I decided to hit up HBBlondeBlackModel mid-morning [10-10:30am], since it's been a few days since we've talked. And because the conversation had been really good, the more time in between would just make her more anxious to talk to me again.
I called her, having a little bit of a conversational plan to follow in my mind.
HBBBM: "Heyyy!!" {background volume turns down}
h: "What up .. chica?"
HBBBM: "hahahaha I'm good"
h: "Cool, what's going on", etc
HBBBM: blahblahblah
h: "Oh man, the craziest thing..it was crazy last night {pause pause pause} the electricity went out, right in the middle of me studying..!!"
HBBBM: "blahblahblah!!"
h: etc etc
HBBBM: "so what are you up to now..?"
h: "Just finished eating, and I realized .. I need to go the grocery store tomorrow morning .. to get some food - I'm running low, and there's no way I'm going to go next week, in the middle of exams" [planting the seed]
HBBBM: "Oh yeah blahblahblah" {movie in the background is completely off now}
h: {change topics}
HBBBM: blahblah
.. .. ..
(Basic outline/highlights:
h: throwing frames left and right - passion, follow emotions, everything happens for a reason, live in the moment, don't over-think and analyze out every move in life, life is too short, only get one chance
HBBBM: agrees with everything, adds/repeats my points
Details below)
.. .. ..
HBBBM:"You're really entertaining, and stuff..you know, you are like TV..in person..and on the phone, you're like the radio! hahaha"
h: "Oh..well, thank you! Being fun and energetic and exciting - I'll take it as a compliment!" [purposely interpreted/reframed as a compliment, whether it was or not - especially away from any "dancing monkey" type of label]
HBBBM: "hahaha yea..are you just doing it to make yourself feel better..?"
h: "Um..oookay..that's a .. weird .. thing to say.. {pause pause pause}" [heavy silence as strong IOD and to add awkwardness to her as punishment so she does not try to frame me in that way]
HBBBM: "{nervous laugh} No but you know, I find that people who are like that, always making jokes and being fun and funny, they're doing it to make themselves feel happier, because they are in fact sad and stuff" [qualifying her qualification/framing]
h: {decide to reward her for self-qualification/jumping through my hoop} "Wow, I don't know what to say..that's kind of..crazy..that you say that..like, I'm actually kind of impressed, because that is kind of the case.."
HBBBM: "Really??"
h: "Yeah, except I'm not doing it to make myself feel better or get others happy or whatever..again, at least for me, it's that..since I've had so much shit happen in the past - trust me, I've had some serious shit in my life, I'll tell you about some things another time..things weren't so perfect, and all - I've realized, after some things happened, it made me realize that you know, I can sit here and be bummed about stuff, or get depressed, or whatever else negative feeling I want..or, I can be optimistic, have a good outlook on things, and just be positive..and life is just that much better that way, with things being upbeat and positive, and if I bring that kind of energy into other people's lives, too, all the better..I just try to see the good in all things, because shit's going to happen, that's just life..but I can take things more light-heartedly so as not to let it affect me and keep me down when I could be doing something else, that brings joy into my life - why mope about shit that I can't control, right?" [positivity/good energy frame + some comfort-building] {somewhere in here, I also threw in off-hand the bit about 'there's 3 things unique to every person: outlook, personality, and good energy..", continued on what I was saying, then cut back with "oh, yeah, you've got 2 out of the 3, by the way.." - and her reaction was great haa -> multiple threading}
HBBBM:"Yea..yeah..it's true.." [acceptance of frame]
h: "That's just crazy, I mean, it's not like we've..we're, like best friends..for the past 10 years or something! And yet, you were still able to figure that out, get that feel from me..crazy!"
HBBBM: "hahaha Yea...!"
h: "You must be a good judge of character, you can read people pretty well, huh? blahblahblah" [qualification]
HBBBM: "Oh yea, definitely! blahblahblah" [qualifying herself]
h: "Yeah..I actually majored in psychology, back in college.."
HBBBM: "Reaaally?? Blahbl-"
h: "Yea, well, psychology and philosophy..but yeah, it's crazy, because I've gotten to be good at reading people, and it's just crazy, because you read me just like, wow..you know? Not a lot of people know that stuff about me, about having such, just shit happen in my past, all kinds of things, and yet..yet, you were able to get that from me already..that's awesome" [mini-DHV->IOI-> comfort-building]
HBBBM: "Yeah, I bought this huge psychology book a long time ago, it sucks because they don't teach it as a subject in secondary school, and it's just soo interesting, blahblahblah" [seeking rapport/building comfort]
.. .. ..
HBBBM: "I enjoy reading, it's something I really like to do.."
h: "Yeah, I just love to read, if I had more time, I'd definitely read more..well, more reading that I want to do, not like this stuff that I have to do, for studying..I wish I had more time in the day, I'd read some..well, sleep first, then reading!"
HBBBM: "Yeah!! haha"
h: "But it's just crazy, because life is just too short. You know, there's just never enough time. But you have to make time and live in the moment. That's why I just do things, to be able to enjoy life, be passionate about things, and enjoy this short time we have. Our free time is already so limited, and even beyond that, in the big scheme of things, life itself is just super-short. You're here, you grow up, you work, you get old, then you die. That's why in between, you really have to make the most of the time you have, especially that free time, but all the time, and do those things that you want to do, be passionate and live in the moment, because at the end of the day, life is just too short to get hung up on things that could've been, or things that didn't happen the way you want/need them to, or some shit happened when it shouldn't have, whatever..you know?? Like, at the end of the day, there's nothing you or I can do about whatever's already done, and I can't see what's ahead in my life - all I can do is live in the moment, here and now, and enjoy life while I have it..{pause pause pause}" [more frames to live in the moment, enjoy life -> pause = pressure to ensure acceptance]
HBBBM: "I know..blahblahblah" [frames accepted]
h: "And that's why I truly think that everything happens for a reason..you know? Life is too short to not make the most of every single that happens, and I believe that there's a higher order to things, there's something bigger going on in the large-scale picture of life and time..and so everything must be happening for a certain reason or another..otherwise, why would it happen? My life is too short for a bunch of random events to happen, then I die. Everything happens for a reason.." [more frames]
HBBBM: "Yeah.." [more acceptance]
h: "You know what I'm saying? I mean, you look at..well, look at even us - we just randomly met, right? At .. a bus stop?? .. And .. you don't even go to school there???"
HBBBM: "hahaha YEAH!!"
h: "And yet, here we are, we got to talking, and now here we are..why? It can't just be random..I may not know why everything happens the way it does..I can't see the future, but..I can make sure that I do all that I can, while I can, because all these "pieces" are being put into place for some reason, for some purpose, in being a part of my life..I don't want to grow old, and look back on my life, and have nothing to look back on..you know? Grow older, have kinds, be a father, then a grandfather - I want to be the type of grandfather who's got all kinds of stories, and my grandkids want to be around and listen to all the things that have happened in my life..you know? I don't want to be some boring ol' old guy, who did nothing with his life..the time we have is almost like a gift, especially because we don't know what's to come after this life..we get 1 shot..why not make the most of it?? {I went on with the "grandfather" thing for a little bit, because it was getting an amazing reaction out of her, I guess because it was stirring up strong future projection/growing old (with her, even though I didn't explicitly say this) mixed with loving-fatherly-figure images..and kids, can't go wrong with kids!} Follow your heart, be passionate about, about life! Just being passionate is soo important, in everything in life, because that's it - once we're gone, we're gone, and every moment that passes by us is a moment that's gone, to never return..So that's my outlook on things, to make sure to be passionate, and live in the moment, instead of over-thinking and analyzing things so much that I miss the opportunities to do things..life's too short for missed opportunities, you just have to follow your gut-feelings, I just follow those feelings, as passionately as possible, and live life, like really live my life.." [i.e. I'm awesome..join me in my awesome, passionate, living-in-the-moment journey that I call 'life']
HBBBM: {going nuts because of super-attraction/comfort spikes} trying to qualify herself, build comfort/rapport, love on me, etc
.. .. ..
HBBBM: "So are you going to party it up after exams?" [possibly testing for congruence with earlier/above stuff]
h: "I almost have to, you know? I've got to de-stressify myself, and enjoy the time I've got off, so that I can relax and enjoy things that I normally like doing, and be able to escape my work!"
HBBBM: "Yeah, totally .. although I've found, from my days of partying when I was school, that {something about alcohol absorbing all the info I've learned until then}"
h: "Yeah..but you've just got to go with it, live in the moment, remember? You just learn stuff, for the moment, to do well on the test, then move on to the next one"
HBBBM: "Yeah, but what happens when you get done with school? And you don't remember all this stuff? How are you going to..with patients..what are you going to do??"
h: "Check it out: when school was first started, the point was to learn all this information and retain it, as it served to be a background foundation for everything later..but that's not the case now..look at it now, though - honestly, you don't use this stuff once you get done with the study aspect of it..especially in this day and age, you just learn school stuff to make it through school..most of this information we learn is just to get the grade or the score, and it's not stuff that we use in our professional lives after this phase.."
HBBBM: "You are soo right! It's true, blahblahblah"
.. .. ..
One thing I kept making sure to do, was make a lot of noise, so she could "see" that I was not just 100% attention on her. Not continuously, but every now and then, I'd mess with some dishes, or walk back towards the TV and let her hear the movie [The Perfect Score on TBS - the Asian dude is funny in this, plus I've thought Chris Evans is the shit ever since I saw Not Another Teen Movie: "How could she dump me, .. .. {cocky eyebrow movements} .. .. Jake Wyler?" lollllllll]. Just lets her know that she's not the only thing I've got going on, especially because I'd need her to repeat herself a few times, too.
Contrast that to her on the other end: stopped her movie [she flat-out told me this at the end of our conversation], completely focused on our interaction, etc.
A few other things we hit upon: she asked me what TV shows I like to watch [seeking rapport/building comfort] {I went into this thing about not having the time, and losing touch with a lot of shows I like, but I still stick with sports (and she agreed), Seinfeld, The Simpsons, and Family Guy - we connected hardcore on Family Guy, always a good call..and I told her that that's good, she passed the Family Guy test, because if she doesn't like it, I'd have to just cut her off altogether [qualification] }; somewhere in there, we started talking about romance novels and how they suck, but then we analyzed them and why they make more money than all other categories combined; and how her social life is killed because of her work schedule, and mine is because of my class/study schedule [which, therefore, obviously means we are perfect for each other and meant-to-be and etc etc haa]
Then I cut it off at a point where we probably, almost definitely, could've kept going [good shit!], so that I still end up "going on a high note" and being the one "who's got other things to do", etc, and it worked - she even thanked me for calling her. I told her to hit me up and let me know, since I'm going to the store tomorrow, she can tag along and join me, just let me know tomorrow. She agreed, so we'll see how it plays out.
And even though I was rushing her off the phone, she was trying to say every last way of "good-bye" possible - you know, like most guys are usually doing with the girl lol; I took it to be strong signs of wanting to stay on longer with me :-)
Okay, back to physio.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Phone Call with HBBlondeBlackModel, Round 2
Posted by
6:21 PM
Labels: everything happens for a reason, Family Guy, frames, HBBlondeBlackModel, life is short, medical school, Not Another Teen Movie, passion, philosophy, phone game, physio, psychology, Seinfeld, The Simpsons
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