Nice to see some lesser-known Caribbean islands down here are getting some exposure..
Five Undiscovered Caribbean Islands
2 of them, Dominica and Caricao, have their own med schools, too [Caricao just opened their new one, in a very imitation-like manner of my school - guess it means we're doing something right, huh?]
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"Five Undiscovered Caribbean Islands"
LR: Party Like a Rock Star [including brief LR]
So, this past Saturday night was the Indian cultural show that my school has every term, and as usual, I performed in it [a dance, of course].
I tore things up, combining 2 routines that I've done in 2 separate terms already - 1 from last term and the other from when I first started school down here. And it was great..except for a part where I was trying to take off my pants [I had on jeans underneath] but couldn't get the damn pants to slide off like they had when I'd practiced. Oh, well, most everybody thought it was part of my dance, so I played it off that way..and I think it added a sense of vulnerability to me, showing that I am simply human and can/do make mistakes and providing a sense of Comfort and taking away a little bit of the unattainable aura which will only work to intimidate women.
Plus, it didn't matter.
After the show, everyone wanted to be seen with me, get pictures with me ["flash game"], sit with me, etc, etc. Hitting those switches already, with Leader of Men and Pre-Selection just at dinner.
And then there was the huge campus-wide party after the show, being put on by all the organizations on campus in a collaborative effort. And of course, I rolled through with a few of my boys. And needless to say, we [especially me, obviously] were the center of attention: I continued having random girls come up to me to talk and take pictures with me and basically make it painfully obvious that they wanted to and were ready to leave with me [Pre-Selection is a very good thing]. And random guys hi-fiving me and getting me drinks all night - free drinks are always a good thing [Leader of Men is also always a good thing].
And I used this incredible DHV spike that I had going on [because of my performance earlier and my pimped-out look at the party, with the darker version of this, i.e. dark blue blazer and baby blue shirt + dark jeans, and this shades-and-hairstyle look..I am Hrithik, after all!] to my complete advantage, ending up gaming every single hottie that came my way, even if she didn't initiate any conversation [can we say proximity..?], which continued on through at the [only] club we all bounced to afterwards with me posting up at 1 of the 2 bars and having girls sitting in my lap the whole time I was there [1 would get up for a moment, and another would plop down on my leg..awesome]. And yes, this covers Pre-Selection right off the bat..nice.
As soon as I walked through the entrance of the after-party club, I heard 2 girls calling my name, but by the time I spotted them, they'd begun to wander off..and I was pulled aside by another chick [who apparently works at the club sometimes], and she was telling me how I just had to meet her friend because she was totally in love with me, etc, and next thing I realize, I've been grabbing onto this girl's ass for the rest of our interaction [it was a really soft, sweet ass in a very loose, possibly woolen?, pants that made it that much easier to squeeze on haa]. She introduced me to her friend, and I threw in some sexual frames early with her, but she was resisting a bit whereas her friend was not, so I punished her by focusing on her friend [more ass-grabbing], and then the girl straightened up her act with me, which I rewarded with more interaction time directed towards her.
I don't even remember how everything all ended up, in terms of final count of kiss-closes, make-outs, #-closes, etc, but I do know that I pulled back from that night this 1 gorgeous mixed girl [I think she's latina with something, especially because she belly-dances -> HBBellyDancer] from my class who's had the hots for me for a little bit - and since she was all decked-out, she looked retardedly amazing that night!
It was hilarious how obvious it was that she was throwing an excuse my way to cover for whatever may happen afterwards [remember plausible deniability..? "Oh, we were just..and then one thing led to another..and then it's not my fault it happened.." .. yeaaaah, sweety, whatever you say.. ;-)]. I actually even explained all this to the girl, and the look on her face was so funny because it was like a "Wait..what? How'd you know that??" loll
And just as I finished explaining this to her [with an underlying sexual frame/context added into the mix], I had 2 girls come up to me, wanting their picture taken with me, and it couldn't have been a better-placed take-away/jealousy plot-line introduction, right in her face, just after I'd DHVed myself to her with being non-needy as well as understanding these underlying social issues/events [social savvy plus intelligence].
Oh, and I even had a chick ask me if I did bachelorette parties, and she got my contact info, just in case I decide to do it..whaaaat??
And all last night, I had different girls texting/calling me [both from here and from back home], including HBJewelryStore, HBPerfectTits, HBLazyEye, and HBNeedyLocal"GF".
Definitely been keeping me busy, that's for damn sure..and with finals coming up - yikes!
Posted by
9:40 AM
Labels: ass, breasts, campus, Caribbean, dance, HBBellyDancer, HBJewelryStore, HBLazyEye, HBNeedyLocal"GF", HBPerfectTits, LR, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, night game, seduction, sex, sexual frames
Monday, November 5, 2007
Initiating and Escalating Physical Touch
I finally had a quick minute to check my email, and wanted to post up on this topic real fast, too..especially because I was thinking about my run-in with HBKraaazyBody at the end of last week and how I was very quickly [and automatically, as in completely free of any active thought] implementing little things like bounces [even if they were minor ones] to give the time-distortion effect and all, as well as getting in some Attraction to freshen things back up and a lot of Comfort to get some progression with things [it'd literally been weeks, if not a month, since I've last seen her..and her phone can't text me back..welcome to the Caribbean!].
Touching/physical contact is an absolutely vital component of seduction. You can’t successfully pick-up a girl without first establishing a basic level of mutual tactility; in other words, before you can move in for the kill by kissing and/or sleeping with her, you must first have a regular, healthy amount of touching that works both ways: she flirtatiously puts her hand on your knee, you encircle her waist with your arm and pull her a little closer. Whatever form the physical contact takes, it has to be present for you to achieve your final goal of actual seduction.
And many times, that right there is the problem: how does a guy get the ball rolling when it comes to tactility and physical closeness? If the girl’s not being tactile, how can a guy develop mutual physical closeness without freaking her out or scaring her away? Often we just “go for it” and consequently end up making the girl feel uncomfortable or even slightly violated because of our rushed attempt at physical closeness. Others of us decide we don’t want to risk putting a girl off, so we hold back any kind of touching or bodily contact [by the way, doing this usually sends out the wrong message - either you're not interested in the girl, or that you're simply too timid to show it, neither of which are attractive scenarios in the mind of a good-looking, fun-loving girl].
So what’s the solution to this awkward problem? Basically, you just need to follow a few basic rules or procedures, all of which conform to the personal boundaries of most girl [and therefore don’t appear uncalled-for or rushed] but at the same time clearly indicate that you’re a confident guy who’s not afraid of getting to know girls..and even showing it through casual, relaxed physical contact.
Ok, let’s check it out.
1. Many of us think that touching a girl in any way when they first meet them is an absolute no-no. But that’s definitely not true. To form a positive, strong first impression and create an immediate bond with a girl when you first introduce yourself or get talking, just casually and gently touch the outside of her right arm while at the same time verbally saying something. The outside of a woman’s arm is not intimate enough a place for the touch to feel strange or out-of-place, but at the same time it’s a clear-cut sign that you’re a personable, socially adept kind of guy. Don’t be afraid to give it a try – trust me, you’ll notice the benefits immediately. It makes it "normal" to be in physical contact with one another, right away.
2. Once you’ve started a conversation with a girl, or when you randomly find yourself chatting to a woman you really like the look of, it’s important to keep up the physical contact. Doing so helps maintain the bond and rapport you’ve already created and also helps build it further, into mutually-felt sexual attraction. All you really have to do is make physical contact with the girl in a "disguised", honest way. For example, if she wants to go to the bar or bathroom but doesn’t know the way, you can place your hand on her shoulder, draw her in a little closer, swivel both of your bodies around until you're both facing the right direction, then point to where she needs to go with your other hand, past other people or things.
3. Lastly, always try to close with contact when you finish your conversation with a girl. For example, after swapping numbers or arranging to meet again, and talking for a few more minutes, give her a hi-five, a hug, a kiss on the cheek, or all of the above. A lot of times, it seems like the hard work’s been done once you've set something up for later [like a date], but making physical contact before you part with a girl is always a great way of ensuring she remembers you and really cannot wait to see you, the next time you two meet up, you can initiate the physical contact from this point of physical comfort. Remember, you must keep escalating for progression!
Posted by
8:10 PM
Labels: Caribbean, HBKraaazyBody, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method
Update with HBLazyEye
So, this chick texts me alllll freaking either she wants to try to master Hrithik's rod, or she wants to make this into something I keep things light, and any time she starts to talk about something like me missing her or some shit, I text her straight away about something completely unrelated OR simply ignore the message [and the next few ones, for good measure, to avoid any bad feelings that I'm specifically trying to avoid any "lovey" talk].
Well, I soon re-introduce some sexual talk, mainly talking about me being all sweaty from the gym and needing to shower, then telling her I'm half-naked and about to jump in, so she'd better join now, blahblahblah..
We were kind of doing a role-playing thing, where she was talking as though she was coming over, but in the end, she broke and said that she was just pulling my leg [as if I didn't know] and I should go shower, whatever.
So, I simply text her back something quick: "Ehh, i knew it - u just r just a cock tease haa" and left it at that..I just ignored the next few of her texts ["..and what de hell dat supposed to mean??"], even after getting out of the shower, for the rest of the night.
And what do you know, but next afternoon, she wanted to chill with me, and I told her I was already back at my place, and I know she's scared of my place, so I guess we can't hang [baiting her into showing how much she wants to hang as well as getting out of her head the idea that it's "bad" for her to come over to my place - her idea is always to hang in some private area of campus, which there's never any place compeletely private, and even if there was, we're not going to be getting our sex on, so what's the point?].
It works, and next thing I know, she's already at my place. We chill for a bit downstairs, then we make our way up to my room. And we talk..and talk..and talk..
I did this for 2 reasons:
1) She was on her period, so I needed to have enough time to drop in enough physical escalation [literal contact and mental thoughts/images] to get her to suck me off, which she'd never done before [I'd introduced this bj idea while we were fucking the only other time she'd been over to my place, for just such an occassion]..
2) I wanted to have some kind of Comfort with the girl so that she doesn't suddenly wake up 1 day and have all these bitter feelings because she doesn't know shit about me, and then bye-bye FBLazyEye..
And it worked great - after about an hour or so of talking, which was eventually interrupted by my mom calling me, from New York [randomly], I got up and hugged her close, and started talking about how good she smells [which I'd said when we'd first gotten to my room..this way, it won't come off like I'm just saying that because I want to get some from her] and smelling her, straight-up David D style [which I didn't even realize until just now, actually]. After teasing her like this and with a few kisses on her neck/face, she was facing me, grinding her hips on the H-rod, so I shoved my tongue into her mouth, and she nearly her strength..and jumped up! I was like 'what the fuck??' but managed to catch her legs/ass, and then kind of hobbled over to my bed, lips still locked.
"Yadda, yadda, yadda.."
She kept reaching for the H-rod, and I kept telling her that if my boxers came off, she'd have to be sucking me, because that's the only reason he's going to make an appearance..and next moment, she's kissing and licking my boiii before finally opening up her mouth and taking in her first cock - not bad for the 2nd time meeting up with her!
And just before I was going to blow, she told me I'd better not bust in her mouth [which obviously made me want to haa], so I told her that was fine "..but I'll have to bust on your chest..I really wanted to bust on her chest..etc", and she obliges, keeps sucking, and then I push her off and blow my load alllll over her chest and stomach..holy shit, just remembering how nuts that was, mannn - it was like some shit straight out of one of those bangbros sites like amateur black teens or pimp my black teen or whatever the fuck it is..
..and the whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about El Topo and what he says - the girl is soo willing to make you cum that she doesn't care what happens, whether she cums or if you do things that she's never done before or whatever, she'll want to make you cum..dead on!
Posted by
7:56 PM
Labels: bj, blow job, El Topo, H-rod, HBLazyEye, Magic Bullets, Mystery Method, P.I.M.P. pad, sex