Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Few [originally meant to be] Quick Notes

Earlier today [~a little before 1pm] I sent a text to HBBlondeBlackModel. Have her actively thinking about me, but also do it in a non-invested way [I am studying for, to her, I'm not just going to call her any/all the time - got to keep her on her toes, and I don't need her thinking she's "got me"].

h: "I was thinking about you, i'm not really sure i figured i'd text you real quick during a study break. Hope you have a great day!"

Within 2 minutes..

HBBBM: "Have a good 1 too. :-)"

Having such a quick response = it's definitely very much on [credit: Sinn].

But of course, when you're looking for reasons to procrastinate, you don't just leave such a simple response as-is. So I proceeded to analyze the shit out of it - anything is more exciting than memorizing Immunology.

Here's what I came up with:

  • She responded. Sometimes, people don't respond to texts where there's no response required, because it costs 16 cents [local currency] per page of message. Or they don't have any credit on their phone at the time [example: 1-to-2-day-late responses from HBGroceryStore on a regular basis, due to her lack of phone credit at times].
  • Immediate response = she's very much into me [okay, so I didn't come up with that one, but I did think it immediately..and then realized why - because Sinn rocks]
  • " :-) " .. she doesn't do smiley-faces. I know this, because she never uses them or responds to/with them - she just..doesn' all. It's just not her "way" of texting. And her texts are usually not very all.

I like this text message and will probably use it in the future, too, because it tells her that:
  • She is/was on my mind [meaning, I might like her, or something].
  • The "i'm not really sure why" takes away any weirdness that may be associated with the fact that I'm thinking about her while at the same time goes into the emotional spectrum since emotions are not logical and thus there's no logical reason as to why I was thinking about you [I'm not weird, I just randomly thought about you - for some inexplicable reason]. Plus, it conveys that I have emotions, and I am in-tune enough with them to be aware of them, and man enough to admit all this to a woman.
  • "So i figured i'd text you" conveys acting on those emotions = Attraction switch [especially with the "I'm a passionate guy, and I think everyone should be passionate" frame and "follow your heart" frame from the other day on the phone].
  • "real quick during a study break" tells her that I am a busy guy, I do have shit to do, and [most likely] I lead an interesting life - it works almost like an indirect DHV. It also says that despite me being busy and leading an interesting life, I still thought about you, and I made time and put in effort to let you know, i.e. for you. And this leads to, in an indirect way, that therefore you are probably somewhat important to me, i.e. I like you.
  • "Hope you have a great day!" sends across the super-positive vibe and full-of-life-and-energy image, which is an attractive quality. And it fits in pretty nicely with some of the frames from our talk the other day on the phone - great outlook, cool and fun personality, living in the moment, living life to the fullest, etc. And to a certain degree, especially in the context of the rest of the message, it says that I sincerely want you to have a great day, because I care about you. And bonus here is that if she does have a good/great day, she will associate that idea/feeling with me because I wanted that for her..which then loops back to reinforce that I genuinely must care about her, at least to some degree.

.. .. .. ..

Tonight, I ran to campus for "a minute" to get some really good shit for one of my mid-terms, and it was cool chillin with another group of my boyz who are in the term ahead of me, since I don't see them around - since I'm not on campus much and their schedule's are'll be me in a few months :-/

Well, I was on the phone with my girlfriend right outside their dorm, and apparently HBMPHBrunette lives there. She came outside to get a smoke, and so I wandered off to order some food while I was wrapping up on the phone.

I got back, and she was still out there, and she was already looking at me as I came around the corner.

She apologized for "yapping away" about her life studying, etc, and disturbing me on the phone [I didn't say anything to give her this idea - maybe me walking off, but .. that's about it]. I took it as an excuse for her to talk to me [everything happens on purpose when dealing with social dynamics].

I told her it wasn't so much her talking as it was her smoking. She paused, trying to read me. Then she goes "oh, stop it..! haha", and I held onto my 'frame' or whatever [i.e. not backing down] and explained further that I was being straight up with her - it bothers my eyes, because they're sensitive.

She apologized haa the stronger frame absorbed the weaker one ;-)

So I rewarded her with coming in and complying by continuing our interaction, especially with a joke..something about if it happens again, and I'm studying, and my eyes are tired, and my contacts get irritated, I'll smack her - a "5 across the face" [Dave Chappelle!!] and then paused, turned back to her, and smiled before walking into the dorm.

She giggled and said something like "well maybe I like getting slapped" .. I made sure not to let this opportunity slip, and so I half-way turned back and said "Hmm..I'll have to keep that in mind, then!", winked with a "dirty" smile, and then walked back in. Easily introduced sexual themes in, whether she was purposely dropping that innuendo or not, I took it that way, and escalated on it, thus leaving her with that..I knew I had to get going, because my buddy would be waiting on me by now.

As I had already walked in, I could still hear her giggling [you know the kind: "my sexual fantasy's been discovered!" - she's now got some very solid images in her mind! haa], and she called out some "see you later!!" kind of good-bye, so I laughed and said "Alright!" .. and again, leave some doubt as to what I meant - "Alright..bye"? or "Alright, cool - I will see you, later on, to do..whatever it is your dirty mind is imagining right now!! ;-)"? Considering where her mind was already, and what I'd just said before that about keeping that smacking info in mind "for later", she'll now be thinking and hoping it was the second one.

{Notes: a lot of times, girls, especially attractive ones, actually have no HBMPHBrunette. Slow on the come-backs, having weak conversation starters and topics, not knowing how to properly socialize with a guy of equal or higher value. They become AFCs.

This makes sense, too, because a lot of times, these more-attractive girls don't need to have game - they're used to being the choosers. Therefore, I need to be more aggressive and more direct, so as to let her know what's up, since she's having a very hard time trying to DHV herself to me so that I may IOI her for it. I've got to help her out with it and/or actively look for smaller DHVs for which to give IOIs.}

I went upstairs to grab those notes [and a book, as it turns out] and chilled with the guys for like an hour, discussing class shit but mostly non-academic shit.

I got out of there, picked up my food, and headed to the library..with a quick detour for water at the gym, and I'm glad - there was some chick up in there, holy shit!! She was doing dead-lifts, with skin-tight pants on, right by the water fountain..good thing I had my visor on! I don't like being a perv and staring at girls as they work out, but shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, couldn't have helped it in this type of situation, so at least she doesn't need to know :-)

I couldn't get a look at the face so as to catch her around next time, but whatever..a body like that, I'll know when I see it again!

Anyways, I made my photocopies [made a quick appearance with HBPerfectTits, who was working there by chance] and went to catch a bus. On my way there, I ran into HBLazyEye, so I grabbed her from behind and scared her, while her friend and I laughed as I kept walking. And this very conveniently happened in front of HBTheBrownBody, who was walking the opposite way. And she was watching me/us the whole time, so it threw in a random little Pre-Selected moment for me to her.

I got on the bus and plop down. And HBBeautyMark comes in to sit directly across from me.

As soon as she'd walked in, I knew she'd already seen me and was still looking at me, so I eyed her up and down [good to let her know that I do find her sexy and attractive, especially because many times a girl can't tell with me because they won't let themselves assume it due to low self-esteem and/or my super-high value] and did a wolf-whistle haa Shit, she earned it, she looked fucking amazing!

She came at first to sit next to me, but I was taking up both seats [I was sitting in the middle and had the book, my copies, and the food], so she sat in the seat across the aisle. I went into a little too courteous [read: AFC] mode for a split-second, moving my stuff so she could sit next to me. But she didn't notice, and I made it like I was rearranging my stuff and getting more comfortable.

She tried a few different times to [re]initiate the conversation, each time it died off. Once I realized what she was doing [IOI after IOI], I made sure to not let it die off again: just keep it engaged, don't let any pause or lull in the conversation happen; in other words, lead the interaction - that's how it should be, regardless.

She herself mentioned the fact that I didn't want anyone to sit next to me, etc, a couple of times - I got the hint, but made her admit to the fact that she wanted to sit next to me before I did anything about it. " youuu want to sit here..? :-)", and she smiled and gave me this look [didn't actually say yes], so I framed her reaction and took her smile-and-look to mean yes and replied "Ahh, I see..well, in that case, come on over!"

There was also a bit in there about us being married, and so I don't have to divorce long as she keeps making sure to do .. whatever it was I wanted her to do. I think it was "taking care of me" or something. Thus, I created the frame for her: I complimented her on what she was doing [i.e. making sure no one tries to sit in my extra seat] as what I wanted her to do for me [i.e. looking out for me, taking care of me -> thus, it's understood that she must care about me in order to want to take care of me, and since she's already taking care of get the idea].

And then I took it even further, telling her that's the reason that we got married, because she's always looking out for me and caring for me. So she'd better keep on doing that, because the moment she stops .. we're through. She'll get the divorce papers in the mail. At first, I didn't know if it'd stuck, or if she was resisting the frame, so I kept going with it, about how she'd better not even think of trying to take half my stuff, because it's not going to happen like that.

She told me no, it wasn't going to happen [at this point, I'm thinking 'Oh great, she's resisting and being to "serious" about all this'], because she wouldn't sign the divorce papers.

As it turned out, she was just having trouble with what to say to work herself into the frame haa

So we went with that for a minute, and then someone got onto the bus, who apparently knew her, and so that girl started talking to my HB. So, I turned my body away from her. I know she was trying not to blow me off [she scooted in closer to me, pressed her hips and ass right up against me from the side, and kept looking over at me], but as far as I was concerned, whether she was trying to or not..she was still doing it. So she will be punished for it. Which was a good decision in retrospect, because someone called her a few seconds later, and my stop was coming up, anyway.

When my stop came up, it was kind of weird - she got off the bus with me [still on the phone], instead of just moving down the aisle towards the back to let me pass her. Despite her still being on the phone, I thought of using the opportunity to get her up to my place, even for a minute - at least get her used to the inside of it so as to knock off any "new place" feel for later on. But I remembered that she'd gotten onto the bus with a friend, and they were both going together to this post-exam cruise. So she's not going to randomly ditch her girlfriend, especially because it was only the 2 of them, to come chill with me, especially since they were on their way to that cruise party.

{Notes: similar to HBMPHBrunette, HBBeautyMark has no game. And she doesn't need any - she's gorgeous, and has a pretty tight body. There was a security guard getting off the bus before it left, and he knows her [her mom's a security guard at school], so he greeted her, reached out and grabbed her hand and held it somewhat intimately for a few seconds, then got off - this is a very common thing guys down here do. So, what girl needs game when it's so easy for her??

On the flip-side, it is a unique IOI that I need to be aware of, when girls linger the hand-holding or reach for my hand, because that's an IOI that I'm not really used to..hard to describe what it is, because it's not a typical holding-hands.

Also, because of the lack of her game like HBMPHBrunette, I must lead the interactions. As I should always do, anyway. But I need to lead it down a specific path, to let her know I'm interested or I like her, etc, and to escalate with her, both physically but especially verbally. I feel that she is not used to either 1) feeling this way [i.e. tables turned or simply being soo attracted to a guy], or 2) she feels awkward or worries about looking foolish in front of me, so she'd rather end the interaction quickly [or it dies away on its own and thus reinforces her awkward feeling] rather than allow her value [in my eyes, her eyes, and the eyes of others] to drop - again, she perceives it is dropping.

I know what she's feeling, because I definitely used to [sometimes still do??] go through that type of thing myself, i.e. get out while I'm still doing "okay" and before I mess things up - save face rather than risk failure/rejection, and I'd actually lose girls that were very much into me.}

I got a nice going-away Social Proof hit, for her and everyone else on the bus: the driver was one of my boyz, so he'd given me a laugh and a thumbs-up when I'd pushed the button for my stop [meaning, he was already dropping me off there without me having to push the stop button and that he knows it was me who pushed it - must be those eyes in the back of his head]. And as I crossed the street, he yelled out again to take it easy, laughed, and honked his horn at me [it's crazy, people are very honk-happy down here, like New York..except as a greeting lol].

Because I'm a baller.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Study Break

I came across a couple of interesting articles while escaping physio, neuro, and immuno:

This lady literally took root because she sat in 1 place for too long .. where was she? On a toilet - what I don't understand is, how did it take her boyfriend 2 years to realize that something might be wrong with this scenario??

On a completely unrelated note [or is it? haa], here's yet another hypocritical situation, dealing with the differences between men and women - when we men do something, anything, along these lines [ex.: flirting with another woman, in front of our dates/girlfriends/etc], our behavior is unacceptable and all that..while women are being encouraged to do so. Equality? I think not.

Women are encouraged to do these tactics..and then they complain about us learning to do certain "tricks and tactics" in order to get the girl..pfff!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Phone Call with HBBlondeBlackModel, Round 2

I decided to hit up HBBlondeBlackModel mid-morning [10-10:30am], since it's been a few days since we've talked. And because the conversation had been really good, the more time in between would just make her more anxious to talk to me again.

I called her, having a little bit of a conversational plan to follow in my mind.

HBBBM: "Heyyy!!" {background volume turns down}

h: "What up .. chica?"

HBBBM: "hahahaha I'm good"

h: "Cool, what's going on", etc

HBBBM: blahblahblah

h: "Oh man, the craziest was crazy last night {pause pause pause} the electricity went out, right in the middle of me studying..!!"

HBBBM: "blahblahblah!!"

h: etc etc

HBBBM: "so what are you up to now..?"

h: "Just finished eating, and I realized .. I need to go the grocery store tomorrow morning .. to get some food - I'm running low, and there's no way I'm going to go next week, in the middle of exams" [planting the seed]

HBBBM: "Oh yeah blahblahblah" {movie in the background is completely off now}

h: {change topics}

HBBBM: blahblah

.. .. ..

(Basic outline/highlights:

h: throwing frames left and right - passion, follow emotions, everything happens for a reason, live in the moment, don't over-think and analyze out every move in life, life is too short, only get one chance

HBBBM: agrees with everything, adds/repeats my points

Details below)

.. .. ..

HBBBM:"You're really entertaining, and know, you are like person..and on the phone, you're like the radio! hahaha"

h: "Oh..well, thank you! Being fun and energetic and exciting - I'll take it as a compliment!" [purposely interpreted/reframed as a compliment, whether it was or not - especially away from any "dancing monkey" type of label]

HBBBM: "hahaha yea..are you just doing it to make yourself feel better..?"

h: "Um..oookay..that's a .. weird .. thing to say.. {pause pause pause}" [heavy silence as strong IOD and to add awkwardness to her as punishment so she does not try to frame me in that way]

HBBBM: "{nervous laugh} No but you know, I find that people who are like that, always making jokes and being fun and funny, they're doing it to make themselves feel happier, because they are in fact sad and stuff" [qualifying her qualification/framing]

h: {decide to reward her for self-qualification/jumping through my hoop} "Wow, I don't know what to say..that's kind of..crazy..that you say, I'm actually kind of impressed, because that is kind of the case.."

HBBBM: "Really??"

h: "Yeah, except I'm not doing it to make myself feel better or get others happy or whatever..again, at least for me, it's that..since I've had so much shit happen in the past - trust me, I've had some serious shit in my life, I'll tell you about some things another time..things weren't so perfect, and all - I've realized, after some things happened, it made me realize that you know, I can sit here and be bummed about stuff, or get depressed, or whatever else negative feeling I want..or, I can be optimistic, have a good outlook on things, and just be positive..and life is just that much better that way, with things being upbeat and positive, and if I bring that kind of energy into other people's lives, too, all the better..I just try to see the good in all things, because shit's going to happen, that's just life..but I can take things more light-heartedly so as not to let it affect me and keep me down when I could be doing something else, that brings joy into my life - why mope about shit that I can't control, right?" [positivity/good energy frame + some comfort-building] {somewhere in here, I also threw in off-hand the bit about 'there's 3 things unique to every person: outlook, personality, and good energy..", continued on what I was saying, then cut back with "oh, yeah, you've got 2 out of the 3, by the way.." - and her reaction was great haa -> multiple threading}

HBBBM:"'s true.." [acceptance of frame]

h: "That's just crazy, I mean, it's not like we've..we're, like best friends..for the past 10 years or something! And yet, you were still able to figure that out, get that feel from me..crazy!"

HBBBM: "hahaha Yea...!"

h: "You must be a good judge of character, you can read people pretty well, huh? blahblahblah" [qualification]

HBBBM: "Oh yea, definitely! blahblahblah" [qualifying herself]

h: "Yeah..I actually majored in psychology, back in college.."

HBBBM: "Reaaally?? Blahbl-"

h: "Yea, well, psychology and philosophy..but yeah, it's crazy, because I've gotten to be good at reading people, and it's just crazy, because you read me just like, know? Not a lot of people know that stuff about me, about having such, just shit happen in my past, all kinds of things, and yet..yet, you were able to get that from me already..that's awesome" [mini-DHV->IOI-> comfort-building]

HBBBM: "Yeah, I bought this huge psychology book a long time ago, it sucks because they don't teach it as a subject in secondary school, and it's just soo interesting, blahblahblah" [seeking rapport/building comfort]

.. .. ..

HBBBM: "I enjoy reading, it's something I really like to do.."

h: "Yeah, I just love to read, if I had more time, I'd definitely read more..well, more reading that I want to do, not like this stuff that I have to do, for studying..I wish I had more time in the day, I'd read some..well, sleep first, then reading!"

HBBBM: "Yeah!! haha"

h: "But it's just crazy, because life is just too short. You know, there's just never enough time. But you have to make time and live in the moment. That's why I just do things, to be able to enjoy life, be passionate about things, and enjoy this short time we have. Our free time is already so limited, and even beyond that, in the big scheme of things, life itself is just super-short. You're here, you grow up, you work, you get old, then you die. That's why in between, you really have to make the most of the time you have, especially that free time, but all the time, and do those things that you want to do, be passionate and live in the moment, because at the end of the day, life is just too short to get hung up on things that could've been, or things that didn't happen the way you want/need them to, or some shit happened when it shouldn't have, know?? Like, at the end of the day, there's nothing you or I can do about whatever's already done, and I can't see what's ahead in my life - all I can do is live in the moment, here and now, and enjoy life while I have it..{pause pause pause}" [more frames to live in the moment, enjoy life -> pause = pressure to ensure acceptance]

HBBBM: "I know..blahblahblah" [frames accepted]

h: "And that's why I truly think that everything happens for a know? Life is too short to not make the most of every single that happens, and I believe that there's a higher order to things, there's something bigger going on in the large-scale picture of life and time..and so everything must be happening for a certain reason or another..otherwise, why would it happen? My life is too short for a bunch of random events to happen, then I die. Everything happens for a reason.." [more frames]

HBBBM: "Yeah.." [more acceptance]

h: "You know what I'm saying? I mean, you look at..well, look at even us - we just randomly met, right? At .. a bus stop?? .. And .. you don't even go to school there???"

HBBBM: "hahaha YEAH!!"

h: "And yet, here we are, we got to talking, and now here we are..why? It can't just be random..I may not know why everything happens the way it does..I can't see the future, but..I can make sure that I do all that I can, while I can, because all these "pieces" are being put into place for some reason, for some purpose, in being a part of my life..I don't want to grow old, and look back on my life, and have nothing to look back know? Grow older, have kinds, be a father, then a grandfather - I want to be the type of grandfather who's got all kinds of stories, and my grandkids want to be around and listen to all the things that have happened in my know? I don't want to be some boring ol' old guy, who did nothing with his life..the time we have is almost like a gift, especially because we don't know what's to come after this life..we get 1 shot..why not make the most of it?? {I went on with the "grandfather" thing for a little bit, because it was getting an amazing reaction out of her, I guess because it was stirring up strong future projection/growing old (with her, even though I didn't explicitly say this) mixed with loving-fatherly-figure images..and kids, can't go wrong with kids!} Follow your heart, be passionate about, about life! Just being passionate is soo important, in everything in life, because that's it - once we're gone, we're gone, and every moment that passes by us is a moment that's gone, to never return..So that's my outlook on things, to make sure to be passionate, and live in the moment, instead of over-thinking and analyzing things so much that I miss the opportunities to do's too short for missed opportunities, you just have to follow your gut-feelings, I just follow those feelings, as passionately as possible, and live life, like really live my life.." [i.e. I'm awesome..join me in my awesome, passionate, living-in-the-moment journey that I call 'life']

HBBBM: {going nuts because of super-attraction/comfort spikes} trying to qualify herself, build comfort/rapport, love on me, etc

.. .. ..

HBBBM: "So are you going to party it up after exams?" [possibly testing for congruence with earlier/above stuff]

h: "I almost have to, you know? I've got to de-stressify myself, and enjoy the time I've got off, so that I can relax and enjoy things that I normally like doing, and be able to escape my work!"

HBBBM: "Yeah, totally .. although I've found, from my days of partying when I was school, that {something about alcohol absorbing all the info I've learned until then}"

h: "Yeah..but you've just got to go with it, live in the moment, remember? You just learn stuff, for the moment, to do well on the test, then move on to the next one"

HBBBM: "Yeah, but what happens when you get done with school? And you don't remember all this stuff? How are you going to..with patients..what are you going to do??"

h: "Check it out: when school was first started, the point was to learn all this information and retain it, as it served to be a background foundation for everything later..but that's not the case now..look at it now, though - honestly, you don't use this stuff once you get done with the study aspect of it..especially in this day and age, you just learn school stuff to make it through school..most of this information we learn is just to get the grade or the score, and it's not stuff that we use in our professional lives after this phase.."

HBBBM: "You are soo right! It's true, blahblahblah"

.. .. ..

One thing I kept making sure to do, was make a lot of noise, so she could "see" that I was not just 100% attention on her. Not continuously, but every now and then, I'd mess with some dishes, or walk back towards the TV and let her hear the movie [The Perfect Score on TBS - the Asian dude is funny in this, plus I've thought Chris Evans is the shit ever since I saw Not Another Teen Movie: "How could she dump me, .. .. {cocky eyebrow movements} .. .. Jake Wyler?" lollllllll]. Just lets her know that she's not the only thing I've got going on, especially because I'd need her to repeat herself a few times, too.

Contrast that to her on the other end: stopped her movie [she flat-out told me this at the end of our conversation], completely focused on our interaction, etc.

A few other things we hit upon: she asked me what TV shows I like to watch [seeking rapport/building comfort] {I went into this thing about not having the time, and losing touch with a lot of shows I like, but I still stick with sports (and she agreed), Seinfeld, The Simpsons, and Family Guy - we connected hardcore on Family Guy, always a good call..and I told her that that's good, she passed the Family Guy test, because if she doesn't like it, I'd have to just cut her off altogether [qualification] }; somewhere in there, we started talking about romance novels and how they suck, but then we analyzed them and why they make more money than all other categories combined; and how her social life is killed because of her work schedule, and mine is because of my class/study schedule [which, therefore, obviously means we are perfect for each other and meant-to-be and etc etc haa]

Then I cut it off at a point where we probably, almost definitely, could've kept going [good shit!], so that I still end up "going on a high note" and being the one "who's got other things to do", etc, and it worked - she even thanked me for calling her. I told her to hit me up and let me know, since I'm going to the store tomorrow, she can tag along and join me, just let me know tomorrow. She agreed, so we'll see how it plays out.

And even though I was rushing her off the phone, she was trying to say every last way of "good-bye" possible - you know, like most guys are usually doing with the girl lol; I took it to be strong signs of wanting to stay on longer with me :-)

Okay, back to physio.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mass Text Message

Following a quick tip I picked up from Sinn and Future, I've been sending mass text messages to my HBs every now and then, some random things [Future: weather forecast - take an umbrella!; Sinn: good morning/night]. Especially when it's been a while since I've had contact, or if there's just an excuse to do so, like for Valentine's Day.

Or exams.

"Good luck to everyone who's got exams this week! Have confidence like 1 of my friends: she told me she has 6 exams this week (!), and she hasn't studied for any of them - but she's going to get A's in all of them still! And for those of you who have exams next week, study hard so you can play hard! :-)"

I heard back from HBKraaazyBody [almost immediately], HBBartender [who's not even in school], twice from HBLazyEye, HBBlondeBlackModel [who's not in school, either], just to mention a few.

The reason I decided to send it out to some girls who aren't in school is to let them see the Protector of Loved Ones type of care that I have for my peeps [they don't know that I only sent it out to girls], and to keep contact with them even though it does not apply to them, and the subtle DHV in there about my friend who happens to be a girl [this works for everyone who got the text]. This way, an Attraction spike gets thrown in, even just hearing from me, but not having to commit to a specific interaction with any of them.

In fact, if anything, when they responded, I did not reply back to any of them [well, just 1, but she's a friend/kid sister-type]. Which gives a quick show of higher social value to them, especially since they replied back to a message that was very obviously not just for them, and didn't hear back from me - I felt like one of those mail-list guys who send out mass emails but then never respond back to people who "reply" loll I felt like a real man now, blowing people off! :-p

Later on, when I was waiting for a bus to get to campus for a meeting I had, HBGottaBeMixed pulled up - I haven't had any direct contact with her all term. Notice, no direct contact: I made sure she's been getting texts from me every now and then, anyway. And she pulled up to give me a ride..god, she looked amazing today, especially with these really thin skin-tight black leggings on..hott!

She and I talked, I made sure to have heavy kino going on [that's how I know just how thin her leggings were loll]..and then I saw what looked like a rock on her finger. Yes, all of a sudden, it seems, because I'd never seen it before. Although, my roommate had mentioned before that he'd met her "husband" or something..which is crazy because, um yeaa, she just turned 21 last December! I know, because she invited me out to the new club that opened to celebrate with her and her best friend [I totally typed "breast" the first time haa] and had told me she was finally 21 [!].

Anyways, I didn't let it stop me, but it was a little awkward for me, especially because now I know what's up with her look - she had given me a not-so-brief run-down of her history one time last term when I was cycling A3/C1 with her. And I've since forgotten..she's born and raised here, but her parents are directly from somewhere in/near the Middle East. Hence, her exotic look [and my oh-so-clever HBname for her]. So I don't know how her clashing cultures mixes into her doing something behind "her man"'s back. We'll see.

And what was she very pressing about? The text message! haa She was all into it, asking me about my friend and all this stuff, and I ended up finding out that she's just doing the 3rd year of the pre-med program right now..which is a good thing, because I can help her out with it ;-) And we got in some comfort-building, with her confiding in me about wanting to just get out of here, and I was showing her that I understood because I'd be able to finish her feeling-description sentences with/for her, and each time she'd kind of pause and get this "look" in her eye as she took her eyes off the road to stare at me..

As if the time with her wasn't enough to re-solidify why she can't help but stop and smile and hug and talk every time she sees me, riding with her also served as a huge DHV/Social Proof for me, because she dropped me off at the bus stop to pick up a few of her girlfriends, and so of course everyone saw me coming out of her car [and, her car is actually quite nice, especially for down here!].

One of the girls who came up to the car was this chick who's really hot, with a tight body, niiice breasts, wears those skin-tight work-out pants a fair amount [although her ass is "average", which is kind of a let-down, since she's a local girl], but has what I think is a too-long torso for her body -> HBLongTorso [ta-da! Another clever name, right? :-p]. I actually happened to sit on the bus next to her just last week [one of the main reasons I don't get a car], and it was a little awkward, because she was not doing a good job of hiding the fact that she was just blatantly staring at me, despite being only a few inches away. But I'd definitely still hit it haa I mean, she can't help how awesome Hrithik happens to be, right? ;-)

I went to my meeting, and then I got out and waited on meeting up with a friend who was supposed to get me my flash-drive back with a bunch of notes and other helpful goodies on it..which never happened. But it was okay, because I stood there and a couple of friends who were getting out of their Pathology lab came over to me and chilled, which was perfect timing so as to add to my social value as a couple of hotties from the lab came out after them, especially this one chick who I know is in love with me and the way my body moves on stage [or see the original here - many people come to the shows just to see me re-enact this guy's stuff live], but I just don't see her around with an approachable opportunity. I might just have to pull out the "Fuck it, just do it!" and..well..just do it.

I almost owe it to my namesake, since she looks quite a bit like a tanned version of the real Hrithik's real-life wife [I should know, they've both been to my house, and I've partied it up with them in India, too]:

Especially since she kept looking at me from across the street, trying to look away, but not being able to for more than 1-2 seconds ;-) Ready for some more creative naming? HBtherealHrithik'sWife .. that's soo weak! lolll

..and I've been back here, at the P.I.M.P. pad ever since, stuffing my mind with all kinds of physiological information - fun times. Anyways, hope this text message post comes in handy, if not for others, at least for me to not forget this easy yet effective method to stay in contact with girls while not coming off as needy [if anything, it's almost the exact opposite effect].


Monday, March 10, 2008

Phone Game

The most important thing about gaming on the phone is: MAKE SURE SHE'S COMFORTABLE AND LIKES TALKING TO YOU ON THE PHONE. Based on this and/or to best achieve this, you need to try to shoot for a phone conversation of 10 minutes, or more.

I talked to HBBlondeBlackModel on the phone, on the 2nd try. I called earlier in the day, after talking to 2 of my chicks 1) to keep things going/re-initiate our interactions, and 2) to get into a good, talkative, chill mood - no pressure to talk to HBBBM, right?

So I hit up HBJewelryStore and an HB from the grocery store whom I'd #-closed and been texting/calling on and off since last term..both of whom have a boyfriend, too - but when you've got tyyyte game, it simply doesn't matter.

So I got into state and hit up HBBBM. And I got nothing. So I figured I'd get back to work, and during my breaks, I'd make sure to make up a good phone-script, since I wouldn't have the mood-booster at work for me now.

And here's what I came up with:

"oh!! before i forget, i can't stay too long - i've got a lot of work to catch up on. I just got off the phone with my EX-gf, she's a part-time model here in Grenada, she called me up to interview me for a public speaking class or something. She's speaking about modeling, and so she told me she wanted to get as much info on the topic as possible. She did some research, but she told me that she thought the best source was me, since i had done it for a number of years before i came down here for school. So she was asking about the good things and bad things, requirements for certain situations, what it was like modeling with some of the big-name celebrities that i've worked with, some of the different nuances in print versus ramp work, etc. Next thing i knew, we'd been on the phone for a little while, and it just sucks because i like helping out others, especially those people i'm close with. And with her, 1 thing that i always admired was that she would turn to me if and when she ever needed anything, you know? She'd never hesitate to text me or call me, just to even wish me a good night or something. And she was always straight-up and honest about it, about EVERYthing! haa a couple of the qualities i really liked about her when we were together. So yea, i'm not going to be able to stay on too long, because i'm a little behind, and with mid-terms coming up soon, i need to stay on top of things!"

"So tell me something: are you adventurous? Are you spontaneous? Ok, so tell me this: what do you like to do for fun?" --> reward her for her effort, no matter what her answer

reward: Comfort story - "I've always wanted to be able to know that kind of feeling, where you really want to do something, but sometimes you feel as though it might be too late, or there's never enough time, but you still want to do it?? Especially for me, where my mom is a big cooking-expert, she's even written and published her OWN cookbook!! And her dad, my grandfather, was supposedly an even bigger and better cook than she is! It's actually really crazy, because on my mom's side of the family, a lot of them believe that i am, in fact, my grandfather's spirit re-incarnated. Talk about feeling the pressure!! But, that's a story for another anyways, finally this term i decided it was time to work at this whole cooking ambition of mine, especially because last term i had some bad experiences where i ran out of food, or i didn't have the money, or it was late, whatever..i felt so helpless, and i didn't want to be dependent on outside sources to take care of me anymore, by having some galfriends of mine be cooking for me and all. I love a woman who takes care of me, but i'm still an independent type of guy, you know? Plus, let's be honest, the food here isn't always the healthiest! So i made it a goal of mine to start cooking so i can be more independent when it comes to that, especially since i eat so much, like 5-7 times a day!! God, I always feel soo hungry! You know? Sheesh! So i told my roommate to help me out with this, because he cooks [of course, because he's italian - didn't like half the popular dishes come from italy?? haa], and since i'm always looking out for him and getting his back, he was excited to be able to help me out for a quick change. So i watched him do his thing, took mental notes, asked him questions when he'd cook for himself/us, and i started to get the hang of it..or so i thought. You know what i'm saying? You get that feeling, where it's like "yes, i get it now! It's all coming together!" And you get excited and can't wait to try it out for yourself, and you already feel like you can take on the world, it's so easy, i know how to do it now. So i tried to cook on my own a couple of times, and..yea..definitely was bad - not quite a disaster, but close! BUT..i didn't burn down the place, and that's what matters, right?? Haa I felt so bad, though, because i'd been soo excited, and i thought i could do it, and i felt like i was following everything like i was supposed to, but i still messed it up. You know that feeling? Where you're just feeling hopeless, like nothing's going right, you're never going to be able to get this going, you just..can' it! Every time i tried, and failed, i felt this way. Each time i'd get my hopes up and tell myself "it'll be different this time..", and each time something, or everything, went wrong. {sigh} But i kept at it, and i was like, "whatever, you got this" and despite these initial setbacks at the beginning, i stuck with it, and over the past month or so, i can cook myself full-chicken dinners..and chicken breasts with veggies or rice..and spaghetti-and-sauce..and bacon-and-egg well as easier stuff like chicken sandwiches and turkey sandwiches..peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches haa..cereal-and-milk..hahaa etc. I haven't stopped with it, either, it's just stuck because with midterms coming up, i can't spend as much time trying to experiment with new stuff as much as i've grown to enjoy, it's soo crazy, the other night, my roommate was asking me what I'D cooked that smelled so damn good!! Such an awesome feeling, you know? To work at this stuff, knowing what you want to do..working at it..failing at it..then failing MISERABLY at it haa..but then getting the small taste of success here and there..and then cooking as if you bought it from some restaurant or something..and then to have my roommate, who showed ME how to get going, ask ME what I'D done to make my dinner..oh man, such an awesome feeling!! And now, even my MOM is on me, to cook for HER when i get home for the's just..CRAZY!! Just so know what i mean??? --> [what is it like for you? how'd you get into the cooking scene??]

"so what's your story? Born and raised in Grenada..?" etc

"man it's so crazy - we have so much to talk about!"
"man it's so crazy - i feel so comfortable around you, it's like we've known each other forEVER!"

{plant the seed: "i need to go to the mall/grocery store either _____ or _____" --> see if she suggests anything}

[STALL ---> DHV story, then "hold on..i've got an int'l call, i need to take this..i'll call you back (later)"]

This was the rough outline, to ensure that there was always something to talk about, as well as covering the points that I felt like I needed to do, i.e. cycling through A2 [quick DHV-laced Time Constraint], A3 [Qualify!! BHRR], and C1 [show vulnerabilities/chinks in the armor + build Rapport].

I hit her up again later in the evening, and she explained to me that she was just heading back home after being on the beach for an unexpected photo shoot. Which transitioned perfectly into my DHV-laced time constraint. So I went right into it, and it's funny, because even the hints at the frames that I have in there [she'd turn to me when she needed me; she'd go out of her way to contact me via text or call, even to just wish me good-night; she was always honest about everything; etc], she picked up on them. She even commented on some of them, like how I must have made her feel, so close and comfortable, that she could turn to me for anything, etc.


The reason I want to do this, personally, is since she does not go to my school, and I already won't see her that often [crazy schedule: Mon-Sat, 3pm-11pm], so if she starts to see me in the boyfriend-like light, then it'll solidify me in there despite her not actually being around me that much. And this should, in turn, keep her invested in me and loyal to me.

So I went with Savoy's modified BHRR model, with the Rapport questions at the end. She told me she is adventurous, definitely very spontaneous, and although she doesn't get much free time, she really enjoys sports. Water sports. And that's despite the fact that there's not all that much water-sports stuff to even do here. But she enjoys being around the water, on the beach, etc, doing things -> might be a good thing to remember, say, sometime we go to the beach together, possibly a secluded area I know about near the airport [HBNeedyLocal"GF" took me there a couple of times].

I rewarded her for her answer, telling her how that's soo awesome, and I would love to do that kind of stuff, and that makes her soo cool, especially because most girls aren't into that kind of thing. Blahblahblah. I also tied into my response the idea that I'd totally seen her as that, i.e. as though I'd done a mini-cold read on her, of which she was completely unaware, and I'd just known that she had some kind of attraction to the water and water sports, etc. And she accepted it. Push your limits, especially about what you believe you can get away with - here, I got "extra [comfort] credit" because it seems to her now that I really did know that she loves water-related activities, and thus I must know her pretty damn well. Works for me! :-D

Then I [awkwardly, I admit - I was searching for any possible tangents to go on based off of what her responses had been] transitioned into the "comfort" story I'd come up with just a little while before I'd called. She's a chef-in-training, so I knew it would be something she could relate to and at the very least talk about. Good call. She'd jump in every now and then to give her input or whatever, and at first I'd try to just plow through, but some points she'd really get stuck on, trying to get her piece in, and so I allowed it. And then I realized that that was the point of it! I was supposed to be getting this to be more of a dialogue about cooking or whatever, not a monologue. And I'm glad I did, because it served nicely to bait her into a future projection, which she took and ran with, so I was able to really nicely gauge exactly how she feels about seeing each other again, real soon - even though it requires her to grocery shop for me..that's right, not with me, but for me.

So I'd let her add her expertise whenever it seemed like she couldn't contain herself, and once I'd finished, I let her go on and on for a little bit, knowing that this was adding to the comfort time [since we won't see each other physically that much, I'm going to need to make the most of the time on the phone to ensure she's completely comfortable with me, so that when we hang out and all, there will be no comfort-building needed and minimal time wasted doing non-physical stuff when we're on a time limit for the physical side of things] as well as allowing her to genuinely feel more of a connection with me [and again, reinforcing the idea that we are so comfortable with each other already that, when the time comes and we're face-to-face, we won't have to do any serious comfort-building then].

Somehow we got to talking about ambitions and stuff. I think it was because we got a little side-tracked/stalled in the whole talk sparking from my little story - she ended up telling me all kinds of things, then I asked her how she'd gotten into the whole cooking scene herself, and she told me some pretty deep things [the way she started her response told me it wasn't stuff she normally talks about, and is definitely guarded information, and the more she talked about it with me, the more she opened up and regained her composure/confidence in discussing those things]. So this turned out to be really good, too, because it actually worked into a bigger piece of bait, but like for comfort. So that she was in a position to reciprocate comfort-building material/responses because I'd given her such a long-winded interactive one. And she gave me a brief but nice rundown of her history.

Which I rewarded by telling her that's really impressive, and how amazed and impressed I am, and other "synonyms" for impressed [meaning, pretending like I was using a different word, when in fact, I was still using "impressed"] - so I just made it come off as though I was soo impressed that I couldn't even think of what else to say..and this was covered by me leading the conversation into this discussion about "that's soo rare, especially down here, I've noticed that blahblahblah people don't have much ambition or drive to do anything blahblahblah there's not much opportunity as it is, but even for those that have it, most of them just blow it because they don't take it seriously but rather just squander away their chances blahblahblah especially when there are people like you who have big plans and are just waiting for a chance, an opportunity to do something etc etc", with a lot of back-and-forth exchange of ideas..most of which eventually became us agreeing with each other -> remember: it is infinitely times better to have her agreeing with you VS. you agreeing with her..which is what I did, of course ;-)

So much so that when I realized it had lost its momentum, I needed to cut the thread and move on [need to pay attention to this more often - who know if/when this has happened before, and I missed it]. So I told her something like

h: "yeah, we're so much on the same page that we're just agreeing with each other now, I'm saying what you're saying, you're saying what I'm saying, we're saying the same damn thing!" HBBBM: "hahaha Yeaaa"
h: "Man, it's soo crazy - we have so much to talk about!
HBBBM: "Yeah!"
h: "I just feel soo comfortable around you, talking to you .. it's like we've known each other forEVER!" [notice the frame thrown out - we've known each other forever]
HBBBM: "Yeah, but I'm sure you talk this way, are this way with everyone you meet.." [resisting the frame/asking me to qualify myself]
h: "Yea, I am a cool person and easy to get along with [turning around the frame, into a compliment rather than a qualification bait] .. but still, how long have we known each other? We've talked like, what..3 times??
HBBBM: "..yeaah.."
h: "Maybe 2 times .. crazy! I don't go around meeting people and telling them my deep dark secrets [frame: I've told you secrets, therefore I must trust you].."
HBBBM: "hahaha" [frame accepted]
h: " hey, what's up, I'm Hrithik, I almost burned down my place when I cooked..nice to meet you!"
HBBBM: "hahaha" [no more resistance/compliance, therefore previous frame also accepted -
it's like we've known each other forever..this is now true, because she acknowledged it and did not resist it but rather laughed at the joke that I made from within the frame]

It was at the beginning of me rewarding her that she tried to say something about the gym, because I'd talked to 1 of my friends about this whole ambition thing - at the gym last night, so she was using it to transition into that [the other, by the way, was actually the HB from the grocery store whom I'd talked to on the phone earlier]. But, I held onto the frame [I was leading the conversation, and I was talking at the moment, therefore, we will talk about what I'm talking about].

Especially because I knew that to make sure that she felt there was a serious connection, and that I didn't want to simply bang her and bounce, she needed to know that there were things about her that I like, not just like looking at. And I was trying to work in a major one there, while she was inadvertently attempting to change the subject [albeit, to impress me further, with more qualification of herself .. see 2-3 paragraphs below]. -> Remember, it is VERY IMPORTANT to reward her in A3 [i.e. hit on her, for non-physical traits], because otherwise, she will feel like you are either not interested or that she cannot live up to your expectations/standards - either way, you will lose her. Basically, you have to let her know at some point, somehow, some way, that you do, in fact, like her, for who she is as a person. And you reward her is not necessarily the actual response but rather the act of responding that is rewarded.

Not everything was as near-perfect as it seems. There were a couple of points in the conversation where she told me to hold on because: 1) she had another call [but she never answered it..I think she just checked to see who it was, or maybe it was her other phone and she answered, but came right back to me], and 2) whoever the guys were with whom she was riding [either on the local bus, or British-accented dudes giving her a ride] seemed to be lost or something, so she was trying to figure out where they were trying to go. But then she'd come right back each time. The first time, she actually interrupted herself, not me.

The best part for me, solidifying that everything had gone really well, was that I told her I needed to get going, I had a few more calls to make, to my parents and stuff .. and she told me, completely unprompted, to "call me again whenever you can, anytime during the mornings, because I'm totally free then" [i.e. waiting on me - nice!], except she's going to try to start going to the gym..since this was like the 2nd time chronologically-speaking in the conversation [because she tried to throw it in 2-3 times when she was interrupting earlier] that she mentioned this, I stayed on for a bit longer to let her get it out there - she's obviously trying to impress/qualify herself to me, that she's getting back into "gymming" [her word, not mine - I teased her for a minute on it, too]. Especially because I knew I still had the phone interrupt ready to drop at any moment.

Then she told me a little more about her modeling gig, and how that had all come about, and hence her reason for "gymming" again - she had been chosen, very last-minute, to compete in this contest for a magazine from Barbados, and for that, she wanted to make sure to tighten up all her soft spots [none of which I saw, but we should know that much about women by now - there's always something they're self-conscious about].

After like a minute of that, I cut her off with the whole "oh, hold on hold on {she waited}, then I got back on and told her that it was an international call, and I needed to take it {"Oh yea yea, that's fine, cool, go ahead and do that"}, so I'd hit her up later on sometime this week {"Yeah, definitely, yeah hit me up!"}.

One thing I'm still working on at this point [although I nailed it with HBBlondeBlackModel], in all interactions but especially on the phone, is to GET OFF FIRST - say bye first, etc. If she beats me to it, just hang up. I have a habit of drawing out the good-byes, and I don't like it. I've gotten it from my family [read: mom] as well as my girlfriend, and it definitely has not helped whatever innate neediness I [would] have when getting off the phone with a certifiable hottie, i.e. HBTyra, a girl whom I gamed at the gym back home
2 summers ago, who looks exactly like a young Tyra Banks - who I happen to simply be madly in love with and still to this day cannot believe how Chris Webber fucked up his engagement with..imagine, going to the beach with this:

..or imagine, coming home to this:

Uh......yea......umm......sSsOoOo......oh! Right, so yea, the other thing I'm still working on: the recognition, classification, and best-way handling of frames, in real-time.


Friday, March 7, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cricket Meets Rugby

Streaking @ Australia vs. India

It takes a naked pale ass getting decked by a big black guy to get America interested in cricket


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Favre: Gone [Huntin', Probably]; Cassell: Soon-To-Be Celtic?

In the NFL, the Brett Favre era has ended. After 17 years, 3 MVPs, numerous passing records, and a renaissance last season, the Green Bay legend says he is retiring. 17 years of stress and fatigue can definitely add up, especially for a future Hall-of-Famer who started in literally over 200 games straight.

In the NBA, Sam Cassell has been waived by the Clippers and is expected to sign with the Celtics tonight. A very savvy and experienced point guard is just what this group of All-Stars was lacking, to help lead them into and through the playoffs on their way to the NBA Title.



Well, after my interaction with her last Friday, I was hoping that I'd run into her, early this week [things are going to get reaaaally crazy for me the next couple of days, and then mid-terms are coming up soon, too].

Hrithik wants it, so it shall be.

As I walked towards the bottom bus stop from picking up my food, I saw her blond head walking to the same place..and my mouth went dry. Great. And to make matters worse, I was exhausted - I've had a combined 5 hours of sleep, maybe, in the last 2 nights. And it's not like I was getting my hours in before that, either.

But I told myself that this was what I'd wanted, to run into her again, and here she was. So don't be a bitch now. And get her number, no matter what.

I went around behind the stop to throw out a gum wrapper to allow me to give some "in my own world" vibe, to help me assess the setup, and to figure out how I was going to approach her. I knew she was waiting for me.

I decided that I was just going to look over and take it from there. Fortunately, I got a shot of Social Proof thrown at me, because 1 of my galfriends was standing with a friend of hers, waiting on a bus, too. And she called out to me.

I used this opportunity to walk towards my friend, and then "happen" to spot HBBlondeBlackModel. It worked great, because it showed her some social proof/Pre-Selection, thus re-generating any and all the Attraction I'd need in order to re-initiate our interaction from where we left off, on the Emotional Progression Model.

She was smiling at me even before I acknowledged I'd recognized her - good sign. I kind of jerked my head slightly to exaggerate my noticing of her, then I smiled, and her smile broadened even more. [1-2 IOIs, depending on how you count this: 1 big one, or back-and-forth giving 2]

I greeted her with a simple "hey", and she excitedly responded, so I put up my hand and said "what's up?", and she gave me a hi-5 back, and interlocked her fingers in mine - I did not initiate this, because just today I realized that I'd started doing this almost automatically, to all girls, and I wanted to keep it for girls I'm gaming as a simple test. And it worked, really well, since she did it all by herself. And didn't let go, until I did..I need to remember that girls have different comfort levels with kino as well as different expressions of their attraction - some girls will stay in close physical contact while others won't, despite the fact that they have equal amounts of attraction for me. It is my job to actively look for who falls into which category, so that I can calibrate accordingly rather than giving off the wrong signals. [1-2 IOIs, if her excited greeting is counted]

I don't even remember what we fluffed about, but it was just random stuff. She asked me how it's going, and I answered. Then she asked if I'm headed out, and I almost gave her a cocky and funny response but it might've come off a bit too harsh ["Uh, yea .. why do you think I'm at the bus stop?"], so I responded normally. Then I realized that she's asking questions [IOIs], so I asked her what she was up to/where she was headed, and she said the grocery store. So I told her "That's great, you can pick me up some stuff", and she laughed, then she said "You should go to the store and get me stuff!", and I told her "Whoa,'re moving a bit too fast there..slow down" [now I realize that I shouldn't have said that specifically, since it could have underlying meaning that if/when we get together, then I'll do stuff like this..but it seems really insignificant to trigger something like that, and for it to become so solidified from this random 1-time statement that she's probably already forgotten the context of]. She responded that I was moving too fast first..she's not the most creative one in the bunch, huh?

I took it back to the grocery store thing, so that I could open up an opportunity to #-close her [that was my goal, after all - I've always got to remember to have a desired outcome in mind, and then to pursue that as best as I can]. So I told her that I really did need stuff from the store, so that if anything, I might even be able to make an insta-date out of it, although it might've seemed a little too try-hard, seeing as how I'd already told her I was going back to the P.I.M.P. pad.

I told her the most important thing I needed was milk, so she needs to check for me to see if they've got any, the bottle kind, etc. She asked which type whole or whatever [I didn't realize this then, but I see now that this shows me that she's completely invested/attracted, because she didn't resist at all to do this for me, i.e. jump through my hoop, and after only having talked on the bus last week and a couple of minutes thus far, she was more than willing to comply fully to this half-joking demand of mine], and when I told her, she laughed and said, "Okay, so then what? How do I tell you, do I call you..??" - I love this girl! She's doing everything for me..or am I just baaaaaaaaaallin' it that hard? ;-)

And..then the bus comes by..

It's mostly full, but I know there's enough room for us to fit on there. Now came the true test as to whether I was running my shit tight - does she bounce to the store to go about her day, or does she stay with me [a major IOI for her to put her life on hold to chill with me]?

She stayed.

She'd pulled her phone out, and in fact, it was me who budged more than she did towards the bus; in fact, she went more so because I was walking to it rather than for her own self.

Well, I saw HBNeedyLocal"GF" [just in time, too!], sitting right there, in the window, watching me from the corner of her eye to see if I'd spotted her. So I didn't show it [because I remembered that 1 of her good friends and this girl HBBlondeBlackModel are cousins], but I definitely turned my body away from HBBlondeBlackModel and took a couple steps away from her, too, especially because she'd pulled out her phone to get my number - and I didn't need HBNeedyLocal"GF" seeing this, obviously.

Since I was already moving in this direction, I decided to take another few steps and chill with my galfriend who'd given me the social proof/pre-selection in front of the HBBlondeBlackModel. She and I ended up chit-chatting, and I made sure to keep the conversation going, at first to stall long enough for the bus to move away so HBNeedyLocal"GF" was out of sight, but then later to show non-neediness towards HBBlondeBlackModel [who'd followed me over, phone-in-hand].

After about a minute of waiting, she decided to hop on top of the table and sit there, so I knew she was waiting on me, but also listening, because she was sitting in an almost-triangle shape with me and my friend, and facing me [I didn't pick up on the AI body language at the time] she laughed a couple times when I said something funny.

So I used this opportunity to DHV myself by throwing in quick Protector of Loved Ones signals, specifically that my friend and I have a history because I asked her if {her boyfriend's name here} was still visiting or if he'd left already, and that 1 of "our things" is me hooking her up with Snicker's bars, and I offered her some more, to which she replied [perfectly!] that she definitely needed some, because they're perfect food snacks for her and she's been running low on food lately. I told her she could swing by my place sometime to get them, or I can bring them to school with me sometime, because I've got this huge box. Then she [even more perfectly] threw in the fact that "..or you could bring them to the gym sometime..well, any time, because you're always there!", reinforcing the fact that I'm swollll, just in case HBBlondeBlackModel didn't notice ;-)

After I'd done enough of this, I decided it was time to get back to my girl, especially before another bus might come by. And just as I started to, my phone rang - grrreat.

It turned out [eventually] to be this other girl I had just recently #-closed, another hot girl with a tight body [HBBeautyMark for this beauty mark she has right near her lips], whom I'd only seen around literally a couple of times last term, and she was a friend of HBShorty's, so I couldn't really do anything about it at the time, anyway. Well, we had a string of days where we ran into each other, so I made sure that I'd #-close her next chance I got, and I did.

[There was a really cool frame I'd setup for her, too, and that was that I see people around, or they see me around, and they're intimidated to talk to me and won't say what's up to me. It was funny, because we ran a "social experiment", where she and I stood right outside the library and stared at everyone who came our way, and not a single one of them greeted me..and I even knew a couple of them. 1 guy came up, and as he approached, she told me she knew him from class, so let's see if he says anything to her. And I told her, he also should know me, because he's a student-worker at the gym and has definitely closed up with me being the last person working out, talked once or twice, etc. He greeted her, said something, and didn't even look over at me, despite the fact that she was on my right side and he was passing on my left. It worked great, because it reinforced the frame as well as the validity behind it, and she has always made sure that when she sees me to come say hi to me..or in this case, to call me]

Problem was, her number in the call showed up as a blocked number, so she had a little fun with me, messing with me about how she's watching me, and describing what's going on, what I'm wearing, etc. So, I decided to have some fun with it, for both "whoever this was" as well as HBBlondeBlackModel. Plus, it shows that I'm not [over]reactive, especially about "little" things like this, because it happens enough that it is a little thing for me. It was cool, the girl and I got a good laugh out of it, and it was some more hardcore pre-selection..I'm staring to worry about how I'm going to follow up all this super-social proofed/pre-selected image like this?? [The good thing for now, is that it turns out HBBlondeBlackModel does not go to school here]

After a couple of minutes with HBBeautyMark, I turned back to HBBlondeBlackModel and was like "Hey, where were we..? Oh yea [glance down at her phone], sorry, that was a little rude of me!" [thus further solidifying, I think/hope!, that I forget all others when dealing with one of my "close/loved ones"].

Well, she still had her phone in hand, ready to enter my number, and I had had my phone in my hand, so I typed in the first few digits, then just gave it to her..paused..then said, "I think you know how to push the buttons, right? haa" She laughed and put her number in. And just as she finished [I actually she hadn't], I got a text message..she couldn't see the name because my "memory is low", but it was from HBNeedyLocal"GF". Either way, it still just added to the "Hrithik is the most popular guy in the world!" aura.

So I got my phone back, and sat down - I had to consciously think/remind myself to do it, which was especially important in this setup since she was already sitting, and I was standing there facing her head-on [therefore, remember: lock my ass in].

Another point I remembered, too - kino! Make yourself out to be a touchy-feely guy, so that it's not awkward or weird for either of us to escalate later.

Then she told me to call her, and indirectly told me her name [because "it's HBBlondeBlackModel in your phone"]. I called, and then she asked me my name. So I told her to guess [jump through my hoop before I jump through yours, so you get your goal - but on my terms]. She laughed and started throwing stereotypes at me, like it's probably the longest name ever, and it's probably going to have all kinds of J's and P's and A's in it, etc.

I used this opportunity to reinforce my social proof - I got up, went around to the other side of the bench where my friend and her girlfriend were sitting [with some guy who also knows them, I guess], directly got into the middle of their "conversation" in a dominant way and straight-up threw HBBlondeBlackModel's stereotypes at my friend, asking her if my name has these qualities. And she simply shook her head 'no'. Then I walked back around to where I was sitting before, sat down, and looked up at the HB. The look on her face was "Oh my god - you're so awesome!" loll

So I made her guess for a bit: with each wrong one, I gave her another letter until she got it. After a couple guesses, I told her "Ok, that's it - you're definitely not in charge of naming our kids! You suck at names", and she laughed and looked at me like 'Wait..what just happened?', but there was nothing negative about her look, her tone, her body language, etc, it was just something totally unexpected and caught her off guard, but in a good way. And just as she got the last letter of my name from me, one of my friends happened to walk by and said "Hey Hrithik..!", and I greeted him, then turned back to HB and said "See, he just pronounced it for you, too haa"

Then she started asking more questions, which was interesting because I caught the 1st part of the double-significance even then: 1) every time the conversation would stall, she'd pipe up with some question or other - very much like guys do when they're sweating some hottie!, and 2) she was screening me!! This 2nd one I didn't realize until after I got back to my place - one of Sinn's [or maybe Captain Jack's..? Probably both! lol] posts on his blog popped up randomly in my mind about how girls screen guys for certain things, one of them being the category or label they are trying to put them in. Come to think of it, perhaps my joking comment about naming our kids got the idea in her mind..

Fortunately for me, the main question that was really addressing this, with her trying to see if I'm worth getting "bf" ideas about, was how much longer I had left here at school. And I did say fortunately, because I've had that question asked of my by both HBJewelryStore and HBBartender in the past, and based on their reactions, I was able to answer "correctly", and knowing this, I knew what to say off the top of my head - basically, make it seem like I'm here "for like, everrr" before I'm done. Because, since I'm not from here, they know I have to eventually leave, and if that's happening some time soon, they will blow me out - or at least, try to. So why make things harder for myself, especially since it is true, I am still here for another 1.5 years or so. But that may not seem too long to them, to 'build a foundation with someone so that when I eventually leave our bond is strong enough to last'.

So once I realize she's already thinking about me like that, I ease up a bit on the "analyzing and thinking" aspect and get to know her better. So me and HB really get to talking, and she's actually really cool. Like, really cool.

But then again, I am a hopeless romantic who wears his infatuational feelings [not my heart] just above my sleeves, somewhere along my forearms.

Anyways, turns out she's working on going to school in Miami. Culinary school. So I said "Hmm, guess I don't need to ask you if you cook, then..", and she got a big laugh out of that. And I remembered that she had that sexy faintly-hoarse voice - oo, la la!

Somewhere along the way, I realized that she'd taken her sunglasses off. I thought back while we chit-chatted, and I guess she'd taken them off when we were exchanging numbers. The reason I was really trying to remember is that removal of sunglasses is a pretty strong IOI, especially when you're outside, in the Caribbean - and since a number of people wear them, noticing when they take them off is a good thing for me to work on.

A few more minutes of us talking go by, and a bus heads to the top. And then another, which the 2 of us run out to catch. And I watch to see if she's going to scoot over - she did sit in a 2-seat spot, whereas the last time we were on a bus together [before we'd ever talked], she'd sat in a 1-seat spot. But, out of habit, I started to avoid sitting right next to someone when I had a choice. But then I forced myself to just sit down next to her ['It's not going to be weird, trust me - she really likes you, she wants you to sit next to fact, if you don't sit next to her, THAT will be weird!']. So I make a joke about it as I plopped down next to her, telling her that she's going to have to keep on scooting to make room and then I put my backpack between us for a second or 2.

And then she got even cooler!

We got up to the top, and as we were waiting for people to get on, I got some more social proof/pre-selection, because this gorgeous Trinidadian girl gets on and says "Hi, Hrithik!" all bubbly and shit. So that was a nice little Jealousy Plotline thrown in by chance. And I pointed out some chick who is always decked out in really nice clothes, and all of a sudden, HB was dropping some deep-ass comments on me.

At first, I just played it off, picking on her and joking. But there was a string of them, and I was just getting..well, impressed! So I gave her a hug and told her "See, this is why we'd never get along - we're too similar!" and went on about how I think these same types of things, but the difference is that I just keep them to myself, blahblahblah.

A couple of conversational stalls, and she always re-initiated. I also threw in some hints about things to talk about for later, like when she was acting like a "mom", I called her on it and told her "You're acting way too much like my mom, I'm going to have switch seats..but it's not bad yet, because you don't have the accent.." and I did an impression of my mom, and she was all into it, asking if that's how my mom really talks, where I'm from from, etc - all of which I ignored, because I know I can use them later, for some really solid Comfort-building as well as when we're not in a time-crunch situation.

We chit-chatted like this all the way until we were coming up on my stop, and I threw in some comment right at the end. And then told her not to forget the milk - reminding her of her duty as well as ensuring that we will talk again really soon.

We texted back and forth for a bit, although I can't read if she's not much of a texter or "all of a sudden, she's lost interest" - I know the 2nd is not true, but I can't help the thought from entering my mind.

I asked her what her work schedule is like, too: 6 days a week, 3pm-11pm..are you kidding me?? This is retarded. So I figure I'm going to have to put in at least some time through the phone with her. I started it off by texting her just now, "hoping she enjoys her afternoon/evening at work".

Right now, I'm trying to decide whether I should call her a little after she gets off, or if that might be a bit much, since I just got her number and have texted with her on 2 different occasions already today.

And I feel wide-awake..although my body would be quick to disagree.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Qualification/BHRR: Straight from the Mouth of the Man Himself - Mystery


Physical Escalation Practice, HBBlondeBlackModel, and Some HB Updates

Thursday night, I practiced some more of the quick escalation, again on HBLazyEye. She had a test and wanted to come over afterwards, so I allowed her to. And stayed on my own schedule.

She got to the P.I.M.P. pad before I did, then I proceeded to drink my protein shake, take a shower, heat up my grilled cheese sandwich, and then eat it while I messed around on my laptop.

All the while, with her sitting around, waiting on me. Trying to pull me into conversation, which I'd respond to at time, and not at other times.

Then, when I was done eating, put my plate up, washed up, etc, I just jumped onto my bed and told her that I was really tired. But I had a lot of work to do, so she was going to have to keep me from falling asleep.

After a few different attempts on her part, both sexual-physical as well as trying-to-lift-me-up-physical, she just went hardcore sexual on me, kissing my face and my body, taking my clothes off, etc, and next thing you know, I'm wide awake..and so's the Hrithik-rod! ;-)

..although, after about an hour, it made her too sore to continue, so she just sucked me off, and I blew it all over her ass/back..not too bad, especially since I didn't put anything into it in terms of pursuing it.

Overall, I do seem to be becoming more comfortable just pushing things physical quicker, in this case with a girl I've already got in rotation, so that once I can show myself that it's okay, I should be able to do it with girls I'm gaming, too, in the future.

I also got another chance at interacting with this hottie from earlier on Thursday [HBBlondeBlackModel]: I was talking with a friend outside his dorm, and this girl walks by us, caramel-colored skin, tight body, very pretty face, and short, blond hair - interesting look, but she pulled it off quite well.

Well, she stared right at me, started to smile and say/said "Hi", but I'd already started turning back by the time this happened [I was a little thrown off at how attractive she was, especially because it seemed as though she just popped up out of nowhere - 1 second my boy and I are were talking, the next, she was a few feet away walking towards us].

She passed us, and I checked out her ass [amaaaazing!], then looked back at my friend, and he was doing the same! haha So I caught his eye and gave him this knowing look, like "Eh? Eh?? Niiice!"

The girl went a little past us, to the end of the sidewalk, looked around, then walked back..past us..and all the way back towards the bus stop. So I finished up with my friend, and as I saw the bus coming, I was thinking 'This is great, I'll end up on the bus with her and get her after all!'

..not quite..

The bus filled up, and I was literally the last one - and the only 1 who couldn't get on.

The next day, Friday, BY PURE CHANCE [or stroke of Divine Power ;-)], she was in line at the bank, and I made sure to get in some kind of "in", at least Social Proofing myself by making passing comments to people I knew in line. And standing in my own like at the ATM, I started up a conversation with the girl behind me, then the guy in front of me. And then, the girl 2 places behind me. I didn't know any of these people, by the way.

All this, in pure sight of HBBlondeBlackModel.

By the time I'd gotten my rent money, then picked up food, and finally was waiting on a bus, she came running towards the stop, hoping to catch it, too: a reversed-situation to Thursday, right?

Well, it turned out that that bus was already full, and she gave me an opening [which I missed, because I was being "too cool" - I really have got to get that out of my system, but it seems like a lot of the hotter girls down here can be either down-to-earth or very high-and-mighty snobs, so I'd rather snub them by not giving them the time of day rather than boost their confidence by hitting on them only to then get shot down by them or something].

Either way, I knew I couldn't miss this chance, so I noticed a girl standing with all of us waiting on the bus whom I know, and she just happened to be standing right next to HBBlondeBlackModel, so I went in, being all fun and cool, and started talking with the girl. Making big gestures, turning my body some so as to naturally draw HBBlondeBlackModel into the conversation, but not quiiite, so that she felt like she was in it, she could hear me perfectly, and see us, but wasn't quite in our group.

A bus finally came back to campus, and a few people, including HBBlondeBlackModel, crossed over to the opposite stop, to catch the bus on its way up so as to already be on there and not have to worry about it filling up at the top and running out of space for us down at the bottom. So I knew I had to follow.

Another girl I knew also crossed over, so I started talking to the both of them, nice and loud, of course, to ensure HBBlondeBlackModel could still hear me laughing and talking - having a great time with other people that are not her lol So, the 4 of us [we happened to go stand next to a guy I knew, too] stood there and talked, while HBBlondeBlackModel kept looking over from where she was standing at the front of the little line that had formed of people wanting to get on the bus.

As luck would have it [I shouldn't have left it to luck, but I figured worst case, I've at least shown myself to be some ultra-cool guy, so next time I see this girl, I'll have Social Proof and Pre-Selection as well as loads of Attraction on my side, to complement my looks and personality that I've got already], I ended up sitting right next to her. And my female friend with whom I'd initially started the conversation. So I talked with her for a few seconds, but I knew I definitely had to take advantage of this situation because too much good stuff was lining up together for me to miss this, so I turned to HBBlondeBlackModel while still talking to my friend and said something like "And it was a really good idea she [HBBBM] had [kino on her leg/arm..don't remember - just knew I had to get it going early to establish I'm a touchy-feely kind of guy so it's not weird later to escalate :-D] to catch the bus on its way up, too, huh?" and my friend agreed .. and HBBlondeBlackModel couldn't have been happier! She jumped right into the conversation with us at this point, explaining why she'd done that, etc, and then I was filling her in on a story that my 2 galfriends had told me about the bus driver, and she agreed that he was a real jerk-off, so then I told her and my friend "about this 1 time that..", practiced some of my story-telling as well as light kino, knowing I had to stick some personal information into HBBlondeBlackModel's mind so as to have something solid planted with her once we left.

A few people behind me had to get off, which sucked because I lost the best seat I could get, sitting directly next to HBBlondeBlackModel. But I got the seat right in front of her, and she tried to re-initiate the conversation with me, asking me about my rings [major IOI, since she not only complimented me but had to re-initiate the interaction, through a seat, on a full bus]..and I totally missed the sign in the moment. I gave her an answer and all, but it was kind of difficult to try to talk to her with the seat being between us. Plus, I think my initial joke-response may have thrown her off [I told her "I didn't get 'em from here!", to which she smiled and leaned back into her seat [IOD? for me dissin' on her country?], but I pulled her back in just long enough to be sure she didn't get that bad impression/misunderstanding, then I dropped it because it was going to be too awkward to talk through the seat with my body turned half-way around.

In retrospect, I could've let those people past me who needed to get off, then I could've gone back to the back row of the bus, and continued talking with her..or even told her to come sit back there with me, or [a little more complex and might be too strong/awkward of an IOI] I could've let enough people get back on so they'd fill the seats behind us, then I could've switched back to my original seat [but again, seemed too try-hard, because I did think of this one at the time..unfortunately, didn't think of the first option].

Either way, I should've stepped up and gotten her number or something, especially once the seat-issue came into play ["So, listen, it's a little awkward talking through the seat,, let me get your number"].

Oh, well, nothing to do about that now, I'll just have to get it done on the next HBBlondeBlackModel-sighting. The only thing I'm a little concerned about is that I've never seen her before, then happened to see her 2 days in a row, at about the same there's no guarantee that I'll see her again to close the deal.

There is a worst-case scenario solution, and that is that 1 of HBNeedyLocal"GF"'s close friends is this girl's cousin [that's how I came to know she's a model, etc, because that day I missed the bus but she got on, apparently HBNeedyLocal"GF" was on the bus, too, and I got info on this chick from her on the pretense that my friend who'd checked her out wanted to know what's up with her, and I'd told him I'd see what I could do]. Complicated, right? And that's why I don't want to use that option as my solution.

HBBlondeBlackModel is very pretty, and she seems real cool and nice, and her voice, it's got that kind of sexy hoarseness to, man! And as ridiculously gorgeous as HBBangs is [I think she's started to comb the bangs to the side, because I saw who I think was her Thursday night when I was at the gym, just before my physical escalation practice session with HBLazyEye], her body is normal, not too curvaceous..HBBlondeBlackModel, on the other hand, has nice breasts and a siiick ass!

And I found out from my librarian galfriend that HBLibrarian [who actually looks like she could be my librarian galfriends' older sister/cousin] has/had a boyfriend, not married, but also has 2 kids..which translates for me to mean we'll see how that works out, but I'm definitely not actively pursuing that - I'll let my librarian galfriend do the work on it and let me know what's up, hook it up for me, etc..if I've got the social circle, why not use it to my advantage when I can, right? ;-)

And HBJewelryStore, again, seemed to have thought I'd forgotten all about her, until I sent out a mass "Good Morning, 'Stranger'!" text to the girls I haven't talked to in a little while, and she even went and got credit on her phone to be able to talk to me, called me, texted me, etc..I need to make time to coordinate shit with this girl, because she's up on my shit still, so I need to keep things good with her!

HBPerfectTits also responded to the mass text, and she let me know that she's been sick lately, and has recently started to leave her phone at home more and more..good to know, but I still want to try to get with her a couple/few more times before I allow things to go cold with her altogether.

And HBBartender seems to be even more on my jock now, since I went to Banana's last weekend and had spent a good bit of time with her - she's called me when she's been working, again..but it leaves me in a position where before I see her again, I want/need to have a plan as to how I'm going to either 1) pull her from there [when she gets off or even still on the job], or 2) get her invested enough to come out of her way to come see me [on a Sunday, or after work during the week, etc]. I'm not going to just keep chasing her, spending bf-gf type of time with her at the club, only to not be getting anything out of it myself. It's got to be an even give-and-take, not just I give and she takes..I need me some HBBartender-lovin'!
