Wow, what a crazy day today. I got a few updates that I wanted to do, dating back to last week, but now I don't know if I'm going to have the time to discuss all that with all the random shit that happened today [and especially tonight - I'm just now getting back from the gym, despite having been done for the last 2.5 hours]. But seeing as how I'm trying to be better about having this blog and keeping my thoughts on here for me to reference back to as well as you to reference, plus my new mentality of "Fuck it, I'm doing it!" that applies to everything PU-related, here we go.
I'm doing better about keeping on schedule. I've been to class pretty much on time, I come back and eat, take a quick hit of coffee to avoid my damn ADD medication that fucked me up for a whole week during my Parasit exam, then get to work, hit the gym by about 3:30-4pm, be back here, shower, snack, more work, phone time, eat dinner, more work/dick around, and crash.
I've been recalling a lot of PU stuff lately, and I'm starting to really want to focus more of my "free" time on it. I think it's due to getting back in touch with El Topo as well as paying more attention to this blog, my PUA email [], The Mystery Method/Love System's Super Conference in Vegas, and the fact that because I'm being so good about my schedule I'm hardly on campus at all anymore [thus cutting down my gaming opportunities to near-zero].
It's getting to the point, especially reading other blogs like Sinn's blog, Captain Jack's blog, and El Topo's blog, that I made a decision to go out at least once a week from now on, starting Monday night - we've got our Community and Public Health/Medicine final exam then, and 1st Termers have their Unified quiz that same day, too, meaning they'll be ready to party it and there must be some kind of blow-out party to hit up.
So, take-home message:! As much as possible, that is - reviewing those notes, running through all the stuff I have, making more routines, getting the order and flow down better, as well as going out AT LEAST once a week to shake the rust off. And when I'm back home, get hooked up with some dudes to keep my shit tight and ever-improving.
Next goal/game-plan: switch out my FB's at this point to new ones, simply because I've noticed it's causing me to be less motivated to do shit since I've already got ass whenever I want to hit them up. Plus, the whole point of getting into all of this was to be able to get any and all hotties that I wanted to, and that's not happening if I'm just sticking with the ones I've already got. And, considering I'm on a campus setting, there's always new girls either starting here or girls I've never really seen/run into due to the various schedules.
So, take-home message: rotate..around..the..FBs!
I've already got a little list of sorts going, including HBBangs [a new local student who, you got it, styles her hair so she's got bangs in her eyes], HBMissGND [a returning local student who was Miss Grenada this past year and competed in the Miss World contest, placing in the semi-finals - crazy, huh??], these 2 HBRegiSTARS [one works in administration, the a vet student??], and 2 librarian chicks [HBLibrarianThick, who's got a sort of chubby but really cute face and big tits + curvaceous-as-hell ass, and HBLibrarianAss, who's got a pretty face and ridiculous ass].
HBBangs - have to be quick with her, because she's "fresh meat" and will be getting hit on constantly by the other guys who'll have more opportunity to see her around. [She's a chick I've seen 5 times, including tonight, with the 1st 3 times her having a pair of those ridiculously over-sized sunglasses on..the 1st 2 times I saw her was on the same day, once by myself, the 2nd time while I was walking with HBNeedyLocal"GF", and she told me that HBBangs apparently lives down the street from her and is a really cute girl, to which I said "Yeah, I guess..without those awful sunglasses on, mayyybe.."; that was the incident where, as we passed HBBangs, I told HBNeedyLocal"GF" that I thought she was looking at her, and she replied "No, she not looking at me..", and I played dumb and asked what she was looking at then, and HBNeedyLocal"GF" said "uh..YOU!", and as we passed by HBBangs, she was staring at me/us very blatantly, even with those huge shades on, and then the body language gave her away - we walked past, and she was turning her entire upper body, while walking, so that she was almost walking side-ways as we crossed each other..Attraction, anyone?? And last night, I was on the phone with my girlfriend, and HBBangs walked by, finally, without sunglasses on - yea, she's fuckin' hottt! So, now she's got attraction, too..from me! ;-)
HBMissGND - has/had a boyfriend, but I've run into her a couple of times just within the last 5-7 days, and she's doing the double-take/stare, so it doesn't matter what her deal is, right? ;-)
HBRegiSTARS - Either way, both were on my shit in the brief time when I was getting my registration shit handled at the beginning of the term - I haven't seem them around TOO often, so when I do, I need to use the chance to work them
HBLibrarianThick - I don't know much at all what's going on with her
HBLibrarianAss - literally smiles and stares at me the rare times I go to the library
Ok, that's that.
Last Thursday was Grenadian Independence Day, so classes were canceled. I used the opportunity to have a few chicks over, one after the other like a fucking parade - it was great! My roommate and our mutual friend [who was over studying with him] were both cracking up, especially our friend because my roommate lives with me, so he has a better idea as to some of the crazy shit that goes down with me.
The night before, Wednesday night, HBBartender was blowing up my phone, trying to get me to come out. But I eventually passed out instead of going - bad call; she wants my shit, baaad, and all I had to do was show up and get some Comfort in..down here, a lot of girls need more Comfort-building shit, especially with her, because I think she has a daughter, and obviously the dad's not in the picture..I need to keep that in mind and work that into my game with her.
So, back to Thursday, I had FBPerfectTits come over first, and I used the usual movie-in-the-middle [it was Butterfly Effect] set-up. We chit-chatted for a bit, watched the movie as I filled her in on what she'd missed, and did a little Push-Pull with her, escalating physically but then pushing her off, then pulling her back in [either physically or verbally..or both], and then pushing her off again. My biggest cue to get things under-way was when she was leaning forward for something, and I caught a glimpse down her pants from the back-side: bright pink thong - I literally thought to myself 'Oh, it is SO on!' So, the Push-Pull worked like a charm to pump up her buying temperature real quick, and before you know it, we were already getting hot-n-heavy. Once her beautiful breasts made their entrance, regardless of being cupped in a bra, I lost it and went nuts - right on the couch. Afterwards, we chit-chatted about my break, especially my trip to Chile, which worked out great because it prevented any feelings of awkwardness or buyer's remorse [which I think is more in my head than in reality, but - better safe than sorry].
I think I should try to have something[s] to talk about after doing the durrty, because not only does it relieve my concern with any imaginary awkwardness/regret, but it also serves to keep a sense of time out there so that I don't have girls staying around too long and falling deeply in love with me or some shit.
In this case, I needed her out so I could shower [important!] and get the next one in, which kind of worked..except I was a little slow on it, and HBNeedyLocal"GF" had to wait on me for 20 minutes or so. Oh well. So she and I chilled for an hour or two, which was fine because I didn't plan to do anything physical with her [she won't put out, so why tease myself, right?]. And then, as I was trying to rush her out..she dropped the L-bomb on me. And told me that she's felt that way for a long time now. And she wants me to be her first........................................not sure how I feel about that, though, because as awesome as it is/would be, and as MUCH as I want to bang her, it's just going to lead to horrible things I think - if she's already so needy NOW, and we haven't even done the deed, that'll just exponentiate this shit. Especially because she's already mentioned/talked about getting married and shit at times, as context for some comment or in, it's understood to be the case..yikes..again, this is all withOUT having even taken her can only make things worse. On the other hand, I've wanted her, and dealt with her shit, for nearly 2 and a half years..and I bet it'll feel sooo good..fuck..
After her, I had FBLazyEye come over, and we watched the same movie [again], from the same "starting" point [again]. At this point, I was mouthing the lines as it played. She had her perky breasts looking sooo hot, with a push-up bra sticking up right out of her shirt, and she was smelling nice, and she had tight-ass [literally] jeans on..but I resisted, because we had to take care of some drama shit that had happened when I had those 2 finals earlier in the term. I gave her a lot of shit to think about, but she was ready to have it all settled [presumably to get plugged by the H-rod in my pants], which made me want to resist more, reminding her that I don't need her, and thus causing her to want me even more..nice. And I pulled it off.
But not to worry..I had her back Saturday evening and banged her on my bed. This time, the set-up came from wrestling, using the bed as the ring [very conveniently]. I also knew we were going to be a little time-crunched, so I tried a more boyfriend-style approach to things, to help get some Comfort in there [again, to avoid any awkwardness/slut-like feelings that she may feel if we just get it on as soon as she came over]. I played around with her, drank my protein shake, heated up a sandwich, then "did" things in my room like re-arranging shit or whatever [even though most of it I just faked to make it seem like we were doing things]. Then, one thing led to another, she tried to beat up on me a few different times, so I took that as my opportunity to get wrestling-physical with her, and the rest was pretty straight forward. Although, it was funny, because she'd told me once before that she never wanted me to blow my load in her mouth [she'd never sucked dick before, by the way..shows how if you've got your shit tight, you can have full control over everything], and so this time, I remembered that..and decided to blow my load in her mouth. Haa It was great, and she was pretty cool with it, telling me that it was actually kind of good, although if I'd told her ahead of time, there's no way in hell she would've let me do it! Take the lead, especially when in the heat of the moment [remember? "Fuck it, just do it!"].
Sunday, I text-talked with HBJewelreyStore for a bit. This girl is another situation of I don't know what's going on, especially since I don't get much chance to do anything with her, even communication-wise. BUT..she'll text me sometimes, just randomly, and tell me she misses me, or she loves me..weird. So I want to hit it, considering I'd gamed her last spring, before my bootcamps [last summer], and after them, my shit was only tighter still, getting in that hardcore Comfort - she has/had a boyfriend, and I still made-out with her, at my place, as we waited for her boyfriend to come pick her shit, my friend.
Oh, and all weekend, HBBartender was calling me and texting me, and ended up hating my guts because each night [Friday and Saturday], I told her I was going to come out, and each night I didn't: Friday, I was so tired, I fell asleep after doing work late into the night, losing track of time, and Saturday, I had FBLazyEye over, and when I was finally getting ready to shower and head over to the club to see HBBartender, the power went out. She actually called me then, too, using that as an excuse to check on me and see what I was doing/when I was coming. I don't think I actually wrote anything up about her, so I'll probably do that soon, because she's hot, and she's got this awesome ass, and uh..oh yea, she's a bartender! Hired gun, baby, that's what's up! Especially when a number of other fools, students and local guys, have tried to mack on her, yet I've got that shit on lock!
Oh, a quick note from yesterday - I decided after class every day, I'm going to go to the library and get something going with 1 or the other [if not both] of the 2 HBLibrarians I mentioned..advantage to use: one of the librarians that works there is a really cool chick who I'm tight with, so I need to be sure to get some help from her in hooking this shit up.
And then there's today - in class, one of the girls who sits in front of me, I've been making mental notes that she seems to be a pretty horny girl, because she makes a number of sexual jokes/innuendos, and she's actually quite attractive - I'm not sure of her background, she's white or Latina or something like that. So today, for no real reason, she decided to try to talk to me. Well, that's a lie, I know why - I'm the hottest guy in the country! ;-) And, her "in" was some joke she'd made to her very hot girlfriend, and I couldn't help but laugh a little, and they both looked over at me [they're always looking for an excuse to do that anyways] and smiled at me/laughed with me. So later, during a break in between classes, HBMPHBrunette [she went through the Masters of Public Health program here before entering the medical school, and there's 4 of them that are hot as shit..her being the only brunette, it fits, right?] says something to me along the lines of apologizing for talking/blabbing during class, and it took a minute to register with me because I was looking over some notes from the class we'd just finished. Then, when I realized what was going on, I decided to gauge her investment in me by ignoring her that first time, and she made a comment to her friend [and indirectly to me] like "Ookaayyy, and he's ignoring me..". She's invested. I look up, take her in for a minute, give her a half-smile and a quizzical look like 'You say something?', and she giggles and repeats her whole apology thing. I reciprocated her major IOI/DLV with an IOI, telling her something like "it was cool, it helps distract me just enough to keep me awake in class, blahblahblah" while laughing [remember to smile/laugh more, because I'm intimidatingly hot and already have a mean/bad-ass expression when I'm serious]. She dropped more IOIs my way, laughing and joking, then kind of blabbing about something or other..and I messed up here, because I should've gone for an intro or something [for example, she asked a question in class, and it was kind of funny the way it played out - could've commented/referred back to that]..but instead, my mind was still kind of on the Physio shit I was looking at, and I slowly drifted back down to that shit..oh well - I already feel/know that all I really have to do is see this girl out [and she definitely seems like a party-girl, so it's more like I need to get my ass out], and I could definitely get something going, if not f-close her that very night.
Side-note for a take-home message: PAY MORE "GEEKY" ATTENTION TO INTERACTIONS WITH PEOPLE, both verbal and non-verbal communications .. at all times!
Another point to take note of: remember to smile/laugh more, because I'm intimidatingly hot and already have a mean/bad-ass expression as it is, especially when I'm serious!
I came back here, did work, and eventually made it to the gym, where this redhead chick was eyeing me in the mirror as she did her abs and I was riding a stationary bike. Then, after she finished running on the treadmill, she came and just stood next to my bike, but I was so oblivious that I didn't notice until she felt too uncomfortable, because I looked over, and she was staring at me, smiling, and I could see it on her face that she'd just made up her mind to not make an ass out of herself anymore by continuing to stand there and wait on me to look up..shit.
Note: pay attention to your surroundings at all times, especially at the gym as well as around campus.
Another redhead showed up, in these skin-tight black spandex pants, and her ass was just beautiful! And she started up on a bike near me, so every time I had to wipe my sweat on my shirt, I'd look her way and check that ass that was cushioning her body on the seat of the bike haha. Again, I should've paid more attention, but she "finished" before me [being a guy, I find that hard to believe that a girl finished her cardio before I finished mine], did I think 1 or 2 ab exercises, and conveniently finished as I crossed to the weights section to get some water, and she was right behind me. The whole way. And when I finished filling my water bottle, she was anticipating my turn-around and already started smiling before I'd fully turned to face her. I smiled back at her and..hesitated. Oops. Although I'm not too upset, because for me to have smiled, especially being at the gym, having just finished my workout, being drained, and not being in game-mode, that's a huge improvement.
Note: "Fuck it, and just go for it"
Another note: remember to maintain, and continue building, your social circle! When you see people around, do NOT avoid least acknowledge them, and if anything else, make up some excuse about needing to run so as not to get caught into some long-ass interaction if that's what I'm trying to avoid. Regardless, be aware of those around you, especially people you know, and they will reciprocate if/when you genuinely don't see them to provide bursts of Social Proof and Value to you at a time that you might need it [when in/directly gaming one of my potential FB girls..scratch that, "one of my future FB girls"].
After the gym, I went to pick up a sandwich I'd called in for my roommate..and ended up waiting over an hour for it. Awesome. As if that weren't bad enough, I spent another 45 minutes to an hour waiting on a bus, because apparently the buses were taking a different route to leave campus [and thus not passing the bus stop a number of us were waiting at near the gym, at the bottom] due to heightened security because the Prime Minister of Grenada was on campus, attending this major Clinical Workshop/Meeting that was taking place - all the big-heads/deans were there in attendance.
Oh, and of course, once I get onto a bus, and am waiting to finally get back to my place, I see HBBangs go speed-walking by, alone as usual, looking around a couple of times..and me unable to do anything about it - or rather, unwilling to risk missing this bus and waiting more as well as being pretty irritated/annoyed with the way things worked out, with nearly 2 hours of my time having been wasted waiting on shit, and not wanting that to come out in my voice or my actions.
So, I've got a long night ahead of me, leading to an even longer day tomorrow: class from 8am-12pm, then Neuro small group from 2:15-3:30pm, then Physio review group from 4-6pm..yay med school!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Rollercoaster Day
Posted by
8:02 PM
Labels: bj, Captain Jack, CPM, El Topo, H-rod, HBBangs, HBBartender, HBJewelryStore, HBLazyEye, HBLibrarians, HBMissGND, HBMPHBrunette, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, HBRegiSTARS, neuro, physio, sex, Sinn, social circle
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