..and next thing I know, BAM! There's an HB sitting all by herself - God must've sent me to her to enrich her night..or at least the next 10-15 minutes of it ;-)
So, I was just getting back from a review/study session, and I ran into a female friend of mine. We start chit-chatting, and I am using the chance to display social-proof/pre-selection to others passing by us [one of the classes had just let out, and apparently it's dominated by females!]. A few girls I know pass by and reach out to initiate convo and kino, and I take it in stride, knowing it's being seen by the others who don't "know" me, wishing it was them touching me! Haa It was a little awkward after a little bit, though, because I was getting bit the fuuuck up by mosquitos - it seems they had no inhibitions about reaching and touching me, either..
As we talk and I social-proof, a whole bunch of people pass by with some appetizingly-aromatic food, and one of them's a friend of mine; I ask him where he got it, and me and the girl head over to get some ourselves.
It turns out, I know half the people in the organization having the dinner event, so I get hooked up with free food, and as much as I can eat [trust me, I eat a lot], and I take full advantage! ..and the mosquitos take full advantage of me kickin it with my boyz..
I walk to the bus stop with a guy I met through a mutual friend, and there's this exotic HB8orso [I'm not much of a "rater", I just know what I like!], we'll just call her HBThickLegs..speaking of which, I spotted her earlier today when I was on the bus leaving campus, and she had on a long white skirt..and it kept blowing straight up with the wind!! Ohh, my..very sexy, indeed! And now here she was [she'd changed into jeans since then, but they were skin-tight, so we HBThickLegs it is!]
h - "How long have you been waiting here?"
HBTL - "Not very long"
h - {pause} "So..you just got here like..a minute ago?"
HBTL - {smiles} "Yeah"
h - "Ah I see .. I was going to ask you if you knew whether the bus had already come or if it was running late.."
HBTL - {looks at watch} "Oh..you missed it"
h - "Thanks..I really appreciate it.." {sarcastically}
HBTL - {laughs}
h - "blahblah"
HBTL - "haha blahblah"
h - "blahblah" {walk away while talking}
HBTL - "blahblah" {following me visually}
h - {notice her sexy thick legs shaking} [She's nervous! ..or cold, but somehow, I doubt that one.. more on this in a minute]
HBTL - "So..blahblah" {with mouthful of Skittles}
h - {grinning on the inside} "Obleohobleohobleoh"
HBTL - {laughs} "Do you want some?"
h - "No, I just popped in a piece of gum..it was pretty rude of you not to offer me some"
HBTL - "haha Yeah, I'm pretty rude.." [verbal compliance..nice!]
h - "blahblah cool bag/purse blahblah" [IOI for her verbal compliance]
HBTL - "blahblah"
h - "blahblah"
HBTL - {laughs}
..and this goes on..and on..basically, a lot of mini-IOIs, both verbal and non-verbal [her body being turned towards me despite us sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, kino, etc]. I'd leave the convo hanging, and she'd re-initiate [one time, by suggesting I get some Off! bug spray, and another time, by commenting on how fresh and clean my white shoes are and "how do you manage to keep them so white?" ..huh?? That's what you try to talk to me about? Weak! The "more" from before: I'm finding more often that hot girls tend to be pretty boring conversationalists, at least at first (or maybe I'm spoiled now, knowing how good conversations go!), but because of the way society is with men always picking up on the women, the responsibility of keeping the conversation not only moving but also interesting falls on the guy .. until he conveys enough value to her, and then he can put her in the hot-spot to deal with the pressure, as I'd ended up doing in this case].
My bus arrives, and I decide to go for a last burst of kino: while looking away towards the bus, I hold out my hand and tell her that she's got me curious, and she takes my hand [thinking I'm going to ask her her name..nope! Because I'm too baller for that shit] and starts to tell me her name, but I just talk over her and begin to lightly pull her hand upwards - and she pops right up. I told her she's not all that short [as she'd mentioned something earlier about wearing heels for making her legs look nice, which I totally busted on her for trying to mask what she really meant to refer to: her not-so-great height haa..I'm so funny], and we make a pretty good height match-up! She smiles, teeth looking like they're going to burst out of her mouth because of her excitement, and so I open up my arms and open my mouth to say something about a hug..and don't even finish, because we're already hugging..so easy! I feel a little discomfort [this time, it was from her for sure..I waited that shit outtt], and kinda pushed her off of me [forgot the verbal release, which can help to buffer the extreme discomfort of being literally pushed off by a big gym-goer like myself..oh well, maybe next time..again..]. Oh, and I'd forgotten, but this whole time, there were a couple of cute girls in the area who'd definitely seen all this, and then a girl from my class walks by, saying hi as she touches my shoulder..HBThickLegs looked like she was ready to come right back in for another hug!! Haa Jealousy plotlines are soo money!
I tell HBThickLegs I'm headed to the bus, to find out if it's the right one, because "this one time, blahblah", and she says some shit as I body-rock away, so I turn back to her, said something and stuck my hand up - hers matched mine instantly..and lingered - nice
On to work..maybe at some point next week, I'll actually be able to re-visit some of these posts that I keep saying/thinking I'm going to talk about more or analyze or whatever else..we'll see [been texting with this one chick back and forth while I've been writing this and have seeded something for us next week, too..we'll see how that goes, as well]
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Waiting at the Bus Stop..and My Shoes Are "So Fresh and So Clean, Clean"
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