Ok, time for a quick study break..and by quick, of course, I mean like a few hours! Earlier this evening/night, I had an HB want to come by to see me..a quick background follows:
Around the middle/end of February, I went to this hotel to make a booking for me and my gf, who was coming to see me for Spring Break [how tight is that? Spring Break, in the Caribbean?? Nice!]. Afterwards, I'm walking back, when I notice, in this jewelry store [within a "mall" directly across the street from the hotel], this really cute girl watching me through the glass wall. And she keeps looking, and watching, and staring..and at this point, I'm feeling pretty chill [I'd been reviewing some things at the time, the Venusian Arts Handbook (written by Mystery and Lovedrop, and including passages/posts by others, such as Neil Strauss/Style (The Game, StyleLife Academy), Sinn (The Mystery Method), Toecutter, Wilder, Mad Dash, Tyler Durden (Real Social Dynamics), Papa (also RSD), Thundercat (The Art of Approaching, Thundercat's Seduction Lair), Lance Mason (PickUp 101), Cliff (Cliff's List, Cliff's Seduction Newsletter)) as well as Double Your Dating (written by David DeAngelo), and thus I was feeling very confident in being able to do basically whatever the hell I wanted], so I look right back at her as I walk by and mouth/gesture towards her, "Are you bored?" After a couple of tries, she gets it and mouths back "Very!", so I smile and nod and keep walking. I got this feeling of being watched, so I turn around and spot this girl pressed up against the glass in an attempt to keep me in her visual field, and I think 'Fuck it!!' and make a sharp right to go into the mall to find her.
I get into the jewelry store and basically game the shit out of the girl [HBJewelryStore..very creative, I know] and her co-worker. At the time, I didn't have all the in-sights that I have now, just some basic stuff in terms of b.l., and definitely not as clear an understanding of Mystery's stuff as it applies in-field. Whatever I did know, though, I used it like I had no other choice [which I didn't, technically] and wound up with both of their #'s..nice. I stick around for a bit longer [this whole interaction was probably ~1 hour..a little long, I know now, but back then..whatever]. Since then, I probably only saw HBJewelryStore 2 more times, but we texted/talked fairly regularly..
..and then my gf came, and HBJewelryStore saw us nearly every night, with me blowing her off while walking around with my gf, doing my best not to be holding hands or whatever else, but seriously: what's a guy doing, with a girl who's obviously not from around here, at random hours of the night, especially entering and leaving a hotel?? Ah, well..as bad as things seemed to be at the time, I managed to patch things up [it helped that she accidentally mentioned her bf, and I totally called her out on hiding it, which definitely made her thing against me].
After a few attempts at trying to meet up this term, we finally got together today/tonight. I could tell from her b.l. right off that she was not comfortable being around my place, in such an intimiate setting..greaaaat..I also noticed that as hot as she was back at the Jewelry Store, she wasn't as hot now - in part due to her "fake" hair, but also the fact that she was wearing normal clothes [as opposed to her dressy business-style clothes at work], and you could very easily notice that she could probably stand to lose a few pounds..awesome. And she reminded me that she wasn't older than like 19-20 years. But, her face was still hot, and her ass was looking niiice, so I was cool with it haa
So I manage to warm her up, her b.l. opened up, etc, but it took a lot of effort, and then later on, her bf came up ["He's tracking me down.."], and I realized that must be why she's all off right now..which means that whatever chance I might've had to escalate with her tonight, just got that much smaller..but I continue to game anyway, because I could at least go for a kiss-close or in the very least, I could at least set things up for a better finish for next time [whenever that may be, considering my schedule these days]. I decided I wasn't going to be a little bitch about it - I was going to push myself beyond my comfort zone and escalate as much as possible until I got up to the kissing point.
To get into the proper mind-set, I kept reminding myself that obviously she was here, at my place, 1-on-1, despite having a boyfriend, especially a bf who was trying to find her at the moment. So, I began gaming: random shit verbally [verbal push-pulls were a big one, she even said multiple times throughout the evening that I was crazy or I was driving her crazy "because..well, I don't know, you just are!"], however, most of the game I ran on her was non-verbal, body language things, i.e. take-aways, push-pulls, back-turns, disinterest, etc. At 1 point, I was even texting another girl, who had initiated the texting [Jealousy Plotline (SOO $!)..and it reminded me of how easily I could've done that myself with anyone, even a guy friend - all that she needed to realize was that I have other people who want to get a hold of me, especially on a Friday night..and besides, as far as she knows, unless I tell her otherwise, the person/people texting me are female(s) haha]. Next thing I know, not only has she opened up immensly towards me, but I caught her doing the triangular gazing..and it was just on-going! Completely sub-conscious, and at 1 point, I even tested her by cutting the conversational thread and returning her stare, then doing my own triangular gazing, and I could tell she was just going nuts! It was retarded how easily I had gamed this girl, with her bf on her mind/ass trying to track her down, and all she could think about by the time I was done with her was fucking me!
I ran a few compliance tests on her, really just 1 main one over and over until she "scored" better and better: the high-5 into the grasped hand-holding..initially, she completely failed, but I held my ground and got her to break and comply. Then, she reverted back, but it didn't take more than 1 look from me and another attempt for her to laugh and do it right..and then she got it right from there on out, even leading to a hand-hold once or twice. The other thing I noticed was that in terms of physical touching, she was initially closed off to it, even if I simply left my hand somewhere too long, even on/in her hand, but I plowed through, both verbally but especially non-verbally [again, reminding myself that she was here, despite whatever circumstances, so she obviously had interest in being here..regardless of what verbal and/or non-verbal cues she was giving off]. I had an opportunity to do an old favorite of mine [I've used this from long ago, something I discovered on my own and had already realized/analyzed into how and why it works] - wrestling/play-fighting. It didn't go over too well [my standards are pretty high with it, because it has always led to at least a k-close, if not a full-out f-close], but it was enough to get her to be really cool with the touching and rubbing and holding, especially after I had thrown her up against the wall and over-powered her for a good minute or so, just our bodies pressed up against each other..and then I released and walked back to my couch as though nothing had happened, and needless to say, she followed me and sat right up against me the rest of the time. Later on, I decided to pull a comfort-building routine that I hadn't really done before, but it seemed pretty straight-forward, to the point that I could just wing it..and I didn't really have a choice. At the start of it, I barely glance over at her before pointing at my cheek and arching my neck out, basically putting my face/cheek closer to her..and without any hesitation, she leaned in and kissed it. The purpose in doing this [even though I'd already been getting the triangular gazing at this point for at least an hour, on and off] was that I needed to know if she was comfortable enough to follow through on her Attraction urges. Well, guess what? She was..nice. I continue on with the comfort routine that I decided to go with: showing her a bunch of pics from when me and my family were in Egypt, December of 2005 [I think]. After this, I made sure to throw in some A3-type/Comfort topics, like I was really glad she'd come, she's so great or fun or funny or whatever..I wanted to get her as far away from her initial emotional mindset as possible if I was going to be achieving the goal(s) I'd set goal, right?
Finally, her ride arrives - and it's her bf..so what does Hrithik do? I get her to kiss me, while he's waiting on her outside! Kick-ass! I used the same tactic as before: while she was talking [something about leaving and it was nice that she'd come, etc], I was standing a bit away from her, and then just pointed at my left cheek - she came over and kissed it. Then I pointed at my right cheek, and she came back again and kissed it [and stood closer, hoping/expecting that there were going to be more kisses involved]. Good thing I noticed this, because I was feeling like 'maybe she doesn't want to, or maybe/what if she doesn't come in for any more..??', but I pushed past it and pointed at my forehead, and she kissed it, and then I pointed at my lips [cue the dramatic music], and .. .. .. she leaned in and kissed me [after a split-second of hesitation] - nice. And all the while, her bf is outside waiting on her..haha
Next time, I gotta push for further..get her beyond the point of feeling discomfort dealing with me touching her [for example, smacking her ass, being right up on her, etc - the things that would be happening when we're both naked; if she's not fully comfortable doing that clothed, then..yeaaahh..]
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Diamond in the Rough..? More Like - the Diamond IS Rough!
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2:40 AM
Labels: David DeAngelo, Double Your Dating, Egypt, HBJewelryStore, jewelry, Lance Mason, Lovedrop, Magic Bullets, Mystery, Mystery Method, Neil Strauss, pick up, Sinn, Spring Break, Style, Tyler Durden, VAH, Venusian Arts
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