I realized something just now: being not only in school, but being so far geographically from the U.S. as well as being in a 3rd-World country really puts me out of touch with a lot of things! Such as the start of the NFL season..we're approaching now Week 2, and I don't even know what the hell's going on!! Plus, I have to get online to find, either on YouTube or VH1, the latest episode of The Pick Up Artist .. oh, well, I guess it's part of the whole sacrifice of being in med school..
So, check this out: I run into HBGottaBeMixed earlier after class in the cafeteria, sitting with a friend of hers..and I know I'm looking like the shiiiit - I got my hair looking fly, pimp clothes, and of course, my PIIIIIMP-AS-FUUUUCK shades..!! I walk right by, scoping the scene on my way into the store right there. The chick ringing me up is kind of cute, a little short, but with humongous boobs - awesome! Warmed up real quick with her, and then rolled back out..
I spot a couple of friends of mine at a table at one end, so I go over to chit-chat..and of course, it helps social-proof me to HBGottaBeMixed at the same time: win-win situation! As I wrap up with them, I start walking over and spot another chick [I can't really figure her out, because I know she's all into me, but she has a bf and seems like the loyal kind..we'll see how things play out!], I'll call her HBBrandy [she's black and has an incredible resemblance to the singer, and that's the only reason she won out..otherwise, she was about to be named HBCarleton, being black but also from the ritzy-ditzy part of LA, she's as mentally blonde as they come], sitting right next to HBGottaBeMixed..
h - "Heyyyy..!" {smile}
HBB - "Hey!!" {huuuuuuge smile, teeth popping out of her mouth}
h - "blahblah"
HBB - "hahah blahblah"
h - "Oh, you're on the phone .. well, I'll let you get back to that .." [non-neediness, both to her and HBGottaBeMixed]
HBB - "Oh..o-okay, sure..cool! haha"
h - {passing behind HBB's chair to get to HBGBM} "Whaaat's up?"
HBGBM - "Heyy!!"
h - "blahblah"
HBGBM - "haha blahblah"
..and we fluff for a bit, she invites me to a party tonight, which I tell her I can't go to because of my major quiz on Monday, and she draws out tears down her face, telling me that I should be going, etc, and how she was planning on me going, etc, and I ask her, "You're going..?? And you didn't even invite me??????", to which she was hardcore qualifying herself, so I stretched it out but knew that in the end, she was going to receive an IOI - plans to chill with me next week for sure [and of course, she was totally down..d'uh!]. From there, we continue fluffing and exchanging a bunch of sub-communicated IOI's:
h - {move shades off of face and up onto forehead}
..as well as IOD's for..well, whenever I felt like throwing them in for good measure - microcalibration + some hard-to-get:
HBGBM - "blahblah"
h - "Mhmm.." {shades slowly come back down}
HBGBM - "Ugghh!! :-O haha"
h - "start C's vs. U's"
HBGBM - {hides teeth while still smiling, but less} ".." [doesn't bite]
h - "Hmm .. haha .. {quizzical/'interesting' look towards her mouth} .. hmm .. haha" {body-rock away, towards HBB}
h - "Hmm..I don't know about this whole popped-collar thing you got going on.." [note: I HATE popped collars..I could go on forever on that shit, but that's not the point of this here]
HBGBM - "Ugh..I think I can pull it off..it looks good on me! blahblah.." [qualifying herself]
h - "Wellllll..I guesssss..I mean, it looks aiiiight.."
HBGBM - ":-D See? Yeah, exactly!"
h - "..well, it definitely looks better than whatever you had going on the other day! haha" {mischievous/playful look}
HBGBM - "Ughh!! hahahaha"
..and of course..TONNNNS OF KINO!!! And a bunch of other stuff happened [my memory is quickly fading on me here..one thing, I brought up the whole "birthday hug, kiss, present, interest..and then one!" from before, and she began qualifying herself pretty hard ("I want to make it very special and unique for you!!"), so I busted on her, to make sure it was genuine instead of just playing, plus this way, I can actually push it enough that it becomes more and more serious in her own mind], but basically doing my best to practice catching all the different things and realizing exactly what they are and what they represent, and in turn what all that translates to and what it then means for me in terms of what I need to do next..oh, yeah! So, this whole time, HBGottaBeMixed has been sitting with her friend, right? Guess who's been not only compelely left out of the convo, but after a couple of minutes, completely closed out of it?? Yup, her friend..HBGottaBeMixed hadn't spoken a word to her the whole time since I'd shown up [the tell-tale sign: the girl was literally fucking around on her cell phone!], and then after a couple minutes had passed, HBGottaBeMixed crossed her legs [facing me] and turned her upper body to face me..awesome! Other random examples:
h - {high-5s}
h - {high-5s, hand-holding}
HBGBM - {continues holding}
h - {hug}
HBGBM - {sits up and accepts hug}
h - {more hugs}
HBGBM - {leans up, full hug back}
h - "Qualify?"
h - "Qualify? Grounding story -> DHV story [protector of loved ones, loyalty, alpha male qualities, etc]"
HBGBM - "DHVs + IOIsss"
h - {tighter/longer hugs + beaming face}
HBGBM - {hugs back, both arms}
h - {wrap other arm around her, leaning down into her} "Man, you're soo awesome! I totally love you!! You're soo great!"
HBGBM - "hahah blahblahblah!!" {LOVING it}
h - {release hug after a minute} - "Man, it sucks we don't see each other around more.." [seed is planted..]
HBGBM - "I know..! It's great like this!"
h - "Yeah, definitely"
HBGBM - "sighhh But I very much cherish our little time we get like this..!!" [jokingly exaggerated, of course]
h - "I know, you should! ;-) And just imagine, when we get a chance to really chill, we've got soo much in common..it's great!"
HBGBM - "I know, it'll be awesome!! Just hit me up, like I said, gimme a call when you're ready to!!"
h - "Sounds good..next week, after my quiz.."
HBGBM - "Yes! Definitely!"
h - "Have fun tonight..but not too much fun.."
HBGBM - "Yeah.."
h - "I mean, you can't anyways, since I won't be there..haa"
HBGBM - "Exactly! Of course"
h - "We can't have you having too much fun, so that I move from the front of your mind, here {touch forehead} to here {an inch away from previous spot} - I'll still be in the front of your mind, but even that little bit of move..nooooo haa"
HBGBM - "hahahahh No way!! Can't even happen!! I won't have any fun like that"
h - "Good..have fun..but just enough to make it worthwhile to have gone out in the first place!"
HBGBM - "hahah perfect! Sounds good - I'll do that!"
h - "Cool"
HBGBM - "And good luck to you..study hard!"
h - {hold hands together} "Yes, ma'am..will do!" [sarcastic tone, of course! Make her feel a little like a dork, for not only telling me to study but also to have such a 'normal' generic thing to say]
..and the best part of this whole thing was: my merging of the 2 sets! I was psyched up, because I'd never really tried that before..but as this whole thing was happening, I realized that I could very much practice here and quickly decided 'no, I have to practice here, because otherwise I'll be complacent and never push myself to improve, much less actually improve'..plus, I kept in mind that, especially in this case, nothing bad would happen because 1) I've got enough Attraction [+Comfort] with these 2 girls that it won't really hurt anything if it doesn't work out, and more importantly 2) I'm a baller and will pull it off flawlessly [which, of course, I did haa]:
HBB - {finishes phone call, waiting for me to re-initiate}
HBGBM - "blahblah"
h - "blahblah"
HBGBM - "blahblah" [lamer..the convo had started to stale out, so I used this specific opportunity to pull a take-away so that she feels it on herself for bringing our convo down]
h - "Yeah.." {turn away to re-engage HBB}
h - "blahblah"
HBB - "haha blahblahblahblahblah" [this chick talks a LOT..like..you don't understand, she talks A LOT..]
h - "blahblah" {keeping a peripheral eye on HBGBM} "blahblah"
HBB - "hahahahah blahblahblahblahblah" [I apparently crack her uppppp, too]
h - "blahblah"
HBB - "haha blahblahblahblahblah"
..on and on and on like this, until a pause in the convo with HBB because it was staling out a bit..decide that this is the moment - not only will I re-ignite the convo, but I'll merge the 2 girls[thus directly displaying social-proof/pre-selection to both simultaneously, as well as including a direct, in-your-face Jealousy Plotline..nice] and re-initiate HBGBM [who's been ignored long enough, especially because she's just sitting there, trying to get her internet to work..and her friend already left her, and yet she remained..alone..yeahhh, I guess you can count that as an IOI haa]:
h - "Man, both of you are so bad..{start turning back towards HBGBM}..you got nothing better to do than screw around on your computers..?"
HBB - "hahah"
HBGBM - {chuckles, but not sure whether she's 'back in' yet}
h - "I mean, you're [note: "YOU'RE", not "SHE", to let HBGBM know that I'm directing it towards her, thus inviting her back in] just staring at your screen, and you're [same note, to let HBB know I'm not 'leaving' her for HBGBM] just looking at pictures..don't you guys have anything better to do?? Sheesh..!" [note for next time: they're talking to you .. don't use this/phrase it this way because it could be taken as a DLV, even if it hasn't thus far..]
HBB - [qualifies herself]
HBGBM - [qualifies herself]
h - {mwaaahahhaha!! Hrithik rules!!}
..and from there, I just went about chit-chatting to both, turning from one to the other depending on which was IOIing vs. not, DHVing vs. not, etc:
HBB - "story about going to Vegas"
h - {interrupt} "When'd you go?? Because I {making sure HBGBM is still involved through my b.l. as well as verbal projection} blahblah"
HBB - "blahblah"
h - {interrupt again, making sure HBGBM is listening} "DHV about my trip in Vegas - loyalty with friends, pre-selection, socially-calibrated, financially comfortable, etc"
HBB - "IOIs"
h - {high-5s, sharp kino-escalation}
HBB - "kind of DHV story, including pics, about her trip in Vegas"
h - "IOI"
Random Mutual Friend - "blahblah"
h - "blahblah"
HBB - "blahblah"
h - {turn to HBGBM} "blahblah"
HBGBM - "haha blahblah"
[insert earlier interaction, from 'random examples' - mainly the last major chunk]
HBB - {interrupts} "Hey, are you going up to the top..?"
h - {ignore} "blahblah"
HBGBM - "haha blahblah"
[end of earlier interaction, from 'random examples']
h - {random hug, even more random whiff of her hair} "Whoa..hmm..mm.."
HBGBM - "haha ..?"
h - "Your hair .. hmm..smells.."
HBGBM - {self-consciously pats hair} "blahblah [about the smell]"
h - {ignore her, lean back in, smell top of her head} "It smells..really..good!"
HBGBM - "hahah yeah?"
h - "Definitely! It smells really great!"
HBGBM - "haha aww, thanks! blah"
h - "Yeah..I just like, want to take it..{lean in, hold some of her hair in my hand}..I just want to take it and put it in a bottle..just save the smell, take it from your hair, put it in a bottle, and then smell it whenever I want to, whenever I think of you or miss you.." [note: I act it out as I describe it, as though I'm able to do it right there..I think this has a stronger effect than usual, mainly because 'smell' is something you can't see but is still there, almost in an 'imaginary', 'invisible' way..and so acting as though you're catching her 'hair smell' is more 'believable'/realistic because of it]
HBGBM - "Awww!!!! Mmmmm!!! {struggling with words, but VERY OBVIOUS that she's FEELING a whole lot of shit at this point!!!!!} That's soooooo sweeeeeet!!!!!!!"
h - "Eh, yeah..I'm just saying..blahblah.."
HBGBM - "hahaha {CANNOT stop smiling/laughing like a little schoolgirl, + looking at me like I'm the greatest thing in the world has ever seen}"
h - "blahblah"
h - "You know..I'm really..resisting the urge..to hug you..one more time..before I go.."
HBGBM - {REALLY wanting it} "haha"
h - "..but I'll have to leave it, because otherwise I'll grab you, hug you, and then we'll be here forever..
HBGBM - "haha Exactly! blahblah should study and never will then and blahblah"
h - "Yeah, you're right..that's why I'm not..but I really want to..!"
HBGBM - "Aww..! :-D"
h - "Alright.." {look at HBB, she rolls with me}
HBGBM - "Hey..later!"
h - {half-way turn} "Yeah.. :-)"
HBB - "Bye!"
HBGBM - {pause} "Bye" [made it very clear to me that HBGottaBeMixed wasn't even thinking to say bye to HBBrandy..hahah]
..and I continue gaming HBBrandy on our way back up, especially with this 1 major IOI/DHV she did, for which I just poured on the IOIs to her [I think she was trying REALLY hard to DHV herself to me, especially after the last part of the interaction with HBGottaBeMixed], and then socially-proofed myself in front of her, both with a mutual friend of hers [she made a joke/comment referring to him, then looks at me to see if it impressed me/what I think of it] and then when we split off, my roommate [when we spotted each other from a little ways, we both were throwing our arms up like "HEY!!!!!" and headed towards each other to chit-chat, and she saw this whole interaction..nice]
At this point, I'm a little worried about HBGottaBeMixed..well, really, it's only one thing that's kind of bothering me [and just hit me], and that is: did I spike up her Buying Temperature too much..?? Especially since she is going out tonight, and I'm not going to be there..???? ..um..oops..
Friday, September 14, 2007
Should Study, Buuut .. Procrastination's a Bitch!
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4:37 PM
Labels: campus, CharismaArts, day game, HBBrandy, HBCarleton, HBGottaBeMixed, kino, Matador, med, medical school, Mystery, Mystery Method, NFL, The Pick Up Artist, VH1, Week 2, YouTube
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