One of the BEST pick-up holidays of the year is right around the corner.
Face it - if you were going to go out and meet a chick, Halloween is the time to do so.
Why? Because - Halloween makes women more exhibitionist!
There's something so much more freeing about dressing up and pretending to be someone you aren't.
This means that on Halloween night, women will tend to be more out-going, more flirtatious,and much more FRISKY than they normally would be!
Not only that - but Halloween is a time for parties!
This means "easy pickings" for all you Pick-Up Artists out there.
So here are some tips for a fun, successful Halloween night:
1. Plan ahead!
Halloween usually means lots of special events and parties. Try and get a line on as many Halloween parties and gatherings as you can.
Ask your friends, check your local paper, and write down every event which sounds good to you. Plan on hitting all of them if you can. If you find a good event, you can stay there, but it's always nice to have alternatives!
2. Have a great costume!
Halloween is the one day out of the year where guys can get away with MURDER.
The best costumes for getting chicks on Halloweenare usually sexual in nature.
Last year, I wore a lab coat with the letters "Breast Inspector" on it, and had a stethoscope around my neck.
All night long, I had women coming up to me asking to have their breasts inspected! That is the power of having a great costume!
3. Take advantage of the night!
Don't just settle for a phone number on Halloween. This is a night to push for the FULL MONTEY.
After Halloween is over, the "magic" will wear off and the women you meet won't be as out-going. You want to strike while the iron is HOT!
So push hard for getting physical with any girl you meet on Halloween. Trust me - it WILL work!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Game-plan on How to Pick Up Chicks on Halloween
Posted by
8:16 PM
Labels: advice, dating, flirting, game, Halloween, how to pick up chicks on Halloween, night game, pick up, pua, seduction, social circle, social dynamics, women
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How to Get the Girl You Like, to Notice You
Have you ever liked a girl, but she never knew you existed?
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
You see an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous girl you are instantly attracted to..
You keep your distance, admiring her from afar, imagining all the wonderful times the two of you could have together..
In the blink of an eye, it's as though you and her have lived a life-time together, and you're convinced "she's the one"..
But for some reason, no matter how much you send out your "vibe", she doesn't seem to notice you!
And whenever you talk to her (should you work up the courage to do so), you can't tell if she's feeling the same way about you that you are about her..
You WANT to ask her out, you WANT her to like you..
But you just don't know how.
Welcome to hell, my friend - the hell of not being noticed by the girl of your dreams.
Don't fear, we've all been there before. The trick here to find romantic success is actually very simple..
See, most guys in this situation will do one of two things:
1. They'll sit around and wait for the girl to ask them out - or show some sign that she feels the same way as they do.
2. They'll jump the gun and ask her out before they establish any type of connection with her.
Either way, these plans of action NEVER work.
Girls WILL NOT ask you out. They're just not used to it. The burden is on the guy to take the initiative.
Also, girls WILL NOT usually accept your offer to go out on a date, if you haven't tried to generate attraction, interest, or rapport with her before-hand.
Understand: just because you feel an emotion, and you have already convinced yourself that you're meant for this girl, DOES NOT mean she has experienced those same emotions..
Your job, as a man, is to help the girl of your desires to feel those emotions!
Otherwise, you won't succeed in getting her to notice you, let alone GO OUT with you.
If you really want to get success with girls, and get them to notice you, here's the basics of what you have to do:
1. Approach the girl, the RIGHT way: The first step in getting any girl to notice you is to meet them. You actually have to WALK UP to the girl, look her in the eyes, and engage her in a conversation. And, you have to do so in a way that is not annoying, imposing, or needy!
2. Create feelings of connection: This is what some might call that "click" or "chemistry". Creating feelings of connection are all about fostering feelings of trust and comfort with women. Too often, guys make the mistake of being a "gender neutral" friend. But creating connections is about finding similarities between you and the girl, so the two of you feel some sort of a conncetion or a bond.
3. Create feelings of sexual tension: This is also known as "flirting". Most guys don't bother to do this, and because of that, they get stuck as "just friends". You HAVE to know how to flirt with the girl, if you want her to start seeing you as a possible romantic interest.
You have to know how to stir within her those feelings of desire and attraction!
Otherwise, you're just another one of those "nice guys" she knows in her life.
If you can do all three of these things, you can get any girl you like, to notice go out there, and Get the Girl!
Posted by
10:31 PM
Labels: advice, Art of Approaching, campus game, dating, day game, flirting, game, how to get noticed, Magic Bullets, Mehow, pick up, pua, social dynamics, women
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Flirting: Some Quick Tips on How to Flirt with Women
It's been a while, yes, yes, I know..and I've got to admit: I've missed my blog.
A LOT has been going on, especially with school and pick-up: exams were good, and I've been making headway with a number of girls despite my crazy-busy schedule [a bunch of #closes, some solid seeds growing, etc].
The problem: no..fuckin..time!
It's costing me girls I've been slowly setting up, despite the rough school schedule, AND it cost me joining Mehow's crew as a coach for the entire Central America/Caribbean/South America region..more on that another time..for now, let's just leave it at "fuuuuuuuuck!!"
HBAmazonian is quickly becoming my one-itis, though..and I can't figure her out - physically, all the signs are there, and yet verbally, she's playing me..and pretty damn well, too! I got her number, but not after some awkward game-play and situation barriers..and I'm even more confused now than I was before..more on that another time, too.
Anyways, all that aside, on to what I wanted to talk about - flirting.Ever notice someone that you would like to get to know better? Ever look over and see
someone looking back at you? Are you afraid of letting someone know how you feel because
you are afraid they might not be interested? Well you’re not alone. Nearly all of us at some point
in our lives have felt this way. If you really want to get that person’s attention, and find out if they could be interested in you, then learn to flirt.
Flirting is a great way to seek out the information that you want. It also does not have to be very
emotional - but emotional levels definitely make things easier. If the other person doesn’t respond then you can move on to someone or something else. Knowing how to flirt effectively is the key to getting them interested and keeping them that way. Let's look at ways people do flirt and offer some tips on how to do it effectively.
First off, keep in mind that although flirting is relatively harmless, you are playing with another’s emotions. Flirting with someone your not interested in just isn’t nice..but it's good practice! :-p
The next thing is not to worry about what you say as much as how you look and what you are doing. When someone sees you, they give slightly over half of their attention to how you look. Make sure you look nice and are dressed for the occasion. You just want to be noticed, not to shock people.
The next item of importance is your body language. About one third of their attention will go to
this. Watch what you do. Make sure you not doing anything embarrassing with your hands or
moving about to much. Stand up straight, don’t slouch and look confident.
Finally, a small part of flirting does go to what is said. Try to stay calm. If you are naturally funny or charming, then use this to your advantage; if not, then the less said, the better - just try to engage in a friendly conversation, or "banter".
To find out if that special someone is interested in you, try flirting. By flirting, you will draw
attention and hopefully attract the one that you want. By paying attention to how you look, what you do and what you say [to a degree], you could be well on your way to finding that special someone.
Keep in mind that flirting should be fun, not torture. However, everyday, millions of us let opportunities go by due to a fear of flirting.
A fear of flirting is quite common, even among the most confident of people. There are those that can run multi-national corporations, get up in front of thousands of people and talk, but when it comes to flirting with a possible love interest, that confidence goes completely out the window.
This fear of flirting comes from the fear of crashing and burning. If one attempts to flirt and
bombs badly, this is a total self-confidence killer. It doesn’t matter what type of high-powered
person you are, getting the shove from a possible love interest shatters your self-image.
To get past this, try ignoring that little voice in your head. Think of all your successes and simply go for it.
The fear of flirting can also stem from lack of experience. Some people don’t know how to flirt, or they flirt very badly. Again, this can lead to potentially crashing and killing your self confidence.
To get over this, try practicing with/on a friend. They can tell you if you’re likely to succeed or make a complete fool out of yourself..but then again, keep in mind that women's adive can many times be wayyyyyyyy off what they actually want [topic for another time, but basically, women have an idea or concept of the things that they want, but they actually are hard-wired to respond to completely different things].
The fear of flirting can also come from not knowing the appropriate time or occasion. Many are
reluctant to approach women in bars or night clubs because of their connotations. Flirting at
work can also present problems.
Keep in mind that there really isn’t a right or wrong place to flirt. Just be aware of where you are and make sure your technique is good.
Finally, some fear flirting because of what it could bring. They fear approaching a person,
successfully chatting, and then finding out that they are horrible. What to do in those occasions
sends people into a panic. If you do start to flirt with someone and you realize that this isn’t the
person for you, be polite. Excuse yourself and go. Don’t be rude or try to sneak out of the place
covertly.Flirting is nothing to be afraid of and is mastered through doing. Get used to the idea that we all
crash and burn at some point in our lives, so flirting isn’t going to be any different. If you live in
fear of the possible consequences of flirting, then you’re likely never to meet anyone.
In other words, just get out there, and go get your flirt on with some women!
Posted by
11:52 PM
Labels: advice, body language, campus game, dating, day game, flirting, game, HBAmazonian, how to flirt, Mehow, night game, pick up, pua, social dynamics, women