Well, after my interaction with her last Friday, I was hoping that I'd run into her, early this week [things are going to get reaaaally crazy for me the next couple of days, and then mid-terms are coming up soon, too].
Hrithik wants it, so it shall be.
As I walked towards the bottom bus stop from picking up my food, I saw her blond head walking to the same place..and my mouth went dry. Great. And to make matters worse, I was exhausted - I've had a combined 5 hours of sleep, maybe, in the last 2 nights. And it's not like I was getting my hours in before that, either.
But I told myself that this was what I'd wanted, to run into her again, and here she was. So don't be a bitch now. And get her number, no matter what.
I went around behind the stop to throw out a gum wrapper to allow me to give some "in my own world" vibe, to help me assess the setup, and to figure out how I was going to approach her. I knew she was waiting for me.
I decided that I was just going to look over and take it from there. Fortunately, I got a shot of Social Proof thrown at me, because 1 of my galfriends was standing with a friend of hers, waiting on a bus, too. And she called out to me.
I used this opportunity to walk towards my friend, and then "happen" to spot HBBlondeBlackModel. It worked great, because it showed her some social proof/Pre-Selection, thus re-generating any and all the Attraction I'd need in order to re-initiate our interaction from where we left off, on the Emotional Progression Model.
She was smiling at me even before I acknowledged I'd recognized her - good sign. I kind of jerked my head slightly to exaggerate my noticing of her, then I smiled, and her smile broadened even more. [1-2 IOIs, depending on how you count this: 1 big one, or back-and-forth giving 2]
I greeted her with a simple "hey", and she excitedly responded, so I put up my hand and said "what's up?", and she gave me a hi-5 back, and interlocked her fingers in mine - I did not initiate this, because just today I realized that I'd started doing this almost automatically, to all girls, and I wanted to keep it for girls I'm gaming as a simple test. And it worked, really well, since she did it all by herself. And didn't let go, until I did..I need to remember that girls have different comfort levels with kino as well as different expressions of their attraction - some girls will stay in close physical contact while others won't, despite the fact that they have equal amounts of attraction for me. It is my job to actively look for who falls into which category, so that I can calibrate accordingly rather than giving off the wrong signals. [1-2 IOIs, if her excited greeting is counted]
I don't even remember what we fluffed about, but it was just random stuff. She asked me how it's going, and I answered. Then she asked if I'm headed out, and I almost gave her a cocky and funny response but it might've come off a bit too harsh ["Uh, yea .. why do you think I'm at the bus stop?"], so I responded normally. Then I realized that she's asking questions [IOIs], so I asked her what she was up to/where she was headed, and she said the grocery store. So I told her "That's great, you can pick me up some stuff", and she laughed, then she said "You should go to the store and get me stuff!", and I told her "Whoa, whoa..you're moving a bit too fast there..slow down" [now I realize that I shouldn't have said that specifically, since it could have underlying meaning that if/when we get together, then I'll do stuff like this..but it seems really insignificant to trigger something like that, and for it to become so solidified from this random 1-time statement that she's probably already forgotten the context of]. She responded that I was moving too fast first..she's not the most creative one in the bunch, huh?
I took it back to the grocery store thing, so that I could open up an opportunity to #-close her [that was my goal, after all - I've always got to remember to have a desired outcome in mind, and then to pursue that as best as I can]. So I told her that I really did need stuff from the store, so that if anything, I might even be able to make an insta-date out of it, although it might've seemed a little too try-hard, seeing as how I'd already told her I was going back to the P.I.M.P. pad.
I told her the most important thing I needed was milk, so she needs to check for me to see if they've got any, the bottle kind, etc. She asked which type whole or whatever [I didn't realize this then, but I see now that this shows me that she's completely invested/attracted, because she didn't resist at all to do this for me, i.e. jump through my hoop, and after only having talked on the bus last week and a couple of minutes thus far, she was more than willing to comply fully to this half-joking demand of mine], and when I told her, she laughed and said, "Okay, so then what? How do I tell you, do I call you..??" - I love this girl! She's doing everything for me..or am I just baaaaaaaaaallin' it that hard? ;-)
And..then the bus comes by..
It's mostly full, but I know there's enough room for us to fit on there. Now came the true test as to whether I was running my shit tight - does she bounce to the store to go about her day, or does she stay with me [a major IOI for her to put her life on hold to chill with me]?
She stayed.
She'd pulled her phone out, and in fact, it was me who budged more than she did towards the bus; in fact, she went more so because I was walking to it rather than for her own self.
Well, I saw HBNeedyLocal"GF" [just in time, too!], sitting right there, in the window, watching me from the corner of her eye to see if I'd spotted her. So I didn't show it [because I remembered that 1 of her good friends and this girl HBBlondeBlackModel are cousins], but I definitely turned my body away from HBBlondeBlackModel and took a couple steps away from her, too, especially because she'd pulled out her phone to get my number - and I didn't need HBNeedyLocal"GF" seeing this, obviously.
Since I was already moving in this direction, I decided to take another few steps and chill with my galfriend who'd given me the social proof/pre-selection in front of the HBBlondeBlackModel. She and I ended up chit-chatting, and I made sure to keep the conversation going, at first to stall long enough for the bus to move away so HBNeedyLocal"GF" was out of sight, but then later to show non-neediness towards HBBlondeBlackModel [who'd followed me over, phone-in-hand].
After about a minute of waiting, she decided to hop on top of the table and sit there, so I knew she was waiting on me, but also listening, because she was sitting in an almost-triangle shape with me and my friend, and facing me [I didn't pick up on the AI body language at the time]..plus she laughed a couple times when I said something funny.
So I used this opportunity to DHV myself by throwing in quick Protector of Loved Ones signals, specifically that my friend and I have a history because I asked her if {her boyfriend's name here} was still visiting or if he'd left already, and that 1 of "our things" is me hooking her up with Snicker's bars, and I offered her some more, to which she replied [perfectly!] that she definitely needed some, because they're perfect food snacks for her and she's been running low on food lately. I told her she could swing by my place sometime to get them, or I can bring them to school with me sometime, because I've got this huge box. Then she [even more perfectly] threw in the fact that "..or you could bring them to the gym sometime..well, any time, because you're always there!", reinforcing the fact that I'm swollll, just in case HBBlondeBlackModel didn't notice ;-)
After I'd done enough of this, I decided it was time to get back to my girl, especially before another bus might come by. And just as I started to, my phone rang - grrreat.
It turned out [eventually] to be this other girl I had just recently #-closed, another hot girl with a tight body [HBBeautyMark for this beauty mark she has right near her lips], whom I'd only seen around literally a couple of times last term, and she was a friend of HBShorty's, so I couldn't really do anything about it at the time, anyway. Well, we had a string of days where we ran into each other, so I made sure that I'd #-close her next chance I got, and I did.
[There was a really cool frame I'd setup for her, too, and that was that I see people around, or they see me around, and they're intimidated to talk to me and won't say what's up to me. It was funny, because we ran a "social experiment", where she and I stood right outside the library and stared at everyone who came our way, and not a single one of them greeted me..and I even knew a couple of them. 1 guy came up, and as he approached, she told me she knew him from class, so let's see if he says anything to her. And I told her, he also should know me, because he's a student-worker at the gym and has definitely closed up with me being the last person working out, talked once or twice, etc. He greeted her, said something, and didn't even look over at me, despite the fact that she was on my right side and he was passing on my left. It worked great, because it reinforced the frame as well as the validity behind it, and she has always made sure that when she sees me to come say hi to me..or in this case, to call me]
Problem was, her number in the call showed up as a blocked number, so she had a little fun with me, messing with me about how she's watching me, and describing what's going on, what I'm wearing, etc. So, I decided to have some fun with it, for both "whoever this was" as well as HBBlondeBlackModel. Plus, it shows that I'm not [over]reactive, especially about "little" things like this, because it happens enough that it is a little thing for me. It was cool, the girl and I got a good laugh out of it, and it was some more hardcore pre-selection..I'm staring to worry about how I'm going to follow up all this super-social proofed/pre-selected image like this?? [The good thing for now, is that it turns out HBBlondeBlackModel does not go to school here]
After a couple of minutes with HBBeautyMark, I turned back to HBBlondeBlackModel and was like "Hey, where were we..? Oh yea [glance down at her phone], sorry, that was a little rude of me!" [thus further solidifying, I think/hope!, that I forget all others when dealing with one of my "close/loved ones"].
Well, she still had her phone in hand, ready to enter my number, and I had had my phone in my hand, so I typed in the first few digits, then just gave it to her..paused..then said, "I think you know how to push the buttons, right? haa" She laughed and put her number in. And just as she finished [I actually she hadn't], I got a text message..she couldn't see the name because my "memory is low", but it was from HBNeedyLocal"GF". Either way, it still just added to the "Hrithik is the most popular guy in the world!" aura.
So I got my phone back, and sat down - I had to consciously think/remind myself to do it, which was especially important in this setup since she was already sitting, and I was standing there facing her head-on [therefore, remember: lock my ass in].
Another point I remembered, too - kino! Make yourself out to be a touchy-feely guy, so that it's not awkward or weird for either of us to escalate later.
Then she told me to call her, and indirectly told me her name [because "it's HBBlondeBlackModel in your phone"]. I called, and then she asked me my name. So I told her to guess [jump through my hoop before I jump through yours, so you get your goal - but on my terms]. She laughed and started throwing stereotypes at me, like it's probably the longest name ever, and it's probably going to have all kinds of J's and P's and A's in it, etc.
I used this opportunity to reinforce my social proof - I got up, went around to the other side of the bench where my friend and her girlfriend were sitting [with some guy who also knows them, I guess], directly got into the middle of their "conversation" in a dominant way and straight-up threw HBBlondeBlackModel's stereotypes at my friend, asking her if my name has these qualities. And she simply shook her head 'no'. Then I walked back around to where I was sitting before, sat down, and looked up at the HB. The look on her face was "Oh my god - you're so awesome!" loll
So I made her guess for a bit: with each wrong one, I gave her another letter until she got it. After a couple guesses, I told her "Ok, that's it - you're definitely not in charge of naming our kids! You suck at names", and she laughed and looked at me like 'Wait..what just happened?', but there was nothing negative about her look, her tone, her body language, etc, it was just something totally unexpected and caught her off guard, but in a good way. And just as she got the last letter of my name from me, one of my friends happened to walk by and said "Hey Hrithik..!", and I greeted him, then turned back to HB and said "See, he just pronounced it for you, too haa"
Then she started asking more questions, which was interesting because I caught the 1st part of the double-significance even then: 1) every time the conversation would stall, she'd pipe up with some question or other - very much like guys do when they're sweating some hottie!, and 2) she was screening me!! This 2nd one I didn't realize until after I got back to my place - one of Sinn's [or maybe Captain Jack's..? Probably both! lol] posts on his blog popped up randomly in my mind about how girls screen guys for certain things, one of them being the category or label they are trying to put them in. Come to think of it, perhaps my joking comment about naming our kids got the idea in her mind..
Fortunately for me, the main question that was really addressing this, with her trying to see if I'm worth getting "bf" ideas about, was how much longer I had left here at school. And I did say fortunately, because I've had that question asked of my by both HBJewelryStore and HBBartender in the past, and based on their reactions, I was able to answer "correctly", and knowing this, I knew what to say off the top of my head - basically, make it seem like I'm here "for like, everrr" before I'm done. Because, since I'm not from here, they know I have to eventually leave, and if that's happening some time soon, they will blow me out - or at least, try to. So why make things harder for myself, especially since it is true, I am still here for another 1.5 years or so. But that may not seem too long to them, to 'build a foundation with someone so that when I eventually leave our bond is strong enough to last'.
So once I realize she's already thinking about me like that, I ease up a bit on the "analyzing and thinking" aspect and get to know her better. So me and HB really get to talking, and she's actually really cool. Like, really cool.
But then again, I am a hopeless romantic who wears his infatuational feelings [not my heart] just above my sleeves, somewhere along my forearms.
Anyways, turns out she's working on going to school in Miami. Culinary school. So I said "Hmm, guess I don't need to ask you if you cook, then..", and she got a big laugh out of that. And I remembered that she had that sexy faintly-hoarse voice - oo, la la!
Somewhere along the way, I realized that she'd taken her sunglasses off. I thought back while we chit-chatted, and I guess she'd taken them off when we were exchanging numbers. The reason I was really trying to remember is that removal of sunglasses is a pretty strong IOI, especially when you're outside, in the Caribbean - and since a number of people wear them, noticing when they take them off is a good thing for me to work on.
A few more minutes of us talking go by, and a bus heads to the top. And then another, which the 2 of us run out to catch. And I watch to see if she's going to scoot over - she did sit in a 2-seat spot, whereas the last time we were on a bus together [before we'd ever talked], she'd sat in a 1-seat spot. But, out of habit, I started to avoid sitting right next to someone when I had a choice. But then I forced myself to just sit down next to her ['It's not going to be weird, trust me - she really likes you, she wants you to sit next to her..in fact, if you don't sit next to her, THAT will be weird!']. So I make a joke about it as I plopped down next to her, telling her that she's going to have to keep on scooting to make room and then I put my backpack between us for a second or 2.
And then she got even cooler!
We got up to the top, and as we were waiting for people to get on, I got some more social proof/pre-selection, because this gorgeous Trinidadian girl gets on and says "Hi, Hrithik!" all bubbly and shit. So that was a nice little Jealousy Plotline thrown in by chance. And I pointed out some chick who is always decked out in really nice clothes, and all of a sudden, HB was dropping some deep-ass comments on me.
At first, I just played it off, picking on her and joking. But there was a string of them, and I was just getting..well, impressed! So I gave her a hug and told her "See, this is why we'd never get along - we're too similar!" and went on about how I think these same types of things, but the difference is that I just keep them to myself, blahblahblah.
A couple of conversational stalls, and she always re-initiated. I also threw in some hints about things to talk about for later, like when she was acting like a "mom", I called her on it and told her "You're acting way too much like my mom, I'm going to have switch seats..but it's not bad yet, because you don't have the accent.." and I did an impression of my mom, and she was all into it, asking if that's how my mom really talks, where I'm from from, etc - all of which I ignored, because I know I can use them later, for some really solid Comfort-building as well as when we're not in a time-crunch situation.
We chit-chatted like this all the way until we were coming up on my stop, and I threw in some comment right at the end. And then told her not to forget the milk - reminding her of her duty as well as ensuring that we will talk again really soon.
We texted back and forth for a bit, although I can't read if she's not much of a texter or "all of a sudden, she's lost interest" - I know the 2nd is not true, but I can't help the thought from entering my mind.
I asked her what her work schedule is like, too: 6 days a week, 3pm-11pm..are you kidding me?? This is retarded. So I figure I'm going to have to put in at least some time through the phone with her. I started it off by texting her just now, "hoping she enjoys her afternoon/evening at work".
Right now, I'm trying to decide whether I should call her a little after she gets off, or if that might be a bit much, since I just got her number and have texted with her on 2 different occasions already today.
And I feel wide-awake..although my body would be quick to disagree.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Posted by
1:13 PM
Labels: Captain Jack, day game, frames, HBBartender, HBBeautyMark, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBJewelryStore, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBShorty, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, P.I.M.P. pad, Sinn, social circle, text, text game
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