Friday was a long, exhausting day. And I was already tired before it even began..
I'm just going to fast-forward to the good stuff, which is that I pre-gamed with a few of my boys before we went out to the 2 main clubs here.
We went to the first place, where they've got a more formal dress code, so I rocked my Armani jeans, Jordans, with a white shirt and dress jacket on top..I'll be honest, I was looking fly as hell, and everyone noticed - they were either loving it and going on and on about it, or they were hating on it, trying to make fun or bring me down a couple notches, but they couldn't get through my frame.
It was a decent crowd, not nearly as packed as I was expecting, but it was fun because me and my friends were there outcome-independent, just having drinks and enjoying ourselves. And people could tell, because they kept buzzing around us, starting up conversations with some of the lamest comments - it was a reminder of how hot girls feel when they're out, being approached by lame-ass AFCs with no game.
After scoping the scene for a while and fucking around with the guys, I decided to up things; after all, I didn't come out and be balled out like I was just to chill with the guys and drink my brains out in the VIP area..which we got into for free :-)
So I started talking to one of my buddies "P" about some of the girls around, and we were eyeing up and breaking down what was going on with whom. And then we relocated to the outer area because most of the people were headed that way, too. I spotted this one girl in a red dress/top, with some fucking chode, so I told my buddy I was going in.
I opened the guy, actually, being all chummy with him and feeling him out, befriending the obstacle as it were, and the guy got lamer and lamer the more he talked. And he brought the girl into the conversation, telling me how she likes him and all kinds of AFC shit, and the look on the girl's face said it all. She even went so far as to tell me, that she told him that if she wasn't dating someone back home, then she'd go out with him.
I laughed. I couldn't help it; in my mind, I was thinking if the guy had any game at all, she wouldn't have said something like that to him..shit, if he knew even a little of what he was doing, she wouldn't have said anything about a guy back home, period..much less been like 'oh sorry I'm with someone thousands of miles away, but otherwise I'd totally go out with you! My little cute puppy dog!' loll
So anyways, after talking with her for a bit, and having the drunk fool keep interrupting with random AFC shit, like how much he likes her, and wants to go out with her, and blahblahblah..I decided it was not worth it to deal with all this shit, so I bounced out..only to spot another Indian girl from my class, whom I'd nicknamed My Little Porn Star because of her very curvaceous body and dick-sucking lips, and she was looking fiiine.
She waved at me and smiled, so I went right in, and told her "Now that we're outside of class, you have to at least give me a hug and a kiss, because this is just ridiculous - you wave at me in class, all sleepy-looking with glasses on and stuff, so I don't think anything about it - I'm right there with you! But now you're all done up, looking nice in this cute little outfit, and you're that's not going to fly!"
She complied, gave me a hug and a quick peck on the cheek, and the biggest ear-to-ear smile I've seen on her face. Then we talked about some shit for a bit, I wasn't really paying much attention because I kept thinking about her lips wrapped around my fat cock..nice! So I just focused on making sure my body language was good, and I kept rocking out and then back in, just to let her know that I wasn't completely all into her/us at the moment, putting more pressure on her to continue trying to win me over.
She then got pulled off by a hater [who didn't even face me or look at me while he was there] to go find one of their super-drunk friends, and she kept trying to reassure me that she'd come back [I guess she could tell by the look on my face that I didn't believe her..or that I just didn't care haa].
Then me and my buddy met back up with our other 2 boys and decided to roll from this venue to the other nightspot, right near campus and my place. This is where the real fun started..
So we get in, and it's a decent crowd - half the people are from the other place, like us. The others head to the bar, while I take a detour to talk to the girl working the door [I've gamed her before, too, and have #-closed her]. She gave me a hug, and we chit-chatted for a minute, then I told her I'd come chill with her a little later when she wasn't too busy [it was already like 3am, so she knew I was just leaving her because I have other things to do, like gaming other hot girls around = social proof, plus pre-selection for when I come back].
I get to the bar area where my friends are, and I throw a napkin at HBBartender [it's a little thing we do = "our thing" aka connection -> comfort]. She starts giggling and can't help herself, comes over and starts chatting me up, smiling ear-to-ear. Then I tell her I need a hug, so she comes around the side and hugs up on me, squeezes me, and holds me.
After a minute, I gently push her off..but then hold her hand, which she squeezes back. We talk for a few minutes like this, then I tell her she should get back to work [non-neediness], while I go hang with my friends [social proof]. And I tell her not to worry, because I'll be back..
Me and my boys chill for a bit, and my chick-scoping buddy from before "P", points out this fiiine black local girl who keeps eyeing me, hard. And I catch her, a number of times, as well as take in the situation - she's there with another girl and 2 guys, and the way they're positioned, it seems the girls came with the guys and know them and are "with them". It's all good, no sweat, right? :-)
So a little later, my boys decide they're going to bounce, so I go and hug the girl at the door [HBDoorGirl], and tell her I'll hit her up later. She seems kind of sad to see me go, in her own bubbly way, and as I'm walking out towards the car, I'm thinking 'Why am I already leaving? I've got girls here to game, and I'm still having a good time..and still buzzing from the alcohol, too - why did I drink if I'm just going to go to bed??'
I get to the car where my boys are waiting up for me, and I tell them I'm going back in. They leave, and I go get HBDoorGirl again and tell her that they're being bitches and leaving already, but I still want to party..with her, once she gets off. She tells me she'll be done at 4-ish, and I tell her "Cool, come find me, we'll dance..and when I'm ready to go, I'll call my boy to come pick me up [because I'm not a loser who got ditched by his friends, I chose to stay, and all I have to do is ask them to come get me, and they will, no matter how late, etc, because that's what boys do for each other]".
At this point, I'm thinking about all the social proof that I have, and how quickly that can get shot down into the negatives if I don't quickly find a set, because otherwise even I'll soon succumb to the "weirdo by himself" category despite how baller I may be looking with my clothes and attitude.
I find a couple of people I know from class and jump in with them. And as luck would have it, the hot local chick from before who was eyeing me down, was standing right behind me, elbow-to-elbow and back-to-back. And I could see her turning over her shoulder to look my way every few seconds, so I was racking my brain as to how to enter the set..
So I bumped her. Softly at first, but then I did it again, a little harder. And a third time. And I could see she was getting kind of upset/frustrated with me, throwing me dirty looks, so I bumped her one more time, and this time did a double-take over my shoulder at her, like I didn't realize I was bumping into her all this time.
I apologized, almost to the point of over-kill, just to take it to such an extreme that the whole thing became almost absurd, and she brought up the fact that I'd almost spilled her drink, and I was like oh I'm soo sorry..
At this point, her "guy" jumped in, trying to be all Mr. Baller, and tells me that I'd better be sorry about that, and I looked at him and smiled, then turned back the girl and asked her "Did I spill your drink..?", to which she replied no, and I said to her and the guy "Well, then, there's nothing to stress about it, now is there?" while still smiling.
The girl cracked a smile, so I knew I was good with her, and the guy just huffed at me, so I knew he wasn't going to be a bother anymore. So, I body rocked back out from her towards my 2 friends, and then rocked back towards her and asked her how her night has been going. And we started chit-chatting, and each time she started to turn back towards her group, I'd turn my body faster/quicker, so as to seem like I was already doing it and mine was more obvious, so I must really be uninterested..and like magic, I had her re-opening me each time [I think twice or so this happened].
I started to turn to completely face her as she faced me, and then I started slowwwwly walking and talking, going for a mini-isolation a few feet away from both of our respective groups. We talked for a while, about what she does, what I do, mundane shit basically..but all the while, I was physically escalating with here, at first holding her hand [I put it out there, and she grabbed it], and then later pulling her in closer to me. This was great, because I had one leg up on the wall I was leaning up against [locked-in, of course ;-)], and so when I pulled her in towards me, she ended up with my knee pressed up between her legs. And slowly I started moving, kind of swaying to the music, and she followed suit, with my knee pressing up harder against her sweet spot..and all the while, we're still talking about things, comfort-building-type stuff, like what we want to do with out respective lives, etc.
I could see that she was getting hot, so I decided to push her away and tease her, so I told her I was going to go get another drink and use the bathroom. I ran into the 2set from before, and I asked my friend if he wants anything to drink. I ordered our drinks from this cuuuuuuuuute fucking bartender, definitely a new girl, and I start talking to her for a minute or two, asking her her name in the process and replying with how I have an ex-girlfriend with a similar name except hers was blahblahblah, then I completely roll off her and head to the bathroom.
I killed the drink as I pissed, and then I talked to some local dude about how the sink sucks. We talked for a minute on our way out, and he told me about another party the next night, invited me out to it, introduced himself to me, etc - see what social proof can do for you? And itm akes me out to be a leader of men in front of my chicks around watching.
I left him and went to find the girl I'd left all hot and bothered, and she'd rejoined her group [surprise]. She spotted me coming and smiled at me, waving me into the group. So I went in for a few seconds, smiled, said some random shit, and then pulled my girl back out to our isolation spot, only this time a little further out of most people's sight.
A few minutes later, her friends started leaving, and I could just see the look on the guy's face who was with her before, just all pissed off and shit - classic! So she and I chilled for a bit more, then I told her I was getting tired, and the place was starting to close up anyways, and then I asked her what she was up to now..
She told me she was still kind of awake, so she was probably going to go back to her place and chill or something, because she had work for a bit the next day..and she gives me this look..and I'm like "Oh cool - well, I'm going to head back, I'm kind of tired.." just to fuck with her a bit. And to continue figuring out logistics: if she's working tomorrow, then we won't have any spend-the-night shit, either, because she's got to get up relatively early; if her group left, obviously she has her own ride, which I didn't know before [I should've asked how she, and her friends, had gotten there] and was kind of hesitant about bringing her back to my place simply because I didn't want her knowing where I live and leading to drama later.
But now that was no longer an issue. So I tell her that I live on campus, maybe she can give me a ride. She agrees, and tells me that she's going to the bathroom first. So I go talk to HBDoorGirl, running some comfort shit on her, more linked to "you only live once" and "what are the odds that you and I met, and are here talking, right now, of all the people in the world I could be talking to" and having ambitions and passions in life. I also ran strawberry fields as well as rings-on-fingers, because I noticed she had a shiny ring on her right index finger. And she was loving all of it.
At this point, the super-cute bartender girl came up to me and started talking to me about Indian movies, so I was IOIing her like crazy for them, because she was obviously trying to impress me [remember, create your own reality]. So, I kept giving her high 5's and hugs, and then HBBartender came up behind me and started grinding on me from the back. And this was hilarious, because HBBartender and HBDoorGirl got into a verbal play-fight over me and ran off to go clean up, and the super-cute bartender was telling me that "They may look like they're playing now, but when you're not around, behind the scenes, they'll be going at it for real!" So I made her in charge of keeping me up-to-date on the drama, and she said that she doesn't get involved with drama [which got her another hug for not being a typical drama queen], and at this point I should've #-closed her, but I didn't..ah well, I had her give me a going-away hug-and-kiss, before she ran off to go help clean up.
My girl HBGarcelle came back sometime as me and the super-cute bartender were saying our good-byes, so I pretended not to see her and started talking to the big bouncer dude at the entrance, to get in good with him..which I did. Because he could totally fuck me over with the girls working there, as well as give me shit every time I come around, if he feels like I kind of invaded his area or something gay like that.
Then, me and HBGarcelle start walking towards her car, and as we're getting there, I tell her I'm not really ready to go to sleep because I'm not too tired at the moment. So she offers to watch a movie, and I ask her what she's got, and she says that I can see for myself..and we're off to her place!
The details are pretty much as can be expected, but basically we get to her place, she gives me a little tour, and I pick out some lovey-dovey/comedy looking movie, I think it had Ashton Kutcher or Josh Hartnett or someone like that in it, and we plop down on her couch and start watching it.
No more than 10-15 minutes later, this girl is like throwing herself at me, so things escalate pretty quick, until I push her off and tell her we should slow down [so I can drink some water!], and she agrees. Another 5 minutes later, and she starts kissing up on my neck, and I rub her arm, and her hand goes between my I think fuck it, and whip out my dick..
And she starts jerking me, almost violently, and I grab her hair and pull her head back and start making out with her, hard, and she starts taking my jacket and shirt off and sucking on my nipples, so then I slowly put pressure on the back of her head, and she gets the hint and goes down on me..and holy fuck, can she suck!!
[Oh shit, I didn't realize, that shit rhymes :-)]
Anyways, so she's sucking me off, while I'm sitting there watching the movie and drinking my water loll
Once I feel sober enough to fuck and not bust a nut too quick because I'm drunk, I start sliding my fingers between her legs, to find that she's wet as hellll already! And that shit got me going even more, to the point that I grabbed her, stood up, and slid the strings on her dress off her shoulders while I pulled my jeans and shit off..and just banged her doggy right on her couch.
After a while, I took her to her bed, along with my water bottle, and had her get on top, and I started splashing water all up on her tits and especially on that phat assss of hers..holy shit, that shit was fucking hot..

Anyways, so we finished up after a while, and I passed ouuuuut - I was totally drained! I got up maybe 30 minutes later, and I got dressed and used her phone to call my number, then I texted her back with my number, and then I went to let her know that I was leaving, and I'd hit her up later..and she just had this dreamy look and smile on her face..and I was thinking 'I know exactly how you feel haa..'
I called up one of my local cabbie buddies, who gave me a ride back to my place, and I crashed until like 3:30pm the next day..and still made it to the gym ;-)
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