps making sure to do .. whatever it was I wanted her to do. I think it was "taking care of me" or something. Thus, I created the frame for her: I complimented her on what she was doing [i.e. making sure no one tries to sit in my extra seat] as what I wanted her to do for me [i.e. looking out for me, taking care of me -> thus, it's understood that she must care about me in order to want to take care of me, and since she's already taking care of me..you get the idea].
And then I took it even further, telling her that's the reason that we got married, because she's always looking out for me and caring for me. So she'd better keep on doing that, because the moment she stops .. we're through. She'll get the divorce papers in the mail. At first, I didn't know if it'd stuck, or if she was resisting the frame, so I kept going with it, about how she'd better not even think of trying to take half my stuff, because it's not going to happen like that.
She told me no, it wasn't going to happen [at this point, I'm thinking 'Oh great, she's resisting and being to "serious" about all this'], because she wouldn't sign the divorce papers.
As it turned out, she was just having trouble with what to say to work herself into the frame haa
So we went with that for a minute, and then someone got onto the bus, who apparently knew her, and so that girl started talking to my HB. So, I turned my body away from her. I know she was trying not to blow me off [she scooted in closer to me, pressed her hips and ass right up against me from the side, and kept looking over at me], but as far as I was concerned, whether she was trying to or not..she was still doing it. So she will be punished for it. Which was a good decision in retrospect, because someone called her a few seconds later, and my stop was coming up, anyway.
When my stop came up, it was kind of weird - she got off the bus with me [still on the phone], instead of just moving down the aisle towards the back to let me pass her. Despite her still being on the phone, I thought of using the opportunity to get her up to my place, even for a minute - at least get her used to the inside of it so as to knock off any "new place" feel for later on. But I remembered that she'd gotten onto the bus with a friend, and they were both going together to this post-exam cruise. So she's not going to randomly ditch her girlfriend, especially because it was only the 2 of them, to come chill with me, especially since they were on their way to that cruise party.
{Notes: similar to HBMPHBrunette, HBBeautyMark has no game. And she doesn't need any - she's gorgeous, and has a pretty tight body. There was a security guard getting off the bus before it left, and he knows her [her mom's a security guard at school], so he greeted her, reached out and grabbed her hand and held it somewhat intimately for a few seconds, then got off - this is a very common thing guys down here do. So, what girl needs game when it's so easy for her??
On the flip-side, it is a unique IOI that I need to be aware of, when girls linger the hand-holding or reach for my hand, because that's an IOI that I'm not really used to..hard to describe what it is, because it's not a typical holding-hands.
Also, because of the lack of her game like HBMPHBrunette, I must lead the interactions. As I should always do, anyway. But I need to lead it down a specific path, to let her know I'm interested or I like her, etc, and to escalate with her, both physically but especially verbally. I feel that she is not used to either 1) feeling this way [i.e. tables turned or simply being soo attracted to a guy], or 2) she feels awkward or worries about looking foolish in front of me, so she'd rather end the interaction quickly [or it dies away on its own and thus reinforces her awkward feeling] rather than allow her value [in my eyes, her eyes, and the eyes of others] to drop - again, she perceives it is dropping.
I know what she's feeling, because I definitely used to [sometimes still do??] go through that type of thing myself, i.e. get out while I'm still doing "okay" and before I mess things up - save face rather than risk failure/rejection, and I'd actually lose girls that were very much into me.}
I got a nice going-away Social Proof hit, for her and everyone else on the bus: the driver was one of my boyz, so he'd given me a laugh and a thumbs-up when I'd pushed the button for my stop [meaning, he was already dropping me off there without me having to push the stop button and that he knows it was me who pushed it - must be those eyes in the back of his head]. And as I crossed the street, he yelled out again to take it easy, laughed, and honked his horn at me [it's crazy, people are very honk-happy down here, like New York..except as a greeting lol].
Because I'm a baller.
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