Following a quick tip I picked up from Sinn and Future, I've been sending mass text messages to my HBs every now and then, some random things [Future: weather forecast - take an umbrella!; Sinn: good morning/night]. Especially when it's been a while since I've had contact, or if there's just an excuse to do so, like for Valentine's Day.
Or exams.
"Good luck to everyone who's got exams this week! Have confidence like 1 of my friends: she told me she has 6 exams this week (!), and she hasn't studied for any of them - but she's going to get A's in all of them still! And for those of you who have exams next week, study hard so you can play hard! :-)"
I heard back from HBKraaazyBody [almost immediately], HBBartender [who's not even in school], twice from HBLazyEye, HBBlondeBlackModel [who's not in school, either], just to mention a few.
The reason I decided to send it out to some girls who aren't in school is to let them see the Protector of Loved Ones type of care that I have for my peeps [they don't know that I only sent it out to girls], and to keep contact with them even though it does not apply to them, and the subtle DHV in there about my friend who happens to be a girl [this works for everyone who got the text]. This way, an Attraction spike gets thrown in, even just hearing from me, but not having to commit to a specific interaction with any of them.
In fact, if anything, when they responded, I did not reply back to any of them [well, just 1, but she's a friend/kid sister-type]. Which gives a quick show of higher social value to them, especially since they replied back to a message that was very obviously not just for them, and didn't hear back from me - I felt like one of those mail-list guys who send out mass emails but then never respond back to people who "reply" loll I felt like a real man now, blowing people off! :-p
Later on, when I was waiting for a bus to get to campus for a meeting I had, HBGottaBeMixed pulled up - I haven't had any direct contact with her all term. Notice, no direct contact: I made sure she's been getting texts from me every now and then, anyway. And she pulled up to give me a ride..god, she looked amazing today, especially with these really thin skin-tight black leggings on..hott!
She and I talked, I made sure to have heavy kino going on [that's how I know just how thin her leggings were loll]..and then I saw what looked like a rock on her finger. Yes, all of a sudden, it seems, because I'd never seen it before. Although, my roommate had mentioned before that he'd met her "husband" or something..which is crazy because, um yeaa, she just turned 21 last December! I know, because she invited me out to the new club that opened to celebrate with her and her best friend [I totally typed "breast" the first time haa] and had told me she was finally 21 [!].
Anyways, I didn't let it stop me, but it was a little awkward for me, especially because now I know what's up with her look - she had given me a not-so-brief run-down of her history one time last term when I was cycling A3/C1 with her. And I've since forgotten..she's born and raised here, but her parents are directly from somewhere in/near the Middle East. Hence, her exotic look [and my oh-so-clever HBname for her]. So I don't know how her clashing cultures mixes into her doing something behind "her man"'s back. We'll see.
And what was she very pressing about? The text message! haa She was all into it, asking me about my friend and all this stuff, and I ended up finding out that she's just doing the 3rd year of the pre-med program right now..which is a good thing, because I can help her out with it ;-) And we got in some comfort-building, with her confiding in me about wanting to just get out of here, and I was showing her that I understood because I'd be able to finish her feeling-description sentences with/for her, and each time she'd kind of pause and get this "look" in her eye as she took her eyes off the road to stare at me..
As if the time with her wasn't enough to re-solidify why she can't help but stop and smile and hug and talk every time she sees me, riding with her also served as a huge DHV/Social Proof for me, because she dropped me off at the bus stop to pick up a few of her girlfriends, and so of course everyone saw me coming out of her car [and, her car is actually quite nice, especially for down here!].
One of the girls who came up to the car was this chick who's really hot, with a tight body, niiice breasts, wears those skin-tight work-out pants a fair amount [although her ass is "average", which is kind of a let-down, since she's a local girl], but has what I think is a too-long torso for her body -> HBLongTorso [ta-da! Another clever name, right? :-p]. I actually happened to sit on the bus next to her just last week [one of the main reasons I don't get a car], and it was a little awkward, because she was not doing a good job of hiding the fact that she was just blatantly staring at me, despite being only a few inches away. But I'd definitely still hit it haa I mean, she can't help how awesome Hrithik happens to be, right? ;-)
I went to my meeting, and then I got out and waited on meeting up with a friend who was supposed to get me my flash-drive back with a bunch of notes and other helpful goodies on it..which never happened. But it was okay, because I stood there and a couple of friends who were getting out of their Pathology lab came over to me and chilled, which was perfect timing so as to add to my social value as a couple of hotties from the lab came out after them, especially this one chick who I know is in love with me and the way my body moves on stage [or see the original here - many people come to the shows just to see me re-enact this guy's stuff live], but I just don't see her around with an approachable opportunity. I might just have to pull out the "Fuck it, just do it!" and..well..just do it.
I almost owe it to my namesake, since she looks quite a bit like a tanned version of the real Hrithik's real-life wife [I should know, they've both been to my house, and I've partied it up with them in India, too]:Especially since she kept looking at me from across the street, trying to look away, but not being able to for more than 1-2 seconds ;-) Ready for some more creative naming? HBtherealHrithik'sWife .. that's soo weak! lolll
..and I've been back here, at the P.I.M.P. pad ever since, stuffing my mind with all kinds of physiological information - fun times. Anyways, hope this text message post comes in handy, if not for others, at least for me to not forget this easy yet effective method to stay in contact with girls while not coming off as needy [if anything, it's almost the exact opposite effect].
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mass Text Message
Posted by
2:09 AM
Labels: ass, breasts, Future, HBBartender, HBBlondeBlackModel, HBGottaBeMixed, HBJewelryStore, HBKraaazyBody, HBLazyEye, HBLongTorso, HBtherealHrithik'sWife, Magic Bullets, P.I.M.P. pad, physio, Sinn, text, text game
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