..and apparently she loves me back, and we're meant to be..
Take the Quiz
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday Night
Great idea to go out Friday night.
A little after 2am, I was finishing up my work and trying to decide whether to follow through on the plan of going out or just going to sleep. Then I got the call.
J: [lot of noise in the back] "Hey, Hrithik, where you at, man?"
h: "I'm at my place, just finishing up some work..what's up?"
J: "Dude, you still coming out to Bananas? You should come..just come! I met HBBartender, here, too..she told me to call you, too, and tell you she wants to see you! Plus..you gotta come, she's hooking me up with drinks for you, because she thinks we're brothers, and I told her you'd come - at least get some drinks off her, man!"
h: "Yeah, ok..let me finish up my stuff, and I'll head over"
J: "Ok, call me when you get here"
As I'm choosing the lamest clothes to wear by PUA standards [i.e. as plain as possible -> plain white T-shirt and jeans, albeit they are Armani jeans ;-)], I realize I'm kind of hungry, and as the night goes on, I'll definitely be hungry, so I make some eggs while I get dressed, hoping not to spill any on myself - I don't.
I fix my hair and realize that I really, really need to get a haircut. Which means I'll have to re-color it, too, which I've only just done for the 1st time before coming to school, so I already don't have much experience with it..and now, um, oh yea - I'm in another country!
As I walk towards the bar/club, I remind myself that I'm on a mission: the going out once a week rule is not just for shits and giggles, it's there to keep me in the game - help me re-gain my touch and continue the improvement process. So I run through a general guideline in my mind of how things should go down, especially in the case that a conversation begins to stall or something. And to deal with things that I know will happen, like seeing certain friends who should be there as well as HBBartender.
And of course, as Future said, "Not really to be in a confident state, but rather a talkative state.."; in other words [specifically, in Mehow's words], to "be social".
I passed a [half?] drunken couple walking by in the opposite direction, so I turned my whole head to make sure they see me looking at them and smiled at them. They looked over, looked away, the guy looked back over, I saw a glint of recognition in his eyes, but then the usual reaction I get from people a lot of times - I really have got to work on my intimidation factor haa
Just before I walk in, a guy in the pre-med program that I know sees me and back-tracks to catch up with me. Great start - puts me in a social mood, makes me realize that I am the shit, because he came back just to walk back towards the club with me, and upon entering, I'll already be walking in "with people" = Social Proof.
I pay the cover, and 1 of the 2 girls working at the front remembers me [see "woolen pants + soft phat ass" in the Party Like a Rock Star post], which is cool in and of itself because she is a cutie, and a really bubbly personality - perfect to help me stay in-state as I enter the "dreaded unknown". She gives me a hi-5 and tells me how it's been such a long time, then she gives me a raffle ticket because they were going to be giving away free drinks, and she was "hooking me up" with it. All this, in front of the other girl collecting my money, who was pretty freakin' hot herself, and in front of the rest of the club - mad Social Proof already.
Lately, I'd randomly re-read some notes and things, and 1 of those popped into my mind at this moment - 1st set on the left [or right, whatever]. So I quickly scanned the area as I pocketed my change and the raffle ticket, and because I do go to school with these people, and I am a very popular guy [despite all the chatter I get in my head, when I get nervous going out to venues "alone", there will always be people there that I know, but I can never get myself to believe this], I already knew the 1st set on the left, so it made it even easier to jump right in.
It was a constantly-shifting set, going from a 2-3set up to a 10set. And I owned it. I'd let other people chit-chat/respond to things I'd say while I surveyed the crowd [SMILE!], and then when I felt the set's energy going down a bit [so that we're not the "most fun people around" anymore], I'd just back in, and either get part of the group, or, when I was really warmed up and feeling like a true PUA baller, I'd get the entire double-digit group's focus squarely back on me..and just like that, Leader of Men switched on to all the other ladies around the venue - all they have to do is be able to see that "all eyes on me" vibe going on.
And the Pre-Selection came in the form of HBTriniMed, a gorgeous half-black, half-Indian Trinidadian girl in the class ahead of me who has this tight body on her - definitely got all the right features from each of the ethnicities. She walked through our circle-shaped set to come give me a lingering hug and chat for a minute, then walking away, shaking that ass and teasing all us guys with that very short, tight Denim mini-skirt..uunngghhhhhh, getting goosebumps just seeing that in my head again!
After a bit, I decide I should call my boy who got me out here, but there was no answer. So I take the set up one more time, and then go out on a high note [ALWAYS END ON A HIGH NOTE and leave people wanting more] to go find "J".
And I ran right into him as I started walking towards what used to be the club part of the venue. Literally. Right into him. And he'd been taking advantage of HBBartender being on my shit and hooking him up with drinks, because he almost didn't even realize he walked right into me. Almost.
He and I chit-chatted for a minute, then he told me to go see HBBartender, especially so she could hook me [and later, him] up with more free drinks. I walked in like I owned the place, right up to the bar, and she looked like her teeth were going to fall right out of her mouth, she was grinning so hard! :-p
So I started running some random b.s. with her, and then I remembered that I'm here not to maintain things, but progress my relations with people as well as my recovery back into the game. And from there, it was a spectacle to behold! I was kinoing the crap out of her, every chance I got, hand-holding, kisses on the cheek, etc, and then 1 of my boys "M", I've hardly seen around this term, he popped up. I'd texted him earlier in the night to see what his plans were, but he didn't know at the time where he was going, so I was genuinely really excited to see him. Keeping in mind the plan, but also the social rules [when a girl's gf enters the set, she'll totally blow the guys off to talk to her, even with body language..so, when you have a wing enter (even if he doesn't know he's a wing lol), you do the same - your friend has higher value to you than any girl, and you display that to her in a situation like this], so I turned my body side-ways to her so she was facing my shoulder while I joked around with my buddy.
And then my pimp-ass touch-screen camera came out.
Another friend of ours showed up, and I took a couple pictures of them, then they took pictures with me. And this was the beginning of the flash-game end of things. If you have the tools/means to create advantages or make things easier for yourself .. you..should..use..them!! And then "J" found me, too, and we had a couple pictures together..and already we were the most fun group of guys in the old-club area! That quickly and easily!
Now that I owned the inside, and it was all in front of HBBartender's face, I easily talked her into taking a shot with me - I think a Jager shot [?] inside of a cup of Red Bull..and I got to admit, she killed that thing! I can kill shots, but I can't chug drinks..and definitely not like she did!
Then I continued pumping her Buying Temperature, going hot-cold, Push-Pull on her, and then I decided I needed to walk around some outside, especially with this great sense of owning the place I had going on, I needed to use it to my advantage and..continue practicing gaming, since that was the point. So I told HBBartender that some of my friends were missing me, and I'd be back for her a little while.
I went in and out of sets halfway around the outer crescent-shaped area [the bar part], gaining Social Proof along the way and showing those intimidated by me that I'm not a mean scary too-cool-for-you asshole haa
It was really cool for me, too, because I literally saw/felt everyone watching me - "all eyez on me", Tupac-style.
Eventually, I met back up with "J" and a couple of his buddies, and we chilled near the bar area for a bit, having passers-by stop and talk [people we knew] or give me the "fuck-me" eyes [girls I didn't know]. And I got some introductions to girls who knew "J", but reading their body language, came into our set to talk/be near to me - gotta love body language!
A really obvious sign [if you know what's going on] happened with this girl, she's an Indian Trinidadian chick in my class, HBBrownTrini. It's funny, because I'd run into "J" earlier in the day at the gym, and 1 of the girls that he brought up was her, and talking about how she's gets around..I was kind of surprised, but not really - she'd been giving me the "fuck me" eyes ever since we'd seen each other a few terms back, but her boyfriend was here then, and I never bothered to try to deal with all that because she gives off vibes of being a very needy clingy type of girl, especially based on some incidents that a mutual friend of ours had told me..not worth it. But now, if she'd gotten over that whole thing, and needed to fuck to feel beautiful, or even for the sake of fucking, I'm totally cool with that - depends how much she's gotten around, though. I think it's more like she goes out and parties hard and wants to get laid, but then doesn't really go through with it.
The other crazy thing about her is that she looks just like a brown version of HBNeedyLocal"GF", like, exactly! They have the same face [except for their nose], same facial features, same expressions, same height, same body-type [well, HBBrownTrini has bigger boobs while HBNeedyLocal"GF" has a bigger butt], same mannerisms, same type of walk..and yet they've never met each other before..what the fuck?? And now here she was..
She was dancing just a few feet away from us..all of a sudden. She wasn't there before. And there was some guy dancing up on her, and she was wining on him all seductively. I pointed her out to "J" and our other friend. Then, I pointed out the fact that every time she did some really sexy move, she'd look..over at us. And any time the guy would try to kiss on her, she'd actually move away from him. When I looked back a minute or so later, she was still dancing, but another guy was up on her. And then another guy a few minutes after that. All the while, she stared me/us down.
I guess she caught on that we weren't planning on doing anything, because as we were chilling and talking, next thing I know, she's walked over to us, and reaches between the other 2 guys to poke me in the chest lol Guess I was right..now if only all girls made it that obvious, then we guys'd never have any headaches trying to figure women out, huh?
Anyways, so one of these girls that I got introduced to was a chick that "J" had just met earlier in the night, HBBrownVirgin - yes, she's Indian, and she's a virgin. And at first she was just talking with "J" and would look over at me, but I think "J" was not too keen on introducing her to me..I wonder why ;-) Eventually he did, though, and then he bounced over to a different area for a minute - and here I was with HBBrownVirgin.
Something about her was really sexy, so I decided to just start running game on her instead of just blabbing. One pre-conceived notion I have that I want/need to get rid of, is that Indian girls aren't fuckable. And I feel like this goes back to the cultural stereotype + my upbringing = sex is bad and wrong. I figured now was as good a time as any to get over this silly little notion.
I just started talking, doing my naturally-ingrained stuff, just allowing my mouth to run SO THAT I could focus on the other things, like body language and placement and kino and who's watching and who's not, etc, etc. THIS WAS A REALLY FUCKING GOOD IDEA - it's something that I'd learned, and it's kind of in my system, but seeing as how I haven't gone out nearly as much as I should've to maintain and build on all these little things, I need to make sure to note this and reproduce it every time.
The interaction was going really well, actually, especially with all the non-verbal things: we were in a high-traffic area [near the bar], so everyone could see and was seeing, and people I know would be going by so I could get Social Proof to her and Pre-Selection to them all in one hit, and the kino was friendly but quickly escalating, too. And then, I got hardcore Pre-Selection to her, because one girl that came by who is on my shit [she's got huge boobs, but that's about all there is to say], showed HBBrownVirgin and me that she is, indeed, all on my shit! haa
So then, I was running a Jealousy Plot-line, consciously, for an extended period of time, literally one right in front of the other. And the best part was, it escalated so quickly that I had the two girls fighting for my attention, getting louder and louder, grabbing me, holding me to keep my attention, etc - do I even need to re-state our prime location in the venue, on top of all the obvious Attraction Switches being flicked on and amplified sky-high? Not only were the girls getting hit with all this, but so was everyone else anywhere near us!
So I decided to exponentiate that side of things, by taking tons of pictures with both of the girls, having all kinds of people taking the shots of us, thus forcing them [and their friends] to take notice of us directly.
After a while of this, humongotits walked away, and HBBrownVirgin led my by the hand to the bar to take a shot together. And that's when I decided to escalate things from a physical to a more sexual mode. VERY IMPORTANT. And the other VERY IMPORTANT thing I did was LOCKING-IN!!!! God, it's ridiculous how easy it is to do, and yet how easy it is to forget!
[Like 1 time, I ran into HBTriniMed on campus at the bus-stop, and after a few seconds of talking, she locked in, leaning against the "wall", instead of me..how embarrassing to me]
Well, all the sex-talk obviously worked, because she started saying all kinds of things, but..BUT..this is also where she dropped the V-bomb on me..
..so what did I do..?
"Fuck it, just do it"
I kept going! lolll
..and what did she do..?
Yeah, she invited me over to her place. I handled that shit like it was not only not a big deal, it was not a deal at all, and so then, so did she! It's..all..about..the..FRAME CONTROL.
She told me that she had to leave, because her roommate was going, which was true because her roommate literally came up to her and told her this in front of me, and HBBrownVirgin told me she didn't want her roommate walking back alone.
But she made me pinky-swear that I'd call her and come to see her later on that night. And at this point, while we were talking, I kept bringing my face in closer and closer to hers, and when I'd talk, she'd being her face in closer and closer, so much so that at one point, we were talking, and each of our lips would touch while talking..hard to explain, but a very cool, sexy vibe in that.
When she rolled, I lingered for a minute and talked with a couple of guys who were sitting at the bar, both of whom were shit-faced, but both of whom I do know from before..we'll see if they even remember seeing me! haa
I also ran into HBTheBrownBody, and her guy-friend/bf/whatever. She and I talked for a good while, and she introduced me to the dude [he's in my class], and I befriended him quickly - in fact, he was seeking Rapport with me, so it worked out really well..I totally ignored her to disqualify myself to him as a suitor for her, as well as an indirect neg towards her. This way, I'm cool with the guy, but it leaves the situation open enough with HBTheBrownBody to see how things unfold with us in the future..
Then, I went back through the crowd, which was definitely a lot thinner than before..actually a good-sized crowd, in my opinion. It was mad packed before. But it was like 4am at this point..and yet I'd only been there for a little over an hour lol
I found the original set I had entered ["1st set on the left"], and 1 of the guys in there was just gonnnnnnnnnnnnnne, I mean, beyond simply plastered or shit-faced, he was..gonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne.
So of course I made sure to take pictures with, and of, his drunk-ass!
I also quickly filled "J" in on what was going on and told him that since I'm apparently going to HBBrownVirgin's place, I'm going to need a little "something for my buddy", and he told me he'd work on it. I told him worst-case, I just swing back to my place first, but I'd rather not walk in the opposite direction only to back-track this way again. FROM NOW ON, I NEED TO CARRY A FEW WITH ME - the plan is always to bounce to the P.I.M.P. pad, where I'm stocked up, but for a situation like this, I have to be prepared.
Then I made my way back to inner area [the part formerly-known-as the club] with 1 of my buddies, to go meet back up with HBBartender and to get him hooked up with some drinks. I teased her a bit, after telling my buddy to figure out what it is that he wants. He went to the bathroom [not sure if all that thinking was forcing him to piss haa], so in the meantime, I went back to escalating things with HBBartender, picking the kino right back up where we left off, hand-holding and kissing on the cheek, etc. Then, next thing I realized, I'd jumped behind the bar..not really sure what led up to this, but whateverrr - I'm Hrithik, baby, watch out!
She was giggling and trying to get me to go back, and I was telling I wouldn't until she got us another shot [I'd told her when we took out 1st one that we'd take another one later], and then one of the guy bartenders showed up, and he looked all serious and pissed asking me if I work here, since I'm behind the bar..I couldn't tell if he was joking at 1st [hit was dimly lit there, and his skin color is dark as night], so I played it all cool [AGAIN, FRAME CONTROL] and interpreted it as a joke, and regardless of whether it was intended to be or not, we were all laughing our asses off by the time I was done talking!
Then my buddy "M" got back and took a bunch of pictures of me and HBBartender, in all kinds of poses, hugging, couple-like, kissing, etc. Then, I jumped back over to the other side while she poured the 3 of us shots of some burn-your-throat rum [it is the Caribbean, after all], and she started chugging water right after to kill that after-taste. My buddy buckled and got some ice/water from her, too, but I stood my ground..I could feel hair sprouting as my balls continued got a little bigger..they almost matched the size of HBBartender's eyes at this point, standing there amazed that I didn't even flinch.
Then she told me to wait for her while she closed down, etc, and gave me a quick kiss. So I went outside with my friend and met up with some of the other guys. As we started rounding everyone together, HBTriniMed was sitting near us talking to some girl, so I went over and told her that I didn't want to interrupt, but I was about to leave, etc. She and I ended up talking for a few minutes..and in doing so, she totally blew off the other girl = major IOI], so I returned the IOI with an SOI, leaning in to her and telling that she was looking sexy as hell in the Denim mini-skirt she had on. She thanked me and smiled [and I had to remind myself that she has kind of a hard face, so her facial expressions are always under-exaggerated, and I can't hold it against her because I probably give off a similar vibe to people, too, since I don't smile as much and am a really good-looking guy]. So I took that as a BIG HUGE smile, and as I smiled back at her, she told me that there was a birthday thing going on Saturday night and gave me the details, and I asked who it was for, and she goes "It's for me!" I was like "..for real? It's your birthday??", and she tells me it's next Sunday [note to self: call/text+call for her b-day :-)], and I should roll through. For her IOI, I asked her how old she was going to be..and should've prepared myself - she's going to be 22 years old..I hesitated mentally as this registered, and the fact that therefore she's only 21 at this point, and thus up until now has been younger than I'd realized, etc.
Fortunately, I was still in game-mode, and that side of me took control of my verbal and physical actions while my mind still tried to comprehend this new re-setting of facts, and I was like "Wow, that's awesome!" and gave her a kiss on 1 cheek for her birthday and the other for good luck and the year to come! And she was just giggling [I didn't remember at that point, but again, coming from her, that's a very good thing] as I gave her a hug and went back to my friends.
At this point, "M" had joined the little gathering, so I walked over to a quiet back-side spot and had a little heart-to-heart with him about how things were with him, the stuff he had going on in his life these days, all that good-feelings stuff caring friends do, especially since I hadn't seen him around in such a while.
When I started to roll, he decided he was staying back so he could maintain good relations with the head bouncer at the entrance to the place [so he can keep getting in for free], so I decided to re-join "J" and the others to bounce on out of there, especially since they were headed back towards campus, where HBBrownVirgin was waiting on me - yea, she stayed up for me, as I soon found out when I called her to let her know I was leaving the venue.
1 of the 2 girls walking back with us was HBBrownTrini, and "J" and a couple of the other guys were trying to get the 2 girls to make out. I found out yesterday that they almost got them to, too! haa
Regardless, I walked with "J" for a bit, and he gave me a hi-5/handshake and slipped me a condom - nice.
At one point, I caught up with HBBrownTrini and gave her shit for blowing me off all the time in class and around campus. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was in fact QUALIFYING HER [another thing that I didn't think to do all night, but I unintentionally ended up doing anyways..which is a good thing that it's naturally there, but I should be aware of it rather than just brushing it aside and counting on it to "just happen" - especially since like Sinn told me, I definitely must qualify, and early, to lower LMR I may face, mainly because I've got looks on my side, and that actually works against me in that kind of situation, i.e. SNLs].
So she starts qualifying herself to me, telling me that she's always saying hi to me and all this, and I called her out on it, and one of my friends was walking with us and started chiming in, too, backing me that she was in his small group for class and would still blow him off. I laughed and told her that her case was not looking too good, which prompted more qualification from her. Finally, I cut that and told her "You know what the worst part about all this is? You're not going to remember any of this tomorrow!" and she started even more qualification, trying to get out of the not-so-subtle frame I'd just put out there, and I told her, fine, I'm going to take her picture so I'll have proof that this happened. She struck a pose, I shot it, then my friend who was walking with us said to take one together [good looks, bro!] and so she hugged up on me, and we posed for what we thought was the picture, but instead he started browsing through the pictures that I'd taken throughout the night! Idiot haa But he got it right eventually, after he heard it from me..and her [ahem ahem]..someone was really interested in getting her picture with me ;-)
Finally, after dropping them off at their places, I called up HBBrownVirgin to tell her I was on my way and almost there, so she said she'd meet up outside her place. As soon as I hung up, HBBartender called me, too, and I gave her the Protector of Loved Ones spin on things - that I had to make sure everyone made it back just fine, that's what I do because I'd be really upset with myself if something were to happen to someone, so that's what I was doing, and as soon as I was done, I'd hit her up on my way back and see if she was still at the bar/club.
I met up with HBBrownVirgin, and it was so on! Except she has a roommate..so I decided to build Comfort with her, so it doesn't come off as too much of a ONS, especially since she is, after all, a virgin - that'd be really messed up. And the more I thought about it, the guiltier I knew I was going to feel if something happened..well, not something, the thing. Because we definitely fooled around and all that, but I did not feel morally right about being her first when I had no intention of doing anything beyond that..and she may become all clingy and stuff, on top of that. And of course, this is where being on a campus can work against you - everyone knows me, and my shit'll be out there if I [literally] screw someone over like this. So I'd do a lot of Take-Aways, hot-cold/Push-Pull stuff, etc, escalating physically and then stopping to build Comfort, which would of course have sexually-framed comments and themes as well, and continued cycling like this for a little while. Finally, I decided I was tired and needed to go to sleep.
And this proved to be a true test of mind over body, like that Seinfeld episode, when Jerry's brain and penis are playing chess lollllll - I had to make sure my brain won.
Because, she offered me the option of sleeping over. A few times. Then she offered walking me back. A few times. I told her that would defeat the purpose, because I wouldn't allow her to walk back alone. So then she suggested she could sleep over at my place..and I toyed with the idea for a minute, but then snapped out of it - if she stayed over, in my bed, I may still make it through the "night" [it was like 6:30am at this point], BUT..would I make it through the next time, when we woke up next to each other..?? Especially since we'd be in the P.I.M.P. pad, the huge bed, drawers full of condoms, isolation from roommates/classmates/school, etc..?
I'm not going to chance winning the battle only to lose the war.
So I resisted, and barely got out of there.
The good news is, I've got it set up so that the next time, if I decide to go through with it, it'll be there for me, AND there won't be any of these possible repercussions because there will be all this time in between for things to have sunken in with her, she'll be making her own decision rather than going with her feelings. Although..the sexual frames during our cool-down Comfort parts may take affect to set up the right direction for all this..
On my way back, I called up HBBartender, but she was already back at her place, so we chit-chatted for a minute but then I let her go..one of my boys who works at Bananas already told me that I've got her locked [he definitely played a strong role in solidifying it, too, especially when I wasn't around].
Keeping that in mind, I thought - staying on the phone means more connection time, which means more feelings that she already has, which means more likely she's going to quickly "fall in love" with me, Breakthrough Comfort-style..if she hasn't already. And that's definitely not what I'm going for, so why set her up for that when I can avoid it, right?
So I hung up.
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: ass, breasts, Caribbean, da boyz, frames, HBBartender, HBBrownTrini, HBBrownVirgin, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBTheBrownBody, HBTriniMed, Juggler, LMR, Magic Bullets, Mehow, night game, sexual frames, Sinn, SNL
Friday, February 22, 2008
Some Thoughts..
..and just as I'm about to get some stuff out, HBNeedyLocal"GF" calls..awesome..we'll see how well my thoughts come out on here while I listen to her blab..
So, Monday I had my final exam for the CPM exam [turns out I got a B, which sucks because I thought I was just going to scrape by with an A]. But, at the time, I was just chilling, and 2 different groups of friends were convincing me to go to the beach, and as strange as it may seem, living in a Caribbean island, I'm not a big fan of the beach.
"Fuck it, just do it"
I decided to skip the gym and wait for my roommate to finish his quiz, he rolled back to the P.I.M.P. pad with a couple of mutual guy friends and 1 female friend. And then we headed out to the beach - and it was just what I needed.
It made me realize this is exactly why I made that rule to go out once a week - meet up with friends, chill, get away from school, and be able to practice game.
I [finally] bought a digital camera over the Christmas break, so I took it with me to the beach, and it was a damn good idea. Especially when more and more of my friends poured in to join us. And I remembered not to just enjoy myself, but also to use this opportunity to run some game, especially when my roommate's female friend had one of her girlfriends come out to join us, and our waitress told me flat-out that I was cute or hot or something..and so it began.
HBWaitress: "You know, you're cute/hot/whatever.."
h: "Well, thank you!"
HBWaitress: "..don' tink dat I'm flirtin' wit' you, dough.."
h: "Oh, I don't think you are .. I know you are"
HBWaitress: [giggle]
From there, I'd throw in random stuff her way, mainly escalating kino while being a very fun, social guy..but also throwing in indirect Attraction triggers - like buying a round of drinks for everyone, then shots for my other late-comer friends as they'd join us, etc, showing the waitress [and the 2 girls with us, too] that I was a Leader of Men and also Protector of Loved Ones.
And, I got in some practice with flash-game, using the new touch-screen camera I got..although, I have to admit, everybody else used it more than I did, but I got maaad pictures from the day, and that's all that matters - especially with my boys, and the 2 girls, and the waitress, all as action shots, which is the main thing.
All said and done, I could've pulled the half-Asian girl, definitely [my roommate introduced me as Bollywood, and that's what she called me the rest of the time, so I knew it was already on]. Me and the waitress made plans to get together after she got off work that same day, but I ended up blowing her off to make sure 1 of the guys made it back okay..good thing, too, because it turns out that he'd totally blacked out on the later part of our day, so who knows what could've happened to his dumbass! :-D But the taste of that success made me want to keep pushing and trying to work on my SNL [single-night lay] game, which is the game-plan for when I go out: 1st priority = SNL, back-up plan = Day2 the target.
On a related note, I've started wearing my right thumb ring on my middle finger, so as to better be able to use Captain Jack's Rings on Fingers routine to help set sexual frames into the interactions, end-goal being, again, the SNL.
Afterwards, I kicked it with a couple of my boys back at one of their places for a good while, then eventually got back to my place and crashed. And missed class all week, because I was so tired, and enjoying myself that day made me realize that I needed to catch up on a lot of sleep..so I did. I went to all my small group and review sessions, but the actual lectures I slept through to get rested up - mid-terms will be coming soon, and I'd rather miss class now and work later vs work now and burn-out just before the exams.
Yesterday was pimp, too, so I'll throw that in real quick - basically, I had HBLazyEye come over, and I decided I'd start to be more FB-style rather than nice guy/BF-style. And best to practice quick escalations with a girl I've already got, knowing I can have her, instead of waiting to do it with a girl later when I have to work my thing and not be able to do it because I don't know what to do or when to do it, etc.
So, girl came over, we talked for a few minutes, then I decided to introduce my camera into the equation - one of my boys, he sometimes takes pictures of girls he's banged, so I decided if I set the bar a little higher for myself, I'll keep pushing myself and thus continue improving. And therefore, I've decided that I'm going to take pictures of girls I get with, too. Which brings me to the reason why I brought the camera into the interaction with me and HBLazyEye [since it did slow down Project Quick Escalation]. However, the other advantage was that it helped me practice using pictures as DHVs and conversational material, too.
So I did that, and there were a few points when I know I could've used it with her, but I pussed out [no excuses next time, thought - everything went so well, it made me more confident in just doing whatever the fuck I want to do].
It was funny, my roommate told me the next day [i.e. today] that he was in the bathroom, and he heard us talking, and all of a sudden, everything went quiet and all he heard was making-out sounds..and withing like 10 minutes, he heard a girl's voice calling out all kinds of random words/sounds..nice - Project Quick Escalation was a success!
Next time, use the camera while banging her..and I might even be doing that this weekend..or maybe HBPerfectTits because, as the name suggests, those breasts are definitely worth capturing ;-)
Oh, and I haven't backed down from my going-out-once-a-week rule: technically, I "went out" Monday, but I'm not being a bitch - I'm going to get some work done, and then me and 1 of my boys are going to head to the near-by bar/club to chill [where conveniently, HBBartender happens to work]..and hopefully catch the post-party rush heading over that way..especially since HBBellyDancer was all on my nuts earlier in the week, texting me to invite me out tonight, and even today in person, trying to convince me to come out..
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: beach, Captain Jack, Caribbean, CPM, da boyz, fun, H-rod, HBBartender, HBBellyDancer, HBLazyEye, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, HBWaitress, medical school, P.I.M.P. pad, sex, sexual frames, SNL, test
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Rollercoaster Day
Wow, what a crazy day today. I got a few updates that I wanted to do, dating back to last week, but now I don't know if I'm going to have the time to discuss all that with all the random shit that happened today [and especially tonight - I'm just now getting back from the gym, despite having been done for the last 2.5 hours]. But seeing as how I'm trying to be better about having this blog and keeping my thoughts on here for me to reference back to as well as you to reference, plus my new mentality of "Fuck it, I'm doing it!" that applies to everything PU-related, here we go.
I'm doing better about keeping on schedule. I've been to class pretty much on time, I come back and eat, take a quick hit of coffee to avoid my damn ADD medication that fucked me up for a whole week during my Parasit exam, then get to work, hit the gym by about 3:30-4pm, be back here, shower, snack, more work, phone time, eat dinner, more work/dick around, and crash.
I've been recalling a lot of PU stuff lately, and I'm starting to really want to focus more of my "free" time on it. I think it's due to getting back in touch with El Topo as well as paying more attention to this blog, my PUA email [puahrithik@gmail.com], The Mystery Method/Love System's Super Conference in Vegas, and the fact that because I'm being so good about my schedule I'm hardly on campus at all anymore [thus cutting down my gaming opportunities to near-zero].
It's getting to the point, especially reading other blogs like Sinn's blog, Captain Jack's blog, and El Topo's blog, that I made a decision to go out at least once a week from now on, starting Monday night - we've got our Community and Public Health/Medicine final exam then, and 1st Termers have their Unified quiz that same day, too, meaning they'll be ready to party it and there must be some kind of blow-out party to hit up.
So, take-home message: get..up..on..my..PUA..shit! As much as possible, that is - reviewing those notes, running through all the stuff I have, making more routines, getting the order and flow down better, as well as going out AT LEAST once a week to shake the rust off. And when I'm back home, get hooked up with some dudes to keep my shit tight and ever-improving.
Next goal/game-plan: switch out my FB's at this point to new ones, simply because I've noticed it's causing me to be less motivated to do shit since I've already got ass whenever I want to hit them up. Plus, the whole point of getting into all of this was to be able to get any and all hotties that I wanted to, and that's not happening if I'm just sticking with the ones I've already got. And, considering I'm on a campus setting, there's always new girls either starting here or girls I've never really seen/run into due to the various schedules.
So, take-home message: rotate..around..the..FBs!
I've already got a little list of sorts going, including HBBangs [a new local student who, you got it, styles her hair so she's got bangs in her eyes], HBMissGND [a returning local student who was Miss Grenada this past year and competed in the Miss World contest, placing in the semi-finals - crazy, huh??], these 2 HBRegiSTARS [one works in administration, the other..is a vet student??], and 2 librarian chicks [HBLibrarianThick, who's got a sort of chubby but really cute face and big tits + curvaceous-as-hell ass, and HBLibrarianAss, who's got a pretty face and ridiculous ass].
HBBangs - have to be quick with her, because she's "fresh meat" and will be getting hit on constantly by the other guys who'll have more opportunity to see her around. [She's a chick I've seen 5 times, including tonight, with the 1st 3 times her having a pair of those ridiculously over-sized sunglasses on..the 1st 2 times I saw her was on the same day, once by myself, the 2nd time while I was walking with HBNeedyLocal"GF", and she told me that HBBangs apparently lives down the street from her and is a really cute girl, to which I said "Yeah, I guess..without those awful sunglasses on, mayyybe.."; that was the incident where, as we passed HBBangs, I told HBNeedyLocal"GF" that I thought she was looking at her, and she replied "No, she not looking at me..", and I played dumb and asked what she was looking at then, and HBNeedyLocal"GF" said "uh..YOU!", and as we passed by HBBangs, she was staring at me/us very blatantly, even with those huge shades on, and then the body language gave her away - we walked past, and she was turning her entire upper body, while walking, so that she was almost walking side-ways as we crossed each other..Attraction, anyone?? And last night, I was on the phone with my girlfriend, and HBBangs walked by, finally, without sunglasses on - yea, she's fuckin' hottt! So, now she's got attraction, too..from me! ;-)
HBMissGND - has/had a boyfriend, but I've run into her a couple of times just within the last 5-7 days, and she's doing the double-take/stare, so it doesn't matter what her deal is, right? ;-)
HBRegiSTARS - Either way, both were on my shit in the brief time when I was getting my registration shit handled at the beginning of the term - I haven't seem them around TOO often, so when I do, I need to use the chance to work them
HBLibrarianThick - I don't know much at all what's going on with her
HBLibrarianAss - literally smiles and stares at me the rare times I go to the library
Ok, that's that.
Last Thursday was Grenadian Independence Day, so classes were canceled. I used the opportunity to have a few chicks over, one after the other like a fucking parade - it was great! My roommate and our mutual friend [who was over studying with him] were both cracking up, especially our friend because my roommate lives with me, so he has a better idea as to some of the crazy shit that goes down with me.
The night before, Wednesday night, HBBartender was blowing up my phone, trying to get me to come out. But I eventually passed out instead of going - bad call; she wants my shit, baaad, and all I had to do was show up and get some Comfort in..down here, a lot of girls need more Comfort-building shit, especially with her, because I think she has a daughter, and obviously the dad's not in the picture..I need to keep that in mind and work that into my game with her.
So, back to Thursday, I had FBPerfectTits come over first, and I used the usual movie-in-the-middle [it was Butterfly Effect] set-up. We chit-chatted for a bit, watched the movie as I filled her in on what she'd missed, and did a little Push-Pull with her, escalating physically but then pushing her off, then pulling her back in [either physically or verbally..or both], and then pushing her off again. My biggest cue to get things under-way was when she was leaning forward for something, and I caught a glimpse down her pants from the back-side: bright pink thong - I literally thought to myself 'Oh, it is SO on!' So, the Push-Pull worked like a charm to pump up her buying temperature real quick, and before you know it, we were already getting hot-n-heavy. Once her beautiful breasts made their entrance, regardless of being cupped in a bra, I lost it and went nuts - right on the couch. Afterwards, we chit-chatted about my break, especially my trip to Chile, which worked out great because it prevented any feelings of awkwardness or buyer's remorse [which I think is more in my head than in reality, but - better safe than sorry].
I think I should try to have something[s] to talk about after doing the durrty, because not only does it relieve my concern with any imaginary awkwardness/regret, but it also serves to keep a sense of time out there so that I don't have girls staying around too long and falling deeply in love with me or some shit.
In this case, I needed her out so I could shower [important!] and get the next one in, which kind of worked..except I was a little slow on it, and HBNeedyLocal"GF" had to wait on me for 20 minutes or so. Oh well. So she and I chilled for an hour or two, which was fine because I didn't plan to do anything physical with her [she won't put out, so why tease myself, right?]. And then, as I was trying to rush her out..she dropped the L-bomb on me. And told me that she's felt that way for a long time now. And she wants me to be her first........................................not sure how I feel about that, though, because as awesome as it is/would be, and as MUCH as I want to bang her, it's just going to lead to horrible things I think - if she's already so needy NOW, and we haven't even done the deed, that'll just exponentiate this shit. Especially because she's already mentioned/talked about getting married and shit at times, as context for some comment or joke..as in, it's understood to be the case..yikes..again, this is all withOUT having even taken her virginity..it can only make things worse. On the other hand, I've wanted her, and dealt with her shit, for nearly 2 and a half years..and I bet it'll feel sooo good..fuck..
After her, I had FBLazyEye come over, and we watched the same movie [again], from the same "starting" point [again]. At this point, I was mouthing the lines as it played. She had her perky breasts looking sooo hot, with a push-up bra sticking up right out of her shirt, and she was smelling nice, and she had tight-ass [literally] jeans on..but I resisted, because we had to take care of some drama shit that had happened when I had those 2 finals earlier in the term. I gave her a lot of shit to think about, but she was ready to have it all settled [presumably to get plugged by the H-rod in my pants], which made me want to resist more, reminding her that I don't need her, and thus causing her to want me even more..nice. And I pulled it off.
But not to worry..I had her back Saturday evening and banged her on my bed. This time, the set-up came from wrestling, using the bed as the ring [very conveniently]. I also knew we were going to be a little time-crunched, so I tried a more boyfriend-style approach to things, to help get some Comfort in there [again, to avoid any awkwardness/slut-like feelings that she may feel if we just get it on as soon as she came over]. I played around with her, drank my protein shake, heated up a sandwich, then "did" things in my room like re-arranging shit or whatever [even though most of it I just faked to make it seem like we were doing things]. Then, one thing led to another, she tried to beat up on me a few different times, so I took that as my opportunity to get wrestling-physical with her, and the rest was pretty straight forward. Although, it was funny, because she'd told me once before that she never wanted me to blow my load in her mouth [she'd never sucked dick before, by the way..shows how if you've got your shit tight, you can have full control over everything], and so this time, I remembered that..and decided to blow my load in her mouth. Haa It was great, and she was pretty cool with it, telling me that it was actually kind of good, although if I'd told her ahead of time, there's no way in hell she would've let me do it! Take the lead, especially when in the heat of the moment [remember? "Fuck it, just do it!"].
Sunday, I text-talked with HBJewelreyStore for a bit. This girl is another situation of I don't know what's going on, especially since I don't get much chance to do anything with her, even communication-wise. BUT..she'll text me sometimes, just randomly, and tell me she misses me, or she loves me..weird. So I want to hit it, considering I'd gamed her last spring, before my bootcamps [last summer], and after them, my shit was only tighter still, getting in that hardcore Comfort - she has/had a boyfriend, and I still made-out with her, at my place, as we waited for her boyfriend to come pick her up..hot shit, my friend.
Oh, and all weekend, HBBartender was calling me and texting me, and ended up hating my guts because each night [Friday and Saturday], I told her I was going to come out, and each night I didn't: Friday, I was so tired, I fell asleep after doing work late into the night, losing track of time, and Saturday, I had FBLazyEye over, and when I was finally getting ready to shower and head over to the club to see HBBartender, the power went out. She actually called me then, too, using that as an excuse to check on me and see what I was doing/when I was coming. I don't think I actually wrote anything up about her, so I'll probably do that soon, because she's hot, and she's got this awesome ass, and uh..oh yea, she's a bartender! Hired gun, baby, that's what's up! Especially when a number of other fools, students and local guys, have tried to mack on her, yet I've got that shit on lock!
Oh, a quick note from yesterday - I decided after class every day, I'm going to go to the library and get something going with 1 or the other [if not both] of the 2 HBLibrarians I mentioned..advantage to use: one of the librarians that works there is a really cool chick who I'm tight with, so I need to be sure to get some help from her in hooking this shit up.
And then there's today - in class, one of the girls who sits in front of me, I've been making mental notes that she seems to be a pretty horny girl, because she makes a number of sexual jokes/innuendos, and she's actually quite attractive - I'm not sure of her background, she's white or Latina or something like that. So today, for no real reason, she decided to try to talk to me. Well, that's a lie, I know why - I'm the hottest guy in the country! ;-) And, her "in" was some joke she'd made to her very hot girlfriend, and I couldn't help but laugh a little, and they both looked over at me [they're always looking for an excuse to do that anyways] and smiled at me/laughed with me. So later, during a break in between classes, HBMPHBrunette [she went through the Masters of Public Health program here before entering the medical school, and there's 4 of them that are hot as shit..her being the only brunette, it fits, right?] says something to me along the lines of apologizing for talking/blabbing during class, and it took a minute to register with me because I was looking over some notes from the class we'd just finished. Then, when I realized what was going on, I decided to gauge her investment in me by ignoring her that first time, and she made a comment to her friend [and indirectly to me] like "Ookaayyy, and he's ignoring me..". She's invested. I look up, take her in for a minute, give her a half-smile and a quizzical look like 'You say something?', and she giggles and repeats her whole apology thing. I reciprocated her major IOI/DLV with an IOI, telling her something like "it was cool, it helps distract me just enough to keep me awake in class, blahblahblah" while laughing [remember to smile/laugh more, because I'm intimidatingly hot and already have a mean/bad-ass expression when I'm serious]. She dropped more IOIs my way, laughing and joking, then kind of blabbing about something or other..and I messed up here, because I should've gone for an intro or something [for example, she asked a question in class, and it was kind of funny the way it played out - could've commented/referred back to that]..but instead, my mind was still kind of on the Physio shit I was looking at, and I slowly drifted back down to that shit..oh well - I already feel/know that all I really have to do is see this girl out [and she definitely seems like a party-girl, so it's more like I need to get my ass out], and I could definitely get something going, if not f-close her that very night.
Side-note for a take-home message: PAY MORE "GEEKY" ATTENTION TO INTERACTIONS WITH PEOPLE, both verbal and non-verbal communications .. at all times!
Another point to take note of: remember to smile/laugh more, because I'm intimidatingly hot and already have a mean/bad-ass expression as it is, especially when I'm serious!
I came back here, did work, and eventually made it to the gym, where this redhead chick was eyeing me in the mirror as she did her abs and I was riding a stationary bike. Then, after she finished running on the treadmill, she came and just stood next to my bike, but I was so oblivious that I didn't notice until she felt too uncomfortable, because I looked over, and she was staring at me, smiling, and I could see it on her face that she'd just made up her mind to not make an ass out of herself anymore by continuing to stand there and wait on me to look up..shit.
Note: pay attention to your surroundings at all times, especially at the gym as well as around campus.
Another redhead showed up, in these skin-tight black spandex pants, and her ass was just beautiful! And she started up on a bike near me, so every time I had to wipe my sweat on my shirt, I'd look her way and check that ass that was cushioning her body on the seat of the bike haha. Again, I should've paid more attention, but she "finished" before me [being a guy, I find that hard to believe that a girl finished her cardio before I finished mine], did I think 1 or 2 ab exercises, and conveniently finished as I crossed to the weights section to get some water, and she was right behind me. The whole way. And when I finished filling my water bottle, she was anticipating my turn-around and already started smiling before I'd fully turned to face her. I smiled back at her and..hesitated. Oops. Although I'm not too upset, because for me to have smiled, especially being at the gym, having just finished my workout, being drained, and not being in game-mode, that's a huge improvement.
Note: "Fuck it, and just go for it"
Another note: remember to maintain, and continue building, your social circle! When you see people around, do NOT avoid them..at least acknowledge them, and if anything else, make up some excuse about needing to run so as not to get caught into some long-ass interaction if that's what I'm trying to avoid. Regardless, be aware of those around you, especially people you know, and they will reciprocate if/when you genuinely don't see them to provide bursts of Social Proof and Value to you at a time that you might need it [when in/directly gaming one of my potential FB girls..scratch that, "one of my future FB girls"].
After the gym, I went to pick up a sandwich I'd called in for my roommate..and ended up waiting over an hour for it. Awesome. As if that weren't bad enough, I spent another 45 minutes to an hour waiting on a bus, because apparently the buses were taking a different route to leave campus [and thus not passing the bus stop a number of us were waiting at near the gym, at the bottom] due to heightened security because the Prime Minister of Grenada was on campus, attending this major Clinical Workshop/Meeting that was taking place - all the big-heads/deans were there in attendance.
Oh, and of course, once I get onto a bus, and am waiting to finally get back to my place, I see HBBangs go speed-walking by, alone as usual, looking around a couple of times..and me unable to do anything about it - or rather, unwilling to risk missing this bus and waiting more as well as being pretty irritated/annoyed with the way things worked out, with nearly 2 hours of my time having been wasted waiting on shit, and not wanting that to come out in my voice or my actions.
So, I've got a long night ahead of me, leading to an even longer day tomorrow: class from 8am-12pm, then Neuro small group from 2:15-3:30pm, then Physio review group from 4-6pm..yay med school!
Posted by
8:02 PM
Labels: bj, Captain Jack, CPM, El Topo, H-rod, HBBangs, HBBartender, HBJewelryStore, HBLazyEye, HBLibrarians, HBMissGND, HBMPHBrunette, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, HBRegiSTARS, neuro, physio, sex, Sinn, social circle
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
1st Pau Gasol to the Lakers, Now Shaq to the Suns [for Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks] - Big Beef in the West?
The West seems to be trying to beef up their line-ups.
First, Pau Gasol joined Kobe in LA..
Now, it appears Shaq is joining Steve Nash and Amare Stoudemire in Phoenix, in exchange for Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks to the Miami Heat.
The trade is awaiting Shaq's passing of a physical as well as league approval, but all things considered, the Suns may finally get that defensive presence they've lacked in their championship contention these past few years. Plus, being able to move Amare to power forward and having Shaq at center will no doubt help Phoenix's match-ups, too, especially with big-men teams like the San Antonio Spurs.
Posted by
8:20 AM
Labels: Amare Stoudemire, Kobe Bryant, L.A. Lakers, Memphis Grizzlies, Miami Heat, NBA, Pau Gasol, Phoenix Suns, San Antonio Spurs, Shaq, Shawn Marion, Steve Nash
Monday, February 4, 2008
Welcome Back to the Blogging World, Hrithik
So, it's been a long while since I've written up in my on-line diary/blog, but I plan to be more active with it this term, especially because I'll have more time [I hope] and more tales of conquest [I also hope, depending on the time factor].
Real quick - the NY Giants beat the Cheatin' Patriots to become Super Bowl champs, and that's awesome!
I have re-gained contact with El Topo, who actually happens to be down in the Caribbean these days [Trinidad, as a matter of fact]. And we'll see if we can wreak some havoc the next time he's down!
And my terms seems to be off on the right foot, academically especially. 2 2-week classes: Genetics = A, Parasitology = barely-passed-that-bitch-and-that's-all-that-matters.
Oh, I got back on a Friday night, and within 24 hours [Saturday night], I had not only at least 5 different chicks calling/texting me, despite not knowing when I was going to be back, but I had a tight little ass [HBLazyEye's, to be exact] bent over on my leather couch, getting pounded from behind - nice. And apparently I was hitting that so hard, she started to bleed..oops! Gotta be careful with the Hrithik-rod, I guess.
The key with that one, by the way, was using the sexual tension built up from being away during break and creating even more of it for the first bit of time she was here, until we just gave in and went all-out. It was like straight out of some kind of "Skinemax" flick, where we were just chilling, chit-chatting, watching TV - and then BOOM! We're fucking..good start to the term, and I'll take it as a sign of more good times to come.
Posted by
3:00 PM
Labels: ass, Caribbean, doggy-style, El Topo, genetics, Giants, H-rod, HBLazyEye, medical school, Mystery Method, New England, New York, NFL, parasitology, Patriots, seduction, sex, Super Bowl, Trinidad