Monday, September 10, 2007

"1st" Post [ranging from Bush, Bin Laden, and Clinton to old college freshmen, little Indian girls, and Hooter's Kyla Ebbert]..No Longer a Blog Virgin

So I'm trying my hand at this whole blog thing - since it's new to me and I tend to be pretty busy, we'll see how it much stuff going on in my world, not to mention the world at large, in the past few days..a taste:

The actual, scripted-out monologue
News report
Updated news report
Later updated news report
Bush's response

Clinton[s] screwed up..[?]'s never too late to learn..

Indians can do anyyything..!

..and how could I possibly forget Kyla "I'm not too scantily clad" Ebbert's panty shot on national television [..and the written-up version]

I will start posting here soon,

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